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Book online «Toxic by K.B. Torres (little red riding hood ebook free .TXT) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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the pool. Luke will be terrified to be near me, I'm guessing." I said.
Emmanuel laughed, nearly doubling over as he dried his hair.
"That must be the worst thing he can imagine, not being able to gawk at a pretty girl in a bikini." he said, still laughing.
"I can't believe I missed the last few days of school." I said.
"I'm sure people got the wrong idea, since I was missing too."
I shuddered.
"Well, if they assume that I'm being pestered for sex, then they're spot on. Luke, Felix, Damien. Who else?" I said.
"He tried to rape me. Felix came in and saved me." I said.
"You look tired." Emmanuel said.
"I am."
"Well then, I guess I should leave." Emmanuel said walking towards the door.
"Wait." I said, reaching out, as if I could reach him.
"Stay in here. In case Luke comes back." I said.
"But where will I sleep?"
"In my bed."
"But what about-"
"It'll be okay, as long as you don't try anything."
"I can't possibly take your bed."
"Yes you can. I will throw a tantrum otherwise. Luke won't mess with me if you're in here."
"Fine." Emmanuel sighed, and sat next to me.
I curled up against him, after throwing pajamas on. Emmanuel hesitated, but still put his arm around me.
"Good night." I said, putting my head against his chest.
"Good night, Staz." He sighed.
I feel asleep to Emmanuel's steady breathing.


I'm in bed. With Anastasia. I found out she makes quiet noises when she's asleep. Sighs, gasps, humming, and so much more. I fell asleep with Anastasia in my arms.

"Wake up lovebirds!" A shrill female voice said.
I slowly opened my eyes to see Juliet. Woop-de-fucking-do.
"You two have a progressive night in the bedroom?" She asked.
"What? No! I'm more of a virgin than ever!" Anastasia said.
"Joking. I knew that. Today feels like a swim day." Juliet said, pulling us up.
"Ugh, let me get dressed before you pull me out of my room." she said.
Luke's head peeked in the door.
"Come on are you two going to swim?" Luke said to Juliet and me. He ignored Anastasia completely.
"I exist too." Anastasia said.
"I'll wait here until you two come out. And, yes, Anastasia I know you exist, but I would like to stay away from hell for as long as I can."
Juliet pushed me out of the door. I waited in the hall as Anastasia changed.
Then I realized, Luke was watching Anastasia change through the crack in the door.
I pulled him away and dragged him down the hall to the backyard.
The backyard was big, there being a good long size, with no signs of dead plants. Right in the middle of it was a giant built in swimming pool, about the size of three regular ones.
"Not cool dude. I can't kiss or hug or anything that is considered sexual contact, and now I can't even see her undress?" Luke snapped.
"Stay here. I'm changing." I said and walked to my room. The room was painted a green, painted to look like the woods. The ceiling was black. I quickly changed into swim trunks. I walked out the door and came face to face with Anastasia.


I had changed into an orange strapless ruched tankini and ruched hipster swimsuit set with my sunglasses and was walking with Juliet when I ran into Emmanuel. His eyes scanned me.
"Hi." He said.
Emmanuel was in blue swim trunks that brought out his eyes.
"Hi. Where's Luke?" I asked, looking for signs of Luke being near.
"I caught him watching you change and I dragged him out to the pool." Emmanuel said.
Luke had watched me change?
"I am going to kill him, then help my dad make his life in hell unthinkably horrid." I growled and stalked off. I heard Emmanuel's footsteps behind me.
I stopped.
"Either you walk next to me or in front of me, I don't want you staring at my ass." I said, stepping next to him.
He sighed and we walked to the pool. I saw Luke hadn't gotten in yet.
"Distract him." I whispered to Emmanuel, handing him my sunglasses.
I slid around the pool area to get behind Luke.
"Luke!" Emmanuel called.
Luke looked over to Emmanuel.
"Where’s Anastasia?" He asked.
I snuck up next to Luke, grabbing his hand and jumping into the pool. I pulled Luke in with me.
When we surfaced, Luke coughed and said, "Not cool."
I swam up to Luke and slid my arms around his neck, wrapping my legs around his waist.
"Did I make the baby angry?" I asked, laughing.
"Come on in guys, don't leave me in here with just Luke." I called.
"Are you testing your father's threat?" Luke asked.
"I know what you did, Emmanuel told me. I know when I was undressing, you were watching, trying to get a look at what you thought you were getting last night." I whispered. I swam to the bottom of the pool. I held my breath and counted.
1..2..3..4..5..6..7...8..9..10..11..12..13..14..15. I felt the water move as someone dived in. I saw Emmanuel in front of me. I almost lost my breath. I forced my lungs not to burst while I made my way to air.
I broke the surface, gasping.
Emmanuel came up, and grinned.
"Just to let you know, if you two plan to make out in the pool, I won't come in. I won't risk infection." Juliet said, dangling her feet in the water.
"Not happening." I said.
"Just to let you know, I invited some mundanes over. And yes Luke, they aren't all boys, I invited the same amount of boys as girls." Juliet said.
"Yes!" Luke cheered under his breath.
"Anastasia, is that okay with you?" Juliet asked.
"As long as Luke doesn't get lucky. Today I am going to make his life a living hell for fun." I said.
"In that case, if you slept with me today, my life would be a living hell," Luke stated.
"Technically, if I did that, my father would kill you... wait..." I said, trailing off in a mischievious smirk.
A doorbell rang, and Juliet ran to get it.
I got out.
"I'm drying off." I announced, grabbing a towel.
"Are you okay? You sound sick." Emmanuel said, hoisting himself out of the pool and grabbing a towel.
"Yeah. I'm fine." I said, lying on a beach chair.
"Sleep good?" Emmanuel asked.
"Don't, even talk about it." I said.
"Maybe it wasn't a good idea for you to wear a strapless swimsuit top. Makes it easier for Luke to violate you." Emmanuel said, lying down in the chair next to me.
"He can violate me all he wants, I really don't care anymore." I said.
I was exhausted
"Really? Then get in the pool so I can-" Luke called from the water.
"Whoa." many voices said simultaneously.
Juliet had invited a near set of 30 people. 15 boys, and 15 girls. I caught a couple of faces I knew in the girls, but most were people I had never seen before.
"Is that...Anastasia?

Is this your house?" A couple of girls said.
There were three girls. The first one was tall, with mocha skin and brunette hair, her eyes a denim blue. The second had pink hair and fair skin, a face full of freckles and almond-shaped hazel eyes. The third was a tan natural red-head with nearly white eyes, with a tinge of brown.
"Do I know you?" I asked.
"Oh, right. We never met. We have science with you." The red head said.
"Yeah. We saw what happened with Juliet. We never thought you two would be friends." The pink haired girl said.
"We never thought your house was this nice!" the brunette said.
"I'm Robyn." The red head said.
"I'm Hadley." The pink haired girl said.
"I'm Bianca." The brunette said.
"Hi girls." Emmanuel said.
Like that Bianca, Hadley, and Robyn rushed to Emmanuel, trying to flirt with him.
I silently laughed and went to dangle my feet in the water.
"Hey pretty thing." A boy called to me.
I looked down.
The boy was blonde, as in platinum blonde, and his eyes were the color of gray. He was tan, and probably tall too.
"Hi." I said.
"Why don't you come for a swim?" He asked.
"And what might your name be?" I asked.
"Jake. Come on in, I don't bite." Jake said, grabbing my foot and pulling me in.
Good thing I was at the shallow end.
I still had on my sunglasses and sandals, but I quickly took them off and put them on the concrete.
"That's a good girl." Jake said. I sucked in a breath and went under, pulling Jake down with me. We went to the deep end of the pool and resurfaced.
"Come." I said, pulling him down. We reached the bottom and Jake pushed me against the pool wall and kissed me. I lost my breath and nearly breathed in water. I kicked out and struggled, but Jake seemed not to notice. Darkness swirled around me, and I passed out.
I heard my name being called.
"Anastasia. Stazzy. Stasia. Staz. Asia." Several voices were saying.
I coughed and gasped, my eyes flying open.
"Idiot!" Juliet said clinging on me.
I was on the ground.
"What happened?" I asked, my mind blanking.
"I saved you. Your welcome." Luke said.
"She's fine." I heard a voice call.
"Luke? You saved me?" I asked, sitting up.
"I think that means you owe me. I know exactly how you can repay me-" Luke said.
"Luke, don't scare the poor girl." Emmanuel said walking up.
Memories of what happened flashed.
"What happened to Jake?" I asked.
"Jake? He was nowhere near you when Luke found you. Jake was flirting with another girl. Why do you ask?" Juliet said.
"Because, He's the one who tried to drown me." I said.
"Jake? He tried to drown you? That's it, you're done at the pool." Emmanuel said.
"Okay mom." I joked attempting to get up.
A wave of nausea and dizziness came over me. I collapsed into Luke's arms.
"I'll take her." He said, scooping me up into his arms like he was cradling a baby.
"Okay, as long as she's still a virgin when we come and check on her." Juliet said.
Luke took me to his room. He layed me down on his bed and laid next to me.
"Are you okay?" He asked me.
"Yes. I'm just a little tired.
He stroked my cheek.
"You can sleep on me like you did with Emmanuel." He said.
I yawned and snuggled up against him. I had my back against him.
I felt Luke play with my hair.
"Good night." I said.
"Good night." He said, then quickly added. "I love you."
I yawned and said before I dozed off.
"Love you too."
I didn't remember I said that.

I was shaken awake.
"I didn't do it!" I exclaimed when I woke up.
"Didn't do what?" Luke asked.
"Nightmare." I lied.
Why had I said that?
"It's okay. It's almost lunch time. Are you hungry?" Luke asked.
"hmm...Yeah. Aren't you?" I said, my stomach rumbling.
" I'm hungry for you." He said.
I inched away from him.
"Not like that, I don't want blood." He said.
"But my dad-" I started to say.
"I'm sure he should like me since I saved your life." Luke said,
"I do. Only since you saved her from a dangerous demon that would have raped her if it got the chance. I'll give you 2 hours to do what you can with my daughter." A voice said from the doorway. It was Lucifer.
"Yes!" Luke muttered.
"I won't stay long. I took care of Jake. He's back

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