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Book online «Nightmare by sharrah bumphus (reading cloud ebooks TXT) 📖». Author sharrah bumphus

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Look after you, the fray.
TO: TAMERA LEANNE COX. For givining me the idea to travel into the unknown. My first mythical world.


There were no good vampires in my world, none of the cullens existed here. Only blood thirsty caniving leeches lingerd here in moscow. It was my job to get rid of them. I’d been training for more days than I could count, I was ready.
. “come on!” Boone pushed. “Is that all you got slayer?” his laugh echoed down the halls, in the gym. I let my instincts guide me.
“Not even close!” He mocked, When I busted through the door.
“Where you going slayer?” he mocked again.
“show yourself” I threatened. “I’m tired of these chasing games, literally.”
He laughed, the sound coming from behind me, I swung into the darkness, hitting the stone cold wall.
“ouch! Damn you!!” he yelped, tripping me. Before I hit the ground, he caught me all the hate gone at once from his eyes. Running his stone lips down my cheekbone, towards mine. Our breathing, one in the same. He stopped just before our lips touched. Turning my face to see a reaction. His pale skin at a perfect contrast to his black eyes, his stone lips all but amazed me. I tangled my fist into his hair, and pressed his lips roughly to mines, we kissed until my heart thumped erratically
“Boone!” I sighed, untangling my self, exasperated. “I have to practice!!”
He pulled away, smiling to himself.
“Babe, you just can’t kill a vampire, WE’RE to strong” Well, there was one good vampire. my vampire. A vampire who I would kill for. My allegiance to this vampire had been tested over and over again. But nothing like this, I wasn’t quite sure wether or not I would survive, But his safety was second to none. I was surrounded by lethal enemies of sorts, in a dark pit of nothing. No help, No way out. It would take luck to save us now.

He who is with her, is not with me.

“UGH. Who does she think she is? She’s not even cute! Why is he even with her. She did date like half the football team already!” Bonne and Marcella walked hand in hand down the brightly lit school corridors and past me as usual.
“Ugh, what a ho’!” I said loud enough for her to hear
. Her lips pulled from her teeth into a taunting grimaced. I rolled my eyes.
“You’d better keep on walking, before you break those pretty little nails of yours!” I seethed.
“Get a life, queeny the weenie” she spat.
“My name is quinn q-u-I-n-n!” I spelled it out for her, like she was mentally challenged. It sound like she hissed. Boone nudged her.
“What’s your beef Quinn” Bonne interjected on her behalf. I wanted to throw a smart remark to the wind. I just couldn’t think of one. Noticing my hesitations, montey said,
“ Whatever it is boone” it was his turn to sneer the name “It was between them. Not you”
“And not you either. So why don’t you shut it. Or don’t you like me talking to your girlfriend?” Boone smirked. Mo
ntey said nothing. He knew I wasn’t his girlfriend, and I knew he’d change that the moment I gave him a chance too.
“So, as I was saying, quinn,”’ his liquid voice rapped around my name seductively.
“Whats your problem?” he wasn’t mad, but there was a wicked glint of some emotion in his eye. What was it? He walked closer, exhaling in front of me. Marcella stayed where she was.
“Do you…?” he stopped, and inhaled deepley. He was beautiful. “Do you, like me?” his eye brows raised. I couldn’t answer. “I thought so,” he turned on his heels and walked away before I could answer. Not bothering to grab hold of Marcella’s hand again.
“Creep!” Montey said as we watched Boones retreating figure.
“shut up, and can we please go to class now. I might puke if Marcella walks past us one more time!”
“Okay, but don’t forget. The carnival is today. And we have to wear mascot uniforms.” I moaned internally, I hated the stupid jaguar mascot uniform. But that’s what I get for being on MARCELLAS cheer team, I was always assigned, instead of assigning.
“I wonder why Marcella always makes you be the mascot during carnivals and stuff, you think she’s jealous of your mad cheering skills?”
“Pshhh, you’d have to ask? You know I got all the skills” I joked, cabbage patching into the class room.
It was 2:20, my costume was on, and I was in the zone! Dancing past all the squealing teenagers, and the gossiping teachers. All the way to the kissing booth.
“Hey!” I stopped suddenly, “I was supposed to work the booth right now” I yelled over the babble of the crowd. Taking off my jauguarette mask.
“Oh, but im sure people would much rather kiss me than you” he laughed to himself.
“whatever! you’d kiss me if I gave you the chance.” I blushed, id never been this blunt before, I liked it.
“Bet?” he raised his eye brows, and poked his lips out. I walked closer. He bent his face closer.
“Ah ah ah, your going to have to buy a ticket to get these lips” he popped his lips, licking them a bit. My mouth watered.
I handed him the dollar, smiling a bit.
“You should be the one paying.” I said when marcella walked up. She gave me goose bumps. Boone bent towards me again, I stood on my tipy toes, and out my arm around his neck, so it wouldn’t end until I wanted it too, or atleast until I fainted.
“Your not going to kiss her, are you?!” Marcella hand flashed faster than I could have thought to Boone’s chest. He quivered away from her touch. They had to be the worst couple ever. I smiled in satisfactory.
“You want a kiss?” he asked, biting his lip.
“Boone booker, if you kiss her. Ill break up with you, I’m not lying, I swear I will.” that same wicked gleam in his eye appeard.
“Begone!” he waved his hand towards her, ignoring when she yelled. His face coming closer and closer to mine. I smiled, leaning into my toes, until finally, our lips met.
It was magic, his abnormally cold tongue traced my chapped lips. My eyes closed. He reached over the table grabbing at my waste. My hands twisted in his hair, he started to pull away.
“Like the time froze….” He whispered, still cupping my face.
Someone cleared their throat behind me, Boone wouldn’t loosen his grip to let me look.
But somehow, I already knew who it was.
“She’ll be with you in a minute Monty” and then I heard retreating footsteps.
“You can let me go now Boone,” I whispered. My face bright and wild with excitement. I tried to calm myself.
“If you want me too.” his sweet breathe blew in my face. I could feel the eyes burning into my back. I blushed deeper and nodded my head.

look after you
It had been week’s since we’d kissed. Six to be exact. Things were the same, but different. I would always catch him looking at me, and when he came to wait for marcella at cheer practice, he never kept his eyes off of me. But he never talked to me, and if we were standing next to each other, He would always whisper to me, I almost never heard what he was saying to me. So the last time I asked him and he said “ maybe you should stay off the top of the cheer pyramid, its messing with the little brain cells you have left.” and walked away. Monty was still resentful, only to be expected. So he wasn’t talking to me either.
After school I walked over to the gym, my team wasn’t there. On the front door it read “have fun at practice, by yourself wenner! Everyone else went home already. Love, marcella” I flushed, and on the back I wrote,
“Nice one! It was almost as good as your boyfriends lips… when can I borrow those again, love quinn BOOKER” and added a few smiley face and hearts to it. I put my ear phones in, it was going to be a long walk home. By myself. It was cold, and the air was misty. It was kind of ire. I had the feeling someone, or something was following me, right on my heels, but when I turned around, nothing was there! I was a few blocks home now, and I still had that feeling like I was being followed. I knew what to do when someone tried to render themselves on me, fight like a mad cow! But I was almost home, and I was pretty sure whatever danger I was in, was long gone.
Have you ever been blind folded with a potatoe bag, shoved into what felt like a u-haul truck and smacked around by its walls? Well, its not fun at all. The screaming came minutes too late, and by then, old callused hands where already on top of my face.
“Shhhhhh, quin, please. Im going to unfold you, if you stop screaming” some voice begged. How long had I been screaming? I just nodded. Thinking of ways to get away, but first, kill whoever it was who tried to harm me. kill? would I go that far? Hell yes! Hate was boiling in my stomache, so strong and vile I felt the need to spit it out. I knew the danger I was in was real, I knew that I was in danger, but I didn’t care. It didn’t seem like it was enough to hurt me. Someone started to pick me up, I didn’t not protest, I was ready to fight! Something happened, too fast for me to understand. My senses started to kick in. I could see everything, the old man sitting in an unmoving chair, to the far corner of the truck. I felt tape, ripping to shreds no longer tight around my wrists, heavy breathing in my right ear, Some kind of smell thick in the air, what was it? I could feel my feet, but not the ground that harbored them. I felt different, stronger than ever! No longer unable.
“I know your thinking about killing me quinn.” The old man said raising his bruised hand, how did he know me? “Just listen, so I can explain why you feel untouchable right now, why you feel like you need to protect yourself.” I couldn’t concentrate enough to understand much, but how did he know how I was feeling?
“You have five minutes, or im going to rip your head off, and make your right hand man eat it!: litterally, I amended in my head.
“Your grandmother just passed.” he looked at me, deeply saddend by this fact.
“Liar!” Nana had already passed, both of them.
“No, your real grandmother.” he smiled a bit, “She looked just like you.”
What was he talking about?
“My real grandma?” I stepped closer, his eyes moved as my feet did.
“Your mother, anne, was adopted.” okay, now he was really going to get it.
“Just hear me out!” he held out his hands, when he saw the chargin grow in my eyes.
“ Your grandmother, anna, was

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