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Book online «Complicated by Bianca Gray (white hot kiss TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Bianca Gray

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Kate nodded. He turned his head lazily towards Kate and my mom.
“Yes I do. Is that such a big surprise?” asked the Devil eating a cake. Eating a cake? I doubled checked and yes, there was a cake. I turned toward Sama and waved my hands around. The setting started to change. We were now in Hawaii where no one that we new would hear us. Sama looked around.
“Hey, I’ve never been to Hawaii,” she said smiling. Her smile became bigger.
“You’re working magic so much better now,” she said beaming.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know why we’re here,” I said. She sighed.
“Yes I saw it coming 2 seconds ago,” she said.
“Do I have to ask?” I asked her. She shook her head no. Then she pushed a lock of black hair behind her ear.
“Yes, the Devil can work magic. Not like the Dark Lord’s magic. It’s different. I can’t really explain it,” said Sama thoughtfully.
“So it’s not dark magic,” I said slowly. She shook her head.
“The Devil isn’t supposed to be born with it. He trains with magic and somehow gets it. He just can’t torture anyone with it, which sometimes makes him grouchy. Like on the Halloween, he was really upset because this thing wasn’t doing anything right and-,” Sama said.
“Wait, you celebrate Halloween?” I asked. She looked at me like I was dumb.
“Of course. After we scare the whole world and stuff we have a big feast when all evil things are invited,” said Sama. She looked around again.
“Can we go back now?” she asked.
“Of course,” I said. I waved my hands around and we were back in the Dark Lord’s castle where the Devil and my family were arguing.
“What the hell is going on?” I yelled. They stopped talking. Then they all started to talk at once, pointing fingers and such. My white and dark magic twined together came out of my hand, freezing them all. The talking stopped. I rubbed my temples a bit and slowly looked back up. Marigold and Ivory were in their dragon forms. This must be serious. I take a deep breath.
“OK. I’m going to unfreeze one person to tell me what happened while Sama and I were gone,” I said slowly and quietly. I saw my mother try to say ‘Stella’ but her lips were frozen too so she couldn’t move them very well. I decided to unfreeze Ivory. If I could trust anyone it would either be Ivory, Marigold, Katie, or Drew. Ivory shook off the rest of the ice from her back and shifted into her normal 5 year old self. She stared at everyone hard.
“Well, I’m not sure how it started,” said Ivory carefully. I nodded for her to keep going. She nodded her silver head.
“Ok well I think it started when your grandfather came in,” she said jerking her head in my grandfather’s frozen figure. I felt my brow turn up into a question.
“Um, ok,” I said a bit questionably. She cocked her head but kept going.
“So he came in and everything and he got really upset. Apparently two months ago the Devil ruined something or other so he was banned from this household and this planet for the rest of the millennium. The Dark Lord, and everything, started to shout at him for disrespect and trying to steal the family power. Then the Devil said ‘I don’t need your puny family’s power. Why would I need it anyway? It’s worthless.’ Which turns into a whole other fight about how our family could take down his family any day. Then the Devil said ‘Why bother? You know my family would beat your family!’ That was a direct insult to us, which made us even louder. You know your family is a little hot headed,” said Ivory raising her eyebrows.
“Tell me about it,” I said rolling my eyes. I looked at everyone.
“Ivory stay here,” I said while unfreezing my grandfather. I looked at him and he looked at me with his crimson eyes.
“Yes?” asked my grandfather in his deep, rumbling voice.
“Why was the Devil banned from here?” I asked him with my hands on my hips. He laughed.
“You mean you haven’t figured it out yet, granddaughter?” he asked. I shook my head slowly. He frowned.
tried to steal the family power the last time he was here and you just gave him the perfect opportunity to be here without getting in trouble. That is one thing that your
daughter left out,” said my grandfather crossing his arms.
“What’s the other thing?” I asked my eyebrow arched. He sighed.
“The Devil signed a contract saying he couldn’t come here. I told him that and he said ‘No, the contract says I couldn’t come here on my own and I didn’t. Your charming granddaughter let me in. Oh and I didn’t know you had two of them!’ I was flabbergasted,” said my grandfather. I fought the urge to giggle. My grandfather frowned at me.
“What?” he asked. I smiled.
“You said flabbergasted. Who says flabbergasted?” I asked. Sama rolled her eyes. My grandfather’s frown deepened.
“Are you telling me that young people your age don’t say flabbergasted?” he asked.
“Not most people,” I said. Ivory cleared her throat. I waved my hand to unfreeze everybody, except the Devil. I walked over to him and pointed. I felt the magic building up slowly. Then I opened my eyes and they were black. The dark magic was overcoming the pure but the pure magic was still there. The Devil’s eyes were slowly turning black. I felt him dying and I knew I had to do this quickly.
“You are never to come here again, by will or by force. You can never be on the planet Venus. You can’t ever come near any of us in this room or anyone who carries the family magic, my mom’s and my dad’s. That also includes Katie’s family magic as well. You are officially gone,” I said to his face. Then he disappeared but before he did I saw the color of his cheeks and his eyes appear before he left. I breathed a sigh of relief. Katie was staring at me. So was everyone else.
“What?” I asked.
“You are so ready,” said Katie.

Chapter 17
The Letter

“You think so?” I asked nervously.
“I know so,” she whispered. My mother nodded. Sama took me by the arm and led me away. Drew followed. Sama glared at him.
“What?” he asked.
“This is for sisters only,” she said.
“You found out you were sisters not too long ago. I think I can join. Can I join Sam?” he asked looking at me with those gorgeous sapphire eyes.
“Sure,” I breathed.
“No,” said Sama the same time as I said “Sure.” We looked at each other. Drew smiled.
“I was talking to Samanthia,” said Drew.
“Oh. Well even if she does say yes it doesn’t concern you,” said Sama her eyes flashing.
“Everything that concerns her, concerns me too,” said Drew with a smile playing on his lips.
“You’re not married to her,” said Sama under her breath but Drew heard.
“Yet,” he said. She glared at him.
“Even if you do get married to her, you don’t own her. Especially since she is a queen and your only going to be royal by marriage so ha! I win,” said Sama triumphantly. Drew rolled his eyes.
“Whatever,” he said about to walk away. I grabbed his arm before he could move. I turned to look at Sama.
“It concerns both of us,” I said sternly. Sama scowled.
“Fine. I’ll tell you both but if he starts acting like an overprotective bear you’ll zap him right?” she said. I nodded my head hesitantly.
“So I’m guessing it’s bad news right?” I asked slowly.
in between,” said Sama. I nodded.
“Tell me,” I said. Drew nodded his head as well.
“Ok. A letter is going to come. It’s from the sorceress girl. You know the one leading the polar bears? Any way she knows you want battle and she’s got a tight schedule or something so she wants to know what time is good for you,” said Sama. I started laughing.
“She wants to schedule a battle! Is she crazy?” I asked laughing so hard that tears were in my eyes. Sama smiled a bit and nodded her head.
“Yeah, she does, but it’s not a laughing matter. There will be a battle and it looks like the outcome won’t be so good,” said Sama with a straight face. I nodded.
“Yeah you’re right. So, when is the letter going to come?” I asked. Right when I asked that my grandfather came in.
“It’s a letter from a girl named
Sarah?” my grandfather looked at me questionably. I nodded and took it. He came out of the room. Then I slowly opened the letter. I took my time and when I pulled it out it said:

Dearest Samanthia,
Yes, dear, I know your name. Doesn’t everyone? Besides, it shouldn’t be a surprise to you now. You do know my brother, do you not? Anyway, Sama, or Stella if you prefer, probably told you about the letter a second ago. Well, she is right. I do need to schedule this battle.

I couldn’t help but to start laughing at that part.

I know you are laughing right now. I know everything, even more than your puny twin sister. Back to what I was saying before, I need to schedule this battle. It is very important. Besides I know you haven’t really started training anyone for this battle so it would do you good. I will be on the Witches’ Show tonight at 7. Maybe you would like to watch it? Oh and the show’s host is your grandmother. This would turn out better than I thought.

Love Yours Truly,

Write to me soon, dear. I want to know what day and what hour.

I couldn’t believe it. She really did want to schedule this battle. I had to see the show. Or try to stop it. I knew what she was planning to do. She wanted to kill my grandmother, Grandmother Widow. The most powerful, besides me, witch in the entire universe. I turned to Sama.
“We have to stop her,” I told her. She looked at me.
“You don’t even know what she’s going to do,” she said.
“I’ve got a pretty good idea,” I said.
“Write to her first. She’ll get it quick and she’ll write back in the same second,” said Sama. I nodded and she handed me a piece of paper. I grabbed a pen and started to write.

Don’t call me dear because I am not your dear and I never will be. If you so much as touch a single hair on my grandmother’s head you will have to respond to me.


When I finished writing it quickly disappeared. Then a letter came in the next second.

I’m so looking forward to it. Don’t worry about your grandmother besides what would I do with a single piece of hair?


I dropped the piece of paper. I looked at Sama.
“We have to! We absolutely have to!” I cried. I knew she wasn’t only looking for my grandmother. She was going to kill down the royal bloodline, which didn’t only mean my grandmother and I. Once she was finished
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