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Book online «Natalies Story by Natalie Galli (read e books online free .txt) 📖». Author Natalie Galli

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The Story

Hey I'm Natalie Hedwig Galli, I'm a 15 Year old Vampire, and this is my story. It begins all in the rainy spring of 2013

27th of May

The plane took of in Basel, I sighted and looked out the window. It wasn't easy to leave, but otherwise better to go than to stay there. After 15 hours my plane arrived at the little airport of Seattle. I got my little suitcase and my bag and walked toward my old friend Edward Cullen. He didn't ask why I'm coming, he knew it already cause he's a mindreader and his sister Alice can look into the future. She knew that I'm coming since I decided it. He smiled friendly, and looked as adorable as always. I was missing my family, but I had to smile as he smiled his most beautiful smile, I laughed and hugged him. We walked together to his volvo and he drove of to Forks. Forks what a town, full of mystery and secrets. I liked it. I know Edward cause of Jacob. I meet Jacob when he was in Switzerland, then he took me to Forks for a visit. I was excited to meet Bella, Renesmee and the rest of the Cullens, but I also couldn't wait to see my old friends Thalia & Carlie. Finally Edward parked his car and we got in to the house. Renesmee hated me always.... She was jealous cause her Dad Edward made more for me than for her. Nessie - That's her nickname - was a beautiful, smart girl in the age of 17. As I walked in everyone shouted:,, WELCOME BACK NAT " I smiled big and hugged everyone, except the girl in the corner... She was sitting there alone, she had red hair and a shy looking. Her name was Maggie, she was an 16 year old Irish vampire. I smiled at her, and she looked at me then away. I saw Thalia speed over to her and talk to her. Carlie - she's Thalias daughter - told me that they are best friends. After the great welcome party I went in to the spare, sorry in to my new room. I felt asleep. The days flew over and then it finally was the 29th of May... MY BIRTHDAY! When I woke up, they brought some breakfast on my bed. Later was the party. I got a lot of money and books of Rosalie, Emmett, Carlisle and Esme Cullen, a motorcycle from Jacob Black, some dresses of Bella & Alice Cullen, an iPad from Edward, a necklace from Nessie, and a beautiful bracelet with a golden star charm, a rubin heart charm and a diamond charm on it from Thalia, Carlie & Maggie. I was happy cause of this stuff but sad cause something important was missed... My love Felix. I was sad cause of it but they cheered me up. At the evening the others went home, and Edward went out. An hour later he came back... I went out the living room in to my room. As I sat down on my bed someone knocked my door. ,, In ! " I shouted softly, and then Felix walked in. When I saw him I teared up , and hid my face in my hands. He walked next to me and putted an arm around me and answered before I could even ask: ,,I was happier with you" After his words he kissed me softly, then he offered a - like he told - alcohol free wine. We drank a lot. When I woke up, he was gone and had left just a piece of paper. He wrote on there : My present for you, Rx Felix Few hours later I was preparing for my changing... My changing in to a vampire. I just had to lay on my bed. ,, Ready ? ", he asked. I nodded once. Few seconds later I saw his sharp vampire teeth, and another few seconds later I started to scream and cry cause of the pain, he was drinking my blood and putting the venom in my blood. I got weaker till....... I died and started to burn. I couldn't feel anything I couldn't move, I had such a big pain. After I don't know how long time, my human life replayed in my head from the last moment I can remember till my birth. The pain was getting weaker and my straight grew fast. The pain ended and I opened my bright red eyes. I was a vampire! 15 years old forever! I tested my vampire powers, I felt more alive than in the past, even I was born to be a vampire! I walked downstairs, and heard already the voices of the Cullen family. I arrived in living room, Esme walked over and hugged me. ,, Welcome in the family " she said and smiled. Carlisle nodded at me with a smile. Alice came over to me too and said I need to go hunt and pointed to Maggie - she was just sitting there smiling softly at me, cause we got really fast friends- Maggie waved and we both speeded out in to the woods. She showed me some great hunt tips. Now with my eyes - I was glad they were so perfect and I saw everything like trough a HD-Flat - I followed the deers moves , I sneaked there and with one perfect jump I could sink my teeth in to the warm and sweet deer neck, I drained it and the other deers around. Unfortunately my cloths where ripped and dirty and full of deer blood. Mags - Maggies nickname - laughed and we speeded back. My vampire life was completely perfect till a week later. I ran high speed to the toilet and trowed up, one time, two times .... I felt bad and sick. I was shocked so I asked Carlisle out... When he finished to check me he said:,, I didn't knew it was possible but congrats your pregnant " my whole little word exploded with these words.... Me and mother! It was incredible, and I just knew who's fault it was... Felix !! Jacob went to Swiss and fought him down, when he came back he was happy and proud of himself. In the same night I went back home. I lived in the house I got from my parents. I called my old school that I'm coming again, and when the next Monday came I was on the way to school, I was still a newborn vampire and very dangerous. When Carlie and Maggie found it out they got Edward, Jacob and all together went to Switzerland to stop me. I sat in English class as Carlie ran in saying:,, I need Natalie Galli now! " I couldn't go out and was happy about this and poor Carlie had to stay there cause she looked like a 8th grade student. When the lesson ended I speeded in human speed out the room and saw him. I was angry so I walked to his Girlfriend Kelly and told her I'm pregnant of him. She got mad and slapped him across the face and broke up. Next lesson was Biology class, I just sat there and shouted:,, I'm a vampire I'm a vampire " My class didn't believe cause I always told this, so Laura - Felix's sister - said:,, oh just shut up you stupid child I really can believe why my brother broke up " After this lesson it was lunch break. I didn't ate and waited till I can go out. So I went out with Felix. I had the plan to kill him, but then I said:,, your such a fool why don't you wanna believe that you have created a child" he just shrugged and I kept ask him things, but unfortunately I got very thirsty cause I hadn't hunt for days. I looked around and there was a deer next to me, fortunately I'm fast so he wouldn't notice, unfortunately he watched me in the second I attacked and drained the deer. He got scared and I explained him in the second when Edward arrived that I'm a vampire. Edward got angry and just said:,, now you don't need to come back ! Good luck!!! " Felix -who was scared ran in school and i ran after him. He never talked to me again. So I decided after 3 weeks to go at his house. I took my motorcycle and drove there - what was really difficult cause my bump was annoying - and heard from far away a fight between him and his mum. I knocked and she opened, I told her the story why I'm here and she said I should get in so I can talk to Felix. Felix's mother took his computer away with the words:,, you will get the computer back when you talked to her! " I started ask him with tears - and yes in this story vampires can get pregnant, cry and sleep - :,, why you left me, why dont you love me anymore why you left me alone with this baby ?! " He didn't answer, what he did was, he took my face in his hands and kissed me softly with these words:,, Nat I still love you but I didn't wanted to hurt you and I'll look for the baby as a dad, cause I'm coming to america with you and before you ask I had to think about that your a vampire! I was shocked ...! " From this moment we were together again and we lived in Switzerland till I delivered our Son, Colin. Felix was now a vampire too. So we ran to forks over days and when we arrived we moved in the house I got from Felix.I called Jacob and Carlie when we arrived, and told them that they became the godparents of Colin.After we was one hour in our new house, Maggie arrived. She smiled brightly and took little Colin in her arms. She smiled and said: „Hello little Colin, I’m Maggie“, Colin startet giggeling and grabed her hair. She laughed and rocked him. I smiled and told Felix that im going to visit Jake and Nessie. I flashed over to Jakes house.„Hey Guys I’m back”, I said happy, Jake smiled as big as he can and said:„ A wonder happend Nessie’s Pregnant” „Congrats”, I shouted and hugged both. Nessie brought me a tea, and i sat down. We talked a lot, and laughed much. In the evening I went back home. I was tired so I went to sleep. Felix and Colin were already sleepingColin grew fast, and he and Maggie became good friends. Jacob and Nessie became finally parents. Their daughter was named Marie-Chiara. As they both were 5 years old we put them in to the primary school. In this time, Carlies mother died. A few weeks later she got married to Simon Sledge. She got fast pregnant and 9 months later she gave birth to Ella-May and Jason. We found out that Ella, Marie, Colin and Jason are wolfs. Even Maggie got married to a guy named Logan.When Colin was 14 years, he became a big brother, because I gave birth to our amazing daughter Tamara-Lara. Unfortunately I got in trouble with Felix and I went to Swiss with Tamara-Lara. There I got kidnapped by no one else than Felix's sister, Laura locked me in to a dungeon the only escape place was the trapdoor... I was tied up on the wall with chains, Tamara was in my arms till I got to week and dropped her. I got unconscious.In this time Felix stormed in the house and tried

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