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Book online Ā«Desired by Abigail Livinghouse (good fiction books to read .TXT) šŸ“–Ā». Author Abigail Livinghouse

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Whatā€™s occurred in the past month has drastically changed Gabriel Jamulā€™s and Rafaela Geordieā€™s lives.


Once an angel in Heaven, Gabriel is now Rafaelaā€™s protector, keeping watch over her while a conniving angel is after her, and will stop at nothing to take her for his own. Rafaela is confused, staying with Gabriel and one of his guardian angel friends Nick, she doesnā€™t understand what she is, how sheā€™s a powerful Soul Speaker who possesses abilities only angels should have. Her confusion is exactly what Zale wants, making it easier for him to act.


Will Zale be able to take Rafaela with his methods of persuasion in her state of vulnerability? Or will Gabriel be able to keep her safe, and under his watchful protection? 

Chapter One



I laid on the pullout couch in the den of Gabrielā€™s apartment, staring at the ceiling. I could hear the two talking in the living room, but I wasnā€™t listening.


My mind was racing. Gabriel was my guardian angel, Nick was apparently an angel, some angel in Heaven was after me because I was a ā€œSoul Speakerā€, and now I was supposed to stay here for a while. I just had one question, what the hell was going on?!


 ā€œKnock knockā€, I turned to see Gabriel tapping with his knuckles on the half of a wall that separated the den from the main living room.


ā€œWhat do you want?ā€ I grumbled, lying back down.


 He shrugged, moving into the room and sitting down at the end of the couch, causing me to pull my legs in towards my chest. ā€œNothing. Just checking to see how you were.ā€


I shrugged in return. I had taken a shower, my hair was damp as it had been earlier, I was wearing an oversized T-shirt (courtesy of pervert Nick), and now I was stuck here in an angelā€™s apartment. So, all in all, I was doing pretty fucking dandy. Gabrielā€™s brow knit together at my silence.


ā€œAre you okay?ā€ He asked. I laughed dryly, shaking my head.


ā€œNow, why in the world would I be okay? Iā€™ve just flown through the fucking sky on the back of my fucking guardian angel, and to make it all better, Iā€™m camping out in my angelā€™s studio apartment!ā€ I nearly shrieked, sitting back up and staring angrily at Gabriel.


He looked calmly back at me, his light green eyes showing that my words had gone in one ear and out the other. ā€œItā€™s only temporary. I promise, youā€™ll be able to go home soon. Youā€™re only supposed to stay here for the time being until we know that itā€™s absolutely safe and that Zale canā€™t get anywhere near you.ā€ He said smoothly.


Now I was sitting straight up, my face hot and pulse racing. ā€œWho the fuck is Zale?! Why am I fucking here Gabriel? Iā€™m not going to take this ā€˜you have to stay until youā€™re safeā€™ shit, Iā€™m just not.ā€ I snapped, my chest rising and falling with the erratic beating of my heart.


Yes, I was very angry. Why? Oh I donā€™t know, maybe because Iā€™m supposed to stay in my fucking GAURDIAN ANGELā€™S apartment until itā€™s ā€œsafeā€ for me to go outside without getting kidnapped by this Zale freak. Gabriel sighed.


ā€œZale is an angel in Heaven who was once a dark angel but claimed to be good and turned over to our side. He wants to rule, be like God, and he needs people to worship him, preferably strong people. Since most angels do not like Zale, he resorts to searching for human subjects. He specifically likes Soul Speakers because it is a prime communication technique between angels, so he needs mortal Speakers. Keep in mind, Zale is a pig, and he will only take female Speakers. Heā€™s after you, Nick and I can feel it, so weā€™re keeping you here where he cannot get to you. As soon as we feel he has moved on, youā€™ll be able to return home. Do you understand now?ā€ Gabriel asked after his long explanation.


I nodded slowly, trying to soak up everything he had said. ā€œI think so. Basically, a perverted angel is after me for my ā€˜powersā€™?ā€ I asked, summing it up in English and not ā€œangel speakā€. He rolled his eyes at my choice of words but otherwise nodded.


 ā€œYes, I suppose.ā€ He said.

Chapter Two



To say things werenā€™t going well would be a massive understatement. To think that just a month ago I was an angel in Heaven without a care in the world, and now, Iā€™m down on Earth protecting Rafaela, and Iā€™m doing a pretty lousy job at that to say the least.


 I looked at her in front of me, stewing over the new information I had just provided. I knew she was confused and frustrated, hell, who wouldnā€™t be? Sheā€™s been ordered to stay under watch in a foreign apartment for an immeasurable amount of time. And trust me, I didnā€™t want to keep her here with Nick and I, I wanted her back home and to be able to get back to a sense of normalcy. But with Zaleā€™s cunning eye searching for her, itā€™s too unsafe to send her back home unprotected.


You might ask, arenā€™t I alone strong enough to keep Rafaela safe? No, Iā€™m afraid not, and Iā€™ll admit it. My strength compared to Zaleā€™s is nothing. Iā€™m not weak, Zale is just strong.


 I reached out and took Rafaelaā€™s hand, her large brown eyes immediately shooting to my face.


ā€œI promise you, we will keep Zale away from you. Youā€™ll be safe as long as youā€™re with us.ā€ I said firmly, feeling like I was making a promise to myself just as much as I was her.


With a sigh, she nodded. ā€œThanks. Iā€™m just . . . annoyedā€“pissed, you know?ā€ She asked.


I couldnā€™t help but let out a laugh. She had no idea how many times I had felt exactly the same way. Before I could debate what I was about to do next, I leaned over and gave her a swift hug.


ā€œGet some rest. Iā€™ll take you to school in the morning.ā€ I murmured in her ear, then pulled back. Rafaela looked surprised, but recovered quickly with a snort.


ā€œI gotta go to school? That fucking sucks, I thought this was a slumber party?ā€ She asked in a high pitched, girly voice.


I chuckled, the moment gone and replaced with Rafaelaā€™s natural humor. ā€œSorry, but you have to go to school.ā€


She cocked an eyebrow. ā€œAnd you donā€™t?ā€ She countered.


I shook my head. ā€œNo. Iā€™m an angel, I already know everything.ā€ I said sarcastically, causing her to laugh.


ā€œGood night.ā€ I said, getting up to leave.


ā€œNight.ā€ Rafaela said, still laughing lightly, and lying down as I shut off the light in her small makeshift bedroom.

Chapter Three



When I woke up I looked around and saw foreign white walls, bland beige carpet, and felt a rough fuzzy blanket on top of me. I blinked a few times in confusion, wondering if I was really hung-over and if I was , pondering what someone had slipped into my drink last night.


Now Iā€™m not gonna lie, this isnā€™t the first time Iā€™ve woken up in a strange bed in someoneā€™s bedroomā€“even though this didnā€™t really look like a bedroom, more like a lofty half-roomā€“but usually I had a faint recollection of what had happened the night before and who I had been with. However, now I was drawing a blank.


I gazed around the room, seeing a few posters of rock groups and a few paintings that I didnā€™t recognize. I still hadnā€™t figured out where I was or what had happened when I heard someone talking.


ā€œAriaā€™s coming? Goddammit.ā€ I heard a familiar voice mutter, when suddenly another voice chimed in.


ā€œYep. I got a text this morning from her, and she was pissed. She was worried about you, and since she couldnā€™t get ahold of you, she called me at least two times and then switched to texting. Long story short, sheā€™s angry, and sheā€™s coming for a visit.ā€ The other voice said.


I could tell that the two talking were boys. I scowled, struggling to place them when the first voice spoke again.


ā€œShe doesnā€™t know that I have Rafaela here.ā€ The person said, and at the mention of my name, everything from the previous night came rushing back.


Gabriel, guardian angel, Zale, dark angel, after me, staying here, talking to Gabriel, saying goodnight . . . With a groan, I plopped back down on the bed, realizing that I was stuck in my guardian angelā€™s apartment under his and his friendā€™s watchful protection without even a hint of when I might be able to leave. I sighed. Shit . . .


Well, I was awake now, so I might as well get up and see when I gotta go to school. I grimaced at that and stood, going into the living room where Gabriel and Nick were arguing.


ā€œIf Aria comes and realizes that Zaleā€™s after Rafaela sheā€™ll kill me! This was the one thing I could do for her and myself to get back into Heaven, and Iā€™m blowing it. Sheā€™ll have my head if she sees how much Iā€™ve fucked up.ā€ Gabriel nearly yelled in Nickā€™s face.


I backed up a few inches because of how loud they were, and partly because I wanted to hear what they were talking about. I leaned against the half wall separating my crappy bedroom and the living room, listening as closely as I could. I didnā€™t really have a problem hearing though, considering they were practically screaming.


ā€œRafaelaā€™s as safe as she can get here, youā€™re doing your job fine. And if Ariaā€™s pissed

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