Read books online ยป Fantasy ยป An Uncommon Type of Vampire by Ann Poppet (reading books for 5 year olds TXT) ๐Ÿ“–

Book online ยซAn Uncommon Type of Vampire by Ann Poppet (reading books for 5 year olds TXT) ๐Ÿ“–ยป. Author Ann Poppet


As a child Julian BlackHawk had slipped out of his family's tepee while his mother had been napping. He had wandered into the woods, knowing he shouldn't. He got lost and scared. he was only 9 years old. He distantly remembered his mentor telling him if he ever got lost to stay in one place. Julian saw a big tree up ahead and went to it and sat down. Hugging his knees to himself. Julian soon realized it was getting dark. A fog settled in the forest. He soon saw a figure walking slowly through the fog. Julian sighed with relief. He soon grew scared as the tall figure came closer and closer. Julian backed up. "what...what do you want?!" he stuttered up at the pale white man. The Tall Pale white man smiled, showing him very big fangs. The mans' eyes turned blue and he lunged at Julian's throat.

5 years later

Chapter 1

Julian sat up in his bed gasping. It had just been a dream. He shook his head. He was very glad his long black hair covered the bite mark. Today was special. All the boys his age were going for a hunt. They were told not to bring weapons. Julian was puzzled by this, but trusted his mentors judgement. He got up and stretched and yawned one last time before putting his breech-cloth on he ran out into the clearing , in the center of camp. All the other boys were gathered. He couldn't wait to sink his fangs in a deer when no one was looking. Dawn Dancer his best friend squealed and ran up to him hugging him. her long hair hitting his face. "What are you doing here Dawn Dancer?!! It's forbidden!!! " he pushed her back. "go back into your parents tepee!" She wiped at her eyes where tears were forming before running away. Some of the boys snickered at how she acted. "is that your little squaw Julian?" He gritted his teeth and waited till their mentor told them to go hunt. He rushed out into the dense forest. His heart in his throat as all his fellow friends ran beside him, then they cried out. I stopped running myself as pain over came my whole body. Lots of my friends were already huge wolves. They were turned to me, a hungry look in their eyes before I changed too. I realized that i wasn't safe... If i went back to my human form ... They would kill me.

Chapter 2
I didn't even hesitate, I ran as fast as the wolves' legs allowed me. i turned back to my human form after i traveled a full day and had caught a deer. I turned human and drained it of blood. Sighing in satisfaction as i drained all the blood. I fell asleep next to the blood sucked deer.
I awoke hearing rustling in the nearby leaves. I jumped up scared, but hissed and growled. I stopped when a scragally woman stumbled out. She smiled when she saw me. "hello there boy..." she frowned. "where are your parents?" Tears welled in my eyes even though i Was thirteen. "dead.." i said, lying out flat. The woman's face softened. "you can be my boy then..i never had any sons..." she held out her hand. he reached for it and curled his hand around hers, before she led him back to her tribe.

Chapter 3

5 years later. he is eighteen now...

Julian sighed as he started carving his bow again. As I start to delve into my carving of my bow. Off toward the east of camp i heard screaming of a woman and the sound of flesh hitting flesh. i tensed and followed the noise.


Dawn Dancer screamed again and tried pushing at the man who was trying to finish cutting her dress off. then another young man appeared and tied her wrists to the pole. and grabbed her legs before she could kick. She thought all hope was lost ...Until a very handsome familiarly old face appeared walking toward the pole. Dawn Dancer gasped. Julian. She had Never given up hope that he was still alive.


Julian walked over and felt his heart quicken and he almost groaned at all the sensual images that popped into his head of her naked under him, on top of him... he shook his head and yanked the two men back by their hair. "leave now...or... I will severely hurt you..." He growled at them, before releasing them and pushing them away from her. he pulled out a knife.

Chapter 3

Dawn Dancer screamed,and cringed away. "d-don't hurt me Julian!" she opened her eyes to see he had paused then eased the knife down on the ropes. She fell to the ground.

Julian caught her before she could hit the ground. "dawn dancer..." his voice broke and he crushed her to him. he felt her wrap her arms around his neck. he stood and carried her naked body to his tepee.

Dawn dancer sobbed. "i never gave up thinking you were alive..."

Julian sighed and placed her on his bed and looked away. and handed her a dress his adoptive mother had made for his future squaw. he cleared his throat. "dawn...where is your warrior?"

Dawn shook her head. "you are..."

Julian sighed. "your parents would never allow it dawn...and you way past marriage age..why are you not married?"

Dawn sighed. "everyone thought i was crazy...because i kept bringing you up..asking why they had never looked..' her eyes filled with tears. "no warrior wanted to marry a woman who had lost her mind..."

Julian sighed. "i'm sorry...i..."

dawn smiled. "i know what you are..quite of a kind...a werewolf vampire.."

Julian gasped and covered her mouth. "are you insane..keep it down!"

dawn's eyes widened. "none of them know?!!"

Julian nodded. "none of them..well...except for you everyone still alive? did you end up here?"

Dawn smiled. "rumors said a young man of eighteen lived here with your name, and his carving skills were quite good....i knew it was you, my parents let me go gladly,..."

Julian sighed. "you traveled Alone?!?! you should be glad it was two of my friends who caught you and not some other tribe!"

Dawn grew angry. "cant you just be happy that i'm yours and we wont be separated again?!!!"

Julian shook hsi head. "i'll pack what i need too, and i'll take you back and find you a husband that you deserve.."

Dawn yanked her arm out of his grasp. "no! you are not taking me back! if i had ever married any other warrior i would be put through so much pain..." she shuddered. " body is yours...and no others.."

Julian's eyes heated, but he shook his head. "stop playing around dawn.."

Dawn shook her head. "its true...i had dreams of us...making love..." she smiled.

Julian groaned and suddenly turned and walked out of his tent, leaving her there.


Publication Date: 05-17-2011

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