Black Hood: Season Two by Nick Venom (intellectual books to read .txt) 📖

- Author: Nick Venom
Book online «Black Hood: Season Two by Nick Venom (intellectual books to read .txt) 📖». Author Nick Venom
“Damn you, spit it out, Arlo!” Earl exclaimed. “What are you going to tell me?”
Arlo nodded, half to himself and half towards Earl. “Ahem, according to our spies, the Terrors are gone.”
Earl nearly jumped up from his chair. The Terrors gang had been one of the only gangs that threatened him. He expected a bloody conflict to choose a victor, but that thought disappeared in a millisecond. They were gone and he was still alive; standing, but not for long.
“What happened?”
Arlo looked at Earl, breathing out a sigh before explaining. “Our spies said that he’s back. The same person that was rumored to put an end to Wick.”
Earl looked shellshocked, his face flushing and sweat rolling down his face. “B-B-B-Black Hood? You’re joking, right?”
Arlo shook his head with saddened eyes. “The profile of the person they saw resembles early descriptions of Black Hood. He’s back. He killed the Terrors and might be going for us next.”
Earl jumped out of his chair, pacing back and forth from his chair to a few feet away. He muttered something to himself, unintelligible to the others.
After a short while, he turned towards Arlo and the other men. “Zodom, Kell, Arlo, be prepared to send out our messengers. The only way we can survive or, at the very least, postpone our deaths is to lure him towards a bigger fish. What information do we have of him? His identity?”
The men shook their heads. The only people that knew Black Hood’s identity amounted to a small handful, but the only one they could’ve access was dead.
“Okay, try to learn as much as you can. Raide has killed many people. He’s also raped a lot of women. See if Black Hood’s sister, daughter, wife, mother, or somebody close to him was taken by Raide. Provoke him to go after Raide and we’ll be safe. He’ll attack Black Hood and that’ll be the end of him. We’ll then rise and take over the slums.”
His men agreed with him, about to go and call for messengers and intel brokers, but a sudden metal clang above them, startled the men. They quickly snapped their focus to the raptors, watching with fright as a woman jumped down. Armed with her sword, she made quick of Kell---the egg-looking man---before going towards Arlo. She pierced Arlo’s shoulder with her weapon but didn’t kill him. She threw him to the ground while also ripping her weapon out of his shoulder. He collapsed on the floor, his wound spraying blood on the ground. However, it wasn’t enough to kill him.
Rock ignored Arlo for the moment, focusing on the remaining men, Zodom---a muscular meathead---and Earl. She went for Zodom first, slicing at him.
Zodom dodged the attacks with unnatural ease. He ducked down, brandishing a dagger. He jumped up and sliced at her. She backed away from him, holding her circular weapon tightly. She wanted Zodom dead now, rather than later.
She brandished multiple daggers and threw them with one hand, missing Zodom. He jumped out of the daggers but leaped in front of Earl, who realized he was put into the line of fire. He jumped out of the way as a stray dagger whizzed past Zodom and towards him. It hit the concrete where his head once was.
“Damn you,” She muttered out loud. “You’re dead meat.”
“Who are you?” Zodom questioned. “Why do you want me dead?”
“You killed my parents, you son of a-” She was interrupted by an arrow whizzing past her face. The arrow came from Earl; his grubby hands were on a bow under his desk. A small arsenal was stored in his desk and around it.
He quickly drew another arrow, about to fire it, when Rock’s foot landed hard on his hand. She crushed his hand, releasing his grip on the arrow. It flew out but landed a foot away.
“I was going to save you for later, but you asked for it.” She glanced behind her shoulder as Zodom charged towards her. She ducked and grabbed Earl, spinning around him. He was now in front of her, acting as a meat shield.
Zodom’s momentum carried him towards the two, even when he told his body to stop moving. Even so, he couldn’t do anything but watch as his body slammed into Earl, knocking the older and weaker man. He had a loss of breath, curled up in a ball on the floor.
With the momentum gone, Zodom jumped up and scanned the area for Rock. She had disappeared.
Arlo watched as Rock jumped out of the way as Zodom charged into Earl, attaching herself to the raptors. She waited for the spry man to jump up, prepared to throw another blow, before jumping on top of him. She grabbed his face, holding it tightly. She pressed her thumbs against his eyes, squeezing them. She dug her nails into his eyes, watching with glee as he tried to shake her off. With his loud wails and frantic shakes, she was enjoying it. She was in Heaven.
He belonged in Hell… and she was the Grim Reaper.
She released the pressure on his broken eyes and jumped off him. She then sliced into him, the edges of the circular blade piercing his skin. He jumped in pain, creeping closer to the wall.
“I’ll see to it that you meet the same fate you gave my dad.” She grabbed his head and rammed it into the wall, repeating this action a horrific amount of times. All with a face of ecstasy.
He died after five minutes of beating his head into the wall. Along with Kell, the two small threats to Rock were gone.
Rock turned her focus on Earl, raising her circular blade high into the air before slamming it into his face. She repeated this process, slicing cleanly through his face. He was decapitated.
“Hey, Arlo?” She asked, her face drenched in blood. “You won’t tattletale, right?”
Arlo shook his head frantically.
“Good,” she smiled creepily, “since you’re smart and stuff, find a woman named Liyah. Find out what happened to her. Don’t ask why or else I’ll cut off your arm, capice?
Arlo nodded.
“Now, go. Meet me at the broken house on the outskirts near Vibrant Dock. Be alone and discreet. If I find out you betrayed me, your head will look like your boss’s.
“Yes, I won’t say anything.” He blurted out.
“Good, then go. Before I change my mind.”
“A woman named Liyah. I’ll find it for you.” He stood up, one hand pressing against the wound, and exited the room. He fled the base, leaving his comrades-in-arms to death. However, unlike Spex, she didn’t bat an eyelid at them. She simply left the base, disappearing before anybody found Earl’s body. Nobody knew she was there.
Soon, they’ll have to deal with Raide Sartori, the self-proclaimed Ruler of the Slums. However, that was for the future. The near-future.
Hello All!
Black Hood will be on its mid-season break. It will return two weeks from now with chapter seven. Until then, you can catch the other series in this *Generation and the newest collection, Jayhawk+ (yes, an original title).
Generation VII:
Black Hood S2: Ruler of the Slums [Monday]
Alternative Universe S1 [Wednesday]
Legend S2: Striktin {Soft-reboot} [Thursday]
Terror Hell S1 {Soft-reboot} [Saturday]
Destiny: Book One {First Half} [Sunday]
*Every Generation is a new collection of three - seven titles that release weekly episodes. The current Generation (Gen. VII) will release sixty-three episodes over the course of three months. March - May will see the listed five titles (see above) release their seasons’ worth of episodes ranging from 10 - 15 episodes.
Chapter Seven "Bloodthirsty"“Why can’t you give me all of my targets, so I can take them out in one swift attack?” Spec asked, irritated to be standing outside of Rock’s house again. She grinned at him, holding the Kill Order list. Spec found out the hard way that the one he had, kept the names of his targets but not their locations. Rock kept that part of the list.
“You really are from the Slums if you thought that such an important list wasn’t divided up into different packets. Worthless people get the low-leveled one and the people doing most of the work get the higher-level one. That’s how it works.” She mocked him, holding up the Kill Order list, the same as Spec’s but had an extra page hiding behind the first page. “Plus, you think the royal family trusts you? Your stunt with Alessio and that maid caused more trouble than you thought. You’ve been restricted from seeing all of the targets.”
“Why?” Spec simply asked. “You don’t want me to clean them out quickly? Is there some hidden agenda for keeping the deaths slow?”
Rock frowned, approaching him. “Spec, you want the truth?” She asked bluntly. She wasn’t smiling or frowning anymore.
“Yeah, I want it. Otherwise, I wouldn’t be here.” He barked. The lingering scent of distaste aimed towards the royal family was revolving around Spec.
“The royal family wants to clear out the Slums, but don’t want to turn you into a mindless killing machine. Compared to what you’re thinking, the king isn’t a bad guy. He is strict, but it's because he wants to reclaim the Slums without staining everything with blood. That’s why he assigned the heads of gangs, not the individual workers. When I killed Earl, I was forced into killing some of his other men, but the majority survived. When you attack a target, the entire headquarters is destroyed. ” She told him, brandishing her weapon. “So, they assigned me to feed you one location at a time, or else the Slums will be overflowing with bodies.”
Spec scoffed, turning away from her. “So what, let them live? The king wants me to clear out the corruption from the Slums, then I’ll do it my way.”
“That’s what he guessed you were going to say.” She shook her head before turning to the second page of the Kill Order list where the locations of their target were at. She crossed off Earl and Towzer’s name from the list before staring at their new targets; Cherry Vale and Miss Stars.
“Who’s my next target?” Spec grumbled. “I need the location.”
“Elle ‘Cherry’ Vale, the Blue Demons leader. She made her base at Vibrant Dock, the second dock in the Slums. A redheaded woman who’s quick on the draw and feisty. Kill only her and leave. No killing any of her comrades, unless they see her death. They’re considered witnesses then.”
Spec glared at her. “You took my freedom, but not my choices. The Blue Demons will collapse today, no matter what.”
Rock smacked her lips. “This is why I work alone. I don’t understand people like you - so fixated on your anger. Shut up and take everything like a man.” She spat on the ground in front of her. She wasn’t happy with his attitude.
“Kill Cherry; that’s your mission.” She motioned for him to leave. She was expecting somebody.
He nodded, putting on his cloak. He disappeared from sight, leaving
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