Read books online Ā» Fantasy Ā» Silver Night by Lauren Behrens (best books to read for beginners .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Silver Night by Lauren Behrens (best books to read for beginners .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Lauren Behrens


Iā€™m dead. That was the first thought that crossed my mind as the white-hot heat flared through my body. All I could do was scream my limbs werenā€™t working. My heart was beating a million times a minute, I heard distant voices yelling but I couldnā€™t comprehend what they were sayingā€¦ How did I get in this situation? Let me start from the beginningā€¦

Chapter 1: ā€œFeelingsā€

ā€œAzalia Valenson are you sleeping in my class?ā€ I looked up and saw the mouse like face of my Math teacher Ms. Shrewd. I wasnā€™t sleeping at all I was doodling with my head down. I could have answered with a smart-ass reply but I decided to go with icily sweet.
ā€œNo maā€™am, sorry.ā€ She eyed me for a few more seconds, and then decided it wasnā€™t worth hers or the classesā€™ time I smirked at her back; I heard snickering right beside me my best friend Taran always loved it when either of us got on Shrewā€™s nerves. I smiled at her then I saw a look of exasperation and she mouthed the word ā€œfangsā€ and I quickly ducked my head and covered my mouth. Not again, this has been happening a lot where my fangs would show up out of nowhere. Oh by the way I should probably mention that Iā€™m a vampire.

The only reason Taran knew was because she is a shape-shifter, who just doesnā€™t know what animal she wants to be yet. She has until sheā€˜s eighteen. We are seventeen. She was almost falling out of her chair with silent laughter. I shot her a look but it just made her laugh harder which made me laugh to. After a few more random fits of laughter from both of us, the bell rang. We grabbed our stuff as fast as we dared and ran out the door. We made our way to the cafeteria and walked right into our friend Kris she was also a supernatural creature: werewolf but not like the stereotypical werewolves this kind could change whenever they wanted toā€¦(Stephanie Meyer knew what she was talking about.) and she took full advantage that fact.
ā€œHey gals.ā€ She said applying heavy lipstick.
ā€œLet me guessā€¦Cole...The human...Again?ā€ I said sarcastically
ā€œUh duh! Heā€™s so friggen hot!ā€ Friggen is her word. As we entered the cafeteria we spotted our table with our supernatural family and all. Morgan was waving vehemently in our direction she wanted to share some news. She was a werewolf and shortest of our bunch. Then there was the two lovebirds Leslie and James. Leslie was a shape-shifter and James a werewolf. They were too ā€œlost in each others eyes.ā€ To notice us coming up to the table.
ā€œHey guys!ā€ Morgan practically screamed. That got them out of their trance.
ā€œOh hey.ā€ They said in unison then they laughed at a private joke. They do that so often that no one really has a curiosity about it anymore.
ā€œIs anyone hungry?ā€ asked Kris I laughed bitterly. Iā€™m sure everyone at this school thought I was anorexic because I never ate, Apparently they donā€™t pay attention to body build, Iā€™m too muscular to be anorexic.
While everyone got up to eat I sat and pulled out my favorite book that Iā€™ve read too many times to count, ā€œHalfway to the grave.ā€ By Jeaniene Frost. The main character of that book, Cat, is my hero. She I so independent and stubborn, absolutely brilliant, but they got one thing wrong vampires canā€™t die from silver bullets only from silver stake through our hearts and twisted.
A shadow was cast over my book and by the smell of sweat, grass and mud I didnā€™t have to look up to know it was the football player who was seriously obsessed with getting me in bed. A deep sigh from me and I looked up into the hopeful blue eyes of Ray.
ā€œYes Ray? Iā€™m trying to read.ā€
ā€œOh cā€™mon Az you know you want me.ā€ Az was my nickname and I was fine when my friends say it but when he said I wanted to punch him. With a smile on my face I leaned in so only he could hear me and I said in an even icier tone then with Shrewd.
ā€œFirst of all donā€™t call me that, ever. Second of all I wouldnā€™t want you if you were the last boy on earth.ā€ Any smart boy would walk away but yet again he was a football player.
ā€œWhenever you change your mind I will be waiting.ā€ He winked at me and walked to his actual girlfriend who gave me an icy stare like I was the one coming on to him I just scoffed and went back to reading.
After a few minutes my friends came back so I put my book away and started telling them about Ray. When I was finished James looked over my shoulder at Ray and gave a look anyone would piss his pants if looked at like that but Ray was oblivious to it. James was the only guy in our group and like a brother to all of us. But what bugs me the most about his and Leslieā€™s relationship is that Leslie and I have been friends since she was little but James and I went out first I donā€™t care for him like that anymore but isnā€™t there a rule that states donā€™t date your best friends ex? But whatever.
ā€œJames its ok Iā€™ll deal with it. Thank you though.ā€ I said. He looked at Ray for a few more seconds then switched his attention to me.
ā€œAz, I swear to god if he hurts youā€¦ā€ he started shaking.

ā€œJames you need to get some air lets go outside.ā€ This came from Leslie as she got up and led James outside at the window I saw her calming him down. I looked at Taran, Morgan and Kris.
ā€œIā€™m a vampire. Why does he think I canā€™t face a human?ā€
ā€œHeā€™s just very protective over us. Remember heā€™s a wolf all territorial and crap.ā€ Said Taran tearing part her pizza. Morgan rolled her eyes but smiled and said with mock horror
ā€œYea, wait are you going stereotypical on us?ā€
ā€œNo just the truth.ā€ She said still staring at her pizza.
ā€œHeyā€¦Taran are you okay?ā€ She usually laughed at all of Morganā€™s jokes. When she looked up her eyes were sullen.
ā€œNoā€¦Az, something bad is going to happen.ā€


Publication Date: 03-02-2010

All Rights Reserved

To my friends left behind in Marble Falls. Carla De La Hoya, Allison Walker, Carmen Flores, Matt Ripley, Brenda Lopez and most importantly my mother and father Elaine Loebl and Brad Behrens

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