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Book online «Teentopia by Stephanie95 (7 ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Stephanie95

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Chapter 1

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young girl named Lila. She had chocolate brown eyes and hair, pale skin, and dark pink lips. She was young and reckless so she thought her life could not get any crazier. But she was unaware that she couldn’t be more wrong. That night a witch crept into her room and chanted this spell “To a fairytale lend I send ye full of adventure, friendship and happily ever after, but alas this is a sad part to this happy tale for the fair maiden may never return home.”

Poor Lila asleep and unaware was swept into another world. This worlds name Teentopia. A mystical world full of fairies, pixies, princesses, princes, and anything you can imagine. Of course like any fairytale there was a villain the Evil wizard Diablo with his terrible coal black hair, snow white skin, and blood red eyes. Diablo uses his dark magic to have power over Teentopia.

Back with Lila she is waking up in the middle of the forest. Blinking rapidly Lila looks around wondering where in the world she is. When her stomach rumbles she decides to walk around for a while till she finds something to eat. As she’s walking Lila sees some animals she has never seen before. A talking lion, a half spider half monkey, and talking deer.

After walking around for three hours Lila stumbles into the pixie village Mystic Meadow. Where she is greeted by Queen Rose and Princess Lily. “Welcome to our village I am Queen Rose and I’m Princess Lily it’s nice to meet you.” “Nice to meet you too my name is Lila” “Well come on you must be hungry and need some clean clothes.” “Thank you your highness.” “You’re welcome.”

As Lila walked with them she took the chance to observe them. They both had platinum blond hair, tan skin, and ocean blue eyes. While Queen Rose wore a red and pink dress, big crown with rubies and had light pink and white pixie wings her daughter Lily wore a blue and white dress with gold and white pixie wings. After a few short minutes they arrived at the castle.

It was beautiful with silver walls with many gardens. The gardens had roses, lilies, and any other flower you can think of. Oak doors and high windows. “I can’t believe you guys live here it beautiful!” “Thank you you’re very sweet.” You’re welcome.”

Lila ate a big breakfast of eggs, bacon, sausage, and hash browns. Afterwards Lila was dressed in a pair of blue jeans and purple tank top with her hair in a ponytail. “So Lila do you have any siblings?” Lily asked “Actually yes I do my older sister Jade and my younger brother Dustin how about you?” “Yes I have a younger brother named Dylan but he was captured and enslaved by the evil wizard Diablo. “ “That’s terrible!” Lila exclaimed. Sighing sadly Lily said “I know.” “We’ll save him I’ll come with you I promise.” “Are you sure Lila?” “Yes Lily I am.” “Okay then we will leave today!”

“Okay lets start packing.” After packing enough clothes for about a week, a lot of money and a few days of food for three hours the girls went down to have lunch before they left. After eating a big lunch of homemade raviolis the girls headed out. “’The journey to Diablo’s castle is a week long but its trails are treacherous.” “There are ghosts, monstrous forest, and an evil dragon.”

“That does not scare me I was never afraid of such things. “ “That’s good because we will run into those things a lot.” The girls walked for six hours before getting hungry and stopping on the side of the rode. They took out four ham sandwiches and finished them up in only thirty minutes. Then they searched for to sleep for the night and found a little run down shack.

When they woke up it was to see sunshine spilling through the window and the cracks of the shack. After eating both their breakfast and a lunch that they had packed and put on a new set of clothes they set out again. They traveled through three days and nights without any sleep and came upon the Fairy village Amore. By then they were really low on food supplies. So they went into the village to buy more supplies.

At one of the food stands they ran into the heroic fairy Prince Joe. “Hey what are two beautiful young ladies doing in a place like this?” Blushing crimson Lila and Princess Lily reply “We are on a quest to save Pixie Prince Dylan from
Chapter 2

the Evil Wizard Diablo.” “Well I’ll come with you ladies should not be on a quest like this alone.” Blushing darker they stutter”T Thank You.” After they bought more supplies and Prince Joe bought them lunch the girls went his home at the castle.

The castle was incredible the bricks seemed to be made of pure gold. The gardens had red, white, and pink roses not to mention the door was made of oak. As Lila walked next to him she took the time to look at Prince Joe. He had handsome short honey blond hair, pale skin and sky blue eyes. He was wearing blue jeans, with a red tee-shirt, black loafers with blue and ocean green fairy wings.

Little did she know Joe had seen her looking at him and was also checking her out. He was thinking “Wow she is so incredible what beautiful pale skin, chocolate brown hair and eyes.” Out of the corner of her eye Lila saw him looking at her and giggled “So he likes me too hmm maybe I should flirt with him.” Joe was thinking along the same lines “So Lila are you from around here?” “Actually no I’m from a different world were pixies and fairies are just stories.” “Really you have got to be kidding me?!!!” “Nope I’m not kidding but it is an interesting world.” “How so?”

‘We have many different races and cultures.” “So many bad and good things happen that it is too hard to count. We have family and friends and everything we could need.” “So why are us fairies and pixies just stories?” “You are just stories because we don’t believe in happily ever after.” As Prince Joe started walking to his room he asked “why don’t you believe in happily ever after?” “We don’t believe in happily ever after because life has too many twist and turns.” “Ok” he said as he went into his room letting only Lila come inside and leaving Lily waiting outside the door. “You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen Lila.” Blushing Lila replies “You are the most handsome boy I’ve ever seen but I’m not really that pretty.” “Oh but you are and please stop flattering me.” “I’m not flattering you Joe I really think that you’re handsome.” “Well Lila would you consider being my girlfriend?” “Of course Joe I would love to be your girlfriend.” Lila says as he finishes packing.

They walked out of his room as boyfriend and girlfriend. Lily ever observant walks up to Lila and whispers in her ear “What has you two so happy?” Lila whispers back “Me and Prince Joe are together.” “Omg that is so great I’m so happy for you!” Lily whisper yelled. “Yeah I know now calm down.” “Ok ok I’m calm.” “So let’s head out.”

So they left the castle and returned to the journey to Diablo’s castle. Lila was walking between Joe and Lily so she reached over and held Joe’s hand. Noticing Lily giggles “How cute!” Lila hearing blushes and says “Oh shut up.” Sensing her annoyance Prince Joe tightens his fingers around hers and says “calm down sweetie.” “Okay honey” Lila sighs.

They are almost to Diablo’s castle but they have to pass through the Ruby Forest and over the Troll’s Bridge. The group had traveled for a few hours so they stopped for dinner. They ate some bacon, lettuce, and tomato sandwiches and set up tents for the night. The girls slept in one tent and Prince Joe slept in the other. They were right outside the Ruby Forest.

The next day they went into the Ruby Forest. The look of it was beautiful the sunlight was glinting off the ruby trees giving the forest a strange red hue. Halfway through the forest something steps into their path. Looking at it they see a boy in blue jeans, a red tee-shirt and red sneakers. That boy had a lion tale, human hands, a lion mane for hair, and two lion ears on top of is head.

“I am Ryan the Lion Demon what are you doing in my domain?” “We are just passing through to Diablo’s castle to rescue pixie Prince Dylan.” “Prince Dylan hmm he did make that law that forbade hunting in my forest I’ll come with you.” “Okay” they said intimidated and deciding to let him come.

So they continued down the path and Ryan tried to flirt with Lily. “You know you’re really pretty.” “So what’s your point?” Lily asked with a raised eyebrow. “My point is I want to go out with you.” “Oh umm it’s not that you’re not nice or anything but we just met so I’d rather get to know you first.” “Oh okay we’ll get to know each other lets just go save your brother.”

Chapter 3

Seeing and hearing the whole thing decided to just watch what happens between the two. “I’m glad our relationship is not that complicated.” Prince Joe says shaking his head. “Me too” Lila says hugging his arm. “Oh you two stop being all goo-goo eyed back there we’ve reached the Troll’s Bridge. “Ugh okay” Lila and Joe say switching to just holding hands.

Shaking his head Ryan puts one foot on the bridge and the Troll comes out. My name is Mina and this is my bridge who dares try to cross it. “Fairy Prince Joe, Pixie Princess Lily, Lila, and Lion Prince Ryan.” “Ok well why are you trying to cross my bridge?” “To save Pixie Prince Dylan from Diablo’s clutches.” “Prince Dylan hmm well he did decontaminate my river you can go I hope we meet again.” Mina says with a smile. “Umm ok us too” the gang says as they cross the bridge.

“Well that was awkward” Prince Joe says breaking the silence. “Um mm” Lila hums in agreement hugging his arm again. “Ok

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