Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The final day by based on the book by stephenie meyer (learn to read books .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe final day by based on the book by stephenie meyer (learn to read books .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author based on the book by stephenie meyer

mThe final Day

the whole world screamed at the darkness.iyrina ruled now and there was nothing we could do.kaite clung to my arm as we walked through the town.i couldnt help.what could i do?

no hope.
the streets were littered with bodies.drained of all the blood.the bad vampires ruled the world led by the most powerful vampire,iyrina.even the volturi had fallen.
"starnage but i even miss the volturi,"kaite said.
"volturi,seems like hundreds of years ago."jasper laughed with no humour.
"they made the perfect plan,didnt they.were lost without them.our true other halfs,"
we were going to snap soon.if jasper wasnt here than we already would of,but he cant fool his own feelings.he grew sadder every had been a lot of days since id last seen edward and there had been no goodbye.he,carlisle alice and emmett went hunting and never came back.then i heard her voice in my headnone of us knew the dates or times anymore just that it had been a long time.every day less and less heartbeats can be heard and every day theres screaming.there was a girl last week.shed been cornered by a vampire.i can still picture her face.she was tanned with long chestnut hair that tumbled down her face.the girl was only about 5 years old.i was too far away to save the time i ran over she was dead.she didnt scream,made no noise.
"why did this happen?"katie asked.she was sitting on michaels lap.
"im sorry.i promised mum that id protect you.not sit around and watch as the planet gets wiped out."jasper jumped up
"stop blaming yourself.its not your fault!"
"katie enough,"michael whispered.
jasper relaxed and sat back down next to me.
"i never thought id say this but i wish maria was here,"he said."her army could of ended this,ended iyrina."
"wat excactly can she do?"i was starnge,the question had never occured to me before.
"you really dont know.i thought every vaampire did,"michael said,a faint smile on his lips.
esme spoke"she can steal others powers,break shields,makes you believe things that arent true.
"plus she can do magic."
"it comes from her past,"michael explained"when she was ninteen her and her younger brother were accused of being witches.they were tied to a stake.the villagers set the straw on fire and left them.iyrinas magic wasnt srong enough to get them out.her mother had died a few years before and iyrina had promised to look after her younger brother and now she had to watch him burn.a strange plae child appeared and untied can guess the rest of the story."
jasper fell onto his knees and gripped his head.he hadnt done anything like this sice maria.
i put my hand on his shoulder"jazz,"
"its ok,im ok.i wont let you take her iyrina."the sound of her name angered me.then jasper was alright.
"how close?"rosalie asked.
"her voice was so clear.she cant of been more than a mile away."
later me and jasper were alone."what else did she tell you?"

so close
"shes at our school.shes got them all there."
"youre going,i can see it in your eyes."
"iyrina gonnas kill them.she goona kill carlise,emmett,ed and alice i cant live in a world where she dosent exist."
"i know what you mean so im coming to."
"esme,me and jazz are going to see iyrina.could you watch katie?"
"of course.but where are you going?"
"the place where i first met edward,"
"wait im coming as well,"michael said
"and me,"rosalie whispered
"you cant guys,chances are we wont make it out."
"hes my husband,"rosalie said,walking out of the door.
"ive already lost my sister once,i wont lose alice again."i nodded.
"bella,michael dont go!"katie shouted
"i have to,"i said hugging her.
michael kissed her"ill be back."
we started walking
"wait,i love you michael and i awlwys will."michael smiled.
"you compare one tree to an entire forest!"he shouted
"that was edwards line,"
"i know."

back to school
my old school seemed some what uninviting now.i hadnt been here in years.bodies lay sacttered acrros the floors,some of the victims as young as 12.
'good girl bella,come to me.come to the hall.'i jumped back.
"bella what is it?"
"iyrina,she was talking to me.we have to go to the hall,"
there was no longer a door to get into the hall just the door frame.iyrina started laughing.
"oh,how prdictable."
"hardly,considering you left us no choice,"
"ih there was a choice.edward or katie?"
"you left her alone with vampire against my hundreds.its all falling into place."i ran for the door,but two of her newborns cught me.i looked round for jasper,michael and roslaie but they had all been caught too.
"put them with the others,"
we were thrown into a cage.edward caught me.i threw my arms round him."edward,"

"its okay,"i looked up a his perfect was filled with worry and anger.he was different.all of the cullens seemed different.carlisle was angry,alice annoyed and emmett had lost his spark.
the bars to the cage were only small,i could break them easily.
"we could get out,"
"we cant,"carlisle said"theres a room full of humans downstairs,if we break out then they die."
now i concentrated i could recognize the scents.angela,ben,mike,lauren and jessica were among the humans.
"she'll kill them anyway,"
"like she'll kill us."said emmett
"no,"edward whispered,not disagreeing with emmett but listening to someones thoughts.
"esmes under high arrest.and im locked in a room.its dark and cold.theres somethings moving in the shadows and theres a voice.i have to go to the shadow."
i jumped up and ran over to the bars.edward was already there
"bella its already done,"
"how old is katie?"
"16 today but what does that have to do with anything?"
"theres a legend about a newborn teenage vampire.she and she alone could save the world.only thing maria was scared of."
"so irs a good thing right,"i hissed at rosalie.jasper scowled
"wrong.she cant control her power and her family have to destroy her."
'he knows the kegend well but jasper is stupid.its to late for all of you now.i win.'
"no,"all of the cullens turned to look at me
'afraid its the end of the world for you.'

not the same
the hours turned into days and the days into weeks.then finally we were called out to see iyrina.
"wheres katie?"
at that moment she appeared in the doorway.she wore black with no hint of colour.there were purple shadows under her eyes and she had no heart beat.
"is it time iyrina?"she asked"pleaseit shall be fun."
"yes its time.they'lle realise it soon,"
"they've taken our gifts away,"edward mumbled
"can i fight now?"katie asked
"go ahead,"
katie ran at me and i jumped over her.i used my leg to trip her over but she pushed me away with no effort.she was growling and hissing at me now.
"katie enough."iyrina said"i think we'll let them go so they can witness the end."
"ill get esme and we'll meet back at the house,"carlisle said .we ran home.i held alices hand because the boys were talking and she looked like she could use some company.we stopped running when we smelt the wolves.seth ran over and hugged me.he was the only one that still licked me.
"they think that this is all your fault,"seth whispered."they're out for blood."
"i need to talk to sam,"as i spoke he appeared from the trees.
"what bloodsucker?"
"if you destroy us then you'lle never know how to defeat iyrina."
"well just attack her."
"you wont win.shes not a normal vampire.she has gifts as well as true magic."
"so what do you suppose to do about it?"
"not me my sister."
"how can she help?"
"i think katie the one from the legend,"
"which one?"
"come in and we'll explain it to you."carlisle said appearing.esme was at his side.i threw my arms round her.
we all went into the front room.
"there this legend that a 16 year old human girl will get channged into a vampire during a war.only that girl can stop the war and save the world.but theres a catch.katie will turn completely bad and we will have to kill her."
all of the wolves were silent for once.even leah.
"so what shall we do?"seth asked.
"nothing until katies ended this,"esme said.
"shes confused and keeps changing her minute she wants bella the next iyrinas got her again,"alice said.i closed my eyes.i didnt want to think about my 16 year old sister being alone,being a vampire or with iyrina.i wanted her to be human and with me.

charlie had gone to live with my mum for a bit in order to get away from forks.for some reason more bad stuff is happening here that anywhere else round the world.
"seth can you promise me something?"
"sure bella,"
"if we get dstroyed please get yourself out."
"ill try."


Publication Date: 09-25-2010

All Rights Reserved

to stephenie meyer for the brilliant twilight books!

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