Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป The Hidden Kingdom by Aria Meimeibara (best summer books txt) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซThe Hidden Kingdom by Aria Meimeibara (best summer books txt) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Aria Meimeibara

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The legends say that for centuries we ruled these lands that the humans now walk and we lived in peace before they arrived, it was one day when the elders were out hunting that they stumbled across one of the first humans not knowing what they had discovered they went to investicate only to be ambushed and killed where they stood,weaponless and defenceless only one escaped and that is my grandfather and former leader Asuka Perish, since that day the law was passed that none shall venture out alone or go near the human race as to do so could mean terrible things for our race we have followed this law since it was passed, all except one...
The proper name for me is a hybrid a cross joining of two different types of genes in the D.N.A, but i am different i dont only have two i have three.

My name is Aria i am the daughter and guardian of our Queen Enchantress my father is not often within the kingdom so my mother rules in his absence as a child i was bitten by the rare white wolf when i was playing in the open ranges of the forest, i had run and hidden from my mother as i wanted to explore on my own, that was when i was bitten, no one knows why the wolf only bit me and did not kill me, some have theories it might be because we have the grey wolf gene mixed with our D.N.A but no one knows for certain all that is certain is after i was bitten i changed , i was faster than the other children i was more agile my senses were stronger and for this i was concidered a freak, un-natural to our race no one would say this to my parents or to me as i am of royal blood, but i heard their snickering behind my back and their taunting calling me names and saying i will never be good enough to one day follow in my mothers foot steps as queen, it was then that i decided i would prove them all wrong. i went through intense combat training and academic challenges every day to make sure i succeeded in my goals, i passed every test faster than others in our race ever had and soon word of my abilities traveled across our lands and beyond we would have visits from kings of other lands asking for me to marry their sons but my mother refused them saying it was my choice who i took as a husband and future king. The day i had waited for had finally arrived it was the day i got to prove i was worthy to guard my mother from enemies i had to battle the strongest fighter and protecter in the land and win to prove i could protect my mother, i passed the challenege and shocked everyone except my mother who knew i would suceed in this task, that day was the day i was proclaimed as my mothers official guard and i have not stepped away from my mothers side. i have protected her with my life and will always do so...

My duties never end i must be on guard at all times to protect our Queen from the dangers that might arise but i do get dismissed from the queens presence at times, when this happens like now i go out in to the forest where others will not roam as it is forbidden and meditate amongst the tree tops,it is only when i am disturbed by a smell i have not smelt before that i move slowly and quietly descending from the tree tops and balance on a branch to see where the smell is coming from, scanning the area and seeing there is no danger i jump down from the branch silently landing on the balls of my feet, quickly making sure my first instinct was not wrong but as i thought i was right there was nobody around, still being able to smell something unusual to me i start to follow it only to hear a stick broken by someones foot i spin around spreading my feet and planting them to ground ready for an attack only to discover a child slowly walk out of the trees, standing their looking at me with her wide ocean blue eyes, i stand for a second or two just looking at her and decide to slowly walk over to her, i have not seen a child like this before with her white curly shoulder length hair and olive colour skin she is like a doll small and petite but where did she come from and who does she belong to, i know for certain she is not from my land she does not smell like us and she seems scared by my appearance, i can see her eyes wonder over me starting from the top of my long onyx black hair to come down over my face and having a qucik glance at my ears that are on high alert listening to every sound in the forest slowly i place one foot in front of the other making sure the heels upon my knee high leather boots dont make a sound upon hte branches that lay before me upon the forest floor walk silently over to the young girl,Upon reaching the young girl terror seems to fill her eyes as though i was about to eat her for my breakfast ,(which i wasnt i might have two different kinds of wolf genes running through my body but i do not eat like a wolf this is where we are thankful to also have the human gene in our D.N.A)
"do not fear child i will not eat you "
kneeling myself infront of the child and looking into her ocean blue eyes that are full of fear i sniff the air around her taking in her scent and smelling the fear all over her curiousity coming over me i lift my right hand to try and touch the childs face,
"I ... do not fear you "comes out of this childs mouth her voice as innocent as her appearance "What... are"she stutters stepping forward putting her hand up to touch my cheek as she raises her hand to just an ich away from my cheek i hear shooting from behind her in the far distance pulling my hand back from the child and standing up i look at her as she stares at me
"you must not tell any one you have seen me child do you understand"
the young girl nods her head quiet softly, as she does so her white shoulder length curls bounce softly on her head reflecting the sunlight that is breaking through the gap within the trees, hearing the voice's get near i turn to walk away from the child to hear her yell after me
"Wait whats your name?"
"I am Aria and you are child?"
"My names Rin it was nice to meet you Aria " she says smiling at me as though butter wouldnt melt in her mouth,
i nod and turn walking away from her in to the woods realising as i get deeper and deeper into the wood and closer to closer to home that i can still smell the smell that atracted me in the first place turning my head looking all around me to find what the smell is that i discovered but finding nothing in my surroundings to suggest thats where the smell is from suddenly realising the smell is coming from me its the smell of the child, what was her name...rin that was it the smell was from rin. deciding i cant go back to the queen smelling like this i go to the river to wash my self off ,as i reach the river side i check to make sure no one is about knowing my surroundings are safe for now i undress placing my clothes upon a rock at the side of the river and diving in hitting the cold water feeling it caress my body as i swim to the surface to take a breath, giving a shiver as i reach the surface my hair dripping with the icy cold water i pull the tie that is holding my hair back letting my hair fall down my back and into the water, taking a deep breath i go back under the water and open my eyes to see the creatures swimming with me basking in the feel of the water all over my body, finally i decide i had better to surface and return to my mother and resume my duty as her guardian. as i surface i realise i am not alone swimming at the surface i see the strangers face it is a boy of no older than i myself sat on the rock that i left my clothes on staring at me, we stare at each other examing the movement of the other when finally he speaks;
"I am prince Alexander from the Blueblood kingdom you are ?"
"I am princess Aria from the kingdom reign of light and dark and guardian to the queen, what brings you here? "
he sits their looking at me and then at my clothes
" I am passing through and you seem to be erm... busy"
"not at all i was just swimming but i shall need to return home now so if you please"
looking at him and then at my clothes i begin to swim to the edge of the river only to realise he has not turned his back so that i may change, so to prove i do not care who he is i begin to walk out from the river and to the rock gathering my clothes i quickly dress as not to catch a chill as i finally finsh getting dressed and tie the band back in my hair i hear footsteps coming towards us at a fast pace crouching down i tense the muscles within my body readying myself to charge who ever is coming, quickly glancing over to alexandeer i notice that he has also prepared himself for a fight as the foot steps get closer i realsie i know that smell its the same smell i had just bathed to get away from, i quickly realise that is it the girl i had seen before " Rin" that i could smell it was her that was running towards us as she breaks through the bushe's that surround the river and runs straight for me i see Alexander fly forwards toward her realising what he is about to do i ahve no other option but to stop him, before i know what i am doing my legs have begun to move on their own suddenly leaving the ground i dive infront of her taking the full blow of his body knocking me in to a nearby tree hitting my back against the strong trunk of the tree takes my breath away sending me slightly light headed, i stand as

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