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Book online «We're All Stories In The End by Megan Rees (novel24 .TXT) 📖». Author Megan Rees

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remarked icily. “We’ve only got to fight through a few illusions and find the next Treasure. Easy as pie.”

Ash raised one eyebrow at her. “That’s a Normal expression you’re using there. Have you been secretly taking lessons in the Normal life?”

“I beg to differ.” Clarissa snorted, slapping his shoulder and making him jump.

“I sense Pureblood trespassers.”

Luna gave a little gasp of astonishment as she heard a strange rasping voice. It sounded like someone was behind her, following them the whole time.

“You are fools to come here. You’ll never find the object you seek in this place.”

Atlas cleared his throat nervously. “We’re not afraid of you or your forest.”

“Then prepare to die, unfortunate souls.”

A blazing fire suddenly came flying at the group. Clarissa snapped into action immediately and raised her hand, sending a gush of wind to avert the flames away from them.

“This is my fear.” Adele murmured softly, trembling like a leaf.

“Everybody run!” Atlas shouted desperately. “Head towards that lake ahead and just give the signal if you’ve got any problems!”

As Luna darted away from the fire, Ash seized her by the shoulder and turned him to face her. “Wait there, little missy. I don’t trust you going on your own.”

“I have to do this alone, Ash,” Luna insisted. “Just be careful yourself and don’t throw yourself at risk of death.”

“You too,” Ash responded. “You’re like the sister I never had and I can’t bear the thought of loosing you here.”

Giving him a reassuring pat on the shoulder, Luna turned away and fled, dodging fireballs as they flew through the trees as fast as a hungry vulture swooping in on it’s prey. She heard Clarissa make an owl call, which indicated she needed assistance for whatever reason, but Luna didn’t care. She randomly created this rivalry between us and has never helped me. She can either get injured or get lucky if someone helps her.

“You don’t get away too easily, Luna Wilde. Let’s have some fun.”

Black mist suddenly fell from the sky before turning into a huge black dog with fur a bit like the two Demons that she and Ash had killed at Steven’s party. It had a sick and twisted grin on it’s face, which made Luna’s stomach sink. Alpha.

Muttering a few hisses to himself, Alpha threw himself at Luna with his deadly claws outstretched and huge fangs glittering with saliva. Luna screamed and ducked, fumbling around on her belt to find a dagger. She did eventually find one, but Alpha was standing over her with a venomous glare in his blood red eyes. He made a few growls, raising one paw over the young girl’s head. If only I had Atlas here to understand what he was saying!

Remembering that the others were counting on her survival, the block of ice that had encaged the inside of her body melted and Luna sprung up, pointing her dagger at the Demon threateningly. “Stay away!”

“Fool.” Alpha grumbled, ambling over and standing no less than four meters away from her. He licked his lips hungrily before standing up on his hind legs and snarled at her, swatting the air with one huge paw and just missed her nose.

That’s odd. Alpha doesn’t stand up on his hind legs. He never has, Luna pondered for a moment before realising. Oh – it’s an illusion! I forgot. That means I can kill him easily!

Swiftly, she kicked the Alpha-illusion in the stomach, making him fall on his side with a yelp. She raised the dagger above his chest and landed it in his heart – the only place he could be killed.

The illusion turned back into fog and dispersed back into the trees, so Luna wiped her dagger clean and headed onwards as quickly as humanly possible, ears straining for any signals from her friends.

“You won’t get far,” the mysterious voice said again. “I know where to hit you hardest. You will die because of your foolish mistake.”

You really don’t get it, do you? I know these are illusions. I’ve beaten you.

“Ha. Wait and see what else I can do.”

A blood-curdling scream suddenly pierced the air, making Luna jump. Without hesitation or thought, she headed in the direction of the cry and then stopped dead in her tracks. Her feet were frozen to the ground and she couldn’t even open her mouth to speak when a familiar figure fell to the ground, blood coming from their neck.


When she could finally move, the wavy blonde haired Pureblood sank to her knees beside her friend’s body, stroking his short brown hair. Tears ran down her face and landed onto his motionless body. I can’t believe I lost him here. I just can’t believe it.

A wolf howl imitation suddenly startled her. “Get to the river!”

Atlas had managed to get through, unlike Ash. At least one person had survived.

Closing Ash’s sightless emerald green eyes, Luna jumped up to her feet and ran on ahead, feeling guilt stab her heart as she got further away from his fallen body. She knew she didn’t have the strength neither the time to carry him back, so he would have to remain in this horrible place unless someone else found him.

She gave a sigh of relief when she reached the river, where Atlas leaned against one of the black trees. He had blood running down his lip and what looked like several bite marks up his arms, but he seemed unharmed.

Rune limped over not long after with tears streaming down her face, assisted by Adele. There was still no sign of Clarissa, which made Luna’s mind wonder. Is she still alive?

When Atlas saw the state of Rune, he hobbled over and pulled her into a tight but gentle embrace, hushing her gently while stroking her long black hair. “It’s okay, little sis,” he murmured softly. “It’s over. I won’t make you go back in there.”

“She fears her mother the most,” Adele added, wiping blood from her nose. “That so-called mother of hers is insane to disown her!”

“It happens sometimes in Nighthollow, but not with kids as young as Rune,” Luna explained. “She was four when her mother threw her out. She’s been mentally scarred because of this.”

Clarissa eventually emerged, clutching her hand and wrist. “That stupid fire scorched my hand and I think I’ve broken my wrist,” she grumbled, looking around at the group. “We don’t appear to have everyone.”

Atlas drew away from Rune for a moment, staring Luna dead in the eye. He looked deeply concerned. “Where’s Ash?” he inquired quietly. “Have you seen him?”

It was at that point that Luna’s shield broke and she burst into tears. “He’s dead, Atlas.”

Rune and Clarissa exchanged a sombre expression, while Adele took a step forward and gave Luna a sympathetic pat on the shoulder with one pale white hand. “I’m very sorry, Luna.” she murmured, her non-blind left blue eye clouded with sorrow.

Without thinking, Luna gathered the older girl into a hug, sobbing into her shoulder. “It’s my fault he’s dead. He insisted to come with me, but I sent him away-“

“Who’s dead?"

The sharp tone made Luna recoil from Adele and stare past her. She blinked and rubbed her eyes in disbelief when she spotted a tall figure leaning against one of the trees, arms folded and face tired-looking. Luna felt herself going pale. “B-But that’s impossible. You must be an illusion. You’re supposed to be dead.”

The figure gave a short sarcastic chuckle. “You astound me. I promised I would survive, and here I am.”

Luna turned her head away. “I can’t believe you, I’m sorry. Unless you can prove it, which I doubt you can.”

“Try me.”

“I’ll ask you a question only Ash knows the answer to.”

“Go ahead then. I’ll prove that I’m no illusion, though this is ridiculous.”

“Okay then: What annoys me the most?”

The figure broke into a wide grin. “Unfinished stories. You aren’t satisfied with the main facts – you have to know everything that’s happened.”

This is definitely Ash, Luna realised. The grin and the way he drew the words out gave it away. I must have seen an illusion when I saw his dead body!

“So,” Ash remarked in slight boredom. “do you recognise me now?”

“Maybe.” Luna replied cheerfully, winking.

Chapter 17 - Running With Werewolves

“I can’t believe we risked our lives just for nothing. I refuse to believe it.”

“It’s true.”

Luna sat back on the dining room chair with a groan, holding her head in her hands. “This is madness. Pure and sheer madness.”

“It happens sometimes. It wasn’t anyone’s fault that the Treasure was a fake.” Rune murmured.

Atlas set his cup of coffee down on the table, drumming his fingers on the hard wood. “We’ll rest tonight before trying to map where the second Treasure is tomorrow. Ash and Rune are still in a state of shock after the whole Raven’s Run illusion situation and I’d like them to try and relax.”

“Where is Ash, anyway?” Isabelle questioned, coming into the kitchen. “I haven’t seen him for a few hours – he didn’t come down the stairs when I announced that we’d got dinner.”

Atlas frowned. “That’s odd. Ash will never say no to food.”

Luna lifted her head up to say something, but she was interrupted when Adele came in with a letter in her hand. “I found this upstairs,” she announced uneasily. “I think it’s from Ash.”

“Why would he send a letter when he knows he can talk to any of us?” Atlas inquired, opening up the piece of paper. He hitched his glasses up before reading out loud;


Hey everyone,

When you eventually find this letter, I’ll be out on the streets. I’ve decided to journey out on my own to stop anyone from dying. There have been too many close calls and I don’t want anyone to not survive this ordeal.

I know I’m not the leader, but I want all of you to return to Nighthollow or stay with Jay and Izzy until I get back. I’ll find someone to tell you if I die trying to find the staff and the sword. Just keep the locket safe and don’t try to follow me. No matter how hard you try, you won’t find me.

I’m sorry to suddenly throw this on you after the events of today, but there’s no other way I can possibly say this. I’m sorry for not giving a formal goodbye and just leaving this scrap of paper.

So long,


PS: The other letter is for Luna. I’d rather if only she read it and no one else.


Atlas fished out another folded up piece of paper and handed it to Luna. “I’m going to guess that this one is for your eyes only.”

“Thanks.” Luna replied quietly, taking the letter and heading upstairs.

The room was eerily dark, but Luna could just make out the shape of the sofa where she occupied. Flopping down, she fished out her torch and shone in onto the letter. It was slightly longer-looking than the first one.



You would have only gotten this if you read the other letter. I can guess you’re pretty angry with me for leaving, but it’s the only way.

Anyway, I know you’ll try following me like a wolf after it’s prey, so I’m inviting you along. I’ll be waiting up the tree outside the house until morning tomorrow. You have until then to accept.

If you accept, just throw a stone or

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