Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The fire within by Lisa McIntyre (i have read the book .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe fire within by Lisa McIntyre (i have read the book .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Lisa McIntyre

Chapter 1

Ember stared at her self in mirror.She had always been different to other kids. While they had blue, green or brown eyes she had deep red eyes which matched her reddish brown hair. "WHERE ARE YOU BRAT" a loud voice boomed "GET DOWN HERE NOW!".
Ember called "Coming uncle". She opened the door to the bathroom and ran down the stairs.
Her uncle and aunt's house was very clean and tidy.All the room's were peach and had Ivory colored door's.When Ember reached the living room she saw her cousin Calum playing a video game.When he saw her he waved a small piece of pottery at her.
Calum had brown eyes and blond dreadlocks he had been wearing since Christmas. "What have you got to say for yourself girl" a voice behind her boomed. Ember turned and saw her uncle Vincent. He was quite a large person with Brown eyes and short gray hair.
"What do you mean uncle" Ember said in her sweetest voice even though she was seriously pissed off."You know fine well what you have done, that vase was priceless" He retorted angrily.Ember was angry. The small piece of pottery Calum had was a piece of the vase.
"Well what have you got to say brat" a voice from the door said. It was Ember's aunt petunia.
Ember locked eyes with her aunts watery blue eyes. How ember hated them and her brown hair.
At that moment something snapped inside her a rage that had been hidden inside her for the past 11 years."I DID NOT DO IT" Ember yelled at the top of her voice.Then something strange happened. Callum's dreadlocks went on fire.
"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" calum screamed as he ran around the living room.
Ember watched from her window as the car drove away from the house. After the car vanished from her view Ember sat on her bed and started to cry. She was alone in the house and the door was locked. Then she heard a loud noise in the kitchen. She slowly walked down the stairs.When she reached the kitchen door she stopped and listened.She suddenly heard a gentle female voice say "are you sure this is the right house". A deep male voice spoke up "Yes I'm sure this is the right damn house".
They had stopped arguing when Ember opened the door.
"Who are you" Ember said as fiercely as she could even though she was terrified. Ember looked first at the woman. She was thin and had long brown hair and deep green eyes. "Look I told you this was the right house Tabitha" the man told Tabitha. The man had short dark hair and blue eyes.
"Don't call me that Rex, you know I prefer Taby" she said as she walked over to Ember. She then took an envilope out of her pocket and gave it to her. Ember opened it and read the letter.

Dear Mrs Ember Wilson
You have been chosen to attend Saint
Bells Acadmy for gifted children.
Yours sincerly
Profesor Alexander Night

When Ember finished reading the letter Rex sat down at the table and Tabitha said "Why dont you make some tea for us while we wait for your uncle".
Ember had just finished making the tea when her aunt, uncle and cousin walked in. Thay froze when thay saw Tabitha and Rex. "Who the devil are you" uncle Vincent yelled at Rex and Tabitha rudely."Well I'm Tabitha and this is Rex". Tabitha paused to see what affect it had taken on them and then continued "We've come to take Ember to Saint Bells Acadmy".
Ember's aunt exploded with radge and yelled "She will not be going to that school like her freak of a mother".
"My mother......." Ember wisperd to herself.
"Freak' Rose Wilson was no freak" yelled Rex.
"Yes she was. Her and her Husband. Then thay had her." she pointed to Ember "and got themselves murderd" Aunt Petunia finshed.
"Murderd. You told me that my mother died in a car crash and my father killed himself" screamed Ember, bursting into tears as she did so. As Tabitha tried to comfort her Rex yelled " Rose and Dennis Wilson. How dare you desicrate their memory like that". Tabitha waved her hand and a neatly packed suitcase flew down the stairs. Rex grabbed it while Tabitha took the crying Ember's hand as she turned to leave.As Rex was leaving he turned glared at Aunt Petunia. Then he turned to the front door and left.
Thay walked to a bus stop near her uncle's house. Thay sat and waited. Ember was crying into Tabitha's jumper."Hey I'm all wet now" Tabitha wisperd gently to her."Listen kid, don't listen to that rat of an aunt." Rex said to Ember your parents where the best peoplle I knew".
Five minutes later a bus arived and the door opened.
"Mr Rex, Miss Tabitha you orderd our servises" said a short thin man inside the bus.Thay got on the bus and sat onthe back seat.As the bus started to move Ember fell into a deep dreamless sleep.

Chapter 2

"Master I'm afraid the child has been moved" said a female voice in the darkness.She suddenly cried out in terror as flames started to circle her. "Master please forgive me" she cried as the flames got closer. The pleas fell on deaf ears,for a second later she lay dead on the floor.

Chapter 3

Ember awoke in a bed. She turned and saw Tabitha sitting on a chair beside the bed. "Tabitha." Ember said sleeply as she sat up "where are we?".Tabitha turned to Ember and smiled. Then she said "well honny we're at saint bells Academy". "saint bells...." Ember said looking very confused, then the events of the previse night came flooding back to her. "Tabitha why am I here" Ember asked.
"Miss Tabitha." said a girl standing at the door "you said you wanted my help". "Yes Destiny." Tabitha said to the girl "This is Ember and I want you to look after her". Then she stood up and walked to the door and said "Well I'll be leaving now". Then she left.
Ember then stood up and walked over to Destiny and said nothing. There was silence as the girls stared into each others eyes." I'm Ember as you know" said Ember. " Well I'n Destiny as you know" said Destiny. Destiny had medium length black hair and emrald green eyes.
"Your lucky there's no class today" Destiny said whith a smile. "I guess so" Ember replied. "so what's your abillity?" Destiny asked cherrfully. "Abillity, what do you mean?" Ember asked. "Well have you done anything strange lately?" asked Destiny. "well I guess when I got mad my cousins hair caught fire" Ember replied.


Publication Date: 05-05-2011

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