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Book online «Daylight by Verbayne +Demonata-Freak (ebook reader with highlighter TXT) 📖». Author Verbayne +Demonata-Freak

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it. Using any hidden energy in my body, I rip the hooks from my thighs, just in time to as they speed of down the alley, probably Red pulling on the wires. Two deep gashes bleed on my thighs and I sigh. Gurgling noises reach my ears and as I look up I see Smokey trying to stop the large gash across his neck. Blood…it pours from him like a waterfall, my eyes stick to it as it forms a pool around him.

“Come my daughter and join me,” the person says holding out their hand. That voice… Clair? My mind whizzes as I stare up at the Vampire I was desperately trying to get away from… she saved me… I grabbed her hand “Feed,” she says quietly and we both feasted on my dying capturer. The blood instantly has an effect on my beaten body. Alas, my fang does not grow back but my eye sight improves along with my hearing. I take a glance at Clair and instantly stop drinking. She is covered in blood, head to toe and her top is torn. She catches my eye and she gently puts my lips back against the almost dead man. I gulp down the revolting but none the less refreshing liquid. The gashes on my legs close over and the lack of blood in my body goes up. When the man’s heart beat finally fades, I’m back to myself. I sit back and sigh. I look over at Clair and smile awkwardly. “Thank you,” my voice cracks slightly and I scratch my neck uncomfortably. She nods in reply and we both stand up.

“What about the other one?” She snaps, eyes ablaze with pure blood lust… Oh fuck, she’s gone overboard. When Vampires have too much blood they tend to… freak out a little. Like drugs, when you take so much you think you’re invincible, kind of the same deal. I shrug and look around the alley, then at the three dead bodies. “Can you walk?” She asks gently, lightly touching my shoulder.

“Aye, I’ll be fine,” I stretch my arms over my head. “Let’s go, before somebody see’s us.” I begin to walk, Clair’s hand still on my shoulder, unnecessarily supporting me.

Clair laughs to herself. “I don’t think that will be a problem.”

We walk out of the alley and into the cold night (thanks to Smokey’s blood, I can no longer feel the cold but the way our breath swirls in front of us, it’s hardly warm!) and I welcome the view of the cloudless sky. “So, do we go back to your house or shall we-“ Clair begins before she is cut short by a hard bow to the head. She flies back and she hits the building, instantly falling unconscious due to the surprise attack. I dodge the next blow towards me this time, now fully aware of this attacker and instincts on guard. The man slices again but with a machete this time, that’s when I recognise him.

“Red?” I step back as he holds a large pipe in one hand and the silver coated machete in the other.

“So it talks now!” He throws his head back and laughs madly. “Who did you have to drink to let that happen, huh?” He growls, eyes wide and furious. He has lost two friends tonight and doesn’t want the murderers to run free.He tries to hit me over the head with the pipe but I grab hold of it as it swings to me and knee him in the stomach. He goes to the ground groaning, I tear the pipe from his hand and hit him over the head with it. Not as experienced as I thought. He slumps to the side, out for the count. I dump the pipe and walk over to Clair. I check over her and determine she’s fine. I lift her up and sling her over my shoulder. As I walk past Red, I kick up his leg and grab his ankle. I bring them over to a car across the street. I dump Red down and open the passenger side door (luckily left unlocked) and carefully place Clair in and belt her up. Then I throw Red into the boot and slide into the driver’s seat. Hot wiring the car, I reverse out and head for home.

It’s a few hours before I reach my flat. It’s 07:37am and I can say with a heavy heart that I’m ready for bed, luckily it’s a Saturday and not many people are around my flat. I put Clair on one shoulder and Red on the other, both still in the world of dreams, poor babies. With the weight of two other people it’s another twenty minutes before I reach the top off the stairs and in front of my door. I take the key hidden on top of the door frame and unlock the door. Someone must have locked it for me…

“Saoirse?” I hear someone call. I fling the door open, chuck the bodies into the room and slam the door shut. I turn to see my neighbour come out of his flat. I sigh with relief.

“Hey, Dustin, what’s up?” I lean against the door, trying to act natural.

He forces his wheelchair closer to me. Dustin was in an accident when he was seven years old and he damaged his legs so bad that he had to have them amputated from the knee down. Eleven years on you’d he barely cared about his condition, being the happiest person I’ve ever known. â€śJust doing my morning round,” he laughs patting the duffle bag filled with drawings and photos he made for people around here. He was such a perfect person, it almost made me want to marry him.

I laugh nervously, “you know people hate being woken up at this time! Even if it’s for free shit!”

Dustin shakes his head, “everyone loves free shit!” We both grin at each other. “Speaking of shit, that’s exactly what you look like!” He twists his mouth to the side, looking at my blood covered legs and tattered clothes. “Are you OK?”

I quickly glance at myself and grin. “Fine! I was just at Brendies monthly party. Had to dress up, so I picked a zombie!” I say quickly, opening my door, trying to give the hint that I need to leave.

“Alright then,” he nods and wheels past my door as I slip inside but keep my head poking out. Clair groans as she begins to gain consciousness. A quick boot to the face sends her hurtling to the ground again. I’m gonna regret that later, sorry, Clair! “Me and the guys are going out for some shots tonight, for my birthday. Wanna come?” He grins.

I bite my lip and steal a glance at the bodies in room. “I dunno, Dustin, I might be busy or…” The smile on his face slips and my heart tightens in my chest. Damn, it’s the puppy deal all over again! “I’d love too,” I nod. He grins back and tells me to be ready at nine. I shut the door and lean my back against it. “Have an over doused Vampire and a frickin’ Hunter to deal with…so, let’s get pissed!” I sigh and shake my head. I drag Red through the living room/kitchen. And dump him on a chair, running over the cupboard, I get some ropes and silver chains. I put Clair against the wall and wrap the silver chains around her petite body. No matter how powerful the Vampire, no one can break silver chains, not even a Daywalker. I attach the chains onto a hook on the ceiling, her feet only a few centimetres from the ground. Making sure she is as comfortable as she can be, I move over to Red. The ropes are thick, long and easily go around the chair many times. I make it a little tighter than it needs to be then sit on the coffee table in front of him. “You are gonna wish Clair killed your dumb ass!” I whisper, dragging a sharp nail down his face. Getting up I pour a cup of scotch and stand in front of Clair. She is gonna need A LOT of alcohol to bring her back to normal. Even though alcohol dulls the senses of humans, for blood crazy Vampires it does the complete opposite. The alcohol attacks the substance that makes us crave the blood of another and brings us back to our normal selves, it takes a lot of booze but it works. If we aren’t coo coo for blood and decide we wanna a drink, and after many drinks, we will get drunk. Simple.In simple terms, blood crazy the antidote is alcohol and we go back to normal. I take a sip of the toxic brew and sigh. This is gonna be one long day.

Chapter 17 - Clair

A jolt of pain ran from my head down into my spine. I jerked, trying to pull away from the pain. Chilled fingers curl around my face, forcing my mouth open. My lips part only because I didn't have the energy to keep them closed. When the first drop of liquid caressed my lips I whimpered, attempting to pull away.

The fingers dug into my cheeks harder, the liquid flowed into my mouth and down my throat like fire. That fire filled my chest, spreading to the rest of my body before being over powered by pain. Tiny slivers of glass racked down my throat, chasing the fire, forcing me to wake. My eyes flew open, blurred images of white, black, and red filling my vision. A tightness in my muscles I hadn't noticed before released now.

Shadows pulled back from my mind, allowing me to think and move. I tried to breath but all I found was fire. Fire that was suffocating me. I thrashed, hands clawing at the vice like grip holding me. A voice cut through the silence, a voice I recognized.

"Easy, easy, it's just me damn it."

My body stilled, mind fighting to catch up to it. "Saoirse?" I choked, voice ruff.

"No I'm death come to reap your ass," I stiffened, "Yes it's me you idiot." I relaxed again. She cursed. "Drink this."

"What is it?" I asked sleepily but didn't fight when she pressed another glass to my lips.


The liquid was alcohol. I started to fight it but something in me snapped before I could find enough strength to turn away. I sat up, hands reaching for the glass. Saoirse let me have it. I up ended the small glass cup, swallowing the amber colored liquid like it was air.

The fire flared but that was all. The pain never came, just the fire, just the warm fuzzy fire. Something tapped my forehead. I blinked, glancing up at Saoirse. She glared and I smiled back, the edges getting a little hazy but she was clear.

"You think my ass is nice?"

She stared at me for a couple of seconds. "I what?" She half growled.

"You want to reap my ass. You like it, you like my ass."

I heard her sigh. "God your one of those drunks, just great, just fucking great."

I patted her angry face. "Aw Sawhorse don't be mad, I like you!"

"Sawhor- No I don't even want to know." I reached out to her for

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