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Book online «The Sultry Vixen by J.M. Burlock (best motivational books to read .TXT) 📖». Author J.M. Burlock

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The Sultry Vixen


In the darkly lit bar he sat in the same spot almost every night. As his nightly ritual never changed, after work he'd go to the local bar to down a few shots of liquor before heading home to his lonely apartment. After entering the bar, he let his eyes adjust to the smokey atmosphere until he was able to see clearly. He saw the usual patrons occupying their lonely seats with a shot glass or mug of beer in front of them. A deafening silence overtook the bar as he vaguely saw the back of someone in his seat.

Glancing over at the bartender, he noticed him divert his eyes as he pretended to wipe off the top of the bar. Many thoughts ran quickly through his head, 'like who was this person, and why were they in his favorite spot?' Tilting his head to get a better look, he moved his eyes up and down only to find out that he was looking at a female. The other regulars went back about their business, as he cautiously strolled over to where she was sitting in his spot.

Standing behind her, he noticed she had long blonde hair, and a scent wafting from her was some kind of exotic flowers. This female felt his presence as he stood inches away from her body. She subtly smiled then slowly raised the glass of white wine to take a sip, then she let out a deep sigh.

As he stood there, he finally got the courage to speak up saying “ Excuse me, but I do believe you are in my seat. So do you mind moving to another one young lady.”

She glanced up at him, then at the back of the chair replying “ Hmm, I don't see any name on the chair, so what makes you think it's yours?”

Being tired from work, he was not in the mood for any games. So he gruffly said, “just move!”

Sensing his testiness, she replied with a sweet smile “ I will on one account.”

Noticing she was trying his patience, he abruptly said “what's that?”

Again she took a sip from her glass, then looked him straight in the eyes, saying “Allow me to buy you a drink!”

Something about this females demeanor aroused him, throwing him for a loop. He stood there stunned by her request. Never had anyone, let alone a woman wanted to buy him a drink. He wondered what this woman was up to, more so he was curious to know more about her too. So he decided to let her buy him one.

He looked down at her and replied, “ okay Miss, just one.”

The female raised her hand to let the bartender know, then rose taking another seat. He noticed she was modestly dressed, so he assumed she wasn't a typical lady of the night. She had some kind of classiness about her, unlike the others that had frequented the bar.

As the bartender set the shot glass down in front of him, he asked “ Miss would you care for another glass of wine?”

She looked up at the bartender, and sweetly replied “ No, thank you sir, I'm fine.”

The bartender strutted like a peacock back to his station at the bar thinking ' nobody has ever called me sir before, finally some respect for the lousy job I have!'

The gentleman looked over at the woman as he took the shot glass and downed the stiff drink, then set the glass back down. While he did that she slowly picked up her glass to take another sip, gently setting it back down. The way she did this aroused him as he felt things stiffen slightly, as his eyes never diverted off of her, he yelled “ another shot Joe!”

Soon Joe brought him another shot which he downed quickly. It had been a very long time since any female gave his body this kind of feeling, much less paid any attention to him. He sat there pondering about what to say to the female sitting next to him. She noticed he was having a hard time speaking, so she glanced over at him and smiled.

Again he felt more than his temperature rising, so he adjusted himself in the chair. He started to speak, then motioned for the bartender to bring him a drink. Joe quickly brought him a beer, and he took a big swig. Then as he set the bottle down, he finally got the courage to speak “so what brings you to these parts?”

The female chuckled at his remark, again looked up at him and smiled. Her look sent goosebumps over his whole body, and chills down his spine? He thought to himself ' what is it about this female that gets me feeling this way'. Then he took another swig of the beer that was in front of him.

Breaking the silence that came over the bar, she mildly stated, “ I'm on a quest, a game of sorts.”

“Well then I guess I could help you out somehow” he stated in a matter of fact way.

She took a sip of her drink, then replied “ Is that so, sir?”

“Yes, of course, yet it depends on the kind of game you're playing. Let me introduce myself first” he began saying.

“Oh, I know who you are Ronald Jacobs” she said as a bright smile came over her face.

“Well you have me at a great disadvantage Miss. How do you know my name when I have never seen you before in my whole life. By the way, may I ask what your name is, and how do you know mine?” he inquired of her.

Again she took a sip of her wine, then gingerly set the glass down. She began to say back “ Well Ronald my name is of no consequence really, but if you must know it's Heather, Heather Vixen.

Ronald sat and wondered about things, making a mental note what her name was and how it resembled something sexual. He also wondered if it was her real name or a stage name, like some kind of porn actress. Surely she wasn't a local hooker, she looked far to classy for that.

He cleared his throat, then asked “ So Heather, you mentioned that you were on a quest, is that correct?”

“Yes, Ronald,” she quietly answered.

“May I ask what kind of quest it is?” Ronald inquired.

“Well, its ah.... sexual quest Ronald.” Heather stated.

When Ronald heard that he coughed slightly.

She continued “ Do you remember back about a month ago you saw a shooting star?”

Ronald quietly answered “yes”

“ Well, while watching it fly across the dark sky, you thought it was the most beautiful sight that you'd ever seen” she stated to him.

Ronald sat there briefly remembered that starless night, until he saw this brilliant glowing orb shooting across the black-blue sky. Something encouraged him to go outside at that exact same time as it brightly glowed, lighting up the night sky.

Ronald vaguely replied, “Yes I do.”

She continued to speak in what seemed like riddles to him, by saying “ Well you may find this hard to believe...... but I can't tell you specifically what I am really.”

He looked over at Heather, and said “ I don't get this, first you talk about shooting stars, and now you say or wont tell me what this is all about.”

Heather lowered her head, and quietly replied “ its complicated.”

“Okay Heather..... take your time in talking about whatever this sexual quest you're on then” Ronald exclaimed.

Now Heather was the one fidgeting in her seat. It wasn't supposed to happen this way, never before had a creature affected her this way. She was to be in another galaxy, a million miles away from this planet. But her curious nature got the better of her, and she saw this person standing in awe of what he was seeing in the night sky. It was her in the special pod that she traveled in throughout the various galaxies. Although she was not supposed to be in this sector, Heather decided a short cut to her next destination was in order.

Ronald glanced over at Heather as if waiting for her to say something. Then he looked at his watch to notice it was time for his dinner. He could leave and forget the beauty sitting next to him or invite her to come home with him. He opted for the second idea, because frankly how often does something like this happen to a man, any man.

Again he

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