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Book online «THE CROWN AND THE FLAME by ROCHELLE PIETERSE (the little red hen read aloud .txt) 📖». Author ROCHELLE PIETERSE

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them, just as he was. He couldn’t explain it. It was more than a spark but less than a flame. He smiled with satisfaction.

“May I kiss you? “He waited expectantly.

Her lips were a hairs breath away from his, close enough for a kiss. He clenched his fists to keep from grabbing her. Then she made the biggest mistake of all. “Yes, “she said softly.

If there was one thing he relished it was kissing. Long and deep, short and soft, demanding and persuasive, wet and dry. So, without considering the consequences, he put a hand to her nape and drew her to him. Her lips parted with surprise, and he took advantage by slanting his mouth over hers in a perfect fit.

A kiss.

So this is a kiss.



The gentle pressure of his lips forced hers to remain open for his plundering. Shifting and shaping, he plied an age-old expertise till he won her pliancy.

Then he started over again.

It should have been embarrassing, but it was not.

It should have been an assault, but it was not.

By the time she realized that she lay quiescent, surrendering to the seduction of his kiss, it was too late. Her curiosity was aroused, her senses enflamed.

A kiss is like an exploration, she marveled. Man of woman. Woman of man. And of oneself.

And it is a dance. She smiled inwardly at such uncharacteristic whimsy on her part. But truly it was a dance – a lyrical movement of the body set to music of the senses. An erotic play of slow rhythms and subtle nuances. She wanted to know more.

But no, it was madness to continue on this path. She should push him away now. Stop this insanity before he deemed her smitten with him. It was his kiss that held her in thrall. Instead of resisting, she dug her fingers into his shoulders and lay back to give him easier access. Then he murmured one word and one word only against her lips: “Skye.” There was wonder in his voice, and surprise, and raw, frightening promise.

Leaning over her, he placed one hand to her throat to hold her in place, with his thumb resting on the pulse spot on her neck. Could he feel the thundering of her heart? The roaring of her blood?

His kiss changed then, reclaiming hers with a shocking hunger. Before Skyelar had a chance to register the significance of this switch and realize that now might be the time to call a halt to this, Zayden forced her lips wider with his own, and his tongue pushed slowly and deeply into her mouth. Stunned, she allowed him this invasion. His tongue withdrew, then plunged again.

Tongue kissing, of which she has heard but never quite believed, was deliciously revolting, she decided. The slickness in her mouth – whether hers or his, she could not tell, to her horror – should be distasteful. The rhythmic thrust and parry of his tongue should have caused her outrage. The command of his lips that she respond should have caused her consternation. But, oh, what a traitor her body proved to be! Her breasts’ peaked into hard points and ached with the need for… something. Heat curled into a strange knot at the pit of her stomach. In that secret place between her legs a throb started, clenching in slow, progressively stronger counterpoint to the cadence of his tongue’s sheathing and unsheathing.

Just when she was starting to discover the intricate steps of the tongue kissing, he broke the kiss and whispered against her ear, “Did you like that kind of kiss, Skyelar?”

She couldn’t answer if her life depended on it, so mortified was she at his guessing her appreciation; so she did something even worse. She moaned. To her amazement, he didn’t laugh, or make some remark. What he did was moan back at her – a low, masculine rumble of pure arousal. She ducked her head against his shoulder to hide her shame.

He tipped her face back up with a forefinger under her chin. “Don’t hide from me. Your eagerness excites me.”

Before she could deny his ludicrous claim, she saw his head descending. This time his kiss was a gentle act of controlled aggression. He nipped her bottom lip with his front teeth and tugged lightly. He showed her with soft, sexual words of encouragement how to glide her own tongue into his mouth, and how to draw on his tongue when he entered hers. He angled her head and settled his mouth over hers again. He was rapacious then. His mouth closed on hers again and again, entreating, claiming, playing, persuading. His molding, unending kiss changed patterns like in a summer storm, alternately rough and tender, harsh and wonderful.

Her breath caught in her throat, then came out in a thread exhalation.

His breath was a hot, ragged reminder that he was male and dangerous.

Skyelar never knew a kiss could be so many things. He tore his mouth from hers and pressed his forehead against hers, panting. “I need to take you back to the palace,” he said in a thickened voice. The he stood and held his hand to help her up. She stared at him with much innocence but complied.


“You’re blushing, your highness.”

“Your behavior would make anyone blush,” she said softly. They walked in silence towards the castle. Once there he bid her goodnight and left.

“That kiss…” Zayden said aloud without thinking.

“So you and the princess…?” Avery stared wide eyed with shock.

“But that was a long time ago. Anyway, we have bigger things to deal with right now…”Zayden changed the subject. “Like preparing for Skyelar’s attack.”


After two days of hard riding through the grasslands, Skyelar looked attentatively around.

“Are you sure Justin and his men are around here?” Skyelar asked looking around cautiously.

“Rumors and gossip are all we have to go on. Mercenaries don’t set up long in one place, unless there’s profit in it…,”Sir Luke answered but stopped abruptly.

Suddenly a man and a woman steps out of the high grass, each wearing vastly different gear.

“Stop right there!” the woman commanded.

“What are you two doing here?” the man spoke.

“I recognize that armor, that’s Dragonstead armor,” Skyelar said excitedly.

“You’re familiar with this armor?” the man asked.

“If you’re a Dragonstead soldier, you must be loyal to Captain Justin.” Skyelar said.

“I was a Dragonstead soldier but there’s no Dragonstead anymore. Not in any way that matters. I ride for myself now.”

“This is all very entertaining. But you are suspiciously close to our encampment,” the woman spoke. “You think we’d last long out here if we let anyone wander in?”

“This is a misunderstanding. We didn’t mean to intrude,” Skyelar apologized.

“Whether or not you meant it, here you are,” the woman said annoyed.

“We were seeking you out,” Sir Luke said calmly. “We need to speak with Captain Justin.”

“Demanding, aren’t we? Well, you’re in no position to ask anything,” she said. “Hand over your weapons!”

“What?” Sir Luke exclaimed.

“This is our territory. Here, you do what we say.”

“Now,” the man roared.
























Zayden, Lucy and Avery were loading up a wagon when a group of soldiers rode through the gates, led by Maria. She dismounts and begins talking with Giles and Andrew.

“I have to hear what they’re saying… I need to know if Skyelar’s still alive,” Zayden whispered.

“How are you going to sneak over there without the guard spotting you?” Avery was confused.

“Maybe one of us can distract him for you!” Lucy said wickedly.

Lucy makes her way over to the guard, positioning herself so he turns his back to Zayden.

“What are you doing over here?” the guard asked.

“I just wanted to take a break from all this hard work…”she smiled up at him and her hand rest on his gauntlet. “And you looked a little lonely over here with no one to talk to.”

“You’re flirting with me, aren’t you?” the guard smiled.

“Nothing gets by you, does it?” she smiled again – almost shyly.

“No... In fact some of the other guards call me Gorin the watcher,” he grew excited.

“Tell me more,” Lucy inquired seeming very excited. As the guard began to ramble Zayden moved closer to Giles and Maria. As he’s pretending to scrub a wall near Maria, Giles and Andrew, he sends a special thanks. Thank you, Lucy… looks like we sent the right person.

“It was a fool’s errand,” Maria was lashing out. “Skyelar was gone before we ever got close.”

She made it, Zayden said happily.

“You weren’t fast enough,” Andrew was raging back.

“Someone is working against us…someone in this castle or in the villages nearby,” Maria added. Zayden smiled, or right next to you.

“Those troops your father stationed here was poisoned,” she finished.

“What?” Fear was clear on Andres face, “fathers going to be furious.”

“We must act now,” she said.

“What am I supposed to do? Burn down every village hut? Kill every servant? No killing Skyelar’s the only way,” Andrew said annoyed.

“We did capture one of Skyelars men. A monk of the Lindisfarne ruins. A most exquisitively resilient captive,” Giles boasted.

“That is no way to treat a prisoner,” Maria said.

“You mean traitor,” Andrew remarked. “Giles, take your time with this one. And find out what he knows about Skyelar.” Then he turned and left, leaving Maria and Giles eyeing each other.

“Let’s take our guest to the dungeon, shall we?” Giles addressed the soldiers. The soldier shoves the monk with the butt of his sword, “MOVE!” the monk stumbles and falls, and the soldier starts kicking him brutally. “ON YOUR FEET, PRISONER!” the guard brings his foot back for another kick. Zayden dives between the soldier and the monk, knocking aside the next blow.

“Stop it! You’re going to kill him!” Zayden was shouting.

“Hey! What in the three hells do you think you’re doing?” the soldier asked as Zayden helps the monk to his feet.

“This mans a traitor to the crown! Maybe you want to join him in the dungeons?” Giles said fiercely.

I can talk my way out of this. But should I appeal to Giles’ mercy or Maria’s sense of justice, he wondered.

He turns to Maria with concern written all over his face, “Please. I couldn’t watch this cruelty. Regardless of his crimes… prisoners should be treated with dignity.”

“I…,” Maria looked at him then the monk as if in deep thought. “I agree with this servant.”

“Thank you,” Zayden said as he bowed to her, showing respect and appreciation.

With her head held high she directed the soldier, “Guard, take the monk to the dungeon. There’s no need for further abuse.”

“Fine.” Spat Giles. “I’ll wait till I have all my tools. After I’m through with him, he’ll be spilling his guts… literally and figuratively.” Giles strode off, and the soldier drags the monk away as you make your way back to the kitchen.

“That was amazing. Zayden, you’re like a hero in one of the legends of the five kingdoms!” Avery grinned.

“I have to admit, I’m impressed,” Lucy offered.

“And this is just the beginning,” Zayden added. “I’m not going to let them kill that man. I’m going to save him.

“I’ll help. I’m going to do everything I can. Just like you, Zayden.”

“Avery…” Lucy said worriedly. “We should be cautious.”

“Come on, Lucy. You’re with us, too, aren’t you?” Avery asked, both men looking at her curiously.

“There’s just no stopping you, is there?” Lucy asked.

“Does that mean you’re in?”

“I’m in. just promise me

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