Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป From Sunset to Nightfall by Shawna Whalen (i wanna iguana read aloud .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซFrom Sunset to Nightfall by Shawna Whalen (i wanna iguana read aloud .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Shawna Whalen

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Chapter one-Leaving

Leaving home, for me, was always very difficult. I couldn't stand to leave my mother. How would she go on without me

? How will I

go on without her

? I thought as I hugged my mother, Sharon, for the last time; until I would soon see her again. I got on the plane without hesitation. The entire plane ride to my father's house was very frustrating. I hadn't seen him for almost 5 years, what did he even look like anymore? Billy and I always had a strained relationship. I used to think it was because he never got a boy, but now, I see. For one, I was never allowed to call him by his real name. He always hated that. Maybe now since I'm almost legal, I can do whatever I please. Doubtfully, I thought.

I looked out my plane window, seeing the clouds pass by, thinking to myself, almost daydreaming. Time was passing really fast today, because the plane landed too early than what I had wanted. I didn't want to get up, but my father was waiting, if I squinted really hard out my window, I could see him. Billy was the kind of dad who was excited to be hanging out with his one and only 17 year old daughter. It frightened me. I sighed and stood up, waiting for the other passengers to grab their things and depart. As soon as the man next to me was gone, and half of the others, I decided it was okay to finally get my things from the overhead storage and myself leave the plane.

"Elizabeth! Elizabeth!" Dad called, always over excited.

I was pacing myself as I sprinted slowly toward Billy. "Hey, Dad," I said as I put my things down and he jerked me into one of his giant bear hugs. Billy wasn't that big, or tall. He was just about over five foot-ten. Compared to me he was a giant, only because of my five foot stature.

"So, kid, are you excited to be here?"He hugged me tighter, "Oh! I've missed you so much!" "Yeah, Dad. Me too." I said sarcastically. Honestly, I wasn't, but I might as well make him happy. As we walked to his red, 2008 Dodge Avenger, he kept watching me eye fully. I acted as if I didn't notice.

After a limited conversation car ride, we finally arrived at Billy's 2 bedroom, 2 bathroom house. It was a nice house, yellow paneling on the outside, and a small Carpinus Caroliniana tree in the front yard, very original for this small town. Billy lived in Washington, I'm from Arizona, and I like the heat. I shivered as I rose from Billy's car. I hated the cold. The cold to me was my worst enemy; I mean who likes being cold all of the time? Obviously Billy does, that's why he dragged my mother here; and I know why she left too.

Forks was never a place I liked. It was cold everyday, and even when or if the sun came out, it was still cold. Plus, the sun never lasted long.

I'm not completely sure how long I would last here, nor did I want to. I missed the sun on my skin. I missed Arizona. Although I was never tan and sporty such as the girls from home, I spent almost everyday outside. Sharon was part albino, and so I inherited most of her genes. The one thing I did inherit from Billy and liked, was the dark curls of my hair. Billy had short dark brown curly hair. The funniest thing about Billy, was he had a moustache that always made me laugh. Thinking of Billy's moustache made me giggle silently in my room. I remembered when I was 6 and Billy would always kiss my cheek and his moustache would always tickle me. My mom always liked Billy's moustache and scruff. Thinking of Sharon made me sad, I missed her and it had only been 14 hours. I would save the tears for the night.

Billy had gone downstairs to watch his baseball and the flat screen. I sighed and sat on my bed. I glanced around my room. It wasn't too small, but exceptionally big for a teenager. I noticed that Billy had rearranged the room since my last visit. He added a desk for my laptop from home and to do homework on. I sighed again when I thought of school tomorrow. Uggh. School. I stood up and grabbed my bag of toiletries and headed to my bathroom across the hall. I placed all of my things inside the cabinets and organized everything how it was at home. I never noticed how obsessive compulsive I was until just now. I hadn't even been in Washington for a day and it was already messing with me. Great, my inner voice agreed.

After I finished un-packing my clothes and things, I went downstairs to fix something to eat. I didn't know whether or not I was actually hungry, but for Billy's sake, I ate. I sat with Billy in front of the tv for a couple hours, and then decided it was late enough for bed. I headed up the stairs and parted Billy with a "goodnight" and went in my room locking the door behind me.

I dressed in my old sweats from home and got underneath the covers. Just as I was close to unconsciousness, it began to rain. And it wasn't a drizzle.

This is going to be a long night

; I sighed and closed my eyes.

Chapter two-Strangers

I woke the next morning confused, frustrated and sad. I didn't know how I was getting to school, nor did I want to. I eventually got out of my warm bed and hopped in the shower quickly. As I stepped out of the shower, I noticed myself in the mirror. I could tell I was sad, which made me even sadder. I would definitely need to perk up before I saw Billy.

I got dressed in a daze and went down to the kitchen. I noticed it was quiet, and Billy's cruiser was gone. I sighed, Great guess I was taking the bus, thanks Dad. My mind was so sarcastic when I was angry. I grunted and walked under the arch of the kitchen. I noticed a yellow paper on the fridge which was placed there by a magnet. I read the note scratched by Billy's handwriting.

Liz, I know how much you hate the bus. Go outside, and you're welcome. Love, Dad.

I wasn't sure whether to be extremely happy or confusingly surprised when I walked outside. I wasn't sure where to look until I saw it sitting right in the middle of the drive. I gasped when I saw how nice it was. Billy had gotten me car to drive, a 1995 Explorer Expedition, it was sleek black with tinted windows. It was better than anything else I've had. I ran over to it and hopped in. The keys were sitting in the passenger seat, I quickly grabbed them and started the truck. It roared to life, almost made me jump from my skin. After the quick excitement I realized it was too early for school. I turned the key over and went back inside. I quickly called Billy at the station and thanked him a bunch. Billy being the type of person to not show much affection, he pleaded that it was a gift and he didn't need to be thanked too much.

After I hung up the phone with Billy, I glanced at the clock. It was almost 7:30 so I grabbed a breakfast bar and headed out the door to my new truck.

I felt like a stranger-which I was-as I enter the student services office. It was nice and warm in the small cramped office; I assumed it was because it was so small. When I opened the door I saw a boy-more like a man- standing at the desk whispering quietly to the attendant.

I couldn't make out what he was saying but as soon as the door slammed shut behind me, he turned to glance at me. I looked back, and blushed deep red. He was the most beautiful boy I'd ever seen. He had light brown hair, semi-full lips, now curved into a perfect crooked smile; and his eyes were a deep blue color, almost black. I couldn't breathe and my heart stopped beating.

He looked back at the woman behind the desk; I noticed her name plate read Ms. Brown, in the most perfect velvet voice he murmured, "Thank you, Ms. Brown." He took a couple papers from the woman, smiled and winked at her.

As he was passing me, he smiled the crooked smile, opened the door behind me, and left. I took in a deep breath to steady myself. I shook my head thinking, Whoa, who the hell was that? My head was spinning, and fast. Contain yourself, Liz.

I walked up to the desk, "Hi, I'm Elizabeth Hudson," I said sheepishly. Ms. Brown looked at me, "Ah, yes, hello Elizabeth," she said as if she already knew me. I must've been the talk of the tiny town. "Here is your map of the school, and schedule." The door opened just then and I was hoping it was the boy again, but it was a small, lanky girl, with two blonde braided pig-tails under each ear. "Hi, Ms. Brown! I'm here to show," the girl glanced down at her paper briefly, "Elizabeth around," she said, her voice was very determined.

Ms. Brown looked at the girl and glanced at me, "Good Morning, Makayla, this is Elizabeth Hudson. Show her to her classes, please. Oh and Elizabeth, at the end of the day come back with this paper signed by each of your teachers," she reminded me. "Okay, thank you," I said.

Makayla looked like a friendly girl, but also prissy; someone who couldn't contain herself with gossip. We walked to the door; she opened it and offered I go first. I went through the door as she soon followed. She waited for the door to close before she started talking. "Hey, I'm Makayla Johnson. I think we have a couple classes together. Can I see your schedule, please?" she asked so politely. I was stunned, "Um, yeah, sure. Here," I said handing her my paper. She glanced at the one with all of my classes briefly, "Yep, we've got Calculus and American History together." We walked around the school twice before the three minute bell rang, "So do you have it memorized yet?" Makayla asked in a hurry, "Oh, um, yeah I think I do. Thanks," I rushed to answer her. She walked me to my first class and told me she would meet me in front of our next class together and went on her way.

As I walked into my first class I saw the teacher at the front of the room. I went up to her, not in the most orderly fashion; I tripped. I caught myself on the teacher's desk. "Oops! Ow!" I groaned. I heard gasps behind me as I steadied myself. I blushed, "I'm Elizabeth Hudson." The teacher, whom pointedly told me she was Mrs. Donald, looked at me concerned then knowingly, "Oh, well, welcome Elizabeth," she said smiling. "Here are your books, welcome to English 11," she said in a mockery tone. "Your seat is right over there," she pointed to the only desk available.

When I went to sit in the desk, I

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