Complicated by Bianca Gray (white hot kiss TXT) 📖

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- Author: Bianca Gray
Book online «Complicated by Bianca Gray (white hot kiss TXT) 📖». Author Bianca Gray
/> “Don’t talk to me, the Dark Lord’s grandchild,” she said looking at me in a dark manner. I was very taken aback.
“Excuse me?” I said rudely. She scanned me.
“Can’t you see? I have the hair from the sun; you have hair from the blackest of coals. I have the eyes of the beautiful sky; you have eyes from the darkest of dirt. You’re dark and I’m light. I’m from the heavens; you’re from pits of hell,” she sniffed and turned towards my grandfather. I was speechless! I just gawked at her. Finally, after a minute went by, with nobody saying anything, I closed my mouth and I could feel my pupils getting bigger. My eyes were definitely black. They were so black that the fire that I had in my eyes reflected back to me in my grandfather’s eyes. Katie quickly got a hold of me and so did Drew. Dawn snickered. My grandfather turned to look at her.
“What did my brother want to say?” he asked.
“Oh, he really wanted to ask you a question,” said Dawn.
“Then tell me it before I lose my mind!” my grandfather all but screamed at her. She looked upset but her eyes were dancing with amusement. So she thinks this is funny huh? I’ll show her funny, I thought, but because Katie can read my mind she held onto my arm tighter and gave me a look that said if you take one step toward her I’ll rip your head off. Dawn saw this look and kind of took a step back from Katie but kept her tiny, little, evil smile on her face.
“He wanted to know if you’re really doing your job and when are you having your book club?” asked Dawn clearly she was bored. My grandfather glared at her so hard his eyes were bugging out and his normally really white skin turned the same shade as his eyes.
“TELL HIM THAT I’M DOING MY JOB THE BEST I CAN AND THAT THE BOOK CLUB IS ON SATURDAY!!” he screamed in Dawn’s face. Then something dawned on Dawn. This was the Dark Lord’s house and if she did something to make him mad then she might as well be dead. She gulped.
“Yes, sir,” she said quietly. Aww sweet revenge, I thought, it’s really nice when your grandfather is some kind of an evil villain. I smiled as sweetly and as innocently as I could. She just glared at me. I just couldn’t believe that she was the granddaughter of the White Lord. So this was the granddaughter he was talking about to Sama. Huh, funny.
“I guess I should be going,” Dawn said ever so quietly.
“Bye,” I said in my fake innocent, sweet voice. I waved my fingers at her and then flipped my dark hair. A light flashed and she was gone.
“Do they always travel by light?” I asked my grandfather while I was seeing purple splotches.
“Yes, they do,” he said then he turned away and walked quickly with All Eyes and All Talk at his sides. I stared at their backs for a minute then turned to see Sama in my face. I jumped.
“Don’t do that Sama!” I cried my hand on my heart like I was going to have a heart attack.
“He has a book club so he can get together with people he knew a long time ago. Now a days, it’s not that much,” said Sama, sometimes its good to have a sister who is a Déjà vu. Then a flash of light appeared and my sight was filled with blotches again. A girl with curly blond locks was in the light’s place. Her eyes were blue and her skin was a creamy white. Just like Dawn. The only difference was that Dawn’s hair was straight and the girl’s hair was curly. Oh and this girl was a bit more pudgy than Dawn. Dawn was like a walking stick and, I’m afraid to say, looks like a supermodel.
“Sama!” the girl exclaimed.
“Gloria!” exclaimed Sama.
“Gloria?” Drew, Katie and I asked. Sama and Gloria were hugging like they were the best of friends and they haven’t seen each other in years.
“Ohmigod! I haven’t seen you since like FEBUARY!!” exclaimed Gloria.
“Ohmigod! I know!!” exclaimed Sama. Then they both screeched. I walked over and put my hands over their mouths. Gloria looked at me confused.
“If you both are going to talk like that, EVER, then I’m going to personally kill you. Do I make myself clear?” I asked through my teeth. They both moved their heads up and down.
“Oh, and don’t ever scream like that again,” I said. Then I let go of them.
“Whose she?” whispered Gloria.
“She’s my long lost sister,” Sama whispered back.
“You guys look, like, identical,” Gloria whispered.
“Not really. I’m more prettier than her,” Sama whispered smiling.
“I agree,” Gloria whispered laughing.
“You know I can hear every single little word you say,” I told them. They both stopped laughing. Sama smiled at me. Then she turned to Gloria.
“C’mon! I want to show you my redecorated room. Samanthia’s mother-in-law helped me,” Sama said to Gloria while they were walking down the red hall.
“Whose Samanthia?” I heard Gloria ask. I turned to look at Katie. She looked uncomfortable under my gaze.
“What?” asked Katie.
“You can read my mind, can’t you?” I asked my eyebrow arched.
“Well yea,” Katie said.
“Then?” I said.
“You’re thinking why did you decorate without me? And I’m thinking maybe I should chaperone Gloria and Sama. Yep, so, see you!” Katie said in a rush while running down the hallway. I shook my head. Drew brought me into his arms and our noses touched. Then he broke away and walked down the hall with his hands in his pockets. What? I asked in my head. No kiss? My mouth was gaping open and then Drew turned around and smiled a smile that melted my knees. He did this to me on purpose, I thought. Ivory just stared at me like I was a crazy person.
“Well, I’m in love! What do you expect?” I asked her, shrugging. She just shook her head and smiled.
Chapter 14
Steven? What are you doing here?
I smiled back at Ivory. I know Ivory wouldn’t want anyone knowing but I do think she has a soft side. Marigold came up to me.
“Do you think that we could see the redecorating too?” she asked.
“Sure, why not?” I said and smiled at her. Marigold smiled a huge smile back at me. Ivory wasn’t too happy.
“Decorating?” she asked. I nodded.
“No, redecorating,” said Marigold.
“It’s the same difference,” mumbled Ivory. Marigold was going to say something but I quickly ushered them into Sama’s room before they could begin arguing.
“Wow,” I whispered. The walls were now murals. One of the walls had clouds and the artic with, what looked like Sama standing on the ice staring into the ocean. The south wall looked like a garden with a walkway and beautiful flowers. The east wall was a picture of the whole family, including mom. The west wall was blank.
“Why is that wall blank?” I asked pointing my finger at the west wall. Sama shrugged.
“I don’t know, I just felt like it should be blank,” she said. Oh, I mouthed to her. She smiled.
“This is a big change from the beige color to now, right?” asked Marigold.
“Oh yes,” I said. Ivory even smiled.
“I like the improvements. But maybe that wall, instead of blank could be a mirror,” said Ivory pointing at the west wall and the wall became a huge mirror. She gaped.
“Oh my,” said Kate.
“W. O. W,” said Drew, spelling out, wow.
“How’d you do that, Ivory?” I asked her.
“I don’t know! I was just pointing at it and thought it should be a mirror,” said Ivory and then she gave a little humph. Marigold crossed her arms.
“She gets to be a vampire, a dragon, and a witch? That’s not fair!” cried Marigold.
“Ever hear the saying that life’s not fair?” asked Sama angrily.
“No! I’m a child,” said Marigold.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Sama.
“Nothing,” I said before Marigold could say anything. Then I clamped my hand over her mouth. I gave Marigold and Ivory dolls to play with. I, then, walked towards Katie.
“No mist came out of her finger. It was just instant,” I whispered, astounded.
“I know. This is very strange,” Katie whispered back.
“I’m here!” I heard a strangely familiar voice say. I looked at Drew and saw him scowling. I whipped my head towards the entrance of Sama’s room.
“Steven,” I heard myself whisper.
“Hey, Sam!” he exclaimed. Then he looked at Sama and then at me again. I cleared my throat. He looked at me and scooped me up in a hug.
“Put. Me. Down,” I said slowly.
“Sorry,” said Steven and he smiled sheepishly.
“What are you doing here, Steven?” I asked him.
“I’m going to fight some bad polar bears!” he said with enthusiasm. Gloria looked at me and then to Steven. She smiled. Oh she better not be thinking what I think she’s thinking, I thought to myself nervously.
“So, are you guys married?” she asked. Then she smiled.
“NO!” exclaimed Drew and I. Gloria became confused.
“Then are you two married?” she asked looking at Drew and I.
“NO!” exclaimed Steven. I glared at him.
“Not yet anyway. But considering we have twins I think that makes us married,” I said turning back to Gloria. I saw that from the corner of my eye that Steven was gaping.
“Not technically,” said Katie. Then Steven stepped in front of me.
“You have twins?” he shrilled. I smiled a hard smile at him.
“Yes, Ivory and Marigold. You didn’t hear?” I asked innocently.
“Um, no. Where are they anyway?” asked Steven, smiling. Oh he thinks I’m lying huh? I thought to myself.
“Marigold! Ivory! Come meet Steven!” I called. Ivory came up to me first, considering her lightning speed. She looked Steven up and down. Then she frowned and crossed her arms. Marigold came up to me second but only a second away from her sister. Both had inhuman speed.
“Hiya!” exclaimed Marigold and went up to shake Steven’s hand but his hand was stiff against his side. Marigold was getting frustrated so she yanked on it with all her strength and Steven let out a blood-curdling scream. Did I mention that dragons have a lot of strength? I smiled to myself but I fixed his arm with my magic.
“Thanks,” he said to me. He cleared his throat.
“Um, hi, little girl,” he said to Marigold. Marigold smiled because she finally got a response from him.
“My name’s Marigold. You must be Steven, right?” Marigold said giving him her dazzling smile. Steven took a step back.
“Um, yeah. Nice to meet you, Marigold,” Steven said bending down to shake her dainty, little hand. He turned to face Ivory. Ivory gave him her look of death. He shook his head.
“Um, you must be Ivory,” he said smiling at her. Ivory glared at him.
“Why do you say ‘um’ a lot?” asked Ivory in her hard voice.
“See? There you go again! Are you nervous about something?” Ivory all but screamed at him. She took a step forward in
“Excuse me?” I said rudely. She scanned me.
“Can’t you see? I have the hair from the sun; you have hair from the blackest of coals. I have the eyes of the beautiful sky; you have eyes from the darkest of dirt. You’re dark and I’m light. I’m from the heavens; you’re from pits of hell,” she sniffed and turned towards my grandfather. I was speechless! I just gawked at her. Finally, after a minute went by, with nobody saying anything, I closed my mouth and I could feel my pupils getting bigger. My eyes were definitely black. They were so black that the fire that I had in my eyes reflected back to me in my grandfather’s eyes. Katie quickly got a hold of me and so did Drew. Dawn snickered. My grandfather turned to look at her.
“What did my brother want to say?” he asked.
“Oh, he really wanted to ask you a question,” said Dawn.
“Then tell me it before I lose my mind!” my grandfather all but screamed at her. She looked upset but her eyes were dancing with amusement. So she thinks this is funny huh? I’ll show her funny, I thought, but because Katie can read my mind she held onto my arm tighter and gave me a look that said if you take one step toward her I’ll rip your head off. Dawn saw this look and kind of took a step back from Katie but kept her tiny, little, evil smile on her face.
“He wanted to know if you’re really doing your job and when are you having your book club?” asked Dawn clearly she was bored. My grandfather glared at her so hard his eyes were bugging out and his normally really white skin turned the same shade as his eyes.
“TELL HIM THAT I’M DOING MY JOB THE BEST I CAN AND THAT THE BOOK CLUB IS ON SATURDAY!!” he screamed in Dawn’s face. Then something dawned on Dawn. This was the Dark Lord’s house and if she did something to make him mad then she might as well be dead. She gulped.
“Yes, sir,” she said quietly. Aww sweet revenge, I thought, it’s really nice when your grandfather is some kind of an evil villain. I smiled as sweetly and as innocently as I could. She just glared at me. I just couldn’t believe that she was the granddaughter of the White Lord. So this was the granddaughter he was talking about to Sama. Huh, funny.
“I guess I should be going,” Dawn said ever so quietly.
“Bye,” I said in my fake innocent, sweet voice. I waved my fingers at her and then flipped my dark hair. A light flashed and she was gone.
“Do they always travel by light?” I asked my grandfather while I was seeing purple splotches.
“Yes, they do,” he said then he turned away and walked quickly with All Eyes and All Talk at his sides. I stared at their backs for a minute then turned to see Sama in my face. I jumped.
“Don’t do that Sama!” I cried my hand on my heart like I was going to have a heart attack.
“He has a book club so he can get together with people he knew a long time ago. Now a days, it’s not that much,” said Sama, sometimes its good to have a sister who is a Déjà vu. Then a flash of light appeared and my sight was filled with blotches again. A girl with curly blond locks was in the light’s place. Her eyes were blue and her skin was a creamy white. Just like Dawn. The only difference was that Dawn’s hair was straight and the girl’s hair was curly. Oh and this girl was a bit more pudgy than Dawn. Dawn was like a walking stick and, I’m afraid to say, looks like a supermodel.
“Sama!” the girl exclaimed.
“Gloria!” exclaimed Sama.
“Gloria?” Drew, Katie and I asked. Sama and Gloria were hugging like they were the best of friends and they haven’t seen each other in years.
“Ohmigod! I haven’t seen you since like FEBUARY!!” exclaimed Gloria.
“Ohmigod! I know!!” exclaimed Sama. Then they both screeched. I walked over and put my hands over their mouths. Gloria looked at me confused.
“If you both are going to talk like that, EVER, then I’m going to personally kill you. Do I make myself clear?” I asked through my teeth. They both moved their heads up and down.
“Oh, and don’t ever scream like that again,” I said. Then I let go of them.
“Whose she?” whispered Gloria.
“She’s my long lost sister,” Sama whispered back.
“You guys look, like, identical,” Gloria whispered.
“Not really. I’m more prettier than her,” Sama whispered smiling.
“I agree,” Gloria whispered laughing.
“You know I can hear every single little word you say,” I told them. They both stopped laughing. Sama smiled at me. Then she turned to Gloria.
“C’mon! I want to show you my redecorated room. Samanthia’s mother-in-law helped me,” Sama said to Gloria while they were walking down the red hall.
“Whose Samanthia?” I heard Gloria ask. I turned to look at Katie. She looked uncomfortable under my gaze.
“What?” asked Katie.
“You can read my mind, can’t you?” I asked my eyebrow arched.
“Well yea,” Katie said.
“Then?” I said.
“You’re thinking why did you decorate without me? And I’m thinking maybe I should chaperone Gloria and Sama. Yep, so, see you!” Katie said in a rush while running down the hallway. I shook my head. Drew brought me into his arms and our noses touched. Then he broke away and walked down the hall with his hands in his pockets. What? I asked in my head. No kiss? My mouth was gaping open and then Drew turned around and smiled a smile that melted my knees. He did this to me on purpose, I thought. Ivory just stared at me like I was a crazy person.
“Well, I’m in love! What do you expect?” I asked her, shrugging. She just shook her head and smiled.
Chapter 14
Steven? What are you doing here?
I smiled back at Ivory. I know Ivory wouldn’t want anyone knowing but I do think she has a soft side. Marigold came up to me.
“Do you think that we could see the redecorating too?” she asked.
“Sure, why not?” I said and smiled at her. Marigold smiled a huge smile back at me. Ivory wasn’t too happy.
“Decorating?” she asked. I nodded.
“No, redecorating,” said Marigold.
“It’s the same difference,” mumbled Ivory. Marigold was going to say something but I quickly ushered them into Sama’s room before they could begin arguing.
“Wow,” I whispered. The walls were now murals. One of the walls had clouds and the artic with, what looked like Sama standing on the ice staring into the ocean. The south wall looked like a garden with a walkway and beautiful flowers. The east wall was a picture of the whole family, including mom. The west wall was blank.
“Why is that wall blank?” I asked pointing my finger at the west wall. Sama shrugged.
“I don’t know, I just felt like it should be blank,” she said. Oh, I mouthed to her. She smiled.
“This is a big change from the beige color to now, right?” asked Marigold.
“Oh yes,” I said. Ivory even smiled.
“I like the improvements. But maybe that wall, instead of blank could be a mirror,” said Ivory pointing at the west wall and the wall became a huge mirror. She gaped.
“Oh my,” said Kate.
“W. O. W,” said Drew, spelling out, wow.
“How’d you do that, Ivory?” I asked her.
“I don’t know! I was just pointing at it and thought it should be a mirror,” said Ivory and then she gave a little humph. Marigold crossed her arms.
“She gets to be a vampire, a dragon, and a witch? That’s not fair!” cried Marigold.
“Ever hear the saying that life’s not fair?” asked Sama angrily.
“No! I’m a child,” said Marigold.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” asked Sama.
“Nothing,” I said before Marigold could say anything. Then I clamped my hand over her mouth. I gave Marigold and Ivory dolls to play with. I, then, walked towards Katie.
“No mist came out of her finger. It was just instant,” I whispered, astounded.
“I know. This is very strange,” Katie whispered back.
“I’m here!” I heard a strangely familiar voice say. I looked at Drew and saw him scowling. I whipped my head towards the entrance of Sama’s room.
“Steven,” I heard myself whisper.
“Hey, Sam!” he exclaimed. Then he looked at Sama and then at me again. I cleared my throat. He looked at me and scooped me up in a hug.
“Put. Me. Down,” I said slowly.
“Sorry,” said Steven and he smiled sheepishly.
“What are you doing here, Steven?” I asked him.
“I’m going to fight some bad polar bears!” he said with enthusiasm. Gloria looked at me and then to Steven. She smiled. Oh she better not be thinking what I think she’s thinking, I thought to myself nervously.
“So, are you guys married?” she asked. Then she smiled.
“NO!” exclaimed Drew and I. Gloria became confused.
“Then are you two married?” she asked looking at Drew and I.
“NO!” exclaimed Steven. I glared at him.
“Not yet anyway. But considering we have twins I think that makes us married,” I said turning back to Gloria. I saw that from the corner of my eye that Steven was gaping.
“Not technically,” said Katie. Then Steven stepped in front of me.
“You have twins?” he shrilled. I smiled a hard smile at him.
“Yes, Ivory and Marigold. You didn’t hear?” I asked innocently.
“Um, no. Where are they anyway?” asked Steven, smiling. Oh he thinks I’m lying huh? I thought to myself.
“Marigold! Ivory! Come meet Steven!” I called. Ivory came up to me first, considering her lightning speed. She looked Steven up and down. Then she frowned and crossed her arms. Marigold came up to me second but only a second away from her sister. Both had inhuman speed.
“Hiya!” exclaimed Marigold and went up to shake Steven’s hand but his hand was stiff against his side. Marigold was getting frustrated so she yanked on it with all her strength and Steven let out a blood-curdling scream. Did I mention that dragons have a lot of strength? I smiled to myself but I fixed his arm with my magic.
“Thanks,” he said to me. He cleared his throat.
“Um, hi, little girl,” he said to Marigold. Marigold smiled because she finally got a response from him.
“My name’s Marigold. You must be Steven, right?” Marigold said giving him her dazzling smile. Steven took a step back.
“Um, yeah. Nice to meet you, Marigold,” Steven said bending down to shake her dainty, little hand. He turned to face Ivory. Ivory gave him her look of death. He shook his head.
“Um, you must be Ivory,” he said smiling at her. Ivory glared at him.
“Why do you say ‘um’ a lot?” asked Ivory in her hard voice.
“See? There you go again! Are you nervous about something?” Ivory all but screamed at him. She took a step forward in
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