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Book online «Whats Happening To Me by AJ Joseph (essential books to read TXT) 📖». Author AJ Joseph

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"We have to leave her somewhere safe." "Where honey I don't think there's any safe place to leave her?" "We have to find a universe that can protect her so she can fulfill her destiny to rule the world of faeries." "Ah I know the perfect universe the planet Earth." "Earth are there any faeries there?" "No my darling only humans." "How will she survive among humans?" "There are orphanages, and when she isn't a fairy she looks just like them we all do." "But what about the day her magic awakens?" "Honey you worry to much she'll be safe they'll try to make sense of it they always have." "Okay.okay,okay we'll leave her there with a note saying her name and something." "Okay darling let's do that." They went to Earth and left a note saying Please keep our little Fey safe. Treat her like your own and never tell anyone not even Fey. We love her with all our heart. What they didn't know was instead of leaving their baby in an orphanage they left her in front of a newlywed couples home. They knocked on the door and flew away keeping watch from a few feet away. The couple kept the child as their own and never told a soul. They cared for her and taught her right from wrong. They put her in school to learn. They did every thing they could to keep her happy.

-Chapter 1*14 years later-

"Mom I don't want to move I'm going to miss my friends and I won't know anyone there." "Buttercup stop complaining and help pack." "Mom how many times do I have to tell you this stop calling me those baby words." "How about my little fairy, Fey." "Mom, you know I can't say no to that nickname." "Okay, my little fairy lets get packing." I sigh knowing she got me. I pack all my clothes. The ones my mom bought me and the ones I bought myself with my super cool friends. When I pick up a black lace dress I remember the time I bought this with my friends for the Halloween Dance.

The Day at the Mall

"Fey, what’s the hold up?" Larissa says. She's wearing her favorite black knee-high boots, black tight skinny jeans, and black tight turtleneck that go great with her now red hair. "This dress it's so beautiful." "Then why not buy it." "Because Jasmine just went in there and I think she's going to buy it before me." "Is it one of a kind?" "Yes that's why I want it and it's really cute. I don't think that's the reason Jessica wants it." "Girl you know she just wants it cause you want it. What size is it?" "I think a size 12. Wait, a minute what does that have to do with any thing." "She's too fat for that dress and that's the perfect size for you. Watch she's going to come out the dressing room and start yelling at the man who gave her the dress." Just as she said that Jessica came out boiling mad. She started yelling and then she turned around the zipper couldn't zip all the way up. I tried to hide my laughter but did a horrible job at it. When Jessica left the store she passed my giggling face and Larissa's smirk on the way. Acting like the brat she was she moved her face away from us and up into the air. After that I went into the store, tried on the dress. It fit perfectly. I bought it and Larissa and I walked to the pizza parlor in the mall and waited for the others. Make that the others waiting for us. "There you guys are." Ashley said. She was wearing a bright yellow shirt,tye-dyed fashion blue jeans and her favorite pearl sandals. The clothes made her blonde almost gold hair glow. "Sorry we're late but we just saw Jessica have a temper tantrum. "When doesn't she have a temper tantrum." Alexus asked. She was wearing a Miami Heat sports jersey. Had long loose blue jeans on, and beat up Jordan's. Her brown hair straight down her back. "True." Larissa said. "Well lets stop talking so we can see what you guys bought we finally convinced Alexus to wear a dress.” Victoria said. Out of us all Victoria was the fashion diva. She was wearing white Hollister jeans, a white Hollister shirt, and white pumps. I took out my dress and everyone said 'Wow'. "You guys this is the dress that Jessica had a temper tantrum over cause it wouldn't fit her." Over their murmuring I heard 'Serves her right that cow’, and 'what was she doing trying to fit into a dress like that’, plus 'she just wanted cause you wanted didn't she'. I made everyone adore the dress and we moved on to Alexus's dress. I was marveled at what she bought. It fit her perfectly and it was still a dress. The dress was tight around the upper area and black, but on the bottom it was white and had all the sports teams name in it in different colors, sizes, and font. "Dang,this is totally you and cute." "Thanks, but don't thank me thank the sports club over there." She pointed towards the sports shack over her shoulder. "Wow is all I can say. Wow" "Thanks." The others dresses were a surprise because they didn't want anyone to know what it was so they bought theirs early.

The Dance

I got into the tight white lace up dress. The white mini dress hugging my body and showing my curves. The silky black ribbons crossing over the dress ending in a bow on the top of the dress. I looked in the mirror and noticed for the first time how beautiful I looked. I knew boys liked me and girls envied me and the girls in our little group but why me, now I know. I hurriedly said bye to my parents and rush out my front door when I hit someone. I looked up to see Alexus, Victoria, Larissa, and Ashley. "Hey you guys I hardly noticed you." "We can tell it's all over your face." Victoria says. "Well Vicky that's no way to talk to a friend." I say with a pout. I took a look at what they were wearing and was baffled. Larissa was wearing a tight floor-length dress that looked like leather. I'm guessing she is a vampire. Vitoria was wearing the same dress except in white and the dress looked like silk and she had a glowing white halo. An angel-as if she's a vixen. Alexus looked perfect in her dress. I looked at her longer and took out my camera. "Just in case Alexus never wears another dress in the future." I say with smile and take a picture. Ashley says something under her breath. All I could make out was don't. I looked at her outfit and was completely awed. She was a cute black and hot pink mini dress, black heels, and hot pink wings. I was breathless and took several pictures at the outfit and finally say "Wow do you know how long I've always wanted to be a fairy." I heard Ashley say "I think I can guess." but Alexus elbowed her in the stomach then Alexus said "How long?" "Well ever since I was little I felt like a fairy princess flying around this fairy castle on this colorful planet. Everyone was quiet and they kept looking at each other. "Well then why don't we put these cloaks on so we can make Jessica jealous when we take them off." I suggested. Every one nodded their heads awkwardly though. We all put on the cloaks, Larissa took out her fangs and Victoria took off her halo. "Ashley are you okay can you take off the wings?" I saw panic cross her features. Larissa answered for her. "Well she just can't go through the gym door with wings in her hands so just keep them there." "Okay." We walked through the 3 blocks and finally got to the wrought iron gates of the school. We walked through the gym doors and the first person Jessica who was looking through the crowd looking for someone. Mainly us. When she spots us she smirks while eyeing what we're wearing. She goes in our direction with her little posse behind her full of preps and jocks. "Hey Feya and friends." "It's Fey you bitch." "Oops did I call you ugly sorry." "Well I hope you know you’re going to eat those words." Victoria said. "What do you mean I don't see anyone here worthy of calling hotter than me and you obviously can't be called hotter than me you’re all dressed in cloaks? Since I knew no one could be hotter than me today I made an arrangement. You guys can join me on stage." I took a look at her clothes and noticed she was dressed as the animated version Sabrina the Teenage Witch. I almost laughed because we all knew we looked better than her. "We'll just see about that." I say while turning around to my friends. "Did I mention that once you guys came that we have to go on stage." I gave my friends my most devious smile and they returned it with a nod of a head. We all walked up to the stage behind her. When we made it to the stage we all gave each other smiles and waited for our introduction. Jessica went out first by herself. We took off our cloaks and when we heard our names we all went out together. When we came out I looked at Jessica's smug face. When she saw us her mouth made a huge 'O'. We all walked towards the edge of the stage. When we made it out the limelight we noticed every other person on the dance floor and tables had their mouths also in perfect huge 'O's. We all gave each other happy smiles and we exited the stage leaving Jessica on there with her mouth open. "Close your mouth Jess or you'll get flies in your mouth." I say. That knocked her out of her coma but now she was furious. She ran out of the gym and maybe home I really didn't care.

-Chapter 2-

"They won't miss you Fey." she says carelessly.
Hurt I say. “What how can you say that they've been my friends since I can remember."
"They won't miss you because they're comi-"
"Mom don't say that it's not true wait what were you saying about they're doing?"
She sighs frustrated at me. "They're going with you to the school they’re the ones who suggested it and that you can learn about your heritage, and other things schools here can't."
Realization hits me. "So you and dad can't come so their parents can't go either can them."
"No sweetheart they can't the schools very exclusive but their moms tell me that they got their education there."
"So mom about when I was a baby what hospital did go to?"
She stops packing everything she thinks I'll need like m jewelry, pens, and the new student guide. "Honey we went over this you were born at the hospital a few blocks away."
"You mean St. Mary's Hospital."
"Yes that hospital honey."
"Weird cause I went to that hospital and asked for the birth records and my name was nowhere on it."
"Honey me and your dad love you a lot and we should tell you that you’re adopted."
"I'm adopted well that's

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