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Book online Ā«Soulmate-3 by hima (fun books to read for adults .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author hima

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It feels different to come back to the academyā€¦Last year changed everything in our livesā€¦ Iā€™m no longer a normal teenager, all the experiences and traumaā€™s made me feel years older. World is not what I used to think; safe. Silver hawks are lurking on us from the shadowsā€¦I donā€™t know how this is going to end but Iā€™m sure of one thingā€¦ Iā€™m going to give them a good fight, I wonā€™t let them take our planet that easilyā€¦ I need to train myself for everythingā€¦

ā€œDo you think it is a right decision to come back here?ā€ Helen asked for umpteenth time interrupting my train of thoughts. ā€œStop worryingā€¦ academy is as safe as ministry head quartersā€¦ā€ I said squeezing her hands.

She nodded. I was trying to be brave but I had my own doubtsā€¦If it is really safe how could they kidnap Mr. Dom? Speaking of him there is no word about his disappearance. How did they get in? If they could get in once, they can do it againā€¦ My thoughts were interrupted when Jesse smiled at me.

Jesse and Aunt persisted that I continue schooling. My family moved into Jesseā€™s home for the time being though they were reluctant to come, they are left with no choice since they couldnā€™t go back. When the mails arrived informing the start of the schoolā€¦ we were in dilemma but I believed in Jesse when he said he would keep me safe.

I missed the usual welcome message from Mr. Dom. Where is he? Is he alive? I wish we had answers for everything.

I started walking to my room with Helen when James our caretaker of pets called my name. ā€œHello, Mr. Jamesā€¦ā€ I smiled.

ā€œHarry wants to see you in his roomā€¦ā€he said. I nodded and he led me to Harryā€™s room and closed the door behind.

The mirror is empty, maybe he is still not hereā€¦ I started looking around when Harry cleared his throat to get my attention.

ā€œI have something to ask youā€¦ did you say to anyone that youā€™re a lead apart from the oneā€™s who already knewā€¦ā€he asked in serious tone.

ā€œNoā€¦ā€ I replied.

ā€œWell then, letā€™s keep it a secret for a whileā€¦ not even your close friends should know about itā€¦ā€ he said.

ā€œWhyā€¦?ā€ I tried to ask but bit back my tongue knowing he would never answer my questions. ā€œClever girlā€¦ā€ he chuckled.

ā€œIs that itā€¦?ā€ I asked. He nodded and I left to my room humming a tune.

My friends are already gathered in my room. Alexis beamed with joy and hugged, Ronny looked weary and tired.

ā€œWhere were youā€¦?ā€ Alexis asked.
ā€œIā€™m in Harryā€™s roomā€¦ā€
ā€œWhat forā€¦?ā€ Ronny asked even his voice was weakā€¦
ā€œHe just wants me to keep out of mischiefā€¦ you know like not going after cloaked persons aloneā€¦ā€ I smiled. I wondered at how easily I lied.
ā€œHarry said that I shouldnā€™t tell anyone about me being a leadā€¦ā€ I thought in mind so that Jesse would read it. He nodded after he read my message.

ā€œMy dadā€¦ he works in daily planetā€¦ā€ Alexis started. I frowned not knowing what Alexis meant by daily planet. ā€œItā€™s a newspaper that circulates in the magical worldā€¦ā€ she said to me.

She continued giving an allover glance, to see if she has all of their audienceā€¦ ā€œHe pulled a few strings in the ministry to get news about Mr. Domā€¦ā€ She looked at us waiting to see the expected reaction from us. ā€œThey say that he is taken by the dark lord, Cyrusā€¦ the worst thing is he formed an alliance with Chaosā€¦ā€ She said.

I heard a few sharp intake of breath. ā€œChaos...Who?ā€ I asked.

ā€œChaos is the king of silver moon planet, the planet people are called soul drinkers or silver hawksā€¦ā€ Alexis explained.

ā€œThey are after something very preciousā€¦ā€ Alexis said.
Chills ran down through my spineā€¦ I knew she was saying the truth as parts of my past dream flogged my mindā€¦ I have seen them together in my dream seeing my picture and talking about me. Was it me they wanted? Iā€™m only going paranoidā€¦ What would they want from a simple girl like me? They are probably after something powerfulā€¦ I thought.

ā€œDo you have any other informationā€¦?ā€ Alexis asked. We all nodded ā€˜no.ā€™

Days passed as we became busy with our daily schedulesā€¦ Itā€™s mid February when an unexpected notice came to us when we were training in simple combatsā€¦

ā€œThree weeks from nowā€¦ you will have to face the final testā€¦There will be a series of tests to assess your skills, remember Elisaā€™s words the final test arenā€™t theoreticalā€¦ā€ Mr. Philip mentioned.

ā€œYour first test will be dual combats scheduled in this weekā€¦ Your combat schedule and partner will be displayed on the notice boardā€¦ā€ he said the word ā€˜notice boardā€™ with difficulty.

He must have remembered Mr. Dom, when he was here there was no need for a separate notice boardā€¦he would always convey the information for us.

Helen and I walked to the notice board before we headed to lunchā€¦ There were a bunch of people surrounding it, trying to see who they are paired up with, some faces lit; some huffed as they saw their pairsā€¦

I ran my finger across the line and found that I was paired up with a tracker named Katherineā€¦ Helen is paired up with a healer named Mike.

The whole time in lunch we spoke about the dual combatsā€¦ It turned out that Katherine is really a good opponent, she is master in blocking or so Alexi said.

ā€œWho are you paired withā€¦?ā€ I asked as Jesse sat down with his plate. ā€œI am not sureā€¦ we are to fight the instructors, I thinkā€¦ā€he shrugged his shoulders.

ā€œYouā€¦?ā€He asked. I pointed to Katherine sitting on the table opposite, she caught me seeing her and gave a warm smile, she is skinny little girl with big, bright blue eyes.

ā€œWhen is itā€¦?ā€ he asked shifting his gaze towards me. ā€œAfternoonā€¦ tomorrow.ā€ I said.

ā€œIā€™ll be thereā€¦ā€ he winked.

I was pretty sure that I am going to win but still I couldnā€™t take her that easyā€¦ All the first years are gathered around the raised platformā€¦ They cheered as we walked up the stageā€¦ Mr. Philip asked us to play fair on the count of threeā€¦ I drew deep breaths...and warned myself not to hurt herā€¦

She looked tense but she gave a confident smile to let Mr. Philip know that she is good. On the count of three, I made my first moveā€¦ I marched straight towards, she sidestepped and blocked me. I took a few more routine attacks to warm up.

Katherine is really good blocker, she kept missing the blows by inchesā€¦ It would tire people easily if she kept this going on. I missed her punches too, she was way too easy to predict. Round 1 we were equal. Round 2, we had to use our powers to win over the other. Thatā€™s when I remembered that I never knew what her power was. This is a serious disadvantageā€¦ I had to wait to see what her gift wasā€¦

I saw empty stage and then I saw that people staring at the surroundings of mineā€¦ Something is seriously wrongā€¦ I searched my surroundings and I felt a strong fist hit me in my stomach, I fell on the ground unexpected of this sudden attack, she must have the gift to go invisibleā€¦ I quickly contemplated the situationā€¦ She struck me a few times before I could get edge on the way she moved.

I counted my breath and quickly contemplated the situationā€¦ can I control a person that I canā€™t seeā€¦? I calmed down and waited for her to deliver another blowā€¦ I sent my energy to poke the brains closer to meā€¦ I reached out to her and provoked her brain to feel the blow of my fist, I heard a gasp and then a silent thud and she became visible little by little, she caught her stomach in pain. I made sure that I didnā€™t make it worse on her like I did to Ronny. She will be definitely good in five minutes.

The crowd cheered as they announced that I won the combatā€¦ I headed to Katherine as I saw her chatting with her friends at dinner. The dual combats lasted till evening. Helen got beaten pretty badly in round 1 but round 2 won her the combat.

ā€œYou are a great opponentā€¦ā€ I said. She smiled. ā€œSo were youā€¦ā€she replied.

Ronny won two roundsā€¦ he was paired up with a trackerā€¦ It was the first time I got to see his giftā€¦ he could tame the air around him; he used it to cause a whirlwind and attack his opponent. When we tried to cheer him, he gave a weak smile. He is being distant from us since he came back from the holidaysā€¦ he was gloomy and distant all the time. I wonder whatā€™s up with him. We all have been so busy with our days that we didnā€™t notice how changed he wasā€¦ he looked dull and lifeless. There is something definitely wrong with him.

I heard that Andy lost to a Fighter and Kenny won their combats the next dayā€¦We are seriously waiting to see weekend combat since itā€™s between Jesse and an unknown instructor. Every year student is allowed to see the combat.

ā€œAre you feeling nervousā€¦?ā€ I asked Jesse as I walked him into the combats room. There was a large gathering.

ā€œThe entire school is here to enjoy a lead getting beaten to dustā€¦ā€Henry smirked.

ā€œShut upā€¦ā€ I snapped.

ā€œThere is none here that could beat youā€¦ā€I squeezed his handsā€¦ He smiled gently. He is really worried about something and Iā€™m sure that it has nothing to do with the combat. He would never care about such trivial thingsā€¦

He walked up to the raised platform and we all cheered for him. I heard the crowd go silent at onceā€¦ I saw Jesse smile fade as I turned to see who his opponent wasā€¦ my mouth literally hung open. Howā€¦?


Publication Date: 01-13-2012

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