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Book online «FURIES by Shannon Burton (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author Shannon Burton

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shot me a sexy glare.


I immediately ran for the house with Mikael hot on my heels.As soon as I stepped onto the front lawn I was tackled from behind.Mikael wrapped his arms around me and positioned himself to take the brunt of the fall.


"Did you really think that I was going to let you get away with that?" He growled low in my ear.


I decided to try out my feminine wiles and I turned over so I was laying across his chest.


"What are you gonna to do me?" I pouted.


Mikael immediately looked taken aback and I had to supress my laughter.To take it a step farther I started rubbing my hands across his toned chest and I felt him shiver.


"I don't mean to interrupt but I am pretty sure that we are supposed to be practicing right now."


We both looked up to see Talon and Tera grinning down at our incrimanating position.


"Riiight we will be along in a few seconds." Mikael smirked.


We untangled ourselves and faced each other.


"Did you still wanna practice today?"


"Hell yeaa." I grinned.


"Alright then little ninja lets get going before they send someone to look for us."


We took off running towards a large field on the right side of the house.When we got there I saw what looked to be about thirty people warming up and stretching.


"Alright everybody line up!" Mikael yelled.


In an instant everyone was lined up in five rows made up of six people.


"Today we are going to go over the basics.I am going to show you how to do it once and then you will pick a partner and practice." Mikaels announced, his voice echoing across the field. 


He showed us the basics of kicking, punching, and side sweeping.Once he was finished people began partnering up and I walked over to Talon before he could find one.As I walked I looked over his shoulder to see Tera talking and sitting with Rina on a blanket and anger coursed through me.


"Be my partner."


"You can't be serious Zhara.I don't wanna hurt you." Talon smirked.


"Well then you should go easy." I sent him a cold smile and he frowned.


"Ok everyone lets get four teams out here first." Mikael commanded.


Talon and I were one of the first teams picked to fight first so we stepped out from the group and faced each other.


"Good luck princess." Talon taunted.


I blocked everything from my mind and focused on kicking his ass.Anger flowed through my veins and made me feel incredibly lethal.My body tensed up and I waited.Talon took a hesitant step towards me as I watched and calculated.He threw a round house kick towards my head but I easily dodged underneath it and sent a rib breaking punch to his right side.Everyone that was fighting beside us stopped to watch but I didn't let their stares get to me.Talon got up quick and sent a punch to my jaw that had me reeling but I stayed upright and swept his legs from under him.He landed on his knees and I took the opportunity to swing a right hook to his jaw.He fell to the ground with a thud and everything was silent.


Talon got up slowly from the ground and held his rib cage.I walked over and gave him a hand up and he wrapped his arm around my shoulder to steady himself.


"Not bad newbie.Not bad at all." He grinned.


"Did you really just get your ass kicked by a girl?" Damien laughed.


"Well he doesn't have to be the only one." I growled.


"I'm not going to even dignify that with a response Zhara." Damien laughed.


"Why? Are you scared?" I asked.


A series of oohs came from the gathered crowd and I waited for his response.


"Yea Damien if you think your so bold, fight her." Mikael taunted.


Soon everyone was encouraging Damien to fight me and he could do nothing but except.


We stepped into a clear space and Damien had a very worried look on his face.


"Listen Zhara I know that your still mad at me because I lied to you but I want you to know that I am sorry." He apologized.


"Does Mikael or Rina know that you did a little bit more than lie?" I taunted.


Damiens eyes narrowed and he shot a look at Mikael.


"What does she mean you did a little more than lie?" Mikael growled out.


"I may have umm kissed her."


"I am going to fucking kill you Damien.I did not tell you to kiss her you fucking bastard."


With each word Mikael took a step closer to Damien.His eyes glazed over to a complete black and his teeth grew sharp.


"Fuck Mikael you really need to calm down.Your shifting." Damien had a scared look on his face and I knew I was getting ready to witness the transformation of an Acaiden.Mikael seemed like he was struggling to control himself but it didn't appear to be working.


"Damien back up slowly and take Tera and Rina into the house.Don't make any sudden movements.Zhara you should really go with them." Talon ordered.


"No I'm staying." I responded.


At that moment a coarse yell burst from Miakels lips and His shirt tore to pieces.Veins stood out along his neck and arms and all I could feel was fascination.I took a step froward but was stopped by Luca; one of the warrior Acaidens.


"Don't..He is in a great state of duress right now.You are never suppose to shift with your mind so clouded with anger and right now he is fighting his Furie half for control of his body."


Growls and grunts came from Mikael and I became worried.Even though I couldn't love him I still felt the fierce need to protect him.I moved slowly away from Luca and edged my way around to Mikaels left side.


Mikaels back arched with pain and I gaped at the huge black wings that hung from his back.


"Fuck that hurt like hell!" Mikael grunted.


"How are you feeling..emotionally." Talon queried.


"Angry as hell but I'm in control."


"Good because that was a close one.I don't think I have ever seen you lose your temper like that."


"Yea well, I had a good reason." Mikaels eyes found mine and I was intrigued.


"I'm not sure what to say." I admitted.


"Yea were not as pretty when were in our Furie form." He laughed nervously.


"I like it." I admitted.


He moved towards me and I was captivated by his large wings.When he stood directly in front of me I noticed he was a few inches taller than his original height.His eyes were pitch black and had small red veins beneath them.His skin was pale and his body was even more muscled then before.His chest and arms had a series of cryptic black symbols all over them and I yearned to know what they meant.


"They are symbols that I've earned.Everytime I kill a rogue one appears on me." He explained.


"You've killed so many."


He nodded sadly, "They are our ancestors yet they thought us to be an abomination."


"Can I..touch your wings? I asked hesistantly.


He grinned and turned around.His wings opened up and lifted into the air.


"How long are they?"


"Roughly nine feet." Mikael answered.


I touched my hand to the feathers and became mesmerized.They were soft to the touch and extremely smooth.Each feather held a different pattern on its surface.


"Your so beautiful." I whispered.


Mikael turned around and looked deep into my eyes.


"So are you."


I stared up at his perfection and remembered back to when I was a little girl and wanted so badly for him to be real.Now that he was real, I couldn't have him and that thought brought me back to the present.I put a firm hand on his chest and pushed away lightly.


"Yea I know..nag nag..destiny or whatever." He laughed.


"I need to focus Mikael." I said lightly.


"Ok, Ok I will back down.For now." He winked.


"Will you train me tomorrow? One on one." I asked.


"Yea I can do that.We just need to be up early and I know for a fact that you sleep like the dead."


"Fuck you and no I do not." I growled.


"Whatever helps you sleep at night dear." He cackled.


"Tomorrow then?"


"Tomorrow." Mikael nodded.


I took one last look at his Furie perfection and walked back to the house.All in all, it was a pretty amazing day.No one died and a few got hurt.I would call it a success.


I went up to my room and took a shower.I found myself thinking about home.It had already felt  like I had lived here all my life but now I was curious as to what happened to everyone in town.Right now I was too tired to call for Mikael so I would just have to wait until tomorrow.When I was finished in the shower I crawled into bed and fell asleep quickly.


Zhara! Zhara! Wake up!


I opened my groggy eyes to see Corrine standing over me.She is a fifteen year old Acaiden that became attached to me during my first week here.I hadn't seen in her days because she had went on a family vacation to the Bahamas.


"What do you want Corrine?" I groaned.


"Zhara you have to get up and get dressed." I heard Ada speak.


"Ada what are you doing in my room?" I sat up to see at least seven people in my room.


There was Tera, Rina, Talon, Damien, Ada, Corrine, and Luca.


"Were under attack by a group of rogues and we need to get out of here." Talon insisted.


I immediately became alert and moved fast enough to put Speedy Gonzales to shame. I through on a pair of jeans, a hoodie, and combat boots.


Then I realized that something was missing.I stopped in mid run and turned to the group gathered in my room.


"Where's Mikael?"


No one seemed to wanna answer and I instantly became suspicious.


"I asked you where is Mikael!" I growled.


"Please calm down Zhara.We have to leave here." Ada tried to placate me and that just pissed me off.


I felt the anger build up inside me and I couldn't stop it.


"He's out there isn't he?" My head bowed and I tried to breathe.


"Yes.He lead the first group of fighters and we haven't heard from him since." Talon admitted.


"How long ago did he lead them?" I knew I wouldn't like the answer but I still asked.


"Two hours ago.He thought it was only a few of them but it turned out to be more and.. "


"Two hours ago! And you just now woke me up! You fuckin idiot!" I roared.


I didn't love Mikael but I damn sure had a connection with him and I knew that if I lost him I would give up on this destiny shit.The more I thought about it the angrier I got and soon I became consumed with bloodlust.Blood burned through my veins and I wanted to scream out.It hurt so bad but I didn't want it to stop.It made my thoughts clearer and my eyes sharper.The pain coursed deeper into my body and I doubled over.


"Jesus Zhara are you ok?" Tera asked.


I couldn't respond because the pain had reached its peak and I knew if I opened my mouth now I would scream.


"Zhara is there anything we can do? What's going on sweetie?" Tera cried.


"Hush. Let her work through this on her own." Ada assured her.


Silence fell over the room and I was able to deal with the pain better.Soon it ebbed away and my blood cooled.When I raised my head gasps met my ears.


"What in the fuck is going on here?" Damien spoke up.


"Destiny." Ada whispered.


"What? Why are all of you looking at me like that?" I snapped.


"Zhara what happened to you?" Tera took a hesitant step forward but Talon stopped her.


"Take a look in the mirror sweetie." Ada closed the door and showed me the mirror on the back of the door.


All words escaped me and all I could do was gasp.My hand reached up to touch my face and instead of fear I felt fascinated all over again.My eyes were pitch black with a thin circle of silver around my iris and red veins stood out underneath my eyes.


Only one person could have done this.Rayon.


"Are..Are you Acaiden?" Talon questioned.


"I don't know." I whispered.


"No I don't think your entirely Acaiden.If I know Rayon she is probably giving you the change in doses." Ada explained.



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