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Book online «We're All Stories In The End by Megan Rees (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Megan Rees

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first met, so we had a close sibling affection rather than love. I’m sorry Luna, but I don’t feel the same way.”

He stepped forward, looking down on Luna. “I’m sorry if I disappointed you, but there’s no easy way of putting it bluntly when it’s been kept a secret,” he muttered, looking over his shoulder. “I think you should return back. I’m going to check something out.”

“Are you sure?” Luna asked quietly. “I don’t want you getting hurt.”

“I’m capable of looking after myself,” Ash replied stiffly. “Just return back to the others. They’re putting in some battle practise and I’ll be helping tomorrow.”

“If you say so,” Luna said, trying to hide her disappointment. “Have fun with whatever you’re doing.”

Chapter 15 - Afraid

Atlas ducked down, dodging the blow from Luna and kicking her in the shin, making her fall over with a gasp. “I didn’t see that!”

“That was the idea,” Atlas teased, helping her up. “We’ll try again.”

The two teenagers stood back, taking a deep breath before continuing the fight. Luna kicked him several times in the leg before punching him in the face, knocking him over.

“This is supposed to be a friendly fight, not a beating,” Ash scowled, frowning. “We’re going to practise knife-throwing now. Luna, stand in front of the target.”

“Are you insane?” Atlas hissed. “Clarissa will pierce a knife through her heart if required!”

“I’ll be watching,” Ash replied dully. “Just grab a knife and wait with the others.”

With a soft sigh, Luna walked past and stood in front of the target, her eyes fixed on her friends as Ash briefly spoke before standing away, allowing Clarissa to step forward first. I’m sure Ash did that on purpose. she presumed.

Taking a deep breath, Clarissa threw the knife, which just missed her neck. It would have hit her if she had flinched, which she had sworn not to do. She was going to show she could be brave.

Clarissa threw another knife, this one practically touching her cheek. Luna began to feel nervous as the brown haired girl aimed her knife before throwing. This one was definitely heading towards her shoulder, but it somehow flew overhead and landed in a tree instead.

“That is why you don’t try to injure people,” Ash replied sharply. “We’ll finish up there for today and get in the truck. We haven’t got long before we reach Demon’s Run and begin searching for the next Treasure.”

As Luna went to catch up with Rune, Ash seized her wrist, making her yelp out in pain. “What was that for?”

“Sorry,” Ash mumbled. “Are you riding inside or outside today?”

“Outside. I’m staying away from Adele,” Luna responded. “I don’t trust her after what happened yesterday.”

“It’s understandable,” Ash assured her gently. “Just hang in there, okay? We’ll be home soon – away from Adele and in time to celebrate my birthday in three days time.”

“Adele is Pureblood. She should take refuge in Nighthollow if she’s trying to be safe.” Luna pointed out.

“Yes, but you don’t have to talk to her. Besides, not many people liked The Order, according to Atlas. Like with the incident yesterday, they tend to pry in places where they’re unwanted.”

“I’m just glad she didn’t look at your memories. That would have been much worse.”

“You watched your father die and don’t know what happened to your mother. My parents only abused me.”

“They didn’t only abuse you, Ash – they destroyed your childhood and took away your freedom. You can’t call them parents, while I still can. I was happy for those first years of my childhood: you were most certainly not okay.”

“We’ll just leave this conversation here, okay? I’d rather not talk about it. Besides, we’re falling behind time.”

“Then let’s move.”


Luna lifted her head to watch the birds overhead, gazing at them and admiring their grace. They were chasing each other playfully from what it looked like, almost following the pickup truck to the dreaded land of nightmares.

“I’m worried about this particular Treasure,” Atlas admitted, cutting into Luna’s peaceful thoughts. “Izzy told me that Raven’s Run can create illusions. What if the map picked up an illusion rather than the real thing?”

“Relax. If the map found the locket, I’m pretty sure it found the next Treasure too. Have a little faith.” Ash replied.

A chilling wind howled above their heads, making Luna shiver. She had brought her warm dark blue jumper with her, but the wind was freezing her bones and hurting her eyes.

“Are you cold?” Ash asked with a rare slight gentleness in his voice. “You can take my jacket, if you want.”

Luna shook her head quickly. “It’s okay,” she murmured quietly. “I’ll be fine. Promise.”

Her friend sighed and beckoned her over. “Come here.”

Obediently, she shuffled over and he put his arm around her, allowing her to nestle against him. “Better?”

The blonde teenager nodded. “Thanks.”

“That’s what friends are for,” he insisted. “But to add to the running total of things I’ve done for you, this is now the third time I’ve saved your life. You owe me big time.”

“You really thought I was going to freeze to death?” Luna only just managed to hold back her amusement. “That’s like telling Atlas he’ll die from over-reading.”

Atlas looked up, his dark green eyes confused. “What?”

Ash just laughed, which make Luna stifle a giggle. It’s just like old times.

Fixing her gaze on Atlas – who was cleaning his glasses – she realised how unalike he and Ash were despite getting on well. Sure, they were both tall and had a similar shade of dark emerald green eyes, but they were different in almost every other way. Atlas was lithe and slender like his sister, while Ash was well-muscled thanks to constant extra training and broad shouldered like his father. Atlas also had raven-black hair a bit similar to Isabelle and Jason. Ash had dark brown hair – the same colour as a tree branch.

Their personalities were also very much different. Atlas was awkward and a bit shy around strangers. He liked to think things out logically before doing them; a good leadership trait. Ash wasn’t the slightest bit awkward or shy. He was smart, but he usually wanted to get on rather than suss something out. He was usually sarcastic, impatient and short-fused, but he cared deeply about the safety of his friends and occasionally showed a lighter side.

“You could get some sleep, y’know,” Atlas remarked quietly. “You might need the rest if your dangers are particularly bad.”

“I’ll just fret about my fears in my dreams and I’ll be really worked up about it if I go to sleep,” Luna pointed out. “Besides, I want to spend what could be my last moments with anyone here.”

Atlas nodded. “Perhaps it would be for the best. We might as well work out a plan for when we get there.”

“We’ll just split up, beat our fears and find the Treasure. Simple.” Ash answered lazily.

“It won’t be that easy. This is Alpha we’re talking about – the craftiest Demon of the lot. He won’t make it the slightest bit easy for us.” Atlas pointed out.

The brown haired boy shrugged. “Whatever.”

The majority of the journey continued in complete and utter silence. Ash had somehow managed to fall asleep; Luna guessed he was having an off day.

“I’m worried about Rune,” Atlas admitted after a little while, concern swimming in his dark green eyes like fish in a pool. “When she was little, she was terrified of being kidnapped by ghosts after watching this really scary film. I think she’s still scared of that.”

“If it won’t kill her, it’s fine,” Luna assured him. “Do you have any major fears that could possibly kill you? Living without books, perhaps?”

The older boy grinned. “Just cobras. Maybe the occasional forest fire too. What about you?”

“I’m scared of vampires,” Luna shuddered as she spoke. “I also fear Alpha and heights.”

“Heights?” Atlas couldn’t hold back a laugh. “You’re a Pureblood and you’re afraid of heights?”

“I always feel nauseous when I’m up too high,” the wavy haired teenager remarked. “But I’m not worried about my own personal fears.”

Atlas frowned. “Is this something to do with Ash?”

“His fears will strike his heart or kill him,” Luna murmured, looking over at him to make sure he wasn’t awake. “I’m scared for him.”

“Could you tell me so I can assess how bad the situation is?” Atlas inquired, lowering his voice.

“His parents used to abuse him and I think he’s afraid of water after the incident at River Salt.”

Before her friend could reply, the truck screeched to a halt at a clearing and woke Ash up with a start. A dark storm cloud hung overhead, shadowing the already dark forest. It was deadly silent, with black trees ganging up on the group like a group of bullies.

They had reached Raven’s Run.

Chapter 16 - Raven's Run

Luna leaned against the truck, watching as Atlas relayed his plan to Adele. She knew the plan off by heart – stay together and then split up when the first fears appeared. That way, the Treasure would be located quicker. They even had learnt different animal calls for communication.

After Adele walked away, Isabelle ran up to Atlas and pulled him into a fierce embrace, murmuring something Luna couldn’t quite catch. It was probably something positive, because the Pureblood lightly kissed the top of her head.

Jason pulled a face. “Ugh.”

“I know you may not trust us too much, but Atlas is caring and wouldn’t hurt a fly,” Luna insisted, realising that Jason was slightly annoyed with the sudden affectionate gesture. “If Isabelle is willing to trust him, I’m sure you can too.”

“It’s not just that,” Jason replied thinly. “I don’t believe Rune approves either.”

Looking over at her friend, Luna saw that she was looking away from her foster brother, scuffing the top of her trainer. Luna was confused instantly. “Rune gets on with Isabelle, though.”

“Then you clearly don’t know what I’m getting at,” Jason sighed. “She looks upset – does that give you a big enough clue?”

“Wait… she doesn’t like Atlas, does she?” Luna was worried. “That sounds odd. She’s practically his sister.”

The older Normal shook his head regretfully. “Not by blood they’re not.”

If that’s the case, Rune has hidden her feelings well, Luna reflected. I wouldn’t have been able to keep it secret.

“We need to leave now,” Ash announced, giving a dry cough to alert Atlas. “We’re loosing daylight.”

Giving her farewells to Jason and Isabelle, Luna joined her friends as they entered the dead forest. Her heart beat was increasing rapidly and she felt like a block of ice.

“This will be easy-peasy,” Clarissa

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