Read books online » Fantasy » The New Kid Shay by S.C.Taufa (read an ebook week TXT) 📖

Book online «The New Kid Shay by S.C.Taufa (read an ebook week TXT) 📖». Author S.C.Taufa


It’s just another boring yet exciting day like every other day at this little town of Mendooran. Where the classes may be small but the egos of the kids make them big. M.C.S has a lot of old buildings but are gradually getting replace by new buildings but the place is still old, like the town is, no matter the amount of new buildings or technology that comes into this school it will still be old.
Whenever a new kid is coming usually all the students know who they are and where they’re from but these new kids are different. No one knows where they are from, who they are and what they are like. It’s a nice change for once that no one else knows who they are but I have met one of the new kids down the street and I’m surprised that no one else had. He’s tall with naturally tanned skin, he has just the right shade of green eyes that would stand out in a dark room full of people, he has just the right amount of muscle that any girl would want on her boyfriend and he has a gentle look about him that was what had really caught my eyes. Not the muscle, not the height, not the eyes but the gentle look that he had. All the girls in 9 and 10 couldn’t take their eyes off him and his older brother. I really don’t see why girls have to stare at guys so much. I really don’t understand why other girls do such things like this; it would be unnerving if a whole group of boys started staring at me in a group of hot girls. Guys like that, having girls stare at them, well some do. I know Sam doesn’t like having girls staring at him whenever he has his shirt off. The girls all stare at him when we have the swimming carnival, they just can’t take their eyes off guys with abs.
It’s going to be a long day today. . .

What are Family For?

3 Weeks Later. . .

Kathy arrived home clutching her prize, the prize that he had handed to me with a smile on his face. All I did was smile shyly; look at my feet and occasionally peek up at him through my eyelashes. I’m such an idot! He has never, never smiled at me like that. I collapsed heavily onto my favourite light blue, comfy chair; I close my eyes and daydream/talk to myself.

Every girl in the school swoons as Shay walks past, every girl says he’s hot even with the name Shay and a lot of those girls have boyfriends, jealous boyfriends. Looks like the new kids made enemies already. But Shay… he’s single, not attached, has no possessive bitch, I mean girl; he’s free.
I don’t swoon when he walks past, I’m not possessive, I don’t cheat on my boyfriends (not that I’ve had any), but I am single. I like guys that aren’t lazy, I admire guys who respects their friends and girlfriends, I respect guys that are kind and caring, I love a guy who isn’t immature or mature but in between. . . .

I didn’t realise that I had fallen asleep until someone opened Damon’s and my bedroom door and slammed it. It sounded like an elephant was trying to break in. It’s plain old Sam, my guy friend who was picked on by the other boys because he acts different to them. I don’t really see why people don’t like others that are ‘different’. You see I’m not your average girl that goes’ “wooh he’s hot, he’s not…” I don’t judge others like the girls I thought I knew. I judge people by their personality, their attitudes towards others and their open mindedness. I guess that’s the way you see things when you’ve grown up with four brothers and no sister. Shay really fits the bill from what I’ve seen him do and heard him say to the other guys when they were picking on Sam. I guess I’m not the only one who more than likes him considering what Sam just said.

“What was that?”

“I said, isn’t Shay the hottest guy you’ve seen in your life?” Imitating a girl fainting Sam dropped onto my bed.

“You nailed it right on the head Sam, right on the head.”

“Did I wake the sleeping beauty from her daydreams of the hot new kid Shay, what’s his last name? Or was the blurry eyed girl sitting on her favourite light blue comfy chair so tired that she fell asleep in the dim, warm sunlight that reminds her of the soft warm touch of Shay’s hand-"
“Shut up Sam!

Before I hit you with a hard cover Harry Potter book.” A short silence filled the room before we both burst into laughter as we caught each other out in what was being said and proven right. He was saying what he thought of what it had felt like shaking Shay’s hand and I was giving him proof that he was right about how it felt by threating to hit him with a Harry Potter book, which I don’t often do.

“Wooh, Kathy likes Shay.” I glared at Sam. “Kathy, you amaze me and surprise me. I thought you said that you didn’t like anyone at school or was that before the new kids come here? Come on tell me!”

“Mind your own business Sam. My feelings are the same as before they came here and you know it. Don’t give me that look, Sam.” I grabbed the closest thing, which was a dirty shirt that Damon had left lying around, to throw at Sam. The shirt hit him strait in the face to half wrap itself around his head like a half wrapped present, a stinky one too.

“Gotcha!” Sam swatted the dirty shirt from his face to look at me in such a way that would have sent daggers up any other girls’ spine but not mine. The entire look told me is that he is going to get me back for throwing the shirt in his face. I guess he didn’t like the smell of Damon’s sweat but he did seem to like how he smelled before he gets sweaty playing touch football. “Shit, I’m going to be late for touch!” Jumping up from my chair I hurry around my room looking for all my football gear. I grab my shirt, my tigers (shoes), and some shorts. “Do you mind if I get dressed alone?”

“I’m outta here so I don’t get any dirtier clothes thrown at me.” He couldn’t keep a straight face saying that. Just as he reached the door I throw my dirty socks at him hitting him square in the back of the head. “You’re in for it Girly Girl.” He is really good at making a sentence sound like a growl.

“Bring it, Samantha!” But so am I. We are so mean to each other sometimes and the guys get a laugh out of it along with us. Racing out of my bedroom to the freezer where I quickly picked out my drink bottle and put some water in it to defrost the ice. “Mum I’m going to touch, see you later.” I passed Sam on the way out of the house; I waited at the front gate for him. We always race to the fields as a warm up before the game; neither of us ever wins. Although we live a short drive from town we still run into town. It’s really like we’re training for the cross country or the athletic carnival or both as well as sport competitions that involve running but when training for these things you’re really keeping fit for the other sports.


Publication Date: 07-09-2012

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