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Book online «The Dark Ages of the Synakoy; The Past Forgotten by Wolfheart (popular novels .TXT) 📖». Author Wolfheart

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him back to the coral.
Riviera was looking closely at Ky; especially when she turned around. Kiyoshi knew what she was looking at; her violin case. She finally approached her after giving orders to her scouts.
“You play an instrument?”
“Yes. I play the violin in my free time.”
“Violins are rare. Where did you get it?”
“I’m not sure. I’ve had it as long as I can remember.”
Zenic shifted his paws, making it difficult to remain on his back.
“We have some others that play as well, but they have reed flutes and such. Any string instrument is rare in the mountains. We would love to hear you play.”
Surprised, Kiyoshi looked around and slowly nodded. “I wouldn’t mind. I’m not the best, but if you wish, I could play tonight, after my family and animals are cared for.”
“Then after supper, before the children are to bed?”
“That’s fine.”
It should give me some time to come up with what I’ll play, and to rest. I also need to speak with the girls and Levin…

“Oh. If you wish, Kiyoshi, you may speak with the beast masters anytime you, Levin and Lykaios feel the need.”
Kiyoshi just nodded and muttered her thanks, tired and worried about her words. Riviera was quiet a moment, and then pointed to a small wagon sitting alone in the snow. The wood was pine, and it appeared freshly cut and made. There were two of their Garix hitched.
“That is yours. I sent word ahead to construct one for you four. There’s no need to be concerned about the Garixes; we’ll give them grain. They are trained well, and are intact. We won’t move out immediately; my scouts need rest. I recommend Lykaios and Ivory build up a food stock; we can’t supply you all the time with such a large group.”
Since when did we ask for a wagon? Then again…it’s better than a tent and a cot…and now we don’t have to worry about overburdening the horses; they can travel without worrying about the extra weight.

“I’ll do that.” Kiyoshi turned toward the wagon. The others shadowed her. “Since Kai knows more about hunting than Ivory, I’m sure she can take care of that with Viper. Levin can help me care for the Garixes, too. Ivory…you can make sure there’s wood every morning. We’ll find an ax When your abilities are born, I’m sure we’ll find some other ways for you to assist us.”
Ivory took off his bridal. Ky handed her a brush and dismounted Zenic. It wasn’t long before the horses were clean and fed, a fire was started and their belongings were settled into the wagon, which contained a small supply of bread, spice and meat as well as firewood next to the wheel, extra grain, an ax and equipment for horses and the Garix. Edgy, the horses remained close to the wagon and even followed their riders around whenever they could. Viper lingered by the front right wheel, observing the activity around the wagon attentively.
Zenic had disappeared into the mountains to hunt; Ky worried about him, since he wasn’t too good at it. When a strange boy around seven years old appeared, she gave a small growl-bark to alert Kiyoshi, but didn’t approach the boy.
“Greetings.” He said nervously. Kiyoshi approached him.
“Yes, child?”
“Riviera invites you to join us for supper, Lady Kiyoshi. All four of you are welcome to the meal and fire.”
“Thank you.” When the child didn’t leave, Ky thought for a moment she needed to pay him.
“You have a White Lion as a mount…”
“Yes.” She looked at the boy carefully.
“When he comes back, can I touch him?”
She blinked. “That’s completely up to him, child. He’s not a beast like your horses; he’s an intelligent animal who thinks and feels as we do.”
The boy’s eyes glowed with interest and excitement. “That’s really cool! Can I meet him at least?”
“Of course you can. You can tomorrow morning, in fact – if you come at dawn…and only after you talk to your mommy and daddy.”
He nodded with excitement.
“Alright; we need to get to supper. The horses will stay around the wagon. Zenic will meet me back here, too.”
“What about puppy?”
“She goes everywhere I do; that’s the way she is.”
“That’s cool. My dog stays and guards the caribou. We’re not allowed to pet him.”
“I don’t think she would care for it. Go tell them we’ll be right along, boy.”
“Yes, lady Kiyoshi.” He turned away and ran off toward the fire. Ky turned to see the girls and Levin waiting for her. She came up to them.
“We’re invited to supper?” Kai looked nervous.
Ivory was shivering. “I do. It’s cold out here, and they’re fire is huge.”
Levin, as he had all day, remained quiet. He just stared at Kiyoshi’s amber eye. His staring made her fidget.
“Alright; we need to get going.” She nodded and headed for the fire. Levin slowly followed her, coming to walk to her left. The girls followed them. Viper came to walk at Ky’s right heel. When they arrived, a group of teens the girls’ age called them over.
“Do you mind?” They asked Ky, Ivory’s eyes glowing.
“Go on. But…” She looked at Kai. “Give me that knife of yours. I don’t want anything to happen…”
Kai frowned. “You don’t trust me?”
“I don’t trust them.” She pointed at the crowd. “Who knows what they’ll say? If they get you angry enough…”
She sighed and handed Ky the dagger. “Fine. But I get it back when we get to the wagon.”
“Of course. I just don’t want an accident to happen.”
They went off to join the kids.
“Welcome.” Riviera came up and greeted Levin and her. “Come and sit. The food will soon be ready.”
“Thank you.” Ky answered formally. She didn’t bow or anything, but that would seem too much; perhaps even mocking. Ky joined her, sitting on the left. Levin sat on her right.
“What do you know about hunting?” A girl asked Kai. “And why did the Lady take your dagger?”
“Well…” Kai fell into a story about her last deer hunt. Ky heard her carefully replace the word ‘gun’ with ‘bow’. Thankfully, she was good at both.
“They seem to be adapting.” Riviera said as men handed her, Ky, Levin and Tenzik food bowls. This time it looked like goat meat and some kind of nut. There was what looked like tubers in it as well. It was a thick, well-spiced and hot soup. The goat meat was tender as she took a bite.
Ky nodded to her observation. “They have to in this kind of place. It’s far different than what we’re used to.”
I miss that lifestyle. If we could just get home…it would be nice to sleep in a bed again…to eat McDonalds…hell – I wouldn’t mind seeing the police about my missing mother!

“It must have been a beautiful place. And from what it sounds like, very solitary.”
“We were in mountains much different than these; it rarely snowed, the trees were broad-leaved and the soil was clay. In the fall, the leaves would all fall from the trees, blanketing the world in scarlet, bronze and gold. Wolves were few. Bears were black and small. The mountains were full of trees and all sorts of other plants. They weren’t as sheer and pointed, either….”
“These mountains are young and far from the sun’s belt. It sounds like the mountains you lived in were older and much closer to it. That would explain the difference. It sounds wonderful. I’m sorry I’ve brought you here.”
Alright…it’s back to that. If she really did bring us here…there must not only be a reason, but a way for her to get us home.

“Yes…about that, Riviera.” She kept her tone even and friendly, as if she were making trivial chitchat. “We were in the middle of hunting and gathering herbs for me; he has a horse back home that’s injured, and I needed something to treat the wound for him…why would you send Viper to find us? Is there such a need to bring us from the only home we remember?”
She ate for a few minutes, her eyes churning as she thought. Ky and Levin ate as well, enjoying the food for once. It was well cooked.
“We will discuss this alone, you and me.”
“No. I will tell Levin later anyway. This concerns him, and the girls.”
She nodded. “Alright. But not now; it is a time for community and joy, not for topics such as that one. Mingle with the people. The beast master said his boy offered to meet Zenic.”
“He won’t be touching him unless Zenic agrees, and the boy understands that.”
“He is terrified of white lions; one killed his mother and nearly him about a month ago.”
“What?” Ky was shocked. "I had no idea. He was persistent about at least meeting him. He wanted to touch him.”
The woman frowned. “Since then, he has feared most animals; his father treats him very poorly now. That is why the beast master wants to speak with you about him. I believe he wants you to employ the boy – he mentioned paying you to do it. He said he has a rare Wolf mount you may have interest in. It’s from the plains, in fact.”
So the boy needs a new hope, does he? Fine. I will give him one.

She nodded, looking around for the boy and his father. When she spotted the two – it was clear he was the boy’s father from the resemblance – she finished her food as quickly as she could without being rude and excused herself.
He stood at the sight of her approach. “Go play, Yuki.”
The boy looked up and smiled at her, then scampered off to join another group of boys playing with a puppy. She saw him pat the dog’s head nervously, and then turn away to speak with one of the boys not handling the animal.
“Greetings, my lady.” His father said formally. There was reserved hope in his gaze.
“Greetings. You are the beast master, yes?”
“Indeed.” His figures tapped nervously at his leg.
I best play this carefully. It seems as if he expects me to jump his case about something. Or is he just impatient?

“I hear you want me to employ that boy of yours?”
“Yes, lady.”
“He is a young child. He’s not the best with animals. In fact, he seemed to assume they don’t have a mind of their own. Look at the way he approaches that dog. What good is he to me?”
“I understand your people do not share our ways, my lady, but Yuki is young enough to be taught whatever you want him to learn. In fact, he’s trying hard to get over his fears. If he does not react well to that lion mount –”
“Mount?” She growled. “Zenic not only has a name his mother gave him, he has culture, intellect, emotion and preference. He is the only reason I am here to speak with you and Yuki will be taught that. He will not be employed to treat my friends and partners like they are unthinking filth. Even wingless horses deserve respect, for they have feelings. If you can agree with these terms, he is welcome to attempt to learn. He will need to be there by dawn and until dusk. I will teach him the way to mend wounds, handle wingless horses, respect animals and

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