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Book online «Oculos by Kenzie Stone (notion reading list txt) 📖». Author Kenzie Stone

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Purple Flames and Candlelight

Once again, Simone wakened with the sense that she was being watched. It didn’t help that she had been having or dream – or rather, a nightmare – involving a large, catlike pair of yellowed eyes. She shivered as a chill ran down her spine, despite the many layers of blankets covering her. She wished she didn’t have to be alone, that Penny or even Jasper or Timothy were there with her. She grabbed her cell phone and called the only person she could think of that would be awake at this hour.
“Simone?” Thank God, he picked up.
“Jasper,” Simone whispered, relieved.
“Is something wrong?” He asked.
“I…” She began, “I couldn’t sleep, that’s all,”
Jasper sighed, “Don’t lie to me. You had another nightmare, didn’t you? You’re always having nightmares. But I know they’re getting worse,”
Simone blushed, and was indeed quite glad that Jasper couldn’t see it. “Okay, fine, I had another nightmare,” She explained what she saw in her sleep. “I just needed to calm down, so I called you,” She admitted.
“Why didn’t you just say so? You should always call me when you have a nightmare, Simone,” Jasper chided, “After all, Penny and Tim are both asleep, and your mom won’t listen to you about this.”
“I know…” Simone was still blushing.
“Hang on, Simone; I’ll be at your house in a few minutes,”
“Wait, what?” Simone exclaimed, “You’re coming to my house?”
“Yes, and we’ll do something and get your mind off your nightmare.”
“Um, alright, but…” Simone began.
“Be ready in ten minutes!” Jasper interrupted before hanging up the phone.
Simone rolled her eyes and climbed out of bed. It was 2 a.m. If Jasper honestly thought that there was something for them to do together, Simone couldn’t figure out what it was to save her life. Nevertheless, she pulled on a pair of blue jeans and an old t-shirt – one of her dad’s. She put on her sneakers and proceeded to brush her hair.
As soon as she was ready, she heard a car sneaking up the gravel driveway that led to her house. Not wanting to wake her mother, Simone opened her bedroom window and climbed outside. She ran to Jasper’s car and got in, sitting shotgun. “Where are we going?” She asked eagerly.
Her answer was a simple smile.
They drove around neighborhoods all night looking at Christmas lights, chatting about how great it was that they were out of school for two weeks. Eventually, they came across a large, empty field where Jasper parked and they sat in the powdery snow. They both were exhausted.
Jasper yawned. “Having a good time, Simone?”
Simone smiled sleepily. “Yeah. I’m really tired, though,”
Jasper stretched his arm out toward her. “C’mere, then,”
Simone happily obeyed, resting her head on his shoulder. His arm tightened around her and they both remained silent. Both Simone and Jasper knew that there was absolutely nothing romantic between them; their relationship was merely platonic. Nobody else seemed to accept that, not even their closest friend, Penny and Timothy.
“I heard Clarissa Mason has a thing for you,” Simone said.
“I heard that as well,” Jasper winced. “She asked me to go to a Christmas party with her,”
Simone raised her eyebrows. “Oh, really? Are you going?”
“I told I’d go if you could go with,” Jasper replied, “Let’s just say that neither one of us are going,”
“Aw, Jasper, that’s so sweet!” Her face lit up. “I can’t believe…”
“Hush,” Jasper interrupted. “Do you hear that?”
She stopped talking and listened. At first, she didn’t hear anything. She continued to listen and discovered he was right; something didn’t sound quite right. There was a sort of crackling noise, and Simone thought she smelled smoke. “Fire?” Simone whispered.
She was answered by a loud explosion and a purple flash. Simone realized that she and Jasper were surrounded by a circle of ten-foot-tall purple flames. “Whoa!” Jasper yelled. “That’s definitely not normal!”
Well, duh, Simone thought, but she was so shocked she was unable to speak. There was so much smoke that Simone’s eyes watered and she was beginning to choke on the toxic air. She passed out just as she saw a figure moving toward her through the fire.

When Simone woke, she was completely alone. The room was dark and her only source of light was the dim light of a single candle. Simone knew she was on a bed – small, filthy, and uncomfortable. She tried to get up, but her wrists were bound to the bed. “Great,” She muttered.
She waited for what seemed like forever. Finally, the simple wooden door swung open and a young girl walked inside. “Oh, I see you’re awake, miss,” She said calmly, as if it was completely normal for her to have girls tied to beds in her home.
“Yes, I’m awake. Will you please untie me?” Simone requested, her voice quivering silently.
“Of course, miss. You were only to remain tied until you woke,” The girl replied.
She immediately began working on the ropes binding her. Simone studied the girl. She was pretty, probably around Simone’s age. She was redheaded and had startling yellow-green eyes. When Simone was completely untied, the girl left the room for a moment and then returned holding some white clothing.
“You are to wear these,” The girl told her.
“What?” Simone questioned, “I’ll freeze to death!”
“You are to wear these,” She repeated.
Grumbling about how ridiculous the request was, Simone snatched the clothing and quickly changed. The girl left the room with a curtsy as soon as Simone was fully dressed. Almost immediately, a man entered the room. “Good,” He growled, “You’re awake,”
Simone was beginning to get very angry. “Of course I’m awake,” She snapped, “And I would like to go home.”
The man chuckled. “Don’t you understand? This is your home now,”
“What? That is absolutely ridiculous. Where is Jasper?” She demanded.
“They boy? I assure you, he’s not here. He isn’t special, like you are,”
“I’m not special,” Simone said. “What do you mean?”
“Oh, you stupid girl!” The man laughed. ‘You have no clue about what you are, do you? Do you even know the ability you possess?”
Now Simone was confused. “What in the world are you talking about?”
“You will find out soon enough, girl,” The man replied.
“I have a name!” Simone yelled angrily, stomping her foot.
“As do I. And I know your name, Simone,”
Simone was shocked. She could not believe that this man, who had clearly attacked and kidnapped her, knew her. He’s clearly crazy, she thought. “Then who are you?”
“My name is Ignacio.” The man said before turning and leaving the room.
Simone was left completely alone. She threw herself on the bed, sobbing. Sobbing because she was afraid. Sobbing because she was confused. Sobbing because she was alone.
The door opened again and Simone shot up, quickly wiping the tears from her face. The girl walked in, carrying a tray. “I brought you a meal, miss,” She smiled.
“Thank you, Miss…”
“Gala. My name is Gala.” The girl told her, setting the tray down on the small table with the candle on it.
“Do you have any idea where Jasper is?” Simone blurted.
Gala looked at her with a blank face. “Who?”
“My friend, Jasper,” Simone explained. “He was with me when I was attacked,”
“Attacked, miss?” Gala tilted her head.
“Explosion. Purple flames. Kidnapped. Do you have any other words to describe what happened?” Simone continued, “That’s what it seems to be,”
“Don’t worry, miss,” Gala smiled, and added with a wink, “You’ll be out of here sooner than you realize.”
With that, Gala left the room. Simone was left completely alone with her thoughts. She would be out of here soon? What had Gala meant by that? After what seemed like hours of torturous waiting, Simone collapsed onto her bed and drifted off into dreamless slumber.

A Pair of Catlike Eyes

The next few days were torture.  Simone had no way of knowing how long she had been there, but she was positive that she hadn’t missed Christmas.  She wondered if her mother had begun looking for her, or if her mother was even alive at this point.  Her only real company was Gala, other than when Ignacio came and demanded that she show him her abilities, screaming about how ungrateful and stupid she was.  He claimed that she could help him destroy the enemy, that they would never see it coming.  Simone was convinced he was a madman.

“Miss, Master Ignacio has requested your presence,” Gala called through the door.

“Thank you, Gala,” Simone sighed.  She dreaded these visits with Ignacio (“Master Ignacio”, as he had demanded he be addressed by).

Her clothes were filthy and were beginning tear.  She had not been given any new clothes since she had arrived.  Her hair was a mess.  It was hopelessly tangled and frizzy.  If only she could be provided with a hairbrush and pair of blue jeans… but no, it was not meant to be.

Simone ran a hand through her hair and asked Gala to let her out of her prison.  Happily, the poor girl obeyed, opening the door and leading Simone to the library.  “He is waiting for you,” Gala told her before turning and leaving.

“Thank you,” Simone whispered, even though she knew Gala would not be able to hear.

Simone entered the library, quietly closing the door behind her.  “Master Ignacio,” She called out.

“Over here,” She heard him grumble from the other side of the room.

She went to him.  He was sitting, arms crossed, in an armchair in front of a fireplace.  Simone had noticed that Ignacio was very fond of fire.  His eyes were closed and he was whispering something that sounded foreign.  Simone walked up to him and touched his shoulder.  “Master Ignacio?” She said softly.

He grabbed her wrist and squeezed it tightly.  She cried out in pain.  His eyes opened and she could see the firelight reflected off his dark eyes.  He didn’t look crazy; he looked positively evil.  “Do not disturb me, you stupid girl,” He said in a dangerously soft voice.

She nodded her head.  “Yes, Master Ignacio.”

Ignacio sighed, “Well, since I’ve been disrupted, we might as well begin.  Try again, Simone.”

He asked her to do this everyday.  To tap into her ability, whatever it was.  He refused to tell her what she could do, and was beginning to wonder if he knew himself.  She would close her eyes and try to concentrate, but it’s difficult to do something when haven’t the slightest clue what you’re supposed to be doing.

This particular day, she was beginning to get a rather fierce headache by the time he gave up.  “Very well,” He was clearly disappointed, “Perhaps tomorrow.”

Just at that moment, a cat ventured into the room.  Simone hadn’t been aware that Ignacio had a cat in his home, but he picked the creature up and set it on his lap.  “I don’t

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