Read books online » Fantasy » Family of Outcasts by Aaron McLeod (best books under 200 pages .TXT) 📖

Book online «Family of Outcasts by Aaron McLeod (best books under 200 pages .TXT) 📖». Author Aaron McLeod

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dead dragon. The dragon had spent years terrorizing the countryside and anyone who attempted to slay it was killed. Astor claimed to have killed the beast on his own. This was enough to prove to both the church and the people that the Guardian was truly on his side. So an agreement between Astor and the Holy Church was made. Astor became the first king of Roseiron/Ostllyn and would attend to the concerns and needs of the people. However, he would have to answer to the Holy Church. The king would have no power over any high ranking member or any Inquisitorial soldier unless directly given the power to do so by the Pope. So began the monarchy that had ruled over Roseiron/Ostllyn for centuries.

            These studies were constantly repeated every day. It eventually became boring and repetitive for the children. When Aldus spoke up about his boredom, Hammond had one of the soldiers strike his hand repetitively, breaking it. Hanalos soon found herself in a heated argument with Hammond. She wanted to grab Hammond around the neck and strangle him every time she saw him. But she knew she couldn’t. Her hands were too frail to hold tightly enough and Hammond was much younger than her, so he could overpower her easily. All she could do was argue with him. Everyone could hear them when they did. It would make Jade cry, so Ariana would have to comfort her. Jade felt that she was the only one who could comfort her.

            There was not much Arthur could do to help ease the situation. All he really could do was to try and keep the younger children under control around Hammond and the soldiers, though his attempts were in vain most of the time. He just barely kept a soldier from striking Jade for accidentally bumping into him.

            The soldiers had also been patrolling Greymoor every night. They walked through the hallways and checked every single room thoroughly before everyone went to sleep. Once they were done inside, they checked outside in the courtyard, the walls and the main door. Eventually, Arthur managed to convince Brygon and Hammond to let him help with the patrols. He told them he just wanted to help. In actuality, he was observing the patrol patterns so that he could find a way to sneak the girls away. Arthur took each night accompanying each soldier. There were ten of them in total. Most of them didn’t take kindly to having Arthur join them, but they kept silent about it. Soon Arthur memorized the main pattern and began to form a plan. At night before he went to sleep, he thought out what he would have to do. He knew that he would initiate the plan once the soldiers were done patrolling the interior of the orphanage. It was just a question of timing. Another week passed and Arthur has a basic idea of what he was going to do. He finally decided to tell one of the girls about his plan. He couldn’t tell Hannah at this time. She was still recovering and Jade might accidentally reveal the plans. Ariana was his only option.

            Arthur found her in the girls’ room later that evening. She was sitting next to Hannah’s bed reading a book. Hannah was asleep. Ariana was dressed in her white night gown. Her hair hung over her left shoulder. Arthur couldn’t tell what book she was reading, but that didn’t matter to him. He took a deep silent breath and approached her. Ariana heard him approach and quickly stood up. She closed the book.

            “Arthur!” She exclaimed quietly. “How long have you been standing there?”

            “Not long.” Arthur replied. “How is she doing?”

            “She is recovering, but slowly.”

            “Good.” Arthur checked behind him to make sure no one was looking. “I need to speak to you for a moment. It’s important.”

            “What about?”

            Arthur took another breath. “I’m going to leave this place once Hannah is better. And I’m taking you, her and Jade with me.” Ariana’s mouth opened but she quickly put her hand over her mouth before she could say anything loudly.

            “Don’t be foolish! What if we’re discovered? What if they chase us?” She whispered.

            “We’ll be careful. You three can’t stay here. It’s too dangerous. I don’t trust Hammond, not after what he had done to Hannah.”

            “And yet you trust Brygon? The man who did the deed?”

            Arthur was at a loss for words for a moment, but spoke again shortly after “I never said I did. But I feel that it would be better for you three to be away from them.”

            “And what about Aldus and Oldus? Or Jordan? Or everyone else? What about them?” Ariana was raising her voice now.

            “Lower your voice.” Arthur checked the door again. He was at a loss for words again.

            “Everyone here is a family to you. You can’t just leave everyone just to keep me, Hannah and Jade safe. I’m staying. And so is Jade. Now get out.” She pushed Arthur away. His expression was blank. He didn’t say a word. Arthur just walked out the door, leaving Ariana in silence. Ariana returned to her seat. She looked at Hannah. Her hair had gone over her face, so Ariana moved it out of the way. She decided to check on the wound. Ariana slowly slipped the top of the night gown down to Hannah’s left. She lifted the cloth gently, trying not to pull it off completely. An appalling smell came from the wound and the bandage. There was a massive scab across Hannah’s chest. Some of it had broken off with the cloth, so blood was now flowing slowly. Ariana quickly placed the cloth back onto her chest and brought the top of the night gown to its proper position. Ariana placed her book down and lied down on her bed. She had moved it closer to Hannah’s bed in case Hannah needed her for anything. Soon she was sound asleep as the candle slowly burned on throughout the night.


            “Wake up!” Arthur heard a voice calling out. “Wake up, Arthur!” He awoke quickly from his sleep, flinging hid arms out. He struck Ragosh in the nose.

            “I didn’t say hit me.” Ragosh said, clutching his nose.

            “Sorry. What’s going on?”

            Ragosh felt around his nose to check for blood. There was none. “Someone’s come inside. He’s badly hurt.” Ragosh said, running out of the bedroom. Arthur got up from his bed, slipped out of his night clothes and put his pants and shirt back on quickly, following Ragosh as he struggled to get the shirt on. Finally getting the shirt on, Arthur went down the stairs quickly. Everyone was gathering around the person, murmuring words that Arthur couldn’t make out. He got to the edge and managed to get a look at the person. It was a boy, younger than Arthur. His hair was long, just reaching his nexk, was light brown in colour and terribly messy. His clothes were torn, his boots were falling apart and were soaking wet. Blood was on the floor, leaking from a broken arrow in the boy’s side. He was breathing, but wasn’t responding to anyone. Hanalos and Gregory finally arrived. Hanalos knelt down next to him and placed her hand on his forehead, pushing away the hair from his face. There were some small scars across his face and a few bruises here and there.

            “This boy has a fever. Let’s get him upstairs. Gregory, take him upstairs. Arthur, bring me some cold water and fresh cloths.” Hanalos said very quickly. Gregory picked the boy up. Something fell from the boys back that made a short but loud clanking sound. Arthur quickly picked it up. It was a large, thin bundle that was tied together through a small leather rope. Curious, Arthur tried to untie the rope.

            “Leave it boy!” Gregory snapped. Arthur stopped trying to untie the bundle and left it leaning against the wall. He went to the kitchen and grabbed a pot, then quickly ran out to the well outside of Greymoor’s entrance. It was pouring rain outside, but he kept heading towards the well. He got to the well and lowered the bucket down the well, then pulled the chain to lift the bucket. He dumped the water into the pot, and then repeated the process a second time.

            Back inside, Gregory laid the boy down onto one of the spare beds. He ripped off the boy’s shirt so that he could if there were any more injuries. There was a variety of large and small scars all across the boy’s chest, stomach, shoulders and arms. His breathing was raspy and he was beginning to speak inaudible words. Gregory took a closer look at the arrow. The wood shaft was made of yew wood and half of it had been broken off. The arrowhead was lodged into the boy’s abdomen, just to the left of the bellybutton. There was no way Gregory could pull it out the other end to ease the boys pain. He knew what he had to do.

            “Ragosh, Athos, Brendwin, when Arthur gets back, I’m going to need your help. I’ll need to you each hold down this boy’s arms and legs. I need to pull the arrow out the opposite end. It’s going to be very painful for it and based on the muscles on this lad, he’d going to hurt us if he isn’t restrained. Ah, Arthur.” Gregory said to them. Arthur finally came back with the pot of well water and fresh cloths. Gregory explained what was needed. Arthur nodded and got into position. He had to hold down the boy’s right arm, while Ragosh took the left arm, Athos the right leg and Brendwin the left leg. Gregory placed his right hand on the boy’s chest and took hold of the arrow.

            “Girls, leave us. You don’t want to see this.” The girls left. Hanalos stayed behind. “Ready? Three…two…one!” Gregory began to pull hard on the arrow. It was stuck in the boys flesh tight. The sound of tearing flesh emanated from the wound. The boy was awake now, and screaming. He was pulling at his arms and legs, trying to free himself. The screams deafened everyone in the room. Arthur almost wanted to knock him out just to stop the screaming. Eventually Gregory was able to remove the arrow, which he tossed to the side quickly while placing one of the cloths over the open wound. The boy passed out again and everyone let go of his limbs. Hanalos pulled a chair to the side of the bed and began to wipe the sweat away from the boy’s forehead. Arthur placed the pot of water on the night table.

            “Thank you. Now all of you leave Gregory and I. We mustn’t be disturbed.” Hanalos said, dipping a cloth into the water, twisting the water out and wiping the boy’s forehead with it. Arthur and the others left the room and closed the door. Ariana and Jade were sitting on the floor. Jade was crying into Ariana’s shoulder.

            “She didn’t like the screaming.” Ariana explained. Arthur kneeled down to Jade and took her into his arms, lifting her up from the floor.

            “He’ll be okay. Sister Hanalos and Gregory know what they’re doing.” Arthur comforted Jade. Jade’s crying settled down. She pulled her face away from Arthur’s shoulder and looked at him.

            “Are you sure?” She asked, sniffing. Arthur wiped the tears on her cheeks away.

            “Of course I’m sure. You’ll see.” Jade smiled and wrapped her arms around Arthur’s neck. Arthur hugged back, but then noticed Hammond and Brygon approaching. He placed her down with Ariana and stood at the door. Brygon stood behind Hammond.

            “I take it our guest is still alive?” Arthur nodded. “May we see him?”

            “Sister Hanalos and Gregory are tending to the arrow wound. The boy is asleep as well.”

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