Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป Blood Wolf by April Figueroa, April Fige (best detective novels of all time .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซBlood Wolf by April Figueroa, April Fige (best detective novels of all time .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author April Figueroa, April Fige

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Chapter #1 The beginning(sorry the beginning is kind of slow) I am a Wolf.  The wolf, actually I am RobinPelt the best wolf and person ever created by earth. We'll not created by earth but maybe by life? Well let's start maybe last week, no ah... When I was born. So it all started when I was born of course. My moms name is Laura and my dads name is Kali I have a twin brother named Ookami we are the best of friends when I was born my parents were so happy then my brother came they we're more thrilled twins what they always wanted. one day we took a walk in the woods and Ookami ran away my mom cried for days but I was there to cheer them both up. I made the best of it until we found him he was all cut up and bruised but he was safe. Laura " Ookami your safe I was we were so worried about you!" Ookami " yeah I know mom I messed up I'm sorry it won't happen again." Kali " son! Never do that again if so you will be grounded!" "Ok dad " Ookami said angrily "I said I messed up I know!" I stayed quiet" " come on Robin lets go home." "Yes mom." I replied. When we walked home the pack greated us. With smiles and playful barks! "ENOUGH " barked kali ( we were the alphas well mom and dad were." "EVERYONE GO BACK TO BED!" you see my dad was the kind of guy that you had to get to know him to see how Nice he is but no one ever gets that far some do but some run away.  "Dad?"  "Yes Robin?" " when do we start training?" " tomorrow now get the sleep!"  Chapter #2 training

"Wake up pups time to see who us alpha and who is not!" Dad yelled "HONEY, " mom screamed "Don't break their spirits."

I yawned I have been waiting for this day for 1 whole year! " dad lets go !!" "Coming behind you sis!" said Ookami running behind me. " okay kids have a good day bye!" "bye dad " me and Ookami yelled " I'm going to win sis and you know it!" " why is that Ookami?" Because I'm a boy and boys are always chosen alpha of the pack not girls." he was right for centered boys have beaten girls in the strength, agility , and fights. " i wouldnt be so sure of your self!"  " OKAY PUPS THERE ARE TWO OF YOU FROM EACH PACK BLOOD WOLVES! Country WOLVES! SEA SIDE WOLVES ARCTIC AND GRAY !! That was us the gray wolves known to man as the weakest of all...  as you can guess he said it by strength order blood is highest of strenghth and everything then country then sea the arctic then of course us....  " awww look who it is little ookami with his tiny little brain." said  one of the blood wolves Ookami whimpered  "HEY YOU LEAVE HIM ALONE!" I yelled " oh and your body guard too little miss Robin Pelt." They new I hated my full name that's why they said it " It's Robin not RobinPelt " "that's not what is says on your certificate of wolvery ( birth certificate) i looked down and frowned " okay lets get started " said the coach. I'm not really sure of his name but he's a cool guy. It was according to strength order we were last. "Okay twins here we go" "Robin"  coach whispered " yes?" Try your hardest I know your a girl but try to use your strength . Everyone underestimated me because I was a girl. I rolled my eyes and looked away. Agility was first" READY SET GO! I dashed away feeling the wind in my dark brown fur seeing Ookami behind me and struggling to catch up I WON! " good game bro!" "Wha... You... like that at home. Never.....mind.." He said catching his breath " ROBIN WINS BY A WHOLE 72 ACRES " next is strength  READY Set GO!! there was two bulls and two baby elk I went for the bull as my brother wen for the baby fawn we had to carry it 8 miles non stop "AND ROBIN WINS CARRYING A FUKL GROWN ELK ON HER BACK FOR 8 miles" next is fighting Ookami is great at this maybe he will win and I will loose I was so scared " AND GO!" A few moments later .. " ROBIN PELT WINS AND SHE IS THE  FIRST Female alpha in more that 100,000 YEARS!"everyone was shocked with their mouths open even the blood wolves.. were terrified of me . I was the winner.

Chapter #3 the change

When I got home my parents were so proud of me and Ookami even though Ookami is an omega they were still proud we went out and celebrated when we came home I was in for a shocker Every pup in the nursery was dead... The blood in the wall said " you have been warned surrender your female alpha or suffer the consequences!" We were terrified but ignored the memo. I. Three days I would become  of 2 years and become alpha of the pack how exciting! Me and Ookami decided to take a walk in the woods." So alpha huh?" "yeah I guess alpha so scary to be th only girl out there you know born and chosen an alpha not just a loner like mom and married an alpha and was given the job." " yeah I know" Ookami Said. Just as that a light started lifting me in the air "OOKAMI HELP AHHHH!!!!" ookami screamed" HELP SOMEWOLF HELP!" just as he said that the light froze me in time then a loud boom of thunder came and blinded us for merely a second my color changed to black with a paw print necklace dripping of blood my eyes were red then blue then red and back they changed from aqua to ice blue almost dead ice but still gorgeous then a drop I was down in the ground. i looked at Ookami and he screamed "b..b..b..BLOOD WOLF!!" And took off the other way! Where wait for me? There was no blood wolf then I stopped and looked in the water and jumped out my skin I was the blood wolf.. Me a blood wolf it can't be I ran home. "Dad! Mom!" where are you I walked into the den and my dad screased the. Snarled " EVERY WOLF BLOOD WOLF IN OUR TERRITORY KILL HER!!" " NO DAD ITS ME ROBINPELT YOUR DAUGHTER !! " "Nice try pup who's your parents so I can contact them or DIE !!" My parents are Luna Pelt and Kali Pelt my twin brother is Ookami WOlf Pelt !" " how did you know that Imformation?" "Forget that die!!" I didn't stop to think I just ran ran so far I ended up in blood wolf territory and they all stared." New comer? they all said in unison. "Um.. Yeah I guess."  Just as i said that the Alpha Female of the pack named Moon came out and said"She Cant Be New... All The People Here Are Accounted For." She stared at my necklace, " Come with me Child. What is your name?" "Robin Pelt." it cant be it only ever happens to chosen ones that are not ment to be.. YOU! were in my dream this was my dream your the one! You said your name is Robin Pelt right?" "yes, but wha..."  She cut me off " your the only female Alpha born with that power that means your." . " : Im what?" I asked " I can't tell you now you will find it out in time. But in the mean time we have to change your name we cant be going around saying your name is Robin Pelt when Robin Pelt is sopposed to be a Gray wolf. We will call you Fang and that necklace try to hide it I mean NEVER take it off but try to keep it safe!" She demanded "okay this is alot to take in My new name is Fang and this will take time to settle in... Just as I was going to finish my sentace A wolf barged in". ": MOM! where are you!" The wolf said! It was Blood her son the wolf that was very independant and no one ever talked to him i had a huge crush on him. He had Black fur With Blood stained on him Hence his name And pure Red eyes "Who's that?" He asked "this is Fang she is the new pack member." Moon replied.  she's ...she's Beau... Nevermind ..." he ssid walking over to me

" what's your ranking fang?" He asked me. " warrior " moon said  " Warrior?!" Blood shouted " mom only guys are warriors she wouldn't last on that ground with us." Fang: WAIT JUST A SECOND IM TIRED OF PEOPLE JUDGING ME JUST BECAUSE IM A GIRL I HAPPEN TO LET YOU KNOW THAT I AM RRR... Nevermind" I cut my self off " what ever meet us on the field tommorrow at midnight.  He said " whatever.." I said walking away.


In order as, Laura Kali and Robin 

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