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Book online «A Scottish fairytale by Alea Müller (best book series to read TXT) 📖». Author Alea Müller

Once upon a time

Once upon a time, there was a hamlet near a river in the north of an big island. The hamlet was rounded by a wood in the north, east and west. Just in the south was a lake crossing the country from one big sea to an other one.

That little village was called Fylai. The population was about 150 people. They lived in wooden houses. Although the people lived next to the big river, rarely comes a ship around. The people from bigger hamlets or just cities heard about a monster. That monster should be a big water-snake and would eat everything and everyone. It was called the monster of Loch Ness.

The indweller of Fylai are not believing in this story. They lived in the knowledge, about a water-snake, but it won't ever eat humans or other animals because it's vegetarian nature. The people from Fylai were a very mystic group of people. They knew as long they were able to remind, about the shrouded ledges in the worlds in books and stories are true. Stories by narratives are not just direful or lovely fictions, every story hast a true beginning and many started in this little hamlet. But the human is an superstitious creature. So are just the open-minded and unabashed people indweller of the hamlet. There neighbors are vampires, witches, werwolves, fays and elves. They know no one is dangerous as long as they don't became angry about anything or anyone and this is why the life were working.



The Birth

The children were playing with Nessi on one of the rare hot and sunny days, when the major of the hamlet became father. It was a girl with red hair and strong green eyes. That little human girl was laying in her fathers arms, while a witch was trying to save her mothers life. Badly the Mother was not strong enough to win the fight against the dead. She died without seeing her own daughter at least one time.

In the moment her hart stopped, the wind was blowing from the south and the sky became dark and black. The wind became a storm and it felt like the world ended. Every creature ran home to keep safe. It started raining, holding on the whole night, a day, a second night, a second day, a third night and a third day.

On the day tree days after, to the hour the baby was born and the mom died the rain stopped and everything became normal. The whole live from the little hamlet, the wood, the water and the sky became their normal looking.

Only the house of the major was still quiet. The man, called Dahlem lost his love. To have a reminder about his lovely and beautiful wife he has named his daughter by her, Mavel.


Years gone by and Mavel became a beautiful young woman. She was a friendly and happy girl with a beautiful voice and talented in everything she did. She learned playing violin and harp from an elf, called Florena, swimming and scrambling, to cook and hunting.

On a beautiful day, she was about 17 years old, she was hunting with her best friend Emnid. They were running very quiet threw the forest.

Telling there parents, they were hunting for five twilight’s for the winter coming soon. The spoil of the day were two rabbits, one doe and one fox. They put them to their sleeping-place and started new.

When the sun was on its highest place the both came to an little lake. The rounded it and founded a big rock. It was as high as the trees around it. On one side were a little stoned stairs overgrown with little flowers and some herbage. It was so good looking.

Mavel runs one time around it and yelled to Emnid he should follow her. He looked doubtful but came slowly near to the rock. In time Mavel climbed carefully the steps above and goggled. hi

The view was incredible. The clear, blue water down the hill on every other side green and parted red colored forests and on the other side of the lake more forest. She was able to look over the forests. The view of that many lakes, rivers, forests and the cavity of the world amazed her. And she felt like the world would stops.

Emind comes next to her and they were staring together over the beautiful country. At the horizon they discovered a tower. The tower of the next big city. To went there costs about ten traveling days.

That awesome moment was interrupted by a scream of an corby. They jumped with fright and turned around. But there was nowhere any corby. Emind looked at marvel but she hike her shoulders.

They didn't mater ans sat down on the rock to relax.

Emind was drinking from the water bottle while marvel was just lying in the warm sun.

“I want to fly like the bird!” Marvel said and construed to an big black bird they never have seen before. His plumes were as black as the night in the forest and he was big, nearly as big as an eagle. “And what do you hope to see this time?” asked Emind.

He was used to her some very individual wishes and dreams from Mavel. “ I don't know. Well, something new. Something I can not see from the earth, something that is as much amazing as the view from this rock or more -” she said dreamy and turned herself to the stomach and looked directly in some totally black eyes.

Surprised about seeing one other than Emind at this afield place. She jumped up when a boy went upstairs. He was looking good. A sun-browned skin shows his difference. His strong black eyes were focusing the friends with an open minded look. Framed with dark brown, waved hair the defended nose and the massive lips the face of the young man casted a spell over Mavel.

“who are you?” Emnid said carefully. The boy took his look to him. “ My name is Natru. May I ask with whom I have the pleasure of conversing?” Mavel looked down his body. Natru had a high size, higher than Emnid and much taller than herself. He was beefy and strong, square shoulders and long legs made him looking perfect. Emnid answering short their names and sat back down to the rock. Mavel were following and Natru, too.

They were sitting the whole afternoon on the rock, with out speaking. When the sun began coloring red, like some foliage in the trees were Emnid request Mavel to go to their sleeping place. She nodded and followed him the stairs back down.

One look back to the mysterious foreigner. He starred at her and retorted the view .Green on Black. The view by Natru was sad and something Mavel was not able to define. He was so strange.

What was his story? What was his history?

It was hard for her to gave him the back of her head. Fast she walked down the stairs and followed Emnid into the had faster mystic and darker become forest.


Publication Date: 10-17-2013

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