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Book online «Realistic Illusions by Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99) (rm book recommendations .TXT) 📖». Author Jen Clark (TehGrimReaper) and Grace Clifford (teamdamon99)

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Alices POV

It was still the same, nothing had changed. Through all the years I had tried to keep back the dark side of my soul, I forgot about the dark side looming on my heart. 'Curiosity killed the cat' was what they always said. Yet being my rebelious self, I just had to go into the shadows.

Another bruise formed on my cheek as a particularly hard bat hit it. I felt blood creep up my throat and coughed it out onto the street. I didn't care if they'd yell at me for giving them more cleaning work later, I didn't care that they would laugh at me for being so pathetic I couldn't even take a few hits, I just wanted out. I felt like lifting myself to my feet and just running away from all my pain. Just running away from this town, these people and most if all, my past. All my memories remained here, all the memories I would give anything to forget.

Alexs POV

I stared at mom could she be serious we were going to move again?"Really mom do we have to Ive made some great friends here already" I complained.

"Now come on sweetie dont be selfish I really need this job" mom replied trying to make me feel guilty."But mom you always 'need' the job and everytime I give into you and your whining" I said glaring at her and then I sighed.

We were always moving and I was always starting a new school eight schools in two years and yes I had been counting.

"Come on sweetie pleeeaaasse" she said stretching the please. She did her cute puppy dog look and I hid a smile at her attempt to win me over.And it had worked.

Damn my easy give and her puppy dog look. Yay it looked like I was going to Mobile Alabama. Im so happy.....Not

Alices POV

I walked down the street, ignoring the dirty looks being thrown in my direction, ignoring the whispers and rumour spreading going on. I had been completly alienated from the rest of the people.

I felt a sharp pain in my head as a can was thrown in my direction. Tch. I had had enough of this a long time ago. Breaking into a run, I felt the small drips of rain slowly falling from the sky, then it suddenly poured down in a rush. It was almost as if the heavens were crying, releasing all of it's pain and thrusting it towards me.

Before I had realised it, I had ran outside of the town. I felt my brain urging me to continue running. To escape from here. I gave in and yet again broke into a run. Fog was slowly covering the road and I couldn't see much ahead of me.

Rain poured into my eyes and I reached to rub the water away. Big mistake. I felt myself get propelled off of my feet just before my head collided with something made from glass. It knocked me to the floor just to the side of the road and I heard screeching breaks. The pain in my head hadn't even slightly receeded yet so I curiously reached to my forehead. Warmth? No...It was wet and slightly stickly. I examined my hand and found it to be coated in a layer of thick red liquid.

Then it came, the oh-so-familiar feeling of flesh regrowing over the wound. Standing up again, i turned my head to the car that had knocked me from my feet.

Alexs POV

I sat in the car bored as hell. It had taken us ages to get to Alabama and as I lay back in the black jeep my mom had bought I felt myself drifting to sleep.

As I closed my eyes willing sleep to come I heard a loud crash and the sound of my mom sceaming.My eyes snapped open as I got propelled forward. The airbags burst free and smacked me in the face.Och but that was the least of my probelms there was glass everywhere and a massive crack in the windscreen.

I could still here my mom screeming and quickly turned to face her. There were a few scratch marks on her face but other than that everything looked okay or as okay as things can get when your mom is screeming in your face while in a car crash.

There was blood on the windscreen on the outside, it was neither mine or my mom it was simple.We had hit something or rather someone.

I tried to stare out of the cracked windscreen but couldnt see anything which I think was mixed with the reason of it being foggy outside and the reason that the wind screen was cracked.

Finally I had managed to calm my mom down and I slowly climbed out of the car looking for the someone that we had hit.

It was then I saw her.

Alices POV

I saw the surprised look on the girl's face as she stared at my injured head. Her misty blue eyes bored into my crimson ones as the realisation struck her.

My wound was healing itself, quickly, but not as quickly as I had hoped. The rain soaked her sleek black hair. She was shorter than me but looked around the same age.

I turned around as i started to slowly walk back in the direction of the town. "Who are you?" the girl spoke in a small, shaken voice that, I imagined, was normally filled with cheer. I stopped for a moment and turned only my head to face her and bored my eyes into hers before replying.

"You don't wanna know..."

Alexs POV

I watched her searching for the injurys on her.There was a wide spread gouge in her head that was quickly repairing itself. To quickly was it repairing itself.Inhumanly quickly.

I stared at her my eyes wide as I studied her. She had crimson eyes and a pale complexion, similar to mine, yet I was paler. I always was the palest I never tanned either.

Her black hair hung above her shoulders yet her hair was a different kind of black to mine. She was slightly raven-haired while I was more of an onyx colour.

Ifelt like I knew her from somewhere that I had seen her somewhere before.My voice shaking I asked "Who are you?" I asked as she began to walk away.

She turned her head and bore her crimson eyes into my pale blue eyes. "You don't want to know..." she said as she walked away.

Her voice was cold and expressionless and I could tell this girl had suffered a great deal of loss.I foolishly stared after her.

Just then my mom poked her head out of the cars smashed window."Who was that sweetie?" she asked me. I didnt want her to freak which I knew she would if I told her she was the girl we had hit.

"I have absoloutly no idea..."I replied and then I sighed. "So mom how do you plan on getting us into the town now?"

Alices POV

I jumped from rooftop to rooftop heading towards the mansion on the other side of town. It was what my parents had left for me before they disappeared. Even though my parents were well respected, I was treated like dirt all because of them seeing my power one day.

I had left to get some supplies from the market as I was running out when I heard a shout behind me. I turned around just to go straight into a throwing knife one of the kids had been using. Everyone gasped as I tore it from my shoulder, only to reveal the healing wound.

That told them of my unhuman power and from then on they were disgusted by the mere sight of me. People would back away in fear as I came past and most of the teenage boys would find clubs and physicaly injure me.

I reached the mansion and jumped up and into the open window. There was no point using the door anymore. It just gave off my parents' scent.

Collapsing onto my bed, I allowed my head to drop to the side. My school timetable caught my attention and I remembered. The new school term was going to start soon. Great...Another year of being pushed around or avoided completly. Yet I had already made the decision that this year would be different. This year, I was going to fight back...

Alexs POV

We continued walking toward the direction of the town.It was getting less and less foggy as we got closer to the town.

When we finally got there I looked round it looked friendly enough but I didnt think it would be any different from any of the other towns we had been in.

It was simple we moved to a new town while mom did her job and I went to school until mom had finished her job then we moved to a new town and so on.

I didnt like to stay in a town for to long anyway because that way I would get to attached to it and then we would move away only to leave me missing the town.

Id never had time to make friend with anyone so I didnt really try to. That seems like a hard life no friends new school but really its not that bad once you get used to it.

As we walked through the streets towards our new 'home' where we were going to be very 'happy' I could see everyone looking at the new comers. I sighed.

Yep this town will be no different from the others. As we finally got to the house we were going to be staying in mom unlocked the doors and walked in cheery as every.

I slumped in not bothering to look around and sat myself down on a black couch to tired to do anything else.

Yay home sweet home were the last bitter thoughts that went through my head before I was taken by blackness that cloaked itself over me....

Alices POV

I felt myself slip into illusions as sleep drifted over me. My reality sverved and slowly changed into dreams. Dreams of fake hopes.

I woke with a start and bolted upright. Sweat dripped from my brow as i slowly took a few deep breaths. It was the same again. The same dream, the same shadows lurking in my soul. Working their way through my blood and taking over.

"You don't look well, did I pick the wrong time to come and visit..." a calm voice spoke from the shadows.

"I thought I told you not to come here again, Azazel" I spoke harshly yet I really wasn't in the mood right now.

"Don't take your anger out on me, Hangel, all I'm here for is to give you a message from the superiors. 'Tread cautiously through these next few months for there is something else coming'" He threw me a small ring with something engraved along the edge.

"Since when did your superiors care about me..."

"Since you became important, you and a few others that is..." A cold wind spread through the room as he disappeared.

I decided not to sleep anymore tonight

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