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Book online «Veyron by true.fantasy (pdf e book reader TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author true.fantasy

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the power was snatched up from all different locations back then—most of which were feeble. But not now. I raised a hand in the sky as bright blue lightning flashed across the darkening sky. I felt my feet leave the earth as I twirled up and felt the skies envelop me with their power. Then it rained. The water was bucketing down—it was a stunning storm. Lightning ripped across the sky. The thunder rang loud shaking the Earth vigorously. The flames in the village would die out quickly in this rain. I faintly heard Xavier call out to me—but I wasn’t finished. The flames of the village had gone, but the punishment of the villains was not.
“Yeira!” Xavier’s voice was loader—more desperate. There was a green flicker coming from below. I glanced down as raging green flame had erupted from the ground, racing into the sky shooting past me. What?! My focus faltered and I felt myself fall like a rock down to Earth. Xavier called out my name again. And I prepared myself for the crash. I felt something enclose around me as I splashed into and was engulfed by the water. Something dragged me up to the surface as I coughed and spluttered the water out.
“OH Yeira!!” Arms wrapped themselves around me. Xavier. I felt myself being pressed hard against his large body. He held me tightly in a bear hug as if he wouldn’t let go for the world.
I—I can’t
I can’t breathe.” I rasped. He let go but held onto my shoulders tightly.
“Yeira! What were you thinking?! I told you not to do that!! What if I hadn’t caught you in time?!” He chided. He must have leaped across the pond when I fell and we splashed into the water together.
“I had to do this!”
“No you didn’t! Because of that stupid stunt you pulled you could have—,” He stopped short. “What if I hadn’t caught you?!”
“I wouldn’t have fallen, if it wasn’t for that eruption!” I refute. “Xave there’s—there’s something you don’t know, and—,” I was cut short as his lips found mine. Not again! This kiss was hard and demanding. Was it passion or fear? Do I even care? I could hardly even think as he crushed my smaller frame against him. It was starting to hurt and I heard myself whimper pleadingly. He pulled out for a breath and we both gasped for air. I looked up and as expected his eyes were no longer green. But his amber eyes carried a flame of their own. Once again he took hold of my hair from the back of my head and pulled me in for another kiss. This time I struggled against the kiss. Tearing my face away I panted heavily from the lack of oxygen.
“Xavier please.” I puffed. He released a breath and let go of my shoulders. Oh no! I felt myself sink into the waters. I think I tried calling out before I sank into the pond. Mercifully, I felt him dive down next to me and pull me out again. We broke through the surface with a deep breath.
“Are you trying to suffocate me??” I exclaim. I felt my lungs would burn with the pressure they’ve been put under.
why didn’t you
?” He started.
“I can’t swim you idiot!” I say punching him some-what jokingly. To my annoyance, he started laughing. Jerk. “It’s not funny!” I complain. He finally managed to stop himself and shook his head with a smirk.
“You never cease to amaze.” He sighed. He swam me to the end of the lake and we clambered over the edge, drenched head to toe and through to the skin. I slumped down under the large oak. The forest parted in a beautiful circle around the lake. I groaned stressfully as I rubbed my temples. Xavier
was he connected to the blast? Who the hell is he? “I’ll start a fire.” I looked up to see him.
“How? Everything’s wet.” I ask.
He grinned. “Not everything.” He stepped over to my satchel and pulled out a box. “Being a raider had its plus points back in the day.” He smiled. “We acquired these split sticks in Wamuran. I slipped it into your bag at the Shaman’s place.”
I peered closely at the thin sticks he pulled out. Kneeling down beside me he snapped the sticks in front of us, and dropped them onto the wet ground. The sticks were alight and burning well—very well. Seemingly careless of the wet surface they lay on.
“Wow.” I breathed. “How long do they burn for?”
He leant back on the tree beside me with a sigh. “An hour, maybe two if we’re lucky. But it’s alright I’ve got a few more.”
I nodded. Glancing at the flickering flames. I felt him pull off his shirt and coat and dump it near the fire to dry. The wind was blowing softly and I could smell his masculine scent wafting over to me. It was like
Xavier. Indescribable yet addictive.
“Aren’t you going to take off your clothes?” He had asked. I felt my cheeks burn.
He laughed. “You’re drenched through!”
“I’m perfectly—ah
ACHOO!” I sneezed. Great timing, I think sarcastically.
“Yeira! You could get a fever!” Without waiting for my reply—not that he would care to listen if I had—he basically stripped my wet shirt right off—then the singlet. I fought back, but damn his strength. Holding me down; he slipped off my pants and I yelped.
“Xavier! Unhand me right now!” I yell. He laughed and pulled one of the cloaks out and wrapped it around my shoulders. Nervously I pulled the cloak tightly around me, still glaring at the pleased looking Xavier.
“Hey, it was for your own good. What if you’d caught pneumonia?”
“I’d still have my pride!”
He smirked. “I’d have had to lie on top of you
in the nude.”
“WHAT?!” I shout. I drew the cloak even tighter around me. “Disrespectful little snitch
” I mutter under my breath. I almost squealed again as Xave pulled me up against him.
“You know you love me though.” He smirked, had he heard what I said? A cooler breeze blew over and with a sigh; I leaned in closer to the large attractive erotic male source of heat beside me.
“Did you
did you have something to do with the explosion?”
He didn’t reply at first. He finally turned to look at me carefully. “I don’t know.”
I nod. I needed to ask him more
but the last time I had, he’d basically told me to mind my own business. Besides, there were many other questions on my mind. Like what the hell was that all about?? And
I’d never seen such a green glow. But there was something about it
a familiarity. Something subconsciously familiar. Something

“Amazing.” Xavier spoke. I gave him a funny look.
He looked into my eyes for a moment then smiled. “Sorry, I was thinking aloud.”
I turn back to staring at the pond. “Oh.” He pulled me up so I sat in his lap with my head resting on his chest, and he put his arms around me.
“If I wasn’t so cold, I’d push you away.” I sigh snuggling into his wide chest. “So don’t get any ideas.” He laughed and I smiled contently. A lovely sound it was.
“I’m sure you would
” He smiled.
I woke up contently with a yawn. I felt warm. Opening my eyes slowly I felt a blanket around me. No wait, that’s a cloak
two cloaks. One underneath me and one around. The pillow seemed to be my satchel wrapped in a t-shirt. A very pleasant smelling t-shirt. A quick glance around revealed I was no longer in the forest. It seemed like a
a wooden shelter? And a missing Xavier. I got up in a rush.
“Xave?” I call.
“Hmm?” I looked to the side to see him unsheathing a sword over a large rock. Probably to sharpen it. Phew, he was still here.
“Where are we??” I ask puzzled. Pushing away the cloak, I look around confused. Nothing was familiar.
“We couldn’t stay there.” He said examining the sword. “Those goons would have found us. So I brought us here.”
“Where exactly is here?” I ask stretching.
He smiled and looked up at me. “A shelter I found and fixed further upstream. Slept well?” He asked.
I nodded drowsily. “Very well. How about you?”
He grinned. “Not too bad. Of course I had to stay up on watch, but on the plus side, I don’t think they know where we are currently.”
“Watch?!” I exclaim. “Didn’t you get any sleep?”
He shrugged. “Doesn’t matter. We’ll get ready to move out again in a few minutes.”
“Xavier!” I scold, getting up and grabbing the pillow and cloak. “I am not taking a sleep-deprived man with me on a treacherous journey through the forests. You better get some sleep now, before we head off.” I say stalking up to him and putting the pillow behind him, arms folded in my best stance of defiance.
“Yeira, really. I’m fine. I’ve done this before. I’m not going to be sleep deprived over one day
” He started.
“Yes you are. Now, sleep.” I order.
He gave me a look. “No.”
“Sleep!” I repeat. “That’s an imperial command.”
“Yeira, stop worrying and just get ready and dressed.” He says shaking his head. I hadn’t noticed I was only dressed as well as I was last night. At least he hadn’t tried to dress me when I was asleep. I pulled my own cloak closer around me. I knelt down beside him and pushed him back.
“Sleep.” I say stubbornly. “It’s not fair I get to snooze off and you don’t. If we need to stay lookout, you could’ve woken me up for a shift or two!”
He leant back onto the pillow with a small smile. “Well isn’t this curious, my Empress seems to be concerned for my welfare.”
“Shut up Xavier.” I sigh. I found my dry clothes sticking out of my satchel—or now pillow. I reached to pull them out only to find a hand grip onto my wrist.
“Care to join me?” He asked. I had a pang filled dĂ©jĂ  vu moment. Garran
that day. My jaw clenched, and I pulled my wrist away, along with my clothes.
“I care not.” I say crossly. “I’m going to get changed outside
” I say getting up and walking out of the room, receiving a baffled look from Xave.

He emerged from the ‘shelter’ a few moments later and came to a stop beside me. I had changed into the dry clothes and I didn’t want to look up. I felt him take a seat on the log beside me, but my gaze didn’t falter from the forest ahead.
“You okay?” He asked in a low voice.
I nodded. “I’m ready; get your stuff and we’ll get going.” I felt him take my chin and turn me to look at him. My breath caught in my throat. His longish hair toppled around him so invitingly. The amber eyes. The
I drop my gaze to floor.
“Yeira, tell me what’s wrong. I’m sorry if I upset you before.” He continued in a gentle voice. “And for yesterday, if that’s what’s bothering you.”
I shook my head I got up to my feet. That had crossed my mind several times, but not what was presently plaguing my thoughts. What strange annexation of the mind is this?
“Come on Xave, I want to get going.” I say. There was the sound of footsteps retreating back in to the ‘tent’. Xave re-emerged shortly with his stuff and handed it to me.
“Ok Empress. You take my things and I’ll just clean the scene, and I guess we can get going.”
I tilted my head curiously. “Clean the scene??”
He gave a small smile. “We don’t want those dummies realising we were
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