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you up?” He asked, stunned.

Spec ignored him, racing towards the building where Deathstriker was. He looked around for an easy way to jump up. He noticed a few boxes that were perfect for him to use to climb up and reach the roof. However, he was knocked down before he could take a step up.

Raide had followed him, charging and slamming into Spec’s body. The full force knocked Spec into the brick wall, reopening sealed wounds.

Meanwhile, Croft noticed Spec’s intention. With Raide some distance away, he could move his body. “Holy Grail, move to surround the main target. Spencer, find a way to get the scythe into Black Hood’s hands.” He didn’t want to speak Spec’s name in fear of eavesdroppers. “Do whatever you can. He has some type of plan, I’m sure of it!” He declared as everybody got in motion. Rock followed Croft’s sudden confidence, pushing herself towards Raide.

Once she reached a few feet on Raide, she brandished her weapon and sliced at his calves. This dropped him - Raide grabbing at his legs. It would be nowhere near enough to kill him, but enough to slow him down.

Meanwhile, Kaye tried to figure out a way to throw Deathstriker to Spec. She couldn’t touch it or else she would disintegrate, but it would take too long for fellow Holy Grail member Maggie Spencer to reach her position and take it down. Below her, she could hear the sounds of Spec being trampled on by Raide. Even without his legs at full strength, he could easily reach Spec and beat him to pieces with his bare fists. He didn’t need a weapon, but Spec did. His hand-to-hand combat skills were poor, to say the least.

After some hesitation, Kaye grabbed Deathstriker, feeling intense pain as her flesh began clawing at itself. It burned horrifically, her left arm being shaved off her body. Even so, she trudges through the pain and hurls the weapon off the roof. The weapon landed in front of Spec, who quickly grabbed it and swung it at Raide. This forced him back, both playing a dangerous game of chess.

Meanwhile, Croft watched with terrified eyes as Kaye’s body disintegrated in front of him. She noticed his stare, shooting him a small smile, before saluting him with her remaining arm. She was then gone, dust being carried off by the wind. She was no more.

Spec slashed Raide’s arm to piece, each slash cutting deeper and deeper; who let out a loud holler as Deathstriker pierced his skin and reached the bone. Spec was now poking at his skeleton and Raide didn’t appreciate it. With his other arm, somewhat wounded, he grabbed Deathstriker’s blade, which began cutting into his hand, and tried to rip it out of Spec’s grip.

However, Croft had intervened. He pointed the prototype revolver at Raide, letting out the only functional bullet. It hit Raide’s hand, forcing him to lose his grip and slip backward.

With Croft steeping in, Rock followed in his stead. She sprinted towards Raide, slashing at his back. The sudden attacks propelled him to hit the ground, stretching out his arms and cracking his left arm. The bone, which was exposed, broke upon impact.

“Vengeance,” Spec muttered. He wanted to finish Raide off quickly and easily. He gripped Deathstriker tightly with both hands, closing his eyes. “Channel my mana…” Spec had mana resting in his body, but since he hadn’t awakened his skill, it was useless. Like having gasoline but no car.

“No, you’re doing good. Thanks to you, Lin and Maddie will live a normal life. I do admit that I'm surprised that you’re willing to pay for us as well.” 

“You seem very worried about something. My grandpa is sleeping, but… You can talk with me.”

“You’re my only family! You can’t leave me!. I’m not leaving without you! I won’t!” She declared.


Memories of Lin, Matt, and Maddie ran through his brain. He enjoyed his time with them, considering them his family. He would and will fight to protect the remnants of his family. No matter the cost.

He opened his eyes, noticing that his mana had been coursing into Deathstriker, illuminating it. It was dim at first but grew brighter. It shined brightly, illuminating the sky brighter than the sun. 

Deathstriker’s Vengeance mode has been opened. Activate it by shouting the name of the mode, he heard in his mind. Retribution whispered in his ear, confirming Spec’s sparse thoughts. Everything was prepared, all he had to do was say one word.

“W-What is that?” Raide croaked, his left arm wounded beyond recovery, and his legs weakened. He was no longer at peak strength, staring up at Spec as if he was a god.

Spec looked down at him with eyes full of disgust. He saw Raide as nothing more than an ant that he was about to kill. Although worthless in his eyes, it was an ant that he was excited to kill. He felt… glee, an emotion that rarely knocked on his door.

“There’s no longer any Ruler of the Slums.” He declared, pointing Deathstriker at Raide’s collapsed body. “God has truly looked down upon you. Vengeance!” He shouted before flames emitted from Deathstriker, engulfing Spec in its heat. The flames covered Spec like armor, pouring out of every orifice in his body before returning. It was a strange cycle.

Spec, now being accustomed to the flames, took a step towards Raide. The beast changed into a manchild, stammering as he tried to shuffle backward. However, he was nowhere near being close to escaping Spec’s grip.

Spec raised Deathstriker high into the air. “Last wishes?”

Raide stared at him, his eyes terrified of blinking. He took a loud audible gulp. “G-Go to hell.” He smiled, but it wasn’t his overconfident self being exposed here. He was nervous and it was apparent; Rock, Croft, and the Holy Grail team noticed it.

“Good, my Vengeance will be fulfilled.” He swung downward, the tip of the blade pressing against the middle of Raide’s head before cracking it like an egg. It pierced through, continuing through his body. The blade ran through Raide’s entire body, splitting him in half. Organs and blood spilled out like a fountain, staining the ground. The self-proclaimed Ruler of the Slums was no more.

However, Spec wasn’t done. The flames covering Deathstriker sprang towards Raide’s corpse, charring the insides and outside. His organs were burnt, his blood evaporated, and dreams cut within a second. The only thing left was two slices of a charred body, shriveled up like a raisin.

Spec turned towards Rock. “Throw his body in the ocean, but make sure it is at the deepest part. I want my mother to get the final hit.” He said, his eyes devoid of feelings. The sensation of killing his mother’s rapist and murderer hadn’t been processed yet.

He turned towards Croft. “Tell the king that the Slums are his. There’s no more Ruler of the Slums, only neighborhoods waiting to be rebuilt.”

Croft nodded. “T-Thank you, Black… Spec.”

Hello All!


This episode was a pain to write, taking significantly longer to write than past episodes. Even so, I had a lot of fun. Writing the first season felt like a breath of fresh air for me and was one of the first series that I absolutely loved to write. The second season is no different.

Spec Aiken will return for at least two more seasons (Raide won’t be appearing for obvious reasons). A fifth season will be based on ratings of seasons three and four. 

For those wondering about why Summer and Milena received such short appearances, it's because they aren’t the main focus of the series. They will play a bigger role in season three with Spec returning to the castle and dealing with threats inside of Congress instead of low-leveled gang leaders.  

As for the street rats from the first season, they will reappear in a spin-off, but not as part of the main series. As for the assassins (X and Z) from the first season, they will reappear later down the line in either the main Black Hood series or other series in the Historia universe. That will be determined in the future.

Thank you for reading this short rant. Below are the other series in this *Generation (Generation VII). Please download/comment to show support to any of these series listed or any of my projects, especially the Black Hood series.


Generation VII:


Black Hood S2: Ruler of the Slums [Monday]

Alternative Universe S1 [Wednesday]

Legend S2: Striktin [Thursday]

Terror Hell S1 [Saturday]

Destiny: Book One [Sunday]


Until next time, I bid you all a good day. 

*The term Generation refers to Jayhawk Television’s 3 - 6 titles releasing their season’s worth of episodes during an eleven-to-sixteen week period. With every episode released from the titles, 3 - 6 new titles will take their spots. When this occurs, a new Generation is created. This Generation (Gen. VII) replaces the previous titles that take over the release day slots.


Publication Date: 03-01-2021

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