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Book online «Color Me Pink by Malia x (best ebook reader ubuntu .TXT) 📖». Author Malia x

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Chapter One Scales

I glide along the ocean floor, my hands touching the scales of multicolored fish. I’m glad I live in Australia where there are such beautiful sceneries under the water to view. The other fish swim along side me, attracted by my shining scales where my legs had been. I’m half mermaid, half human, or at least that’s what I thought I was.
I still remember that day; I was six at the time and my parents planned on teaching me how to swim in the ocean. The ocean was flat and peaceful; it was as if it was pulling me in inviting me to swim in it. I looked around to see what my parents were doing. They weren’t paying attention to me as they were unloading the car. I don’t think they expected me to run in the ocean without knowing how to swim. Wrong. I jumped in and this weird surge of energy went through my whole body. I thought I was drowning at first, but then I realized I was swimming so fast I didn’t think it was possible. I had this funny feeling in my legs and that’s when I noticed I didn’t have any. I think I screamed loud enough to scare all the oceans creatures back into their homes. I started to swim back to shore and expected to see my parents still unpacking, but instead I see them pacing down the beach to find me. They were far down the beach calling my name; it was my only chance to get out of the water. Would my tail change back into legs? What if they didn’t and I was just like a fish trapped on land? All these questions popped up into my brain, but I had to go back I would most likely die in the ocean. I ran out of the water when I eyed a shower by the bathrooms. Quickly I saw my legs as they formed out of the tail I once had. My legs were covered in slime, gross. When my parents found me playing in the showers they were furious yelling at me never to run of like that and from that day on nothing was the same.
As I think about that memory I let the current take me and drift me further out to sea. Sometimes I thought about letting myself go all the way out to sea and never return to land, but I could never do that cause of my parents. I loved them too much. They told me that I was adopted when I was eight, but I didn’t care. I consider them my real parents. Other than that though I could care less about leaving school and my friends. I was pretty popular in my school but to be honest all my friends are fake. That’s just the way it is at my school everyone pretended to like everyone and then behind their backs they would talk shit. Of course I didn’t stoop so low and talk shit about my so-called “friends,” but I wouldn’t doubt that they talked shit about me. I was always the energetic, crazy, and funny friend that pretty much everyone could get along with anyone and all the girls would talk behind my back how I just wanted attention. But no one, I repeat no one knew my secret. They would think I’m joking and when they realized I wasn’t they would think I was crazy. I hated being different, but at the same time I loved it.
I looked down at my tail thinking about how things would be different if I just had legs in water. My scales were an assortment of colors: blues, greens, purples, and the thing I loved the most was the shiny gold. Whenever my mood changed so did my colors of the scales. When I was mad they would turn into a shiny red, if I was happy it would change to gold and white, if I was sad it would turn into a dull soft blue, and when I wasn’t really in a certain mood it was like how it was right now. The one mood I haven’t seen what color it would change into is love. I’ve never been in love before, but it wasn’t something I was really sad about. I never paid that much attention to boys, and I didn’t really see them paying attention to me so whatever.
I arrived to the shore of my private beach that I had found no one ever went to because of the deadly box jellyfish that were abundant in the water. Luckily they didn’t have any effect on me so ever since I was ten I’ve been coming to this beach. I looked around just in case and seeing that if the coast was clear, and I ran out and dried off my body. Then I ran to my black jeep and looked at the clock.
“It’s seven-o-Clock already! Oh no, Mom’s going to be so pissed at me.” My mom had been planning this big party for my seventieth birthday even though I told her I didn’t want her to. But I heard girls talking about it in school and realized my mom had somehow sneakily invited all my friends. I’m soaking wet still, and the party starts in an hour. My mom is a makeup artist/hairdresser and insisted she would make me look like I was a supermodel. God, I hate being a girl sometimes. Being a guy would make things so much easier.
As I walked into my house I tried to quietly close the door, but then I hear my mom yell, “Melody Madison, get your little butt over here right now.” Yeah my parents named me Melody, my dad was a recording artist and was set on making my name related to music. I always thought it was appropriate since Ariel, from the Little Mermaid; daughter’s name was Melody. I looked up to see my mom’s furious face. I’m scared to walk over to her. She was a short woman who is very petit and only came up to my chin, but I was still intimidated by this small woman.
“Why are you all wet? Please tell me you didn’t think it was a good night to go out for a late surf sesh?” She asked already knowing the answer.

“Heh…What can I say? The waves were of the hook!” I had been surfing ever since I was six for an excuse to go in the ocean. I discovered that wearing a wetsuit concealed my skin from the water; therefore, I didn’t turn into a mermaid.
“What am I going to do with you? Go up stairs and wash up and come straight to me after. I’ll just have to work at a fast pace,” my mom scolded me.
When my mom was finished I looked at me in the mirror. I barely recognized myself. I mean I looked like me, but the makeup was done with so much more detailed than I usually wore it. My mother framed my dark green eyes with a dark brown and gold eye shadow, but the top eyeliner highlighted my big shaped eyes. My light golden brown hair was waved perfectly and landed at my waist. The dress my mother had picked out for me was a peach color skintight dress that contrasted with my naturally tan skin. It hugged my curves perfectly and emphasized my long legs paired with 4inch simple black heels that made me 5’10’’. Ok, so my mom went all out. I rarely wore dresses; I was more of a jean and shorts kind of girl. I wore fashionable things to school, but I have never worn something that showed off my body shape. I felt so exposed.
I looked over to my mom and thanked her, and she responded, “Its easy to make someone look good when they’re already gorgeous without all the glam.” I love my mom.

Chapter Two Bottoms Up

It was weird walking on my feet for the first time and especially wearing swim trunks. I think that’s what they call them at least. I had to walk up and down the beach to get use to my land legs before I continued my mission. The counsel told me that her house was the only two-story beach house along the seaside. I could already spot it from where I was putting on my clothes I didn’t want to freak anyone out if I walked in there half naked.
I walked into this huge two-story house and looked up at the walls, which were covered with pictures of this beautiful girl. Her olive-tanned skin was flawless without an imperfection and her piercing green eyes grabbing my attention. This must be her. It has to be. I was sent here to find one of the most powerful Merman’s, Neptune, daughters. I was told her name was Melody.
I’ve heard the story several times when I was a child. Everyone thought it had been just some folk tale everyone told to his or her children, but now being Neptune’s right hand man I knew it was true.
It all started when Neptune had fallen in love with a beautiful human named Nelly. She had been an athletic swimmer and took the challenge to swim all along the coast. However, she did not know that Neptune had been in a terrible mood that day due to his unrequited love with another mermaid. Nelly doing her best to fight the current was taken far out into the sea and was nearly drowning. She had thought she had died, but when she awoke she saw Neptune carrying her back to land. It was forbidden for any contact with humans, and even if he had come into contact it would cause a riot in the kingdom. He decided to use his powers to give him legs and watched over Nelly to make sure she recovered. They fell in love like any happily ever after story, but Neptune failed to tell Nelly that his love for her was forbidden. He was about to leave her for her own protection until he found out that she was pregnant with his child. His absence in the kingdom made his parents question his activities, and they had his evil brother John follow him one day.
When Neptune arrived to Nelly’s she was going into labor. After Melody was born John knew that this child would automatically make Neptune next in line to rule the kingdom. To make sure no one knew about this child he killed Nelly and attempted to murder Melody, but Neptune vanished with him back to the sea. Neptune’s trident contained a great amount of power and because of his fury he trapped his brother in the deepest darkest, depths of the oceans caves.
Neptune returned

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