Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป My Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซMy Owner by Collet devocour (classic books for 13 year olds .TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Collet devocour

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I was told I was given at birth but I always thought they where lying.But when I turned 17 I was told damen was going to come .I had no intrest in meeting and especially living with him. An image of an old man went through my mind . I told the women I thought where my aunts they where crazy that I was never going to live with damen .Since then they decided to stay quite about the subject. Several months passed and in almost two months I was going to turn 18 .Thats when they told me damen was going to be here in three days . I tried to leave but they held me back they where very stronge vampires like me . They locked me up in th studio . But nowI have escaped finally and I have to run they are after me .I have no place to go , they probably know I left already and they wont stop until they find me.

Chapter 1


" Hello where are youy headed to ",asked the airport lady ?.

" Im headed to newyork " , I said.

After getting of the airplane I looked for a cab but I found a strang guy looking at me. I turned at the corner then I turned around and the guy was behind me following me. I started to run hopeing to lose him but the next thing I knew he was on top of me.

" Get of me" , I shouted .

Everythinhg fell into sudden darkness . When I woke up a tall handsome guy was standing over me.

" You have caused me a lot of trouble " , he said coldly.

" Who are you " ,I asked ?

Those where the only things I could say. My head felt like it was going to blow up.

"My name is Damen vidernian and I am your owner",Damen said .

" You son of a bich ,no one owns me is that clear " ,I said .

I didn't know why but he discusted me but I also had a strange feeling about him.

" Thats a very nice attitude , very lady like " ,he told me.

I stood up looked at him in the eyes , " You discust me sicko ".

Rage filled inside his eyes he slammed me against a wall.He got me by the hair and slammed my face on a table.

" You know maybe after I drink your blood I might kill you and no one will say anything becuase you belong to me " , he told me.

Damen was dragging me to a dark room he left me there and locked the door.

I started to shout " Open the freak'in door ".

I shouted many times but no one came .My face hurted tears came out of my eyes .
Hours seemed to pass.


" Hi damen,crystel said seductivly ".

I turned around and crystal was there standing there in a short blak dress . I remembere that me and crystal where supposed to go out today , but since I found autumn I forgot about he.

" Sorry crystal but today we are not going any where , I said .

Crystal was the dauhgter of one of the royals and what they called today my girlfriend. Even though I am four- thousend and fifty years old I still date the young .

" But why Damen ,she whined "?

" I have important matters to deal with , I said " .

I found autumn in the floor sitting down whith her head in front of her knees crying .
I didn't feel bad for hitting her after all she had tried to escape from me . I had bought her from her drunk uncle ,I had given him houses , money and respect as for her parents they thought she was dead. I have actually done her a favor for keeeping her alive for almost eighteen years.But why would she try to run from me I could give her anything she wants if she submits to me.


When Damen came back he had a small grin on his face . He startrd getting close to me and made me stand up.

"Get away from me " , I maneged to say after the beating he had given me I felt worse than before .

Damen pulled me against the wall I rested my head , but I found myself looking at his gray eyes.He was looking at my face where he had slapped me. I directed all my hatred and rage to him ,I could feel my eyes swelling with tears.

" If your nice and submit to me things would not be so bad for you ,he said with a grin on his face".

I knew what he ment Damen wanted to bite me ,and I was not able to do anything.

He started to remove my sweater that cover my neck then he moved my hair out of his way I saw his fangs come out .Suddenly I was able to move I pushed him then I got a lamp ant smashed his head with it .I glimpsed back damen was standing up I started to run I passed manyu doors I went down aby the stair case . Damen was shouting " Autumn ", he roared , "get back here or things are gooing to get worse ".

I knew he wasn't joking around about things getting worse for me but I didn't care .Since I was a vampire I was very fast. From my surroundings I could see I wasn't in Newyork to me it looked like I was in Italy . I had about five-thousend and a hundred somthing dollars I looked around for a map or something then I saw a girl who was rich obsouly by the clothes she was wearing you could instanly tell .

" Excuse do you where I can find a motel" ,I asked .

" Yes there is one about three blocks away " , she said .

" Thanks , I said ".

For some reason I felt strange around this girl it was as if she where a vampire to.I didn't trust her. So I decided to get out of this place as soon as possible so I headed to airplane.


When I find Autumn I am going to kill her I will not rest until I find her . I saw Jason oh great I thought the stupid retarted bich is hear.

" I heard that thought you know , so what happened to your head " ,he asked ?

"Nothing have you seen a girl she has blond hair and eletric blue eyes ".

" No is she a hooker becuase if you dont want crystal no more I want to date her " ,he said with a smirk .

I felt like I wanted to kill him I knew anger showed in my eyes along with murderus rage Jason acutally stepped back.

" I think this is not agood time to talk to you " ,he said before leaving.

Where could Autumn go I understood she had never left california before .

" Hey damen , you know I saw this girl I think she was a vampire but she was bruised and everything I kind of feel bad for her " , crystal said .

" Where exactly did you see this girl ", I asked

" Why " , she asked ?

" Where did you see her tell me now", I shouted !

" I saw her by the museum " ,she said.

After she said that I quickly left to that plac the only thing on my mind was finding autumn and making her pay.I found the place where crystal said she had seen autumn there was no sign of autumn. Suddenly I knew where autmn would be she was going to be in the airport probably going back to Newyork.I got in my car and drived to airport when I got their I saw autumn standing upn waiting for her flight. She had a diffrent jacket on probably bought one becuase hers was all bloody. I started to get close to her I wanted to suprise her


I suddenly felt a strong but firm around me I turned my head an it was Damen shocked filled inside me how could he have found me so quickly. I saw his eyes they where filled with rage and annoyance.

" Don't say anything things have already gotten very bad for you , so I suggest you should do everything I tell you ", he said between his gritted teeth .

I swallowed hard knowing that when we got back to the house he would sink his teeth into my neck ,and I knew no one would help me. We walked outside the airport he shoved me in the car slamming the door . He was driving very fast.

" You know whats going to happen when we get back to the house ", he said .

" Things would have been easier if you had just been a bit nicer ".
We where back in the house he dragged me back to the room .I could see the hunger in his eyes he savagly pressed his fangs into my skin . I felt pain but then the pain went away and it started to feel more like plesure . When he was done I felt so tired I thought I fainted for a few seconds I laid on the bed not knowing where damen had left but I was glad he was gone. I felt as if

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