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Book online «FURIES by Shannon Burton (miss read books TXT) 📖». Author Shannon Burton

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he didn't pay and attention.He seemed really pissed about what I told him and I watched each emotion pass over his face.He was irritated, confused, and most importantly, angry.


"Hey are you alright Mister?" I asked innocently.


"There has got to be some sort of mistake." He mumbled.


"Mistake with what?" I feigned boredom.


"He said that..that his mate was here, but if your mated to Luca then he lied to me."


"That's not very nice. Why would he lie to you? If he was a real friend he wouldn't lie to you." I tried my best to sound like a helpful teen and apparently it was working.


"Yes well I guess he's not a real friend.Instead he sent me to talk to a child." Jeremy looked out the window and glared.


"Hey I'm almost eighteen Mister." I pouted.


I sipped down the rest of my hot cocoa and asked for another.


"You haven't even touched your hot cocoa Mister."


"I'm not fuckin thirsty.I need to go and have a chat with someone." Jeremy stood up and buttoned his jacket.


"But.. you didn't pay for the hot chocolate." I pouted.


He pulled out his wallet and grumbled about jobless teens and through a twenty on the table.


"Thanks for the hot chocolate Mister." I smiled lightly.


"Whatever kid." He said before he headed out of the coffee shop.


I called the waitress over and asked her to hold my shopping bags and then I paid for the hot chocolate.


Thirty seconds later I got up and headed out the door.Jeremy had turned left when he left the shop so I went in that direction also.When I caught up with him he was turning left near a shoe store so I hid behind a column three shops down.He walked right out of the town and into some surrounding woods.It was an open space where he walked so I took a round about way to the edge of the woods and slipped into the shadows of the trees. Jeremy was about fifteen feet ahead of me so I found a tree that gave me an unobstructed view of who he was meeting.


"You lied to me.You said that green eyed girl was his mate." He was arguing on the phone with someone.


"She said that she was Lucas' mate." Jeremy ran his hands through his hair and listened.


"You mean to tell me that little bitch duped me!" He was furious and I smiled.


"Ok can you meet me right now?" He asked the person on the other line.


"Cool.I'm waiting here now.No she's back at the coffee shop on Alder way." He hung up the phone and paced.


In just ten minutes Jeremys' guest showed up and shook his hand.


"It's good to see you again." The guest said.


"Cut the crap.What do you need me to do?" Jeremy growled.


"I need you to kidnap her and kill her.But do it quietly." The voice ordered.


"Done. I'll take care of her tomorrow."


It didn't surprise me when I saw who it was.I knew the person would want to be in a position of power but I hadn't realized how far the obsession would go.I waited until they concluded their meeting and Jeremys' guest left.I pulled out the sai knives that I bought from a weaponry shop and played with their weight in my hands.As soon as Jeremy started walking to the opening of the woods I slithered behind him and pushed one of the knives into his heart and the next through the side of his neck.


It was an easy kill.I didn't feel remorse but a deep revenge blossomed in the pit of my stomach and I felt damn good.He was sent to kill me but I got to him first.I dragged his body deeper into the forest and laid him behind some thick shrubs on the ground.With that accomplished I headed out the way I had come in and made it back to the coffee shop in time to get my bags.


The walk home was a quiet one and I mulled over the fact that I had just killed a man with such ease.I was becoming more and more different everyday.


When I reached the house everything had settled down and Tera, Ada, Damien,Talon, and Rina were all talking in the livingroom.


"I just miss him so much." Ada cried.


"I know mom and we will do our best to find him but the odds aren't good." Talon acknowledged.


Tera looked up at me but said nothing.


"What Tera?" I asked.


"Nothing I guess I'm just being sensitive." She mumbled.


"Would you like to sit with us Zhara dear?" Ada asked.


Her eyes were filled with unshed tears and I was aghast at the fact that she appeared so weak.


"Nope.I'm not down with the pity party."


With that, I turned on my heel and headed upstairs.I was about to go to my room but Mikaels room seemed to call to me.I opened the door to find it just as he left it.Everything was black and green.Green as the color of my eyes.I sat on his bed and opened up his bedside dresser.In it was a single notebook and I thought what harm was there in opening it.


I opened the first page and saw myself through Mikaels eyes.The notebook was filled with drawing after drawing of me.Me with wings, me smiling, and lastly, me and him on the cliff when we were younger.On the last page was a note in elegant cursive:



 In sleep and reality I can feel your presence,


and I am afraid that your power is over taking me.


So I'm giving in.I am yours to do with as you please.


All I ask is that you don't jump and grow wings without me.


I sat there and re-read the words over and over.They became a song in my head and soon I found myself falling asleep to the sound of Mikaels soothing voice.


I dreamt for the first time in two months.


"Mikael!" I called out.


The world shifted and we were standing on the cliff.


"Back where we started aren't we?" He laughed.


"Where are you Mikael?"


"You know who took me so come and find me." He smiled.


"I really don't wanna play these games Mikael I just want you home." I pleaded with him.


"This is our destiny Zhara.There is no easy way out and there might not always be a happy ending but we still have to go through and hope that it will all be okay."


"Can you at least assure me that your still alive?" I questioned.


"So many questions , but I can tell you that I'm still alive.Just not for much longer."


"Okay I guess I can accept that.I swear that I will find you Mikael." I assured him.


"I know Zhara, now take my hand and jump with me."


The moment before we jumped I remembered that I couldn't fly.Mikael let go of my hand and I fell into the rocks and the water below.


I woke up gasping for breath but I knew what I had to do.I would give myself two days to train my body and then I would head out to save my mate.


When I went across the hall to my room I found the door slightly ajar.I kicked it open and found it completely trased.Someone was looking for me and wanted me dead.I didn't want to reveal who was behind it all until I found Mikael alive so I closed the door and got dressed in my new clothes in Mikaels room.After my shower I pulled on some black leggings a white v-neck and my combat boots.Once finished I headed down stairs to find Luca.He was eating oatmeal in the kitchen when I caught up to him.


"Good morning.You ready?" He asked.


"Yea the sooner the better.I need to talk to you about something when we get out there." I said.


He nodded his head but said nothing more on the matter.I sat down for some oatmeal and orange juice.Once we were finished we headed out to the field that was soaked in blood a week ago.


"Something fishy is going on here, Isn't there?" Luca asked quietly.


"Yea.There is someone in Acadia that is not who they pretend to be."


"You have more info then anyone in this place and I saw your room when I came to get you this morning." Luca admitted.


"Someone wants me dead but I'm not giving you the name of the person, yet."


"I understand. What's the plan?"


"I was hoping you would ask that.I know that you and Mikael are like brothers and I know for a fact that you would never cross Mikael so that is why when you finish training me, you are coming with me."


We both stretched and continued talking.


"Perfect.I am happy that you trust me and if there is someone out there trying to kill you then we both need to watch our backs.We are the only two who would willingly go out and find Mikael and that makes us targets.Plus your his mate and one of the wierdest things to happen to this place." Luca laughed.


After we established our camaraderie we began to train.Luca pushed me to my limits.He taught me different tecniques and weapon handling.At the end of the day I knew mixed martial arts and how to use my sia and how to shoot arrows properly.They quickly became my weapons of choice.


"You are an extremely fast learner." Luca laughed.


"Good teacher." I play punched him on the arm and we both headed back to the house.


"I'm thinking that in just a few days you'll be better than me but seeing as how it's your destiny to be this good.." He laughed.


"Hey it's not just destiny.I'm naturally a bad ass fighter."


"Ha right! Get some sleep newb and we will start this again tomorrow.And Zhara, please be careful." Luca warned as I ran up the stairs.


I walked in the shadow of the stairs and I could hear Tera talking with someone.


"I don't know Tera she just seems so unstable." The voice said.


"I know but she's still my friend.She's just going through a tough time right now." Tera replied.


"Ok well good night Ter and we can go out to the shops tomorrow.Doesn't that sound like so much fun!"


"Of course! Niight!"


The mystery person ran down the stairs and I emerged from the shadows.I made it to Mikaels room and dead bolted the door.When I turned around I was tackled to the floor.My new skills kicked in and twisted out from underneath the attacker to find the blonde Acaiden that had escorted me when I had first showed up here.Damn what was his name? Liam.


"So your doing the dirty work huh?" I taunted.


"You don't know anything." He growled.


"Then educate me." I growled back.


He rushed me again and tried a front kick but I was easily able to slide under it on my knees.As I slid I quickly pulled out my sai and tore a chunk out of the back of his knee.He screamed in pain and fell to the floor on his side.


"Please have mercy on me."He pleaded.


"You let them take him.You don't deserve mercy."


I pulled him to his knees by his hair and put my sai to his neck.


"Any last words?" I asked.


"Please..please.I don't wanna die." He cried.


"Too late." I said, before I pulled my blade across his neck and through the side of his throat.His head rolled off onto the already blood soaked floor..


I went to the shower and let him lie in his own blood.I was through with this mercy shit.I was done trying to be good and feel things that were no longer there to be felt.I was out for blood and I wanted to kill.


I got dressed and packed a small bag.I turned out the light in the room and jumped out of the window.First stop, Rayon.


I walked quietly to Falling Creek and called out to Rayon.She appeared within seconds.


"It's happening, isn't it?" She asked.


"Yes. I'm leaving tonight.They are becoming desperate to kill me. I am taking Luca with me and I came to you to see if you could point me in the right direction." I explained.


"I don't need to tell you where to go Zhara.Mikael already has."


I gave her a confused look and tried to understand what in the hell she was talking about.


"In your dreams.He has

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