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Book online «Temptation Is Its Best When In Blood by S.K Nuanes (ebook pdf reader for pc txt) 📖». Author S.K Nuanes

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Prologue- Let Me Out

"I told you I didn't do it!" Toby yelled as they dragged him down the long white halls, the two men who dragged him were strong and they had Toby in cuffs Toby was trying to fight and hope to break loose but it was pointless.
They threw him into a room with no windows it was more like a jail cell then anything else, but there was no toilet. A blanket on the floor the walls, were ice cold the floor was freezing.
All Toby had on was white sweats and a white short sleeve shirt, Toby had ivory skin, hazel eyes his hair was short and light brown.
It almost looked blonde the guards locked the door and one said, "Thats what you get for killing Mrs. Chavez."
Toby glared at them and shouted as they walked away, "I didn't kill her!"
"You sure about that?" A man across from Toby asked.
Toby nodded knowing for sure he wasn't guilty.
"Give it time you will loose it in here." The man chuckled.

Chapter One - The Twins

Two Months Later

Toby now had a buzz cut, he sat on the floor of the 'Socializing Room' there were a bunch of guards watching everyone there were tables with board games, books sofas some bubble wrap. Toby sat in the corner with his knees to his chest and his chin on his knees as he looked around.
There were a lot of people who filled the room, everyone was twenty-three to sixty-seven. Toby was the youngest one in the room, he sighed and kept telling himself he was innocent. Why didn't they believe him?
Toby hated to be in the Socializing Room everyone would judge him and wonder about why was a teenager boy here.
"I dont belong here." Toby mumbled to himself.

Toby saw two kids walk into the room one was a girl other was a boy they were the same age as Toby.
The girl had short blonde hair which was a mess, she had soft glowing skin, her eyes were blue she had a white gown on, no shoes on. She looked about 16.
The boy had dirty blonde hair which was a buzz cut he had light skin, his eyes were brown and white sweat pants and a grey shirt, no shoes and he also looked like 16.
They were siblings, they looked around the room trying to find a place away from most people.
The girl noticed Toby and nudged her brother they walked over to him the boy said, "Hey man, mind if we join your sulking corner?"
"Be my guest." Toby said, shrugging.
They sat down the girl was looking down, Toby looked at them then said, "I'm Toby you guys are?"
"I'm Josh and that is Michelle." The boy said, quietly.
The girl was silent still she was staring at the floor, Toby was unsure what to say or if he should even say something.
"How long have you been here?" Josh asked.
"Two months." Toby sighed, knowing it didn't seem to bad but it was bad experience for Toby.
"We been here for only one week, and Michelle has gone mute." Josh said, rubbing his sister's back gently.
"They can be rough here, dont worry. How long are you in here for?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow at them.
"Only for a month, yourself?" Josh asked.
"For four years." Toby sighed, looking down.
"What did you do?" Josh asked, surprised.
"None of your business!" Toby snapped, punching the wall.
Silence filled the room, everyone looked at him, the guards rushed over and pinned him down.

Everyone looked at the scene, everyone was afraid of the guards who never showed any sign of feelings Josh said, "No need to attack him, I shouldn't of asked something that would upset him."
"He needs to learn to control his anger, that's what got him in here, most likely." The guard said, shoving Toby's face into the floor as if he was trying to suffocate him.
"It's fine." Josh said, trying to convince the guard to let Toby breathe.
After a few seconds the guard got off from Toby and walked back to his post, Toby got onto his hands and knees, and was taking in all the air he could.
"You ok man?" Josh asked.
Toby nodded and then said, "Yeah I'm fine."
"I guess we haven't seen this place at it's worse." Josh said, shrugging then looking at his sister who still was looking down.
"Is she ok?" Toby asked, looking a bit concerned about Michelle silent act.
Josh looked at his sister seeing if she wanted to speak for herself but she was still quiet not moving, as if she was stone.
"She's ok, she hates being here." Josh said, in a whisper voice.
"Everyone does, it's not exactly Disney World." Toby said, sighing remembering when his parents took him there.
"She really didn't do anything to land herself in here." Josh said, rubbing his sister's back.
"So why is she here?"
Josh sighed and looked at his sister and gestured for Toby to walk over with him, they got up and walked to another corner across the room, Josh sighed then said, "Reason I am in here is, I was under age drinking and drugs."
"Don't they have rehab?" Toby asked, in a whisper and confused.
"Tried, they all failed and our grandmother thought it would be best if I came to a mental hospital for a little bit. Thinking it might help me, but I am sure all it does is makes you go mad." Josh said, looking around the room at some of the people who looked insane or afraid of their own shadow.
"It can make you loose your head, what's Michelle story?" Toby asked, quietly.
"She was suicidal at one time but she got over it, but they found her diary she kept through the whole thing." Josh sighed.
Toby looked at him as if he was lying or pulling a bad joke, "Is that why she is so...quiet?"
"Her suicidal was different, it wasn't cause of bad family or anything that may push someone to those thoughts." Josh said, looking at his sister.
Toby gave him a look waiting for him to go on, "Then what was the cause if I may know."
"She claimed to be seeing a man watching her sleep at night, she said it wasn't a solid figure, almost like a ghost she would mumbled in her sleep.
One day she claimed she was raped by the thing." Josh sighed, looking down thinking of his sister.
"Did anyone try and perform a exorcism or something on the house?" Toby asked, shocked at the story.
Josh shook his head and said, "Nope, they claimed she was crazy and took her here, she hasn't even said a word to our grandmother who comes to visit us every Friday."
"Does she talk to you?" Toby asked, raising an eyebrow.
"A little, but they don't let us shall a room they think I will rape her or she will rape me." Josh said, annoyed by the whole thing.
"Do you think she will talk to me?" Toby asked, unsure what Josh may think of a stranger trying to get inside Michelle's head.
Josh shrugged and looked at his sister who still was in the fetal position.
"Maybe, she doesn't like opening up to many people." Josh said, walking over to his sister.
She was now sitting at a table staring down at her feet, Toby sat across from her and said, "Hey I'm Toby what's your name?"
Even if Toby knew what her name was he was hoping this might make her feel more comfortable.
Not a word.
"You know you are very beautiful and you don't belong in here." Toby said, in a whisper placing his hand gently onto hers.
Toby was hoping his words of flattering were doing some good for the poor girl, knowing she may be afraid of him he didn't put to much pressure onto her hand, treating her hand as if it was a broken hand.
"Don't.....try...and make me think you care." Michelle said, looking up at Toby.
Those were the first words Toby had heard Michelle say, even if they weren't the ideal sweet first words you could hear from someone.
"I do care, and I want you to be able to trust me." Toby said, quietly.

Chapter 2- Justice? Justice my ass

Toby laid on the cold hard ground staring at the ceiling, a guard walked over to him and said, "Time for you to go into court."
"Why..." Toby asked, sighing staring at the ceiling.
"Cause I said so." The man said, throwing Toby a suit to wear.
Toby caught it and sighed he got cleaned up not knowing why he was being summoned to court, shouldn't they done this a while ago?
Law systems these days.

Toby was escorted to the police car where they shoved him into the back seat and drove him downtown to the large capital-like building.
The police walked on each side of him people looked at Toby disgusted by him, Toby sighed and looked down at the ground before walking into the large building.
Anything could happen to him, the judge will decide what his fate will be.

"Toby Rouge, you are found guilty of killing Mrs. Chavez." The judge said, slamming her hammer on her desk.
Toby glared at her and slammed his hands down on the desk, "What, no that is impossible I didn't even know her!" Toby said, shocked at how fast the judge, made up her mind.
"Wasn't she your 4th grade teacher, who we learned from a silent source you hated her, is that correct?" The son of Mrs. Chavez asked.
Toby glared at the young man who had blonde hair, blue eyes, tall, he had a black suit on with a white shirt under he had papers in his hands he was leaning against

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