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he has wrote down that you are 2 months behind so that's why it's a lot.” Alejandro was good at this.

“I know. I told him, I would pay double this month.” she handed him $350.

“Thank you have a nice day April.” he handed her a note that said how much she paid.

“Well I better get to work.” I told him.

“Yea, tell Donny he needs to clean that mess he made yes. Kenny wrote a note about it. Tell him if he don't he is fired. Tell him Kenny said it not me. I can show him the note.”

“Okay.” I walked out. And told Donny what Kenny said. “Hey Donny, Kenny wants you to clean that mess you made yesterday. And he said if you don't you are fired. Kenny told Alejandro and Alejandro told me to tell you.”


The rest of the day was very slow so we had hardly no work to do. We had 2 cars. Done them in about 1½ hours. When I got home jumped in the shower and when I got out I went to go lay down. Courtney was at work, she started work 2 days ago and the days she don't work she goes to night school. So do I since I had to drop out when I went to jail.

Duncan Jr. came in the bedroom and said. “Daddy... can... I... come... up... there... and... lay... down... with... you...?” he was afraid to say to much out loud.

“Yes you can Jr.” I picked him up and layed him down on the bed. We fell asleep and Courtney came in and seen us.

“Aw.” she said softly. She picked Duncan up and put him in his bed with his brother, and she came back and layed down with me.

“How was work baby?” I asked her.

“It was okay.” she said.

She works at Walmart. “Oh okay, so what are you doing?”

“I am putting things away anything.”

“Oh how fun. My day was slow.” I kissed her and I went back to sleep.

I didn't work that much today because I told Alejandro I had to take twins to get check ups.

“Hey man, I have to take the twins to the doctors, okay.”

“Okay. My twins appointment is in two day. Heather is taking them.

I took them to the doctors. They were good for another 3 more months.
Courtney was already at home waiting for us. She fixed dinner for all of us. My mom and dad likes when Courtney cooks for us. Ha ha ha. Very funny.

Bridgette and Geoff moves close to Gwen and Trent!!

Chapter 12: Bridgette and Geoff moves close to Gwen and Trent!!

Hi my name is Bridgette, I am the most beautiful woman alive. And the smartest person alive too. I'm in the 11th grade. I'm suppose to be in the 10th grade but, they skipped me a grade. I'm 16 years old but people think I am at least 18 or 19 years old because I am so smart.
I go to school with my best friend. Her name is Gwen. She goes out with a boy name Trent.
I got out with a boy that loves to wear his pink shirts all the time. And he loves to wear his cowboy hat. He is from some state like Tennessee or Kentucky. He has a southern assent. His name is Geoff. He is the most handsome, sexiest guy alive. He may not be smart, but he's smart enough for me.
We have every class together. So does Gwen and Trent. Well all of us do. Over the summer when Geoff and I moved here Gwen and Trent went to boot camp. They are in this class called JROTC. Gwen wanted us to get that class but, I said no, but when school started I had that class with her.
Geoff and I has been going out for about 2½ years. We have not had sex yet.

“Good morning Geoff.” I woke him up.

“Good morning sexy.” he said.

I kissed him. We have a nice two bedroom house. We found our house two street down from where Gwen and Trent lived.

“Come on Geoff we be late to school.” I told him.

“Okay give me a minute.” he said.

We got to school om time Gwen and Trent was putting the flag up when we showed up.
I ran over there pulling Geoff with me. He was holding his hat down. When I ran past a lot of boys they were looking at me and they were shouting at me.
“Gwen!” I yelled.

She just put the flag up.”Bridgette!” she yelled back.

We ran to each other screaming. Everyone was looking at us.

“Oh my god, I missed you Bridgette.” Gwen said.

“I missed you too Gwen.” I said.

“Why don't you come in the ROTC room after we get done doing the flag we come back together.” Gwen said. “Present arms.” Gwen said. Trent and Gwen put there arms up. Then she said this. “Order arms. Fall out.” Then she grabbed Trent's hand.

“Okay.” I also grabbed Geoff's hand.

We went into the ROTC room and there was some guy in an army uniform. Trent was saying good morning to him.

“Good morning 1sgt. Glad to see you this morning.” Trent said to him.

“Good morning to you Trent, Gwen. Who is this that's behind you Gwen?” the 1sgt asked Gwen.

“This is my best friend since P.K. Prekindergarten, Preschool, Kindergarten whatever you want to call it.” Gwen said. “Bridgette, Geoff, this is 1sgt.”

“Hi Bridgette, Geoff. Are you in this class with Gwen and Trent?”

“Yes, I am. I mean yes we are 1sgt.” I smiled at him and shook his hand.

“Son, take your hat off. You are in the building.”

“Yes sir.” Geoff took his hat off.

“Yes 1sgt.” said Gwen. “Give him 25 push-ups Geoff. Sorry Bridgette.”

“You have to do what you have to do.” I told her.

“But.” Geoff tried to say.

“No buts son, you heard her get down and give her 25 push-ups. You don't call me sir. I'm 1sgt. You call me 1sgt.” 1sgt said.

I was laughing at Geoff I have never seen him do anything like that. When he was done he go up and he told 1sgt, “Sorry 1sgt.”

“It's okay just don't do it again.” 1sgt said.

The bell rung. We went to class. We all had ICP together, then Algebra, then some kind of Lang. Arts ECA Lab class. After that class was English, then we all had JROTC class together, lunch, then we have 2 classes of choir. Gospel and Beginning choir.
On our ICP Bell ringer was: How much does a 50kg person weight in newtons? That is so easy. It's 9.8 * 50, that is 490.

I raised my hand and said. “It's 490. I got 50 * 9.8 = 490 newtons.”

“Thanks you Bridgette that is right.” Mr. McCabe said. He wrote down what I said.

Geoff wrote down what I said. When he was done he was staring at me. I mouthed to him, 'What?'
Geoff mouthed back to me. 'You are so beautiful and so smart.' I smiled at him and even kissed him.
Our 1st 4 classes was fast. It was 6/7 ROTC. Gwen was the class leader.

“Class attention.”

The class said. “Second to nun number one hornets leads the way. Hooah.”

“Half left. Please join me with the Pledge of the Allegiance.” she said.

We said the Pledge of the Allegiance.

Then she said. “Half right. Please join me with the JROTC Cadet Creed.”

“I am an army Junior ROTC Cadet. I will always conduct myself, my family, country, school and other Cadets. I do not cheat, lie, or steal. I am countable for mt actions and dead.” That's all I know.

“Parade rest.” she told us.

The 1sgt called our names.


“Here 1sgt.”


“Here 1sgt.”

“Thanks you son.” he told him. “Gwen.”

“Here 1sgt.”

“Thank you LT.” he told her. “Trent.”

“Here 1sgt.”


“Not here 1sgt.”


“Here 1sgt.


“Here 1sgt.”


“Here 1sgt.”


“Here 1sgt.”


“Here 1sgt.”


“Here 1sgt.”


“Here 1sgt.”


“Here 1sgt.”


“Here 1sgt.”

“Thank you. Class leader.” We had a small class.

“Class attention.”

“Second to nun number one hornets lead the way. Hooah.”

“Take seats.”

“Howe Junior ROTC. Hooah.”

We took our seats. The 1st day was cool and fast. The 1sgt has Gwen do everything. She was like a teacher or something.

“Gwen why don't you take a seat before you pass out.” I said.

“I'm fine. I do this all the time.” she told me. “Okay, everyone listen up. I want you to fill these out with your info. And the 2nd sheet I want you to take home and have your parents fill out and bring back to me tomorrow.

“You are in B company, 1st platoon. And while you guys fill this out I will tell you who is in your Chain of Command.” she walked to 1sgt desk and he gave her some kind of paper.

“Okay. I will tell you who is on the Chain of Command for company B., for 1st Platoon: your Platoon Sgt is Reed, she is right here.” she raised her hand. “Your Platoon leader is Trent, he is right here.” he raised his hand. “2nd Platoon: Platoon Sgt is Small, he is right here.” he raised his hand. “Platoon Leader is Rice, he is right here.” he raised his hand.

“Gwen tell them who the Captains are.” said 1sgt.

Gwen nodded her head.

“I will be your Captain. My name is Gwen. I am the Captain of everything in this program. So if you need help with anything come look for me. The Color Guard Captain is Arnold, she is right here.” she raised her hand. “Honor Guard Captain is Smith, she is right here.” she raised her hand. “Your Drill team Captain is Adams, she is not in this class period. Your IDR Captain is Rice, but he is in football so to take his place until football season is over is Gabby Rangel. To help her out is her twin sister is Andrea Rangel. Your Raiders Captain is Small. For Rifle team well we don't have a Captain yet but we will soon. So Rifle team is out until we get a Captain.”
She gave 1sgt the paper back. And when she went to take her seat he told her.

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