Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The Beginning of the End by pumpkin1997 (christmas read aloud TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Beginning of the End by pumpkin1997 (christmas read aloud TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author pumpkin1997

The beggining of the end

bellas pov
my life had changed so drastically in the last 48 years.the cullens had dissapeared 30 years ago and i had a 11 year old daughter.oh yeah and i was a vampire.i was changed two days after my daughter was born.i didnt want to return to her out of fear of killing her but i didnt kill her.she knows what i am and she knows a bit about the cullens.
"please,please please can we go shopping now?"
"ok fine."i said,grabbing her coat and the car keys.
we ended up in town again.Caitlin brought half the shop.everything pink and fluffy.we turned the corner and i saw them.jasper,alice and esme.i backed away.

bella.that was bella.who was that girl with her?i ran after them.i easily caught jp.i grabbed bellas wrist making her turn around.
"get of me alice cullen,"she ripped her arm away from me.
"bella ive missed you!"
"you know is still love you?"
"i dont care alice!you left me!you chose him over me!i want nothing to do with you or your family!"she shouted.then she was gone too fast for human eyes to see.i turned back to jasper,burying my head in his chest.we ran home fast.everyone was waiting for us in the living room.
"we bumped into bella."
"and what did she say?"
"she hates us,"i whispered
"what,"emmett breathed
everyone gasped"she feeds on animals like us.her eyes were a light brown but turned black when she saw us."
"there was also a little girl holding her hand,"esme added.

the cullens.are just they here or are all of them here?
"are they the cullens?"caitlin asked.i nodded."they shoudnt of left you like that,"
"it dosent matter caitlin,"i whispered.i unlocked the door.Caitlin ran in."mummy,theres a letter for you on the table!"i walked in a picked up the letter

dear isabella swan,
i am aware that you still hate me and the rest of the family,you have a right to hate us just letting you know that edwards still in america and dosent know that were here.our family is not complete with out you my daughter.if you ever need us for any reason call me please on 079453724511
Carlisle Cullen

i wrote my reply quickly.

dear Carlisle Cullen,
i do not hate you nor esme.i love you and nothing will change that ever.i dont regret ever meeting your only regret is that a cullen didnt change dosent bother me where edward is as i have done what he asked of me.i have moved on although part of me will always love him.
Isabella Marie Cullen

"i dont mean to pry but who is that from.youve been reading it for a long time?"esme asked
"bella replied to my letter,"i heard my wife gasp
"write back,"she whispered
i pulled out a piece of paper
dearest isabella,
we would never regret meeting you and we dont.we will undestand if you dont want to bella but would it be alright if we met up?
carlisle cullen

i daughter was lying on the floor with a pool of blood around her.i pulled out my phone and dialed carlisles number.he picked up on the first ring
"carlisle please help,caitlin shes unconchious and bleeding-i dont knw what to do-carlisle she cant die please-"
"im coming bella,"carlisle said.i hung up and sat down by the door.i listened to my daughters breathing an her gentle heartbeat.for as soon as ehr heart stopped beating my reson for living would be gone.i heard the front door open and carlisle ran up the stairs and straight over to caitlin.i felt a hand on my shoulder.i looked up and saw jasper.heb picked me up and he ran down the stairs.jasper put me down on the sofa.
"bella,please calm down.your daughters ok and you need to be strong for when she wakes up,"jasper said.i nodded.
"whats her name?"jasper asked
"caitlin ali renesmee cullen,"
"why cullen?"
we were quiet for a long time."i never forgot any of you,you know."
"none of us forgot you either.the families been really bad.emmett and rosalie went off to live on their own.edward ran off.alice would just sit still,she never shopped anymore.carlisle would always be at the hospital and esme shouted a lot.tell me about caitlin,"
"shes 8 years old.born on the 30th october.she knows about vampires and about how you all left."
"whos her father?"
"i dont know.well i know but i dont know there name."
"whats the matter bella?"
"i was raped,!i whispered
"im sorry bella.
"jasper?why didnt you attack caitlin up there?"
"my self controls better now and i was holding my breath.dosent it bother you?"
"her blood dosent."

carlisle came down the stairs.
"whats wrong with her?"bella asked
"bella,it appeares that your daughter attempted suicide."bella let out a sob.
"ima rubbish can i,a vampire look after a human girl?"
"bella,your not a rubbish parent.not at all.i can feel how much you love her and if you didnt then your self control wouldnt exist."i said.bella nodded and stood up.she walked up the stairs to go and see caitlin.
"shes different but definately still bella,"carlisle said.
"yeah shes had a bad time."
"and weve done this too her.she'll never forgive us.if i were in her shoes i wouldnt."
"but bellas always been different.i think she will forgive us one day but it will take time."i said

i walked over to my little girl.she was plale white and looked small in the bed.


Text: all characters belong to the wonderful stephanie meyer
Publication Date: 11-18-2010

All Rights Reserved

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