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said where it was.

“Come on I'll take you to the hospital.” he put me in the back seat. He drove fast as he could.

When we got there. He got me out of the car and helped me inside and yelled.

“My wife is having her babies.” A doctor grabbed a wheel chair and help him get me in it.

They took us to a room where we can be alone.

“Baby, call Duncan and Courtney, and Noah, and Cody, and Gwen, and Trent.....”

I couldn't say the rest I was in pain for 2 minutes.

“Okay.. It stopped.. Tell them I'm having the twins please.”

“Isn't Courtney and Duncan here having there's.” Alejandro asked.

“Damn, yes. Ask someone what room they are in please” I must look like hell.

“Okay baby don't worry , you will have these babies with me.” He kissed me when he walked out the room. He walked back into the room and told me. “They are in 3 room down from us.” He said.

“Okay wheel me in there then.” I told him.

He wheeled me in there room. Duncan looks up when he seen me and says.

“Heather what you doing here?”

Courtney looked up and seen me come in too.

“Hey Courtney, I guess we will be having our wish.”

“What do you mean?” Duncan asked.

“Well, my water broke this morning.” I said.

“Oh wow, that's cook Heather we should get a room together.” Courtney said.

“Yea – ” I grabbed Alejandro's hand.

“Ow. Heather, honey, take deep breaths in and out.”

I did what he said. Then a nurse came in. Courtney asked her.

“Can me and her get a room together. She's my best friend. We are having babies at the same time?”

“Yea sure I'll fine a room for y'all.” The nurse walked out.

“Okay that was longer, 5 minutes. I'm gonna have them soon.”

The nurse came back in. “Okay we found you guys a room right down here. Can you wheel her out while I get her please.”

“Yea sure.” He wheeled me out to the hall and the nurse wheeled Courtney in her bed down the hall.

“Here you guys go. Do you need help to get in the bed?” she asked me.

“Um I don't think so but maybe.”

she help me in the bed while Alejandro went to get the bags from the other room.

“Thanks – ” right when I was saying thank you to her I grabbed her hand.

“Ow... Okay take a deep breath in and out... I think your about to have them now.” she said.

“Sorry Courtney about having them together.” I told her.

“It's okay, they can be a day apart.” we grabbed hand and the nurse wheeled me out of the room. Alejandro seen me and said.

“Having the babies.” he asked.

I nodded and said, “Yup.”

We got to a room and they put that big needle in my back.
They put my legs up and was telling me to push and telling me to breathe.

“What's her name?” the nurse asked Alejandro.

“Heather and I'm Alejandro.” Alejandro said.

“Well Alejandro hold Heather's hand okay.” she said to him and said to me. “Heather give me a big push okay.” the nurse said.

I pushed like she said.

“Breathe in your nose, out your month.”

I even did that. Alejandro was going it with me.

“Push, Heather!”

I heard a cry. I looked at Alejandro.

“I see the head Heather, give me one big push hurry we got to get the other baby out.”

I pushed. And I heard they said, “It's a girl.”

“Okay, Heather, few more pushes and we will be done.”

I pushed a big pushed. And they said, “See the head. One more big push.”

I gave them another big push.

“Another girl. Congrats you guys. Twin girls.”

“Can I hold my baby girls?” I asked.

“Yea, here.” They handed me my twin girls. They were so cute. They look like their daddy, has my hair tho.

“So what are you gonna call them?”

“Well this one with the eyes open and looks more like her daddy, Alex, and the other one, Hannah.”

“Thank you for naming this after me.” He kissed me.

“Your welcome, honey.” I kissed him back.

“Can we go back to out room? Where my best friend is?” I asked.

“Sure, but she's not in there. She's having her babies too.”

“When she have them?”

“After your first born. Is it Alex?” I nodded. “Yea after Alex was born. She'll be in a different room for at least 10 minutes.”

“Oh okay, but she's okay right?”

“Yea. You'll see her husband or boyfriend in the room tho. He passed out on us when her first baby came out.

“Duncan passed out wow.”

They wheeled me to the room where Duncan was still in and Alejandro was wheeling Alex and the nurse was wheeling Hannah.

“Thank you.” I told the nurse.

“Your welcome Heather. I'll be right back to check on you and the twins.”

“Okay.” I said. “Well, Hi Duncan, what's up?”

“Not much. Courtney having the twins. He said. “I see you had your twins.” he got up from his chair and walked over to where I was.

“Yea, this is Alex, and this is Hannah.” I told him. “Do you know what your having?”

“Well, I know we had a boy, but I passed out to know what the other one was.” when he got done saying that Courtney came back in here with her twins.

“Hey Heather.”

“Hey Courtney, so what you have?”

“Two twin boys.” She said, “And you?”

“Twin girls. Alex and Hannah.”

“Oh. Well the first born is Duncan Jr.” She smiled at Duncan, and I seen him smiled. “And the other one is chad like my brother.”

Chad was her dead brother she never talked about him a lot, but I'm surprise she name her baby after him tho. I didn't ask why she did. It wasn't none of my business to know why. It was her baby not mine. I only seen her brother in pictures, that was like 4 years ago. She told me he died a very young age. The last time she told me this he was like 4 years old. I forget when his birthday was, but her mother told me its hard on her when his birthday comes. I remember her mother told me Courtney took care of her brother when he was little. Like he was one of hers. She is 19 now, and she was 9 when he died. So he has been dead for about 10 years.

“Oh okay. They are only one hour apart.”

“Yea.” Noah, Cody, Gwen, and Trent came in.

“Hey guys.” Trent said.

“Hey buddy.” Duncan went over to Trent.

“Hey Heather. Hey Courtney.” said Cody.

“Hey Cody.” We said at the same time. We laughed.

Alex was crying. Alejandro handed her to me.

“Hand me the blanket please, honey.” I was breast feeding her.

“So what we have.” Trent asked us both.

“Well, I had two twin girls, Alex that I'm feeding and Hannah is asleep.” I said.

“And I had twin boys. Duncan Jr. that I'm feeding and Chad is asleep.” She winked at me. I laughed.

“Aw.” It was Carrie, Duncan's mother. “I have boys for grandchildren.” she laughed.

“Hey ma, pa.” Duncan hug his parents.

“Heather, well its nice to see you again. Carrie said.

“You too Carrie.” She hugged me.

“What you have?”

“Twin girls.” I lift the blanket that was on top of Alex. “This is Alex and this is Hannah.” I took Alex out from under the blanket and handed her to Carrie.

Someone knocked at the door.

“Mama, papa, Holley, gomistas” Alejandro was speaking Spanish to his parents.

“Holla, gomistas Heather.” his mom said to me.

“Holla and good. Glad this is over with.” I smiled. “Excuse me I have to use the bathroom. Alejandro, can you help me up please. I'm still sore.” he helped me to the bathroom.

“Thank you.” I kissed him when I get out. He helped me get back into the bed. “Is Hannah up?”

“Yea her eyes are open.” he said.

“Hand her to me please baby.” he handed her to me and I feed her.

“Ma, hand me Alex and take pictures of us four.” Alejandro told his mom.

“Okay.” she handed Alex to Alejandro.

She took pictures of us and Courtney and the babies.

The nurse came in. “Okay sorry to say this but visiting hours are over. The mommies has to sleep and the babies has to go to be checked out.”

“Like I can sleep.” Courtney said.

“I can.” I laughed.

“I'll see you guys later.” said Duncan. “Come on Alejandro.”


“Yea honey.”

“I love you!”

“I love you too.”

They left and I fell asleep, so did Courtney. Nurses came in and out to check on us.

A week later we were allow to go home. When I got home the twins room was already ready for them. Bella was by the door when we came in.
She hasn't changed much. A little bigger not much. She's only 3 weeks old. I have to watch out for her because the twins now. She might want to bite them or whatever. Watch her more closely when the twins start to walk and crawl, and there toys too.
I didn't get fix and I wasn't allow to have sex for 6 weeks. Gwen came in when we got home. She didn't see much of the twins when I had them. She was helping me put them in there bed and putting there bags up. Setting up their closet with diapers and wet wipes. We left the door open Alejandro was on the couch watching the football game and letting us girls do the baby things Ha ha ha.

Trent came in and yelled for Gwen. “Gwen you in here.” Trent said.


“She's in the twins room helping Heather put them to sleep.” Alejandro told Trent.

“Oh can I go back there?” he asked.

“Yea.” Trent walked back where we were. “Hey Heather. Hey honey.” He kissed me on the cheek and kissed Gwen on the lips.

“Gwen was telling me you guys were trying to get pregnant.”

“Yea but its not working.” Trent said. The dog was jumping on Trent.

“Bella go lay down.” I said.

“Oh, she's okay.” Trent picked Bella up. “She's cute. What's her name again.”

“Bella. Alejandro got her 2 weeks ago for me right before I had the twins like 3 days before. She sleeps with us.”

“Aw, how cute.” Trent was petting her.

Gwen put Hannah in her bed, and I put Alex in hers.

“So you want anymore kids?” Gwen asked when I was watching the twins sleep.

“I don't know. I can't even have sex for 6 weeks.” I laughed.

Gwen and Trent even laughed. Alejandro came in behind me and put his arms around me. “We will soon after you can. Don't worry Heather.” he laughed.

“I hope.” We went into the living room.
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