Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The short stop of Love by JASMINE (story books for 5 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe short stop of Love by JASMINE (story books for 5 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author JASMINE

chapter 1 LONDAN!!!

"My bum hurts" as Franky moaned "hold on one more hour then we will be there" Zoey said broadly "AND THAT WHAT MAKES YOU BEAUTIFUL" Cola scream then a lot of people shhh her.I rolled my eyes and shake Cola dangerous.She took out her head phones and look at me."What?" "stop screaming" "oops my bad" then she turn down her music then put her head phones back on.And dance in her chair.I gave out a loud laugh and got shh at."O you shhh" I said getting angry "chill lax beth e boo" Zoey said "Sorry boo" "Its alright" she said then turn back to looking at the window.Here's the thing we all call each other boo for some reason don't ask why because your answer is that we are just weird."I'm hungry" Franky moaned again."Shut up with your moaning" Cola hiss at her.Then Franky moaned really loudly in front of Cola face.

"O that's it GET ME OFF OF THIS PLAIN" Cola scream then got a hold bunch of sshhhh shhhes from a bunch of nobody's.Then Bloom butt in "guys shut up and go back doing whatever" Bloom said bitchy because she just woke up.Big mistake to wake her up even when we been flying for eight freaking hours.They both shut up and stop.and mumble a sorry to each other."Ladies and gentlemen we are landing in ten minters thanks for flying have a good day" a ladie said over the loud speaker."Finally" Franky huffed.I gave a long yawn."Aww look's who's tire" Bloom said sweetly "Hey I couldn't fall asleep because of someone" I said then pointed my finger to Bloom."Heyyy" "well it's true you where snoring so loud I thought there was an earthquake" I said we all giggle."Ladies and gentlemen we are in LONDON!!"We all cheer well just Franky Zoey Cola Bloom and I cheer really. "I NEED FOOD" I Moaned loudly then got out of my seat and grab my bags.But when I grab my bags my friends bags fell out."Hey!" Bloom whine and smack my head on the back.

"Ow" I moaned and put my hand on the back of my head.Then once I grab everything Me and my friends push to get out of the retarded plan.And once we got out it was just breath taking."Wow" Franky said "I know" I said then I look at her her jaw was hitting the floor."Close your mouth you might get flies in it" I joke then Cole said and shut it for her."O uh oops" she mumble and rub her chin."I'M HUNGRY LET'S EAT ALREADY"! I complain then their was a big breeze and blew my strawberry blond hair on my face and in my mouth.I pulled it out of my mouth and face and put it in a messy bun.

Then we started walking out heavily bags in our week hands."This is sooo heavily" Franky moaned "Shut the hell up boo" "naw I don't feel like it" I rolled my eyes at them and search for a hotel or somewhere to eat because I'm so hungry I didn't eat that crappy air plain food well I try some and spit it out on Zoey then I saw a place that said nandos."Let's eat their" I said and pointed to the little place.They all stop talking and walking."Ok" they all said butt then bloom butt in "Is that even a Restaurant" I look to her and shrug "let's find out then" I said then started to walk to the place.Then I heard their high heels clanking behind me.But lucky for me I put on my all stare white shoes.But I kinda doodle on them a lot but they still look freaking awesome.

Then once we got in the food smelt so good it made my mouth water."mmmm smells good let's eat" I mumble then a preppy girl came up "hello I am star your waitress fallow me" she smile and lend us to our table.But to tell you the truth I'm scared of her shes to nice.We all sat down and put our bags under the table.I was the first one who pick up the menu.Their was chicken lot's mmm my favorite.Now this is a good place to eat."HELLO ARE YOU READY" Stare said in a high pitch voice but I really think that's her normal voice.I swallow and put on a fake smile "I am I would like grill chicken with rice and mash potatoes and corn and some french fries and a coke" (to let you guys know I really do not know what nandos have all I know they have chicken) she wrote it all down "what about you ladies" then the girls ramble on what they where going to eat.I got board so I took out a Sharpe a doodle on my shoes.

Then I saw five guys in hoodies and sun glasses came in and sat down behind us.But I only stare for a second or two then went back to doodling on my new shoes well not so new any more."Excuse me can we borrow your ketchup?" I turn around and nodded and grab the little red bottle and handed to him."Thanks ,love" "whatever" I said and went back to doodling an cute monster."I like your shoes" said the dude behind me.I turn around and smile "thanks I like your sun glasses" I said and poke them.He gave a small chuckle and he pull his hand out "my name is Zayn" I took his hand and shake it "Elizabeth but you can call me liz or beth" I smile.Then Zoey clear her throat "hey boo do you have any lip gloss I can borrow" I turn around "uh yea hold on" then I grab my purse and dug out my watermelon flavor lip gloss."here" I said and threw it at her face "thanks" "whatever" "you draw really good" "awww thanks" I said and face Zayn "can you draw something on my hand or uh arm" he said and bite his lip.strange."Ok but what do you want?" "your phone number" another guy blurted out.Then cover his mouth with both of his hands.

I laugh "Well aren't you the flirt" He gave a cheeky smile and show his dimples."why yes I am" I laugh "sorry but no I really don't give out my phone number to strangers" "well then we need to get to know each other then" "stop it" "stop what?" "the flirting thing" they all laugh."So why do you guys have sun glasses on?" Cola ask they all fell silent."uh er we just like them" another boy said then their was an awarded slice."so what are your names?" I ask to break the silence."Well I'm Harry your soon to be boy friend" he said and smirk I just rolled my eyes and smile "I'm Liam" "I'm LOUIS" a guy yelled cheerfully "I'm Niall" a guy said shyly.

"So what's your friends names" Zayn ask "Well that's Zoey" I said and pointed "hey what's up" she said with a flirty smile."And that's Cola" "hey" she said brightly "and that's bloom" "the one and only" she smile big.The boys smile and wave a hello. Then the preppy girl came with our food."HERE"S YOUR FOOD" she squeak "thanks" we all mumble I turn around "well er we are going to eat know" "ok talk to you later ,love" Niall beam brightly.I smile at him and nodded.


After we finished eating and chat about this and that we all look at each other."NOT IT" we all scream at the same time then I spoke up "let's all pay together" then we all laugh including me. And after we slobber up then we became 'serous'."Rock paper scissors shoe?" Col ask. We all nodded in agreement "1,2 and 3!" I shouted in a whisper."Rock paper scissors shoe" we all whisper then I was the winner first so I'm safe.Then Franky won and did a silent dance to her self.Then it was Cola and Bloom "I'm going to win" Cola said in a 'serous' voice which cause Bloom to chuckle "since when do you win at stuff?" "since I came out of my mothers- "OK" I said and clap my hands together "we don't need to need to hear that stuff" I shiver "of course we do how else would we know" cola said in a duh voice."Really you came out of a human bean I thought it was half snake slash bitchy lion dragon" I said which got me a smack on the head "ow" I whine "sorry I don't no any better I'm from animals" Cola said in a retard voice."You said it not me" mumble Franky.

"whatever Bloom's pay" Cola said and rolled her eyes "nooo i don't YOU do" Bloom said and pointed at Cola which gave her a death glare "you want to go bitch?" she said and put her hands on her hips."Hell ya" Bloom said and copy Cola."O ITS ON" they both said then started to 'chick' fight.By smacking their hands."Hello here's your check" said that high voice "thanks" I mumble and snatch the check."AWwww thanks for paying" Cola said sweetly "jerks" I mumble under my breath."What was that?" "pickles" "what?" "gummy bears" "wait what your not making any sense" I rolled my eyes and pulled out my money."Thanks have a good day" "ya ok you to" I nodded "hey Beth?" I turn around "yes?" I said and look in Zayn's warm gentle shy eyes.


Text: Everything belongs to me and the cover you like :)
Images: gooogel
Editing: BOOBEAR
Translation: COW hehe I sound really high ;)
Publication Date: 08-22-2012

All Rights Reserved

To nobody Forever alone :'(

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