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Book online «Beautiful Nightmare series: The story of the Unbreed by Ashon Thadon (classic novels to read txt) 📖». Author Ashon Thadon

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The beginning of the hunt



The text only said: Pelham 547


Usually the Brooklyn Bridge train station that housed the number 4. 5 and 6 trains, known to New Yorkers as the “the green line”, was a madhouse of straphangers and work activity. But at 5:47 in the morning, the work force is just getting up and heading to the train station. The platform is usually almost empty at the Brooklyn Bridge station. It was the perfect time to meet at least for the conversation they was about to have.

The name on his New York driver’s license was Jacob Joseph so that’s the name he went by. In fact, that usually how it went with him. Whatever his new driver’s license or birth certificate or passport said, that was his name for the time being. His contact started calling him “Jay Jay” for short more as a joke than a nickname. That with in itself made it more funnier because his contact was in no way a comedian by any means.

Joseph sat on the bench and looked around the train platform. There were a couple of straphangers just now starting their day looking down the tracks towards the tunnel with sleepy eyes and coffee clenched inside fists. Joseph yawned. He needed sleep but not because he was tired, it was because the sunrise was 6:45 and he knew after that, he could sleep.

He leaned back in the bench as best as he could and looked at his watch like everybody else who just wandered on the platform was doing. Even though the meeting time was 5:47, he had arrived at 5:43 and had only been there for two minutes. But two New York minutes was like an hour.

Joseph felt a short nudge and noticed a figure sitting right next to him on the bench. Another two minutes had passed already. A train appeared in front of the platform and both Joseph and his new companion got up and walked into one of the cars. They knew from experience that this train car would be empty at least for the next three stops.

Joseph’s contact was named Vincent because he thought it was cool name. Vincent was dressed in a trench coat and slacks with dress shoes. He looked like he was going on a business meeting. Joseph almost laughed at his friend’s attire. Joseph loved it when Vincent tried to dress “conservative human” as he called it. Joseph just had on a pair of denim jeans and a dress shirt with swede shoes. His hair was all frizzy like he came from a wild night of partying but that was far from the case.

Vincent had to talk fast because he only had three stops of alone time then he would be getting off at the stop after that.

“Let’s get right to it,” Vincent said in a baritone voice that didn’t really match his stature. “I was in the tunnels all night and they confirmed what we thought. He is alive and he is here.

“Fuck” was all Joseph could muster.

“It’s about to be bedtime for our friends but they told me they would show me where he might be dwelling come night fall,” Vincent informed.

“He survived.” Joseph just shook his head at the notion.

“We do have another problem,” Vincent said then pulled out a picture face down and paused as the train came to a stop.

The car door opened and no one entered. Vincent continued.

“We need to do some recruiting on this one,” Vincent said turning the picture face up and passing it to Joseph. “This guy is vicious if he survived the last encounter. A lycanthrope like we never seen. We tried everything and it survived here.”

Second train stop. Two people stepped in but they stayed on the other side of the car.

“Who’s the kid?” Vincent said staring at the picture now.

“That’s the thing,” Vincent bit his lips as he talked. “The thing we have known about Alphanso is that even though he is of their world, he started in ours and mines.”

“Meaning?” Joseph said with a raised eyebrow.

“Meaning he died first as human, became dark of night then became a shape shifter.”

“Is that possible?” Joseph inquired.

“Not according to any text I read,” Vincent shook his head as well. “It’s an abomination. Like something that is off setting the balance. Because I can smell him like he’s one of our own but then again he’s not but then again he was at one point or might still be.”

“So who’s the kid?” Joseph asked again as the train rounded up its third stop. A little more than five people got on the car mixed in but still not close to where they were sitting.

“Don’t know myself,” Vincent said. “Just know he was under heavy surveillance by the Monster himself. We raided his last dwelling and found that picture along with many more.”

Joseph put the picture up in his pocket. He had already memorized the person’s features anyway in the picture. That was one of his talents. One of the reasons why Vincent picked him in the first place. He could never forget anything. His long term memory should have been overloaded his cerebrum but every item found room nice and snug.

His other talent which wasn’t really a talent. Because even though his brain had mastered the ability for memories, that sensor that detected pain had been affected somehow. The synapses that was supposed to send messages to his brain that he was in pain did not operate properly. He had been to doctors all over the world. They used a lot of complicated medical terms describing his brain patterns and functions and what each one was supposed to do like the “the hippocampus does this…and hypothalamus controls this…but frankly we don’t know what the fuck is wrong with you.”

Joseph’s case study was probably being entered into medical books all over under Weird Shit.

“Maybe if we find this kid, we may found some answers,” Vincent said as the train entered its’ fourth stop becoming a little more crowded.

“Okay, I’ll start the hunt,” Joseph said and Vincent finally laughed.

Joseph never knew why Vincent liked that line so much, and he never knew why he kept saying it.

The next train stop Vincent got up and got off. No goodbye was said. Joseph know where Vincent was going; back in the tunnels to sleep so they can plan their next move tonight. Joseph got off at a stop later on in the route and walked. He loved walking. Even though his home for the time being was on the other side of the city, he just walked it.


She still was covered in his blood. All but two pints of blood had leaked out of her newest victim as he lay motionless in the bed with two puncture wounds engraved deep in his neck. She smiled as she got up from the red stained sheets and walked naked across the room. Blood dripped heavily down her chin and down to her chest area as she strolled.

She felt complete now. Her true lover will be pleased when he tasted her tonight. Her lover was unlike any other of her kind. He was all the way different. He had their taste, their hunger, their smell, their abilities, their drive but that’s where it stopped.

Her lover was a lycan but he didn’t come off like other lycanthropes. He came off like her and her breed. His mannerism were all things that were common in her pack not theirs. She despised them. They were unclean and disgusting creatures that needed all to be extended. But he wasn’t like that even if he was like them.

Maybe he’s a hybrid, she thought licking her lips of the fresh blood that was still dripping off her. But she had seen hybrid, they were hideous abominations that were worse than Lycans themselves. Dark blood should never mix with unclean were-blood. It was against nature. But he was different. He had the Dark One’s essence but not their spirit.

She knew the first time she saw him. She thought she was one of them at first until she proved him different. She felt a connection with him that she never felt with any Lost Soul.

She looked back at her feast and realized she still had serious business. Her lover had put on her a mission to find someone. This person was of grave importance to her lover…extreme importance. She had to find him so she can seduce him. That wouldn’t be hard for her. She was every man’s fantasy and for those she wasn’t, she had other ways to persuade them. Her new conquest would prove no better. She would show her lover that he chose the right partner.








His name is...

“He’s found him.”

There was a congregation of eight male beings and four beings of the female variety that stood around an oval table in the bottom basement of an old abandoned church. The Twelve Divines is what they were called. They kept order amongst the realm of the human race and those are the supernatural. They were the reasons humans still thought werewolves and vampires were still a myth only to be told in movies and books. However, today, their order of balanced was about to be weighed and tested.

“The condemned has come back and is now using the art of trickery to get under our radar,” one of the elder Divine said to the group. “He has joined the allegiance of the Uncommon.”

“So he has entered every world to make himself something unimaginable,” said one of the female Divines. “Almost like a cloak and dagger entity. No outside group can touch him because he reads like one of them and all we know his true identity. It seems he is using each source as a sheet.”

“So what of the child?” another female Discipline asked.

“He is merely a vessel but the condemned already knows that,” said another male Discipline. “If he connects with him, it could be the end of us.”

Each grimaced at the sound of that notion.




Text: Pelham 345

The problem with the Pelham Parkway number 6 train at close to four in the morning is that all the diseased and dirty vagabonds of the city find their resting place in the subway cars. Now Joseph may have lost his sense to feel but not his sense of smell for some reason. With that factor in mind, his nose was better than any police canine or bloodhound. But that also meant that his nose was about to suffer a smell worse than death itself.

He got queasy just thinking about it as he sat on the platform bench waiting for his contact again.

He must have closed his eyes somehow and didn’t remember because all he felt was movement beside him and his eyes opening. Vincent was looking at him puzzled for some reason.

“What?” Joseph asked.

“I’ve never seen you sleep,” Vincent stated.

“What’s funny is I don’t remember falling asleep,” Joseph said.

That puzzled Vincent even more.

Train came right on time and they

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