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Book online «mlp my dream world by joe bresina (e reader pdf best txt) 📖». Author joe bresina

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see you." i went to our house. "hey vinyl." "hey joe nice to see you here ready to start?" "yeah just wish winter woudn't come." "yeah it sucks but might as well." we got working and after i got the last speaker in the snow started to fall "hey i thought snow wasn't supposed to fall for an hour." "oh yeah princess celestia said it would be falling early." oh crud "well i better get to my next job before it really piles up." "yeah don't want your feet to get wet do you?" i smiled at her obnoxious joke and went to help get food for the animals.I went to fluttershy's cottage and knocked " uh um.....oh it's y-you joe." "yeah i am here to start forging for animals." "o-ok lets get started just collect anything any animal can eat." i started collecting food that any animal could eat, as flutters said and gave it to any animal i could "ok that's done i guess my last job is....pick the last of the crops with....oh god not her."


insert screen transition here


"wait what?" "i told you aj is sick and i am gonna help you today." i never thought i would hear big mac say that much but if i can avoid getting beat for running out on me and aj's wedding then so be it.I got to work picking carrots lettuce cellery stalks anything that we could eat and straight out of the blue big mac asks "so how is it with that dj?" i turned blue, i didn't know what to say because one wrong word and he would kill me "um it's going good." whoo i think i saved myself "quick question big mac." "eeyup?" "do you have a speacial somepony?" he looked at me as if i was crazy "well i don't really but i have someone i really like." i think i have an idea "let me guess............fl-" i was cut off "yes but don't tell her she would be shy of me the rest of her life." "yeah i got it." we got back to work and as we picked the last bunch my back started aching from the brace i have been wearing for almost 2 years now no joke i have to wear this "dang it i hate this thing." "what is it?" big mac asked questioningly "i have progressive scoliosis and if i don't wear it i might get crippled or in other words it helps me sit up straight and keep my back from curving anymore." "that must hurt a bunch." "no duh it feels like being banished to the sun by celestia it hurts so badly." i went home and took a pain releiver and sat down in the game room "oh god this is nice." then octavia walked in "joe i-.......what is that?" she said pointing at my back brace "oh you haven't heard yet i have progressive scoliosis." "i had that too but i had a saddle type of brace." "really?" i asked as if surprised "yes and it sucked horribly." "i know right but i don't wear it on the weekends and it is still getting better." "lucky." she said jelous that hers did not fix itself when she did not wear it on the weekend.



and so ends my brinng in winter and telling two ponys of my condition known as progressive scoliosis which i indeed have in the real world

yearly check-up

 as always it was time for the yearly check-up but before my check-up was schedueled


"ugh i really hate myself sometimes." i said while sitting in my game room playing a game with vinyl "why so joe?" "ugh it's just that i feel like a piece o crud and my back aches more then ever." "well maybe you should start wearing that brace on the weekend." "yeah....hey come to think of it have i had a check-up in equestria yet?" "umm i don't think so." i looked worryed "well i think it's time i do." i sent a letter to docter red heart and schedueled for today at 4:00 and headed over "ugh sometimes i am glad i asked twilight for this car." we gotthere and headed inside "ah it's you docter red heart can see you now." i walked in with vinyl and the nurse did the full examination and gave me the results "well everything looks normal i thnk you are just fine." "thanks dr. just wanted to get my daily check-up." "no problem just head out to the counter and scheduel for next year i say." we went out to the counter and schedueled fornext year at the same time and headed home

in the rainbow factory

 i had recently asked twilight had a spell that pegasus wings and it just so happens that she had a spell that gave me wings and ii went to accept it "this might hurt are you sure you want to go through with this?" "yes i think i want to fly." she cast the spell and i felt a horrible pain in my back a few moments later i had wings "AWESOME i got wings now." "yeah but i think you better get lessons with it asap." "yeah i am going to ask bronydanceparty." i went over to his house and knocked wings hidden "oh hey joe what do you need." "oh just some lessons." "what kind of lessons." "for these." i popped out my wings ":O dude what did you do?" "i had twilight cast a spell to give me wings." "*sigh* ok but i hope you know what happens-nevermind lets get to work." i heard him stutter but i took nothing of it.he taught me all of the basics......or tried i failed horribly and we tried doing some tricks after i got the basic idea of controlling my height and speed and whatnot. "joe i don't think you are ready." "but i am i just need more practice." "no i think you need to go to the factory." oh god not that "really i am your freind." "i don't care i don't accept failure fliers in equestria." he knocked me out and when i woke up i was in the rainbow factory "brony tell me why." "because...any failures will be executed." i remembered i could summon my armor at any time with a special spell from twilight "yeah but there's one thing you forgot." "what?" i summoned my armor "this." i broke my foot locks and kicked brony away "this cannot and will not happen to the hero of equestria people are gonna be angry whe they hear that you took me and it will push the protesters farther to starting it." "i don't care for all i care they could destroy the factory and end me." i looked disgusted "you really have changed dude." "i haven't changed a bit." i took the blade arms off the robots and started to hack and slash at the robots and ran for the door i was stopped by brnydanceparty "that wont stop me." i flew to the door up top and jumped out "i don't think i am going to make it." THUMP and thats all i remember


a day after i hit the ground

"ugh my head hurts like i hit the ground." "yeah about that." i knew whose voice that was "vinyl? OH VINYL THANK GOD." "boy haven't been this happy since our wedding day." "yeah but i want to get back to helping him fly." that sounded too familiar "b-b-brony....danceparty?......" "yeah." "...............OH GOD GET THAT MANIAC AWAY FROM ME I DON"T WANT YOU TO TAKE MY BLOOD PLEASE NO MORE FLYING LESSONS I DON"T WANT TO DIE." "whoa calm down hon what's going on no one is here to take your blood." "YEAH WELL ASK THAT MANIAC HE TOOK ME TO THE RAINBOW FACTORY AND TRIED TO MURDER ME FOR FAILING MY FLYING TEST." i fell to the ground wimpering while they all looked at brony and vinyl was ready to k.i.l.l him ".........YOU DID WHAT TO MY HUSBAND!?" "you heard him....i am out of here." he ran out the door vinyl and the mane six in hot persuit


edge of everfree


"COME BACK HERE YOU MOTHERBUCKER." they ran after him trying to catch him "come back and face us." twilight sent a message to celestia


dear celestia


               me and my freinds are currently in persuit of a pony named bronydanceparty who tried to hurt joe                         badly but he is too fast we need assistance please come asap.


your faithful assistant twilight sparkle


celestia soon teleported in front of bronydanceparty not looking too happy "you." "uh your majesty." he bowed to her "i got the letter from my tried what to hurt joe exactly?" "i-in the rainbow factory-" "YOU PUT HIM IN THERE?" "yes..." he said shrinking "you deserve tto be locked up in the dungeon for 50 years." "hold up." everypony heard.It was me "ahem celestia if it is to your pleasing i would like to excuse bronydanceparty from his punishment." "but joseph he-hm i see very well i shall allow you to excuse him but if this happens again it's the dungeon." she teleported away and brony walked up to me "wow thanks but why did you excuse me?" "i excused you because not everyone deserves to get a punishment you were doing your job but you still are in trouble but a friend doesn't allow another freind to get a punishment not because but because their freinds." "you are right i shoud've listen to you a friend never hurts another freind but i did the probably hate me." he looked down "well while you hurt me badly and i feel like half my blood is gone-" "yeah half yeah hehe..he" i ignored that "you are still my friend but like i said i will not push this aside it is winter but you still need some kind of punishment." "wow you truly are the bestest friend ever." "and that's whyi am here." we all went back to the hospital so i could get cared for and bronydanceparty gave my blood back :D i got my wings fixed and everything and went home and went to sleep after the day that i just went through

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