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Book online «Toxic by K.B. Torres (little red riding hood ebook free .TXT) 📖». Author K.B. Torres

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to. As if it was always there, a purple line was painted on the ground. I followed it. About an hour later, I ended up in an abandoned building. The building stank of dust and mildew, but neither of those could be found. The kitchen's paint had been chipped, and many feral cats were asleep inside a fridge without a door. The living room was filled up to the ceiling with blankets and cardboard. As I walked down the hall, I had an eerie feeling as if I weren't alone. Many empty picture frames hung on the wall, and the hallways were exceptionally dark. The first two ex-bedrooms had homeless people sleeping in them, but the master bedroom was empty. Almost. Felix was human, sulking in a corner of the master bedroom. His face was pale, his cheeks shining as if they were wet. But they were. His eyes were red from crying, his lips paler than what I had thought possible. He seemed beat up, holes the size of golf balls worn in his shirt. His hair seemed ashen instead of the pearly white I knew. I realized he and I hadn't spoken yet.
"What do you want?" He snapped after a minute of silence.
"I wanted to say I'm sorry, and I didn't even plan for me to get pregnant-" I started to say.
"Of course you didn't, you just compulsively decided to bed down with Emmanuel, right? I know he's the father, the smell of him stank on you." Felix interrupted.
"First Juliet, then Luke, now you. Who else would like to make me feel like crap?" I muttered.
"Really? Two vampires got angry at you, and THEN a werewolf? Amazing." Felix said under his breath.
I noticed, Felix was playing with something.
"What is that?" I asked.
"Nothing." Felix muttered.
"Felix..." I breathed, kneeling down in front of him.
"If I can't have you, you can't see nor have what's in my hands." Felix said firmly.
"Why do you want me? I live in a house infested by vampire whores." I asked.
"Well, I guess that's your type: Former whores. I should get around more." Felix said grimly.
Poor boy. I broke his heart.
"Felix..." I started to say, but the next thing I knew, Felix was cupping the side of my face, kissing me.
His lips didn't taste sweet, like Emmanuel's, or metallic, like Luke's, but salty, more like tears than like the salty taste of blood. I heard Felix sigh in between kisses, but I never pushed him away. Felix pulled away after a few minutes of kissing. The color to his face returned to normal, his hair pearly white again, as if he needed me to live.
"I guess that means I need to give you the thing I had hidden in my hand for you." Felix laughed.
Felix pressed something cold in my hand. a ring. Not just any ring.
"A wedding ring." Felix said.
The ring was all silver and diamonds, the center peice shaped like a rose.

"I feel kind of stupid now, figuring that Emmanuel and you are probably already engaged." Felix said.
He hung his head.
"No," I said. "I found out today I was pregnant, and that Emmanuel was the father."
"Do you plan on marrying him?" Felix asked, his head shooting up to look me in the eyes.
"Not really. I doubt he wants to marry me. I'll just be in the way." I replied.
"Get in the way of what?" Felix asked.
"It was figure of speech." I said.
"Oh. If you needed help with raising the kid-" Felix started to say.
"Kids. I'm carrying twins." I interrupted.
Felix raised an eyebrow, but continued, "raising the kids, would you consider marrying me? I would help, even with the cost. I wouldn't mind."
"Felix, that's very kind of you. I'll consider it." I said.
Felix got up, brushing off the dust on his clothes and hair.
"Keep that. It was meant for no one but you." Felix said, helping me up.
"And one more thing." Felix said, pulling me in and kissing me. "Don't get raped or killed while I'm gone."


I can't believe it. Pregnant? With Emmanuel's babies? I shook my head walking back to the familiar beat up chili's. I walked in the back door.
"Figured I'd find you here." A male voice said.
Emmanuel. Stupid asshole. Stealing my only true love.
"What do you want?" I snapped.
"Where is Anastasia?" Emmanuel growled.
As if on cue, someone banged on the door behind me.
"Felix! Open the door!" It was Anastasia's voice.
Her pounding grew more wild. I opened the door, and she shot in. In behind her, I could see a couple of mundanes running towards the door.
"That bitch wen'in there!" One voice said.
"Let's get'er. Not ever'day you find a bitch ta'fuck." Another said.
Both of the voices were male.
I slammed the door closed, and I heard a bang. Something had ran into the door.
"Oh my god Emmanuel. Thank god I found you. I went back to the restaurant to find some punks vandalizing the limo. I made a horrible choice of confronting them." She said before turning to me. "Thank you Felix. If you had waited a second longer I would have been killed, or raped."
Anastasia was breathing heavy.
"Never again will I run in heels. My feet are going to die." She said, sitting down against the wall.
She took off her high heels. Her feet looked about size 10, but even then, they seemed delicate. Despite the fact that they were red from running, they were perfect.
"Do you want me to get Keva, or Naomi?" I asked.
I just couldn't bear it if she is ever in pain. Ever.
"No, I'll be fine." She replied.
I looked over to Emmanuel. He looked stiff, his icy blue eyes nearly black and as equally wild.
"What's wrong with you?" I asked.
"I want to kill those damn bastards." Emmanuel said through his teeth.
His tone made Anastasia wince.
"Emmanuel. Sit." She said, patting the spot next to her.
I yearned to be next to her, to touch her, to own her. Emmanuel sat next to her.
"Well, I'm tired." Anastasia announced, yawning.
She was so cute when she yawned, like a child.
"Let's go." Emmanuel said.
Emmanuel got up and left.
"Give me a minute." Anastasia called.
She went up to me.
"Thanks again, Felix." She said.
Her lips were so close. I needed them. All I had to do was lean forward...
The next thing I knew, I was kissing Anastasia, pushing her against the wall. The taste of her lips made me want to sleep with her. She struggled against me and pushed me off.
"Good night Felix." She said, her tone final and agitated.
She walked out, the whole time she was in view, I was watching her butt.

I Am The Princess Of Darkness...And Messing With The Angel Of Death

Part 2:


I can't believe he kissed me like that. I even felt it when he breathed, his chest touching mine. That's how close we were. As soon as we made it to my house, I felt one of the babies kick.
"What's wrong?" Emmanuel asked.
"One of the babies kicked me." I said.

When we got inside, Juliet yelled at us.
"Actually, I spent a lot of time running from some guys who were going to try to take turns raping me, thank you very much." I pointed out.
"Oh." Juliet said.
"Hi baby, sorry for the bad day." Eve said, appearing next to Juliet.
"Hi." I said.
"Guess what? You're coming to heaven until your children are born. Azrael wants to meet you, along with Evangeline and Marceline, two angels. I can only take you." She said.
"Ugh...Fine." I said, before one of my babies kicked again, hard.
"Come on." Eve said.
Why was no one saying no?
"Because I froze time. I'm leaving a note for your boyfriend. Come on, let's go." Eve answered.
The next thing I knew, I was in a hotel-like house. In front of Eve and I stood two angels: two girls. The girls had black hair, but their skin was almost ivory white, and their eyes were yellow.
"I'm back with her. Anastasia, this is Evangeline and Marceline. Girls, this is Lucifer's pride and joy Anastasia. My baby." Eve said.
"Oh, she's definently Lucifer's daughter. His eyes, and has height. Is that a...Amazing, that's the very birth mark that Lucifer had, on her neck. Of course she's got fair skin and cherry hair like you. Oh...Babbling. I'm Evangeline." The first one said. Evangeline was a few inches taller than Marceline.
"I'm Marceline." Marceline said.
There was a knock on the door behind Eve and I.
"It's open!" Eve called.
In walked a boy. The boy looked hispanic and latino. He was about a foot taller than me, with curly black hair and mocha eyes to go with his tan skin. His mouth was set in a serious line. He wore a white button down shirt under a leather jacket. He had on black jeans. He reminded me of Michael Jackson from his outfit.
His eyes flicked up and down my body, lingering at my chest.
The boy stopped, his lips parting slightly.

"Hi. I brought Anastasia. She's going to be a guest for a while." Eve greeted the boy, her voice expressing something like a mix between here we go again,

and what have I done?

"So you're the famous Anastasia. I'm Azrael, the angel of death." Azrael said. His voice was sweet and thick, like ambrosia, but very affectionate.
"Hi." I said, my voice weak and tired.
Azrael was gorgeous, really gorgeous.
I was attracted to him, I realized.
I had to remind myself that I was with Emmanuel.
Several times.
"Azrael, I can see those gears turning in your head, I can tell your thinking some dirty things." Marceline joked.
"What? Me? Hell no." Azrael denied.
Azrael kept his eyes on me when he talked.
"Don't lie, Azrael. Go ahead, ask her for sex so she can turn you down and the rest of us can get on with our lives. I can only stand your annoying face watching my pregnant daughter for so long." Eve said.
"Me, Annoying? That's like saying I'm ugly." Azrael said.
Dear god, he's vain.
That thought horrified me.
"At least let me show her around." Azrael pleaded.
"If I find out you did something to her that she didn't like, I will kill you. I not be as strong as Lucifer, but I can still hurt you." Eve growled.
"Come on." Azrael said, and started to walk, as if he expected me to follow him.
I did.
The hallways were brightly painted, and the lighting was just right. Every hall there was a picture of god, and my instinct was to shy

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