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Book online «Alluring Dreams by Dee carter (interesting books to read .txt) 📖». Author Dee carter

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The Dreams

The night of june 2010 it was a sunday evening and i was fast asleep dreaming ......
I was dreaming of laying in his arms. Hearing the sweet music coming from his lips the words so captivating, it blew me away. It was so romantic. He had just finished the song and begin singing another, when out of nowhere as i began listening i could feel my body tensing and the hairs on the nape of my neck stand up ,it was just a song but as i listened closely it was the song i heard in every dream i had , well there not dreams ,there nightmares. But this one was so different who was this man,how did i know him and why were we embraced as though we had been together forever ,i looked closer at him i had never seen him before and how could he know this song or was this just part of the nightmare or was this all real was i really asleep this was getting creepy now . I saw myself geting up from the sofa and walking to the kitchen to pour myself another glass of wine. As i was returning to the frontroom again, i stood just in the doorway to the frontroom, i looked at this man carefully he was so beautiful like nothing i had ever seen before. he was still singing, but he wasnt singing, i froze and saw myself dropping the glass to the floor, the sound of shattering glass, in a thousand pieces covering the floor infront of myself. he was sitting still in the same place in all his perfect glory but he was not singing the song his mouth was still mouthing the words but now it was no longer his voice it was now infact a woman`s, i recognised the voice instantly it was my mother`s. i looked at him in disbelief, what was happening i suddenly felt my vision going blurry again, the room seemed to be spinning and i reached for the sideboard near the door but i must have misguided and i was gone..... i knew i was was heading to the nightmare part of my dream now because the pattern and sequence seemed to change in exactly the same way every night ,moments later i awoke in my bedroom, i had gone back to my human days again and yet i could see the transformation again with my own eyes, like i was a fly on the wall looking in on myself , suddenly i could hear the singing and i ran down the stairs and there she was, my mother. As i walked into the kitchen i could not help but notice the mirror in the hallway and the person looking back at me it was the old me. Oh how loverly it was to see the beautiful ruffles of my dress again, the splendid bow on the back of my bustle, the hand stiched corset with the rich feel of satin tieing it up so tightly at the back.But the thing i miss the most about my old life was the simplest little thing ,the way my mother use to do the tightest ringlets in my hair it was like one continuous curl it was so beautiful i carefully wiped the tears away from my eyes and turned back round to the direction of the kitchen. I walked into the kitchen and heard the song all over again this time it was a lot clearer ...

Una favola vecchia come il tempo
che più vera non si può
a malapena amici
Poi qualcuno cede
Solo un piccolo cambiamento
Piccolo, per non dire il minimo
Entrambi un poco spaventati
Nessuno dei due preparato
La bella e la bestia

Sempre gli stessi
Sempre una sorpresa
Sempre come prima
Sempre una certezza
Come il sole che sorge

Una favola vecchia come il tempo
un motivo vecchio come una canzone
agrodolce e strano
Scoprendo che tu sei cambiato
Imparando che avevi torto

Sicuro come il sole
che sorge a est
(una favola vecchia come il tempo)
una canzone vecchia come una rima
La bella e la bestia)

I listened carefully to the words. Why was this song so familiar and what did it mean, i will have to get this translated. She turned around and my heart sank and tears flooded to my eyes i had forgotten just how beautiful my mother was. i wished i had treated her alot better and been a better daughter, she saw the pain stricken in my face and she gave me one of her most affectionate smiles .Then she grabbed my arm tightly and spoke but it wasn`t a regular tone, it was more a screeching sound. the sound reminded me of a very angry banshee. but why was my mother so angry,and yet her face so peaceful I could never remember a time when my mother was ever angry. People use to say I had the same temperment as her that aslong as I always kept this part of me it would be like she never died. but she was, and right now it was what i needed, she interupted my train of thought"I need you to dream kristen. Believe in what you see for your dreams are your way of undoing your future ,it would also help if you look up our ancestors. you need to remember who you are and what you are, if you stand any chance of getting through this. "THROUGH WHAT" I SHOUTED, then she spoke slower and words began to form calmer. "Stay away from him Kristen he is the reason me and your father are dead it was either us or you and your brother."Marcus!!!!, i had almost forgotten i had a brother .Mother what are you saying" I suddenly felt weary, what was she saying, this couldn't be happening. It was but a dream ,wasnt it ? ,she just looked at me like I was already aware of what was going on , but I knew nothing . "“He`s a liars and hes been trying to keep you from finding out the truth about your history and also your past. He was once a loverly boy and you too were obviously very much alike. He was so inlove with you and we knew that it was never possible because of what we knew about the situation and what we knew of his ancestors and who they were. But the difficulty in it all was we never really knew what he was exactly, because he was nothing like his family which gave us hope for him but we couldnt allow him to be with you but he tried everything he possibly could to see you he began possesing every mans body in town just to get close to you, we started seeing the pictures of young noble men in the papers and the search for them , till a few days later and the papers had there dead corpses on the front page. This was when we realised what he was capable of and who he had become.But his love for you never changed in all those years it became the death of us and the death of everything he once loved "i looked at her in disbelief and with such poison to my voice i replyed " what in lords name could be worse than me im an abomination, i am the damned, i gave my soul to the devil himself and your telling me im not the only evil thing out there you must have this all wrong mother"she took my hand in hers and looked me straight in the eye."You are far from being damned my sweet child do you remember nothing of who you once was the powers you possesed, the way it was so natural for everyone to fall inlove with you but this i do not blame them for i was blessed with such a beautiful daughter they would do absolutly anything it took to make you happy. You see kristen you were once a very powerfull siren. Your very presence made men fall helplessly inlove with you ,you were deadly to men and to men who had girlfriends and wifes and for this very reason it also became the death of you .But this was not your fault this was infact a gift , a gift sometimes i wish was never bestowed apon you but it was a gift all the same , it could help you right now with what will be happening in your life soon. You see kristen ,you come from a very long line of witches hearth women as we were once called you are exactly like your great grandmother you have one of many powers and talents you need to look up your great grandmothers grandson Henry he lives 167 lots road he can tell you everything you need to know about your family and ur heritage he will help you get to one with the powers and strengths and tune into to what rightfully is bestowed apon you many years ago i wish i had the time that was needed to have taught you this myself we were waiting for your 18th birthday waiting for the moon to ignite it and then explain everything but that night went very wrong and we never got the chance to tell you about yourself for that was the night the monster came and killed your family and destroyed your brother and

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