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Book online «Family of Outcasts by Aaron McLeod (best books under 200 pages .TXT) 📖». Author Aaron McLeod

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and they carried out their bowls of stew along with a seed cake to go with it. At the table, Brother Hammond and High Inquisitor Brygon were sitting at the table, along with a few Inquisitorial soldiers and novice priests. Hammond was sitting at the head of the table, with the novices to his right and Brygon and his soldiers to his left. They all sat in silence as all the orphans placed their food bowls down at their seats and then returned to the kitchens.

Hanalos sat down on the opposite side of Hammond. She stared at him for a brief moment then looked down at her food. She took a sniff of the stew, taking in the warm, soothing aroma of beef, vegetables and garlic. The orphans returned and with more bowls. They took them to the soldiers and novices, who waited eagerly to be able to eat. Ariana sat down and managed to sneak a little glimpse at Brygon. He looked much different from before. He was clean shaven, and his face was free of dirt and dust. He was no longer in armour. Instead, Brygon was wearing a red and yellow striped jerkin. It was made of a fine silk and had not a single tarnish or tear that Ariana could see. Before anyone could notice her staring, she turned her attention back to her stew.

Hammond placed his hands together and slightly bowed his head. The novices and soldiers did the same. Hanalos, Gregory and the children followed suit, though with some hesitation. Hammond closed his eyes and began to say a prayer.

“Oh Holy Guardian, our God over man. We thank You for this bounty You have granted us. Brings good fortune in the days ahead, so that we are able to serve You and only You. Amen.”

“Amen.” Everyone said in reply.

Immediately after the end of the prayer, the soldiers and novices began to devour the food ferociously. Everyone could not help but stare at them as they scarfed down the remnants of the stew, even going as far as to lick the bottom of the bowls to get the last bit of gravy. Soon they noticed how much they had acted like pigs and hung their heads low in shame, their faces absolutely covered in gravy. Hammond was about to speak to them when Brygon stood up from his seat.

“Forgive them.” He said. “We did not have enough food for our journey and no gold to buy enough food for all of us. It’s understandable that they are a little excessive in their eating.” He sat back down. Hammond was looking at him with a look of disapproval. The soldiers and novices were sitting quietly, waiting for someone to say something. Brygon looked at them all again and rolled his eyes.

“Well go on. Go clean yourselves up and get some more food. You deserve it.”

Their faces lit up like candles as they all scrambled to the kitchens with their bowls. Everyone else finally began to eat their food. They continued to eat in silence. None of the orphans spoke and even the twins were unusually quiet. The novices and soldiers returned, the gravy cleaned from their faces. Silence filled the room as they all ate. The only noises were the bumping of wooden spoons against the bowls. The entire time, Hanalos kept moving her eyes between Hammond and the orphans. She noticed Hammond looking at Ariana. She recognized that look. It was the same look many men gave her when she was Ariana’s age. Hanalos could just barely hold her anger back. Finally, the silence was broken when one of the novice’s sneezed. Hammond turns his attention back to his bowl once again.

Soon, they were all finished with their supper and they took the bowls out to the kitchen, returning to the table afterwards.

“Arthur, could you go get the dessert please?” Hanalos asked. Arthur nodded and stood up from his seat.

“I must say Sister Hanalos, that that was a very good meal. It was something we truly needed after such a long journey.” Hammond said with a smile.

“I am humbled by your satisfaction.”

“But now I am afraid that we must get down to business. The sooner it is addressed, the better.”

Hanalos froze in place, all her joints stiffening up. Gregory noticed her stiffness”

“Perhaps it would be better if we waited until the children were all in bed.” Gregory said nervously.

Hammond shook his head. “No. This is something they need to hear too. It is for the greater good.”

Arthur returned with the dessert. It was a large bowl of mixed berries, ranging from raspberries to gooseberries, along with blackberries and strawberries. He placed the bowl back onto the table and returned to his seat.

“Good, you are all here. I can begin now.” Hammond said.

“As Friar Gregory has told me, you are suffering from a physical ailment in your legs. If I am to understand correctly, this has greatly hindered your work here. Because of this, I have been selected to be your permanent replacement.”

There was a massive gasp from all the orphans. Their mouths hung open in shock. Hanalos and Gregory sat quietly, not making a single sound.

“You are to leave within the next few days and never return, along with the oldest of the boys, Arthur. If you do no leave by then or if you do leave and you return, you will be forced away from the area.” Hammond finished with a smile.

Arthur and Ragosh stood up from their seats angrily.

            “How dare you, you pompous little scoundrel!” Hannah yelled out suddenly. Everyone turned their heads to her in surprise. Hannah stood up from her chair in the mid-left side of the table. She grabbed a handful of berries and threw them at Hammonds face. Some of them broke, leaving berry juice on his face. “You think you can just come here, say what you like and think you’ll get away with it?” She grabbed another handful of berries to throw at him, but Ragosh restrained her. Arthur looked back at Hammond. He clenched his hands into fists.

            “And why would you want me to go? I have been here all my life and have helped raise children here for as long as I can remember!” He raised his voice gradually as he spoke.

            “That’s exactly why you need to go. You were supposed to leave once you were eighteen. But instead you chose to stay. If you want to stay, you can. But you must be a man of the cloth to do so.” Hammond replied. Arthur relaxed his hands and returned to his seat, keeping his eyes on Hammond. Jade left her seat and ran towards Hanalos.

            “I don’t want her to go.” She said with tears in her eyes.

            “I realize that, but you have to understand little one, that-”

            “No!” Aldus yelled out as he jumped out of his chair. Oldus and Jordan soon followed. Brygon nodded to his soldiers who then got up and chased after them. The sound of pots being knocked over came from the kitchen. Hanalos tried to get up, but one of the soldiers held her down. Arthur got up from his chair and started to wrestle with another soldier. Arthur stomped on the soldier’s foot and punched him on the left cheek, knocking out a rotten tooth. Ragosh grabbed one of the soldiers who chased after Jordan and threw him into the wall. The soldier tried to reach for his dagger, but Ragosh already began to punch him in the face over and over again.

            Brygon stood up from his seat and called out “Enough!” Everyone except Ragosh stopped what they were doing. He continued to keep on punching the soldiers face bloody. Two other soldiers grabbed his arms and pulled him away while another lifted the beaten soldier to his feet. The bloodied soldier was having trouble breathing and blood was dripping down his cheeks. His fellow soldiers walked him out of the dining hall as the soldiers who chased after Jordan and the twins came back with them. The children were resisting by trying to hit the soldiers or pulling themselves away, but the soldiers had a good grip on them. Jordan has a large bruise across his cheek and Aldus’s nose was bleeding. The soldiers forced them down into their chairs again and held them there to keep them from running off again. Brygon glared at these soldiers with disapproval. He walked over to Aldus and handed him a clean rag for his nose.

            “If you cannot keep these children under control, then you are no longer needed there.” Hammond said, raising his voice slightly. He stood up from his seat and walked over to Hannah. He put his hand on her shoulder and gripped it tightly. Hannah cringed at the pain and tried to push Hammond’s hand off her shoulder. “And any who cause such outbreaks are the ones who shall be punished.” He turned his attention back to Hanalos. Hanalos knew what he was thinking. She kept silent though. If she said anything in protest or did anything to stop him, it would only make things worse for the children.

            “High Inquisitor Brygon,” Hammond said, motioning his head to Hannah. “I want you to show Sister Hanalos and these lovely children what happens if they show any sign of disobedience.” Brygon’s expression was bleak. He stood next to Aldus’s chair quietly.

            “Are you sure of this brother Hammond?” He finally asked.

            “My word is the word of our Pope and his word is the word of the Guardian. Would you defy any of us?” Hammond said coldly.

            “No, Brother Hammond. I would not.” Brygon said with an upset sound in his voice. He nodded to two of his soldiers. They went over to Hannah and pulled her out of her chair.

            “No! Let go of me!” She screamed. Hannah struggled and tried to bite the cheek of one of the soldiers. The one she tried to bite struck her across right cheek before she should though. They pushed her against the wall and punched her in the stomach. She almost keeled over from the strike. Arthur tried to stand up but he was held down by a soldier. Brygon approached Hannah who was now struggling to breathe. Brygon looked at her with a gloomy expression on his face.

            “I’m sorry.” He whispered to her.

            “Now Brygon.” Hammond pressed him on. Brygon closed his eyes tightly, but then opened them immediately. Hannah noticed a tear going down his cheek. He frowned and motioned to the two soldiers. They ripped off the front of Hannah’s dress, exposing her breasts. Hannah screamed, trying to free her arms to cover them up. Everyone was pleading for Hammond to stop Brygon, but he paid them no heed. Brygon drew an eight inch knife from his side and placed it up to the top of her right shoulder. Brygon closed his eyes tightly again, and started to apply pressure on his knife, drawing it down Hannah’s chest. Her screams filled the whole room as blood quickly began to flow from the cut. Brygon continued to bring the cut down across her chest from the right shoulder to just under her left breast. He finally pulled the knife away and opened his eyes. Brygon had left a massive cut across Hannah’s chest that was freely bleeding and fast. He had come close to cutting Hannah’s left breast, but luckily just barely missed it. Slowly backing away, Brygon took out another rag and began to wipe away the blood from his knife.

Hammond looked back at Hanalos, Gregory and the orphans. Tears were all building up in their eyes as they looked at Hannah, who had now passed out from the pain.

“Now you see what will happen if anyone shows any sign of disobedience. I suggest getting that cut looked after before it becomes infected and begins to fester.” Hammond said with a smile. “May the Guardian watch over

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