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Book online «THE CROWN AND THE FLAME by ROCHELLE PIETERSE (the little red hen read aloud .txt) 📖». Author ROCHELLE PIETERSE

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to go, and we’ll see if we can figure out an answer.”

“I’m … afraid.”

“Afraid?” he asked shocked. “I’ve never known you to be afraid of anything. You’re not afraid of the horses. Or of getting hit with a practice sword. You didn’t even make a squeak when you fell in the river last year.”

“Those things are easy. I’m afraid of everyone laughing at me.”

“And who would laugh at you?”

“I heard Princess Lillian talking, and she said that everyone at court will think I’m a fool,” she sniffled again. “She said my hair is always a mess, and my dress is always muddy, and I don’t deserve to be a queen.”

“Well,” Sir Luke remarked. “Princess Lillian’s kingdom is half the size of yours, so maybe she says those things because she’s jealous.”

“But her hair is always perfectly braided, and her dresses are always not-muddy.”

“That’s only because she isn’t the same sort of princess as you are. Perhaps she’s content with just sitting in her throne room. Perhaps she’s never seen the sunrise over the stables, or collected tadpoles in the moat, or picked roses in the garden.”

“I don’t have tadpoles anymore…” she laughed. “I have frogs!”

“So is there really any reason to be afraid of what she might say?” he smiled.


“And there’s certainly no reason for you to be crying in a corner of the castle.”

“No. I guess not.”

“Then dry your eyes, my princess. I know courtly life can be scary. But you must face it the same way you face all your fears. Imagine you’re calming a wild horse, or falling into a river. How would you tell yourself to be brave?” he inquired

“I’d just think about what I have to do next,” She smiled.

“Good idea. Now, what do you have to do next?”

“Dry my tears. Smooth my gown. Dance in the first dance and remember the steps,” she replied.

“That’s a sound plan. One step at a time, and soon enough you’ll be done. Do you feel better?”

“Yes! I suppose a ball isn’t as scary as a river, is it?”

“Not at all. Now come with me. It’s time to go enjoy the ball,” he said as he held his hand for her.

“Sir Luke?” she started as she slip her hand in his and he looked at her questioningly. “I love you. And thank you.”

“And I love you too. Very much,” he smiled as he led her to the court room

“and you’re very welcome, princess.”

“Okay! Now let’s go!” Skyelar exclaimed excitedly.

Skyelar opened her eyes which held unshed tears, “You’ve always been there for me, Sir Luke.”

“And I’ll continue to do so. That, I promise you.”

But just like the ball, you can’t do everything for me… somethings I have to do myself. She inquired again, “Please, don’t go through with this. There must be another way.”

“I wish you were right. But these men will only respect a show of strength. ‘The strong lead, the weak bleed.”

“You’re right. The strong lead…” but she didn’t finish, leaving the sentence in midair.


Zayden, Lucy and Avery were preparing a meal to take to the captive monk.

“I’ll take the food down to him,” Zayden said.

“Not alone, you won’t. I’ll come with you,” Lucy insisted.

“Me too,” Avery chimed.

“We’ll all need something to carry. Lucky for you two I also bring the guards their dinner, so there’s plenty to go around. Here Avery, take this pitcher of water. Zayden,” she looked at him “Take these plates.”

As they took the pitcher and plates they carried the night’s meal. The three of them head to the dungeon in silence. As they come to where the guards were stationed at the dungeon the guard spoke loudly making them jump, “About time we got our food, wench.”

Lucy recovered quickly. Giving the guards an apologetic look and a smile she said, “Here you go, sir. And may I fill your glass?”

As Lucy continued to talk to the guards, Zayden and Avery silently set down the plates and quietly slip into the shadows.

“And for dinner, I’ve made you the finest roasted quail...” Lucy continued talking.

While the guards ate their food, Zayden and Avery sneaked down the stairs to find the monks cell. They approach one of the cells in the back, as they decided it was easier to work from the back to front.

“Sir, are you in here?” Avery whispered cautiously.

“Yes…Yes,” the monk stammered as he slowly pulled himself over to the bars.

“Here, take this food.” Zayden said as he pushed the plate towards the monk. “What news have you, my friend? Did my hawk reach you in time?”

“You’re the one who sent the warning?” the monk asked.

“Then you did get it in time,” Zayden said relieved.

“Yes. The queen lives. Or at least she was alive when I last saw her. She fled with her guard.”

“Sir Luke. So the old man is still kicking,” Zayden replied.

“He remains a dedicated protector to Skyelar.”

“I haven’t seen Skyelar in two years. Tell me…” Zayden’s voice broke,

“Is she happy?”

“Happiness was not part of her training. It had no bearing on her ability to rule or survive. But I believe she was not unhappy,” the monk stated.

“Skyelar..” Zayden breathed. “Did she ever speak of me?”

“She did speak of a childhood friend named Zayden. She spoke of him often,” the monk tried to smile.

“That’s me,” Zayden couldn’t believe she was still thinking and talking of him after all these years. Could she be feeling the same or was it just her way of showing concern for him – her best friend.

“Is she safe?” Zayden questioned again.

“ she has grown into a fearsome warrior, that much I can say for certain. She is well-equipped to protect herself,” the monk reassured him.

“There’s no time for this, Zayden,” Avery snapped.

“You’re right. We’ve got to get you out of here,” Zayden replied as he examined the cell bars.

“My execution has been ordered for tomorrow. Prince Andrew will have my head before sunset,” the monk replied weakly.

“Tomorrow? But I heard that it would be at the end of the week,” Zayden was completely confused.

“Apparently, any information I have is no longer needed. They’ve stopped questioning me.”

“What?” this was all too much for Zayden to take in.

“I believe this means Prince Andrew has uncovered something about where queen Skyelar is now. I wish I knew more…”the monk said softly.

“This isn’t good,” Zayden looked at Avery then turned himself back to the monk. “We’ve got to figure out what Andrew knows. But first, we’re breaking you out of here. I’m not letting them kill you.”

The monk placed a hand on Zayden’s where he was examining the bars again, “Don’t concern yourselves with me. I’ve accepted my fate.”

Zayden looked him squarely in the eyes, “Well, we haven’t. We’ll be back soon. Be prepared to flee.”
Zayden leans forward to clasp the monk’s hand, and the monk was staring at the flame-shaped marking on his chest.

“That brand…” the monk exclaimed surprised, “I didn’t know you were from the mountain tribes.”

“If I am, no one bothered to tell me.”

“Then you have no idea what the mark means?” the monk asked.

Zayden shrugged, “Something to do with fire? Some strange things have been happening to me…”

The monk stared straight into his eyes, “Have you felt it? The fire?”

Zayden’s eyes grew wide, “How did you…” but he got cut off and spun around as they heard the clanking sound of the gate opening.

Avery was pale pointing towards the gate, “Giles and Maria are coming! If they spot us, they’ll recognize us and know we’re up to something,” he rushed on fear evident on his face.

“Then we’ll just have to make sure they don’t see us,” Zayden said as he hid in the cell next to the monks, pulling Avery in with him.

“I don’t see why we can’t do it now,” Giles complained. “I brought my new set of pokers and everything.”

“Prince Andrew wants a public execution. You can’t round up all the rabble in a couple of hours. Notices have been sent,” Maria said wryly.

The footsteps suddenly comes to a halt and Avery looked at you, “Shall we go now?” he whispered.

“No… We wait. They’re not at the cell yet, or we would’ve heard them talking to the monk,” Zayden whispered back as he listened and waited for a moment. The sound of footsteps resumed.

“Here he is,” The guard said.

“Indeed. There’s our prisoner. Are you satisfied, Maria?” Giles asked as he waved a hand towards the monk.

“You can’t be too careful,” Maria said dryly. “I’ve never fully trusted the castle staff. I believe some may still be loyal to the fool queen.”

“Yea, I guess we could’ve killed them all…” Giles eyed her, “if you want to make your own food and empty your own chamber pot.”

Maria ignored Giles and addressed the monk, “On your feet, prisoner.”

Avery looked at Zayden unsure, “Now?”

“Now.” Zayden said as they sneaked past the cell where Maria and Giles were speaking to the monk.

“You should’ve saved yourself when you had the chance. Now Prince Andrew has no need of you,” Giles boasted.

“I would never betray my queen,” The monk replied sternly.

“Insolent wretch…” Giles barked as he kicked the monk. The monk let out a groan, and Zayden felt the anger growing inside him. Up ahead, Zayden saw Lucy waiting by the gate, gesturing quickly for them to come. He takes a deep breath and focused the fire burning within him. Looking down at his hands, he saw flames flickering across his fingers! He clenched his fists, and he felt the fire sinking deep within his veins. What is happening to me? Zayden shook off the strange sensation and continued away from the cell. The sound of Giles beating the monk echoing down the hall. Suddenly Avery nudges him sharply. As Zayden turned he saw Avery placing a finger over his lips and point behind him, at a guard standing just a few feet from him. Oh Gods! I’ve got to find a way past that guard… Zayden steps behind the guard, making as little noise as possible.

“Hate this creepy dungeon,” the guard said shivering.

Zayden gets pass the guard successfully and motions for Avery to follow his lead. Just as Avery steps forward the guard turns around and spots Avery standing right behind him.

“Who are you? And what are you doing in the dungeons?” the guard barked.

“I…uh…that is to say…” Avery began nervously. Before Avery can get a word in otherwise, Zayden snatched the guard’s sword from its sheath.

The guard immediately spins around, “What in the…”

With one quick thrust, Zayden jams the guards own sword through the eye slot in his helmet. The blade hitting the metal back of the helmet with a thunk. The guard crumpled to the floor, dead.

Zayden looked up at Avery, who is staring at him with eyes wide with fear, “You… you killed him! Zayden, what have you done?!”

“What was I supposed to do?! Stand there and watch him kill you first?!” Zayden snapped.

“You’re…you’re right. Let’s just keep moving.”

They dragged the soldier’s corpse into an alcove and fled the hallway. Lucy stared at Zayden for a moment, mouth agape and face pale.

“Zayden…” Lucy breathed.

“Let’s go!” Zayden said as he grabbed them both and fled up the stairs to his bedchamber.


Skyelars pacing in Justin’s tent while Sir Luke sharpens his sword.

Liath enters, “Sir Luke, we must talk man-to-man. Now.”

Skyelar stops pacing a few inches away from Sir Luke who whispers to her, “…More like man-to-beast.”

“Killing you will be easy. You are so old, and I am so big. So, I’m here to offer a deal. You join us and work for me,” Liath concluded.

“And what happens to me?” Skyelar said softly.

“What do you think?! We turn you over to the prince and live like kings!” Liath cooed.

“In case it wasn’t clear before, I stand beside Skyelar,” Sir Luke interrupted.

“Forget about the wench. Without her kingdom, she’s nothing,” Liath charged.

“She will be my queen until my death,” Sir Luke fired back his nostrils flared with anger.

“A death that’s happening tonight! If you won’t save your skin, then I’ll enjoy taking it! You’re soft, old man. You don’t

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