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so little caution, that he would have awakened her, had she not slept sounder than ordinary, through the enchantment of Danhasch.

“How!” said the prince, “do you not awake at these testimonies of love?” He was going to awake her, but suddenly refrained. “Is not this she,” said he, “that the sultan my father would have had me marry? He was in the wrong not to let me see her sooner. I should not have offended him by my disobedience and passionate language to him in public, and he would have spared himself the confusion which I have occasioned him.”

The prince began to repent sincerely of the fault he had committed, and was once more on the point of awaking the princess of China. “It may be,” said he, “that the sultan my father has a mind to surprise me; and has sent this young lady to try if I had really that aversion to marriage which I pretended. Who knows but he has brought her himself, and is hidden behind the hangings, to observe me, and make me ashamed of my dissimulation? The second fault would be greater than the first. At all events, I will content myself with this ring, as a remembrance of her.”

He then gently drew off a ring which the princess had on her finger, and immediately replaced it with one of his own. After this he fell into a more profound sleep than before, through the enchantment of the genies.

Danhasch now transformed himself into a flea in his turn, and bit the princess so rudely on the lip, that she awoke, started up, and on opening her eyes, was not a little surprised to see a man lying by her side. From surprise she proceeded to admiration, and from admiration to a transport of joy, at beholding so beautiful and lovely a youth.

“What!” cried she, “is it you the king my father has designed me for a husband? Would that I had known it, for then I should not have displeased him, nor been deprived of a husband whom I cannot forbear loving. Wake then, awake!”

So saying, she took the prince by the arm, and shook him so violently, that he would have awaked, had not Maimoune increased his sleep by her enchantment. She shook him several times, and finding he did not awake, exclaimed, “What is come to thee? what jealous rival, envying thy happiness and mine, has had recourse to magic to throw thee into this unconquerable drowsiness when thou shouldst be most awake?” Tired at length with her fruitless endeavours to awaken the prince; “Since,” said she, “I find it is not in my power to awake thee, I will no longer disturb thy repose, but wait our next meeting.” After having kissed his cheek, she lay down and fell asleep by enchantment.

Maimoune now cried out to Danhasch, “Ah, cursed genie, art thou not now convinced how much thy princess is inferior to my prince?

Another time believe me when I assert any thing.” Then turning to Caschcasch, “As for you,” said she, “I thank you for your trouble; take the princess, in conjunction with Danhasch, and convey her back again to her bed, from whence he has taken her.”

Danhasch and Caschcasch did as they were commanded, and Maimoune retired to her well.

Kummir al Zummaun on waking next morning, looked if the lady whom he had seen the night before were by him. When he found she was gone, he cried out, “I thought indeed this was a trick the king my father designed to play me. I am glad I was aware of it.” He then awaked the slave, who was still asleep, and after he had washed and said his prayers, took a book and read some time.

After these usual exercises, he called the slave, and said to him, “Come hither, and be sure you do not tell me a lie. How came the lady hither who lay with me tonight, and who brought her?”

“My lord,” answered the slave with great astonishment, “I know not what lady your highness speaks of.” “I speak,” said the prince, “of her who came, or rather was brought hither, and lay with me tonight.” “My lord,” replied the slave, “I swear I know of no such lady; and how should she come in without my knowledge, since I lay at the door?”

“You are a lying knave,” replied the prince, “and in the plot to vex and provoke me.” He then gave him a box on the ear, which knocked him down; and after having stamped upon him for some time, he tied the well-rope under his arms, and plunged him several times into the water, neck and heels. “I will drown thee,” cried he, “if thou dost not tell me directly who this lady was, and who brought her.”

The slave, perplexed and half dead, said within himself, “The prince must have lost his senses through grief, and I shall not escape if I do not tell him a falsehood. My lord,” cried he, in a suppliant tone, “I beseech your highness to spare my life, and I will tell you the truth.”

The prince drew the slave up, and pressed him to tell him. As soon as he was out of the well, “My lord,” said he, trembling, “your highness must perceive it is impossible for me to satisfy you in my present condition; I beg you to give me leave first to go and change my clothes.” “I permit you, but do it quickly,”

said the prince; “and be sure you conceal nothing.”

The slave went out, and having locked the door upon the prince, ran to the palace just as he was. The king was at that time in discourse with his prime vizier, to whom he had just related the grief in which he had passed the night on account of his son’s disobedience and opposition to his will.

The minister endeavoured to comfort his master, by telling him, the prince himself had given him cause for his severity. “Sir,”

said he, “your majesty need not repent of having treated your son in this manner. Have but patience to let him continue a while in prison, and assure yourself his heat will abate, and he will submit to all you require.”

The grand vizier had but just done speaking when the slave came in, and cast himself at the feet of the sovereign. “My lord,”

said he, “I am sorry to be the messenger of ill news to your majesty, which I know must occasion you fresh affliction. The prince is distracted; he raves of a lady having lain with him all night, and his treatment of me, as you may see, too plainly proves the state of his mind.” Then he proceeded to relate the particulars of what the prince had said, and the violence with which he had been treated.

The king, who did not expect to hear any thing of this afflicting kind, said to the prime minister, “This is a melancholy turn, very different from the hopes you gave me: go immediately and examine the condition of my son.”

The grand vizier obeyed; and coming into the prince’s chamber, found him sitting on his bed with a book in his hand, which he was reading.

After mutual salutations, the vizier said, “My lord, I wish that a slave of yours were punished for coming to alarm the king your father by news that he has brought him.”

“What is it,” demanded the prince, “that could give my father so much uneasiness?”

“Prince,” answered the vizier, “God forbid that the intelligence he has conveyed to your father concerning you should be true; indeed, I find it to be false, by the calm temper in which I observe you, and which I pray you to continue.”

“It may be,” replied the prince, “he did not make himself well understood; but since you are come, who ought to know something of the matter, permit me to ask you who that lady was that lay with me last night?”

The grand vizier was thunderstruck at this question; he recovered himself and said, “My lord, be not surprised at my astonishment at your question. Is it possible, that a lady or any other person should penetrate by night into this place without entering at the door, and walking over the body of your slave? I beseech you, recollect yourself, and you will find it is only a dream which has made this impression on you.”

“I give no ear to what you say,” replied the prince, raising his voice. “I must know from you absolutely what is become of the lady; and if you hesitate, I am in a place where I shall soon be able to force you to obey me.”

At this stern language, the grand vizier began to feel more alarmed than before, and to think how he could extricate himself.

He endeavoured to pacify the prince, and begged of him, in the most humble and guarded manner, to tell him if he had seen this lady.

“Yes, yes,” answered the prince, “I have seen her, and am very well satisfied you sent her here to tempt me. She played the part in which you had instructed her admirably well. She pretended to be asleep, and I had no sooner fallen into a slumber, than she arose and left me. You know all this; for I doubt not she has been to make her report to you.”

“My lord,” replied the vizier, “I swear to you nothing of this kind has been acted; neither your father nor I sent this lady you speak of; permit me therefore once more to suggest to your highness, that you have only seen this lady in a dream.”

“Do you come to affront and contradict me,” said the prince in a rage, “and to tell me to my face, that what I have told you is a dream?” At the same time he took him by the beard, and loaded him with blows, as long as he could stand.

The grand vizier endured with respectful patience all the violence of the prince’s indignation, and could not help saying within himself, “Now am I in as bad a condition as the slave, and shall think myself happy, if I can, like him, escape from any further danger.” In the midst of repeated blows, he cried out but for a moment’s audience, which the prince, after he had nearly tired himself with beating him, consented to give him.

“I own, my prince,” said the grand vizier dissembling, “there is something in what your highness suspects; but you cannot be ignorant of the necessity a minister is under to obey his royal master’s commands: yet, if you will but be pleased to set me at liberty, I will go and tell him any thing on your behalf that you shall think fit to require.” “Go then,” said the prince, “and tell him from me, if he pleases, I will marry the lady he sent me, or, rather, that was brought to me last night. Do this immediately, and bring me a speedy answer.” The grand vizier made a profound reverence and went away, not thinking himself altogether safe till he had got out of the tower, and had closed the door on the prince.

He came and presented himself before Shaw Zummaun, with a countenance that sufficiently shewed he had been ill used, and which the king could not behold without concern. “Well,” said the king, “in what condition did you find my son?” “Sir,” answered the vizier, “what the slave reported to your majesty is but too true.” He then began to relate his interview with the prince, how he flew into a passion upon his endeavouring to persuade him it was impossible the lady he spoke of should have been introduced;

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