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Book online «mlp my dream world by joe bresina (e reader pdf best txt) 📖». Author joe bresina

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 *sigh* today is finally the day but i have to decide on the job so i went with weather team this chapter was very short because after half an hour i dosed off so i have nothing to report sorry

get rich quick scheme

 i went to equestria because i had an idea to make money because ever since i got that 20k from the princess for saving equestria it has left me i only have 4 g's right now so what i figured is everfree forests trees are good for chairs and are very expensive right? so i am going to cut some down and start making some furniture i went to the everfree with a ax i made i was on the edge at the entrance and started to chop eventually after an hour or 2 it came down the only thing is it grew 2 times the original size i went over to twilights castle to study this.i entered to castle with a small bit of the tree in hand and the rest at home."ahh joseph what brings you here?" "well i chopped down a tree in everfree for the wood so i can make money and when it went down it grew 2 times the size have any books to explain this?" "hmm i think i have something let me look come on in and wait in the throne room with the others i will be there in a second." i went into the throne room to wait and chatted with the other five telling them my plan and what happened "oooooh if you make a nice chair for me darling i will buy it for a price." rarity said, of cource she would want a chair made from the most exclusive wood she was a designer after all. "ok i think i found the book." she set down the book to reveal a number of woods in the book and it opened up to the page on everfree wood "ok it says here that if an everfree tree is cut down it will grow 2 times the size to increase the amount it can be used for what ever that may be." "in this case furniture." so with that i got ready to leave when all the sudden "wait joseph." "yeah?" i asked curious what she wanted "if you find seeds in the trees let me know i would like to try and grow a few." i nodded and went off to begin work on the chair that rarity wanted


insert funny time card


finally after a few hours a little stain and some water protection it was ready i brang it to rarity's to sell



 when i walked to her i asked her how much she wanted for it "well i can do 5000 if that is fine." i took the money and brought the chair bench in and left to start the next project


 alright guys this is where things come to a halt for a while i have no clue what to do next but it has been a long while since i came to equestria but soon this book will come to a halt forever but that might not be for a while so keep reading untill then


till i find more inspiration online

                                                  rainbow joe

an unexpected turn of events

 i went to equestria today and went to fluttershy's house to get a pet, but when i got there she was'nt thinking she was out shopping i went home and found a note that said



"joseph you are needed in canterlot please come immidietly."



i wondered whatb celestia wanted so i got on a train to canterlot and headed off.when i got to canterlot the guards met me at the station. "hello joseph the princess is waiting for you at the throne room." they escorted me to the throne room and when i got to the throne room i seen a bunch of ponies in a ;line for a ceramony but the i seen vinyl as well as the other six next to celestia i walked slowly up to the throne "ahh so you got the letter that vinyl put on your door." "yes princess but why the big ceramony?" i asked "well joseph in light of the multiple times you have saved not just ponyville  but at moments all of equestria we have decided to give you a gift are you ready?" "i guess." a light surrounded me and all of the sudden i was on the ground i got up and found everyone cheering "what in the HECK did you do?" "we have made you a prince welcome to royalty my freind." "a prince....oh my goodness i don't know what to say...." "well joseph you have learned a lot about freindship over the years. you got back together with vinyl after the worst divorce that anyone in ponyville has ever had. you forgave big mac for well anyway the point is that you have done so much over the years that

how in the

 when i arrived in equestria i felt really weak i felt like i was really going to die i tried to get to the living room in case i got sick but i fell right in the door way "OH MY GOD JOE!" i heard vinyl yell before i heard octavia yell "CALL AN AMBULANCE!" and i passed out when i woke up i was in the hospital and everyone was gathered around me "ugggghh what happened?" "you passed out in the door way to our room but me and octavia saw you and got you here as soon as possible." "we were worried joe we thought you left us for good." twilight said as the nurse walked in "i don't know he might have to unless celestia stays next to him." everypony looked at her "w-why nurse red heart?" vinyl asked her "well it seems he caught cancer somehow and it progressed fast." they all gasped "oh my celestia....." is all twilight said when she said i got cancer "yes but if we act fast enough we can save him." "well what are you waiting for." "WAIT i need to say somethings if i don't make it and i can't come back." red heart nodded and she walked out so i could say maybe my final words "first off applejack...." she got teary "listen i am sorry i did not marry you but you know it was for the best i would have though if twilight wasn't so convincing :)" we all chuckled "twilight...." she almost fainted "thank you for the car....for....everything you gave me to make me feel comfortable." twilight outright started crying and walked out of the room heading for the exit to the building "i-i'l go after her." said applejack as she left as well "rainbow dash..."rainbow dash tried to keep from crying "you have been such a big help to me you have gave me the....motivation to keep on going and-" just as i was about to finish all 5 of my freinds woodentoaster bronydanceparty h-8 seed and the others popped in "joe we heard and came as fast as possible." "oh hey guys you caught it perfectly i need to say something to you guys." i said and they all the same got teary "all of you have also kept me going with your music and brony?" "yes..." he said in a teary voice "i forgive you for that one time it was just your job." "joseph lindsy here your life signs are at ten percent." i said "oh crud tartarus darn it NURSE LETS GET ME IN THERE QUICK." they rushed me in and immiedietly got me on morphine "lindsey ife signs?" said the nurse "9 and a half." they go me in the operating room quick




they got me on the table "ok nurse put him out i don't want him seeing any of this." "ok." they gave me the medicine but i stayed awake "it's not working." "try again." she put more in me i only felt drowsy "negetive" "again if that fails we do it with him awake "she tryed again "nope we have to do it with him awake" "oh celestia" i said "i am right here joe do not worry." celestia was there in case i died "i-i want you to know were my favorite princess..." she smiled "i know." they began the made an incision on my chest "ugghghgh" i tryed not to scream "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH SON OF LUNA THIS IS WORSE THAN DEATH AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." i screamed as they put more morphine in me "KEEP HIM DOWN."

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