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Book online «The Dark Ages of the Synakoy; The Past Forgotten by Wolfheart (popular novels .TXT) 📖». Author Wolfheart

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basic jobs such as chopping wood, cooking, hunting…do you understand?”
He nodded. His eyes were wide. Then he turned and waved the boy over.
“Yuki…she is your new mentor. You will work every day from dawn to dusk.” He gave him a stern look. “If you mess this up, you know what will happen – so don’t. Hopefully, you’ll actually learn something."
What a father he is…

Then she thought of something. “In fact, if you do well, child, I may just adopt you into my family. Then you can learn more about animals than your father would even dream of.”
His eyes grew wide in amazement and hope. “Really? You may take me in?”
“If you’re a fast learner and do as you’re told. Don’t expect me to hold your hand, child. You’re going to return home sore, starving and exhausted.”
He nodded sincerely. “I will do my best, Lady Kiyoshi.”
She turned away, not even saying goodbye.
That man is horrible!

When she returned to her original place, Levin was alone on the bench. He was staring thoughtfully into the fire.
He’s been like this since I told him we weren’t family. What’s on his mind?

She sat down. He turned and faced her, his eyes full of emotions Ky didn’t want to recognize. She turned her eyes away and blocked out the feel of hurt rolling off him.
We’re not really related…but…it’s still…how could he…?

“So?” Levin asked. His voice forced her to face him again, to stop that thought for another one.
“I may have an adopted child soon. For now, I have an apprentice that is with us dawn until dusk. The boy’s father is terrible to him.”
Levin stared at her in disbelief. “What can he do?”
“We’ll have to see. I’m teaching him everything he’ll need to know that he doesn’t already. He is, after all, only seven.”
He just nodded. Ky noticed he’d eaten only half his meal and put it down, forgotten.
That’s an insult to them, and he should know that. What happened?
“What’s wrong?”
He blushed. “I haven’t anything to brag about around here. I’m much for fighting, I’ve only cooked food from our world and I know nothing about herbs or animals. It’s…rather depressing.”
She put her hand on his shoulder “You’ll find your place. You just have to look harder. Your abilities may help you, in fact. You just need to be patient, Levin.”
He frowned. “Why would it matter, anyway? Won’t we leave before either Ivory or I have to suffer beyond suffering? I mean…come on. I almost lost you…”
She sighed, looking over at Riviera across the gathered people. “I don’t believe we will, Levin. Riviera has a reason for us to be here.”
“They need our help. I have a feeling that it has to do with fighting.”
“Oh.” His face alone was enough to make Ky sick. He didn’t like this.
“Eat the rest of that before you insult somebody.”
He picked the food up and ate it slowly, without interest. His eyes were unfocused and worried, staring into the fire once again. Though she felt guilty for it, Ky was glad they weren’t on her anymore – at least for now.
Riviera appeared in front of the bonfire.
“And now, my people, that the meal is finished, I have a surprise for you. Lady Kiyoshi has a rare instrument, and she has agreed to share its music with you. It is a string instrument – a violin.”
There was an honestly happy and surprised applause. A few men whistled, and Yuki’s cheer could be heard over the other children’s.
Kiyoshi stood, removed the violin from her back and opened her case. Placing it on her shoulder, she waited for everything to quiet – inside her mind and around the fire. When she began to play, the music came to her slowly and without much focus. It slowly took heart as she a memory came to her.
She played notes of the joy of riding on a huge, black, half-wild colt. It was the thunder of the hooves and the wind in her hair; the world racing past and leaves of gold, scarlet and bronze zipping up from the wind his hooves stirred and the feel of your very heart suddenly beating in rhythm with his. It was a fast, colorful song with sudden twists with themes. Fast to slow, slow to fast. It seemed wild and nearly uncontrolled. But when she finally ended the song – the end of the ride – everybody clapped and cheered, including Riviera.
She held back the tears of the memory of the last ride in her world that she’d shared with Tempest as she put away her violin. People began to depart. The fire was still roaring, but Ky had a feeling it wasn’t put out as they as they remained in one place. Riviera approached her without Tenzik, which caught Kiyoshi’s attention.
I just may be getting the hang of this sensing thing.

“Need something, Riviera?” She asked without looking directly at her as she buckled her case and adjusted the strap.
“As soon as you’re ready, meet me in my wagon. It’s the one with the Emperor’s symbol on it.”
You say that like I know what the symbol is.
“Excellent. We’ll be there as soon as we can.”
She turned and left. Kiyoshi watched her walk to a wagon with the image of a cross with a huge purple snake slithering up its center, around the horizontal line and curling around the top half to face the viewer, hissing with enormous fangs showing.
That’s an odd symbol for an empire. I would expect a dragon or a huge white tiger or something. It must be the culture around here. I don’t know where they’d get a python like that, though.

She looked over at Ivory and Kai, who were still talking to the remainder of the teens they had been talking to.
“I think your problem isn’t the stance, Heian. It’s the weapon.” Ivory was telling a boy slightly younger than her. “That sword can’t be the right size for you. I tried ten swords before my father finally had one made for me. That’s the problem; you need a new sword.”
She caught my eye. “Talk to your trainer, alright? Lykaios and I gotta go; Kiyoshi needs us.”
“Thanks for the advice, Ivory. I didn’t even think about the sword being the wrong weight.”
“And thanks for showing me the fox pelt, Lykaios. I didn’t think they could be red – or so small!”
“No problem.” The girls said at the same time. Then they turned away from the girls and returned to Ky.
“We have a meeting with Riviera.”
They followed her and Levin to the wagon. On the way, Ky paused mid-step. She looked over to their wagon. Zenic nodded at her. Then she noticed Tenzik had opened the wagon door and moved aside. He was looking at her curiously.
“Is something the matter?”
“No.” She went inside.
It was larger than their wagon, with more furniture. Ky spotted a staff beside the bed. The cupboards were filled with spices. It was all very colorful and personal.
It’s very different from ours.

“Ah. There you are. Please, sit.”
They did.
“Now…the reason I brought you here…is because I need your help. And I need your help in fighting a war.”
Kai lunged toward her. Just in time, Kiyoshi grabbed her arm, twisted it and shoved her back into place.
“Don’t you dare, Kai.” She growled in her ear, too quietly for Riviera to hear. “Or you will be in trouble beyond your wildest dreams.”
The child swallowed and nodded abruptly.

Chapter Four

Riviera’s Plea

Levin had been nervous to begin with. Now he was absolutely horrified. In fact, he felt nauseous. He craved simply to disappear – to never see this eccentric, insane woman again. But he couldn’t leave the girls – not after a life of living with them as family. He couldn’t make himself get up and abandon them, as their parents had. And it wasn’t like there was a way home, either.
We’re trapped. We’re trapped like chained dogs and Ky knows it. I’m not leaving them. How will she get us out of this now?

Ky was glaring at the woman. Her fists were balled.
She may have stopped Kai, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to do it herself; she just wants to keep us alive.

“Riviera…” Her voice was so calm and quiet Levin had to listen closely to hear her – and he was sitting right next to her. “You have taken us from the only home we have ever known into a barren tundra mountain for your personal war? We have ridden in this frigid wasteland for four days so you can ask us to fight your own battles?! We lost two horses, learned we’re not family and two of us have gained abilities we’d rather be without – all to fight for you?”
Her voice gradually escalated until she was practically shouting. The rage bled in her words as if they were venom.
Levin had to grab her to prevent her from standing – and probably socking the crazy old hag right in the face.
“Calm down, Ky.” He whispered. “What is wrong with you? Yelling isn’t going to solve this.”
She glared at him a moment, then sighed, shaking her head. Looking back at one pale Riviera, Levin continued for her.
She’s really shaken up about this.
“I’m sorry, Riviera. We left everything for you.”
“We would like to know more about this war.” Ivory added. Her anger was narrowly in check. Her eyes were slits and her words were devoid of emotion.
“We also need to understand our part in your war." Ky injected. Her eyes were full of the fury they’d heard only seconds ago, but her voice was so calm it was cold.
Riviera nodded slowly. “Alright. I get it, you four. You simply don’t remember us. I’m not surprised; you were taken from us at a very young age.”
“Shut up and tell us about the damn war. I don’t want to hear a history lesson.” Kai snapped, getting impatient. “We’ve heard enough of those.”
Her feathers a little ruffled, Riviera nodded.
“This war is more than just mine. In fact, it’s split the entire world – this world. As you four seem to refuse to accept, this is the world you were born in. Your ties here are strong.”
“Get –” Kai began.
She put her hand up to prevent Kai from interrupting. “This is relevant, Lykaios!”
The girl scoffed, but said no more.
“The war started over you four’s disappearance.”
Levin suddenly realized how much this woman believed her tale. He recalled how the people had welcomed them as if they were family. Most of them presumed they knew everything already, even though they were making so many mistakes.
It’s obvious this isn’t our world. That much we got. But what about…how would we get from this world to ours and back? Were we kidnapped? Did our parents flee to that world, only to abandon us?
“The four of you are critical to end this war, but it must be proved. You must help us reach the palace alive, and present four items that shall prove your birth. Then you will be given training for war.”

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