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Book online «Rogue by Shannon Burton (i have read the book .TXT) 📖». Author Shannon Burton

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didn't feel complete.She wanted to be entirely apart of her element.Tildana wanted to be fire."


I could hear Ramonas gasp but I was riveted on the story.Maybe that's what was wrong with me.I had fire within me but it wasn't enough.I remembered that day I was sitting by Rayons water and I surrounded myself with fire.It was one of the most calming moments of my life.


"What did she do to become fire?" I whispered.


"She figured out what was eating at her and she started running before she became consumed with emptiness.She moved swiftly through the trees and found herself at the largest volcano on the mountain.I remember feeling her reach within and there was a great pull.Before we could convince her to stop she had ripped out her flame and thrown it into the volcano.Her flame became apart of the boiling lava and so did she.She just jumped in and let the lava take her.Tildana did a very dangerous thing.The elements are what make the Furies so strong and immortal.The day that Tildana removed her flame she killed herself and made herself susceptible to human frailties.She let the fire eat apart her human flesh and she is very lucky that she emerged whole.Somehow her fire bonded with the heat of the lava and protected her.She found what she was looking for.Completion."


My mind wouldn't allow me to process what was being said yet I completely understood.To survive, I would have to kill myself.


"But I warn you Zhara.If you go through with this I beg you to wait until the very last minute when you feel your resolve slipping." The left urged.


I nodded my head in compliance and pulled them back to my flame.There was alot of information to process but I knew that in the end I would do exactly what my mother had done.


That night when I went to sleep I dreamed.I dreamed of a large volcano with all-consuming lava waiting to rip me apart and make me whole.Before I could jump one question echoed through my mind.Would I survive?


The next day was something I wasn't prepared for.Every corner of my mind whispered of loneliness and my heart ached.It was a dull throb that I couldn't distinguish between being real or fake.I walked through the days duties trying to find something to occupy myself and my thoughts, but in the end, the sting of incompletion always came back.


"Hey Zhar.Are you alright?" Tera asked at dinner.


I looked up from my untouched plate and tried to process her question.


"I..Yea I'm fine." I finally answered.


I could feel everyone looking at me as if I had officially gone off the deep end but I could care less.That night was a tremendous pain in the ass as well.With each breath I would hear a whisper of emptiness and I knew I wouldn't be able to take it much longer.I hadn't heard from Mikael and that just seemed to make it that much harder to breathe.


The third day I couldn't even get out of bed.I felt entirely naked and I didn't want people to see my missing pieces.Anyone that knocked on my door was immediately turned away.Mikael would be here in a few hours because someone (Ada) called to tell him that something was wrong with me.


When he showed up I hid under the covers and pretended I was asleep but I knew there was no way I could close my eyes when voices shouted back and forth in my head.The whispers were gradually becoming louder and I felt like I was losing control.The day passed quickly and I was able to avoid Mikael but I could feel the time was coming to make a decision.


That night was the night of many changes.Some for the good and some for the worse.That night the voices became unbearable and I knew that it was time.The hole dug itself as deep as it would go and I woke with a start.Mikael was already out of bed but I didn't have time to dwell on that.I shot out of bed and jumped out of the nearest window.The cool air brushed across my heated skin as I flew.


The nearest volcano was Mt. Saint Helens so I pushed my wings to get me there as fast as possible.I could here my flame speaking to me and I focused in on what it said.


We are here for you Zhara.You are never alone.


I let out a breath.It was good to hear that I wouldn't be entirely alone in this.My flame was on this same crazy ride with me.When I reached Mt. Saint Helens I noticed that there was a huge crater but no lava.My flame could feel the heat but the source was no where in sight.I flew to the middle of the crater and I could feel the sense getting stronger.The lava was right beneath my feet all I had to do was get to it.Lifting my hand, I burned a whole through the center of the mountain to the lava below.


The heat reached my face and I gasped.It was beautiful.When I closed my eyes I could hear my flames words of encouragement when I reached for it.I was scared.I was unbelievably frightened by what I was about to do but I understood that there was no turning back.I was trapped between life and death.


So after a moments hesitation, I removed my flame and through it into the boiling red lava.As soon as I did my powers slipped away and my wings disappeared.I fell in.The lava burned my skin and my screams echoed through the night before I was entirely consumed.


My last thought was of the seasons.Mostly of spring.I wanted to be spring.Right after winter comes along and buries everything beautiful, spring shows up and uncovers it.Everything that was once frozen to death comes back with even more beauty then what it started with.I like spring.It is a season of renewal and rebirth.



A Flame

     Some say the world will end in fire,


Some say in ice.


From what I've tasted of desire


I hold with those who favor fire.


But if it had to perish twice,


I think I know enough of hate


To say that for destruction ice,


Is also great


And would suffice.



-Robert Frost



My world ended in fire.It was excruciating and lonely and I must say that maybe a better death would have been ice.Then again, I was born of fire so maybe it made sense to die the same way I came in.

Chapter 11

I would have never left her if this hadn't happened.Instead of laying at Zharas side I was fighting rogues and all I could do was pray that she would make it through whatever she was going through.Ever since she came into this world she has dealt with blow after blow.But it was inevitable.Beautiful, strong ,and courageous Zhara was meant for this world.I just wish she wouldn't have to deal with so much alone.


"Mikael Look out!" I turned just in time to see a dark haired rogue coming at my left side.


I roundhouse kicked and sent him skidding a few feet back.I had to push Zhara from my mind otherwise I would never be of any help.


The rogues chose tonight of all nights to break through our gates and without any warning.They took out our watches and happened to make it through town.There are to many of them to fight and I know that many of us will perish trying to hold them at bay.I try not to think about my friends falling to their deaths beside me.I have to keep fighting otherwise their deaths would have been for naught.


I quickly check to my side to see that Talon and Luca are both holding their own but I don't see Damien in sight.The Furies fighting by our sides are doing an unbelievable job taking down the rogues and I am grateful that Zhara allowed them sanctuary.Zhara. My beautiful Zhara.


"Godammit Mikael watch out!" Talon yelled.


I turned to see a rogue right in back of me with Talons blade protruding from his neck.


I really had to stop thinking about her.


"What are you doing Mikael? Your gonna get your fuckin self killed." Talon growled.


"Sorry.My mind is other places." I murmured.


"Mikael!" I looked up to see a Furie flying towards me.


She landed and I realized it was Ramona.Zharas' aunt.


"What the hell are you doing out here?" I growled.


"It's Zhara.She's gone!" Ramona cried out.


My whole world fell from under me.


"I think she went to a volcano." Ramona whispered.


A volcano? what the hell was she doing at a volcano.I looked up at Ramonas face and I could see there was more to this story than she was letting on.I looked around to see that the rogue numbers were dwindling.


"Talon can you handle this without me?!"


Talon was engaged in battle but he let out a heavy grunt and that was all the confirmation I needed.


"Take me to her." I growled to Ramona.


My wings cut through the air as I raced to help my beloved Zhara.If anything happened to her I would wreak havoc on anyone and everyone that dared to hurt her.I could feel myself losing it with every flap of my wings.My madness stemmed from my love of Zhara.Lord have mercy on anyone that dare harm her.They know not what they bring upon themselves.


"She is there." Ramona broke the silence.


My eyes raised to see a large looming volcano up ahead.Why in the hell would Zhara come here? As I moved closer and closer to the volcano I noticed that Ramona dropped further back.I had never trusted her and right now that feeling was magnified times ten.Smoke billowed up in thick clouds and I could clearly feel the heat of the volcano from where I was.


"Zhara!" I yelled.


I knew I probably wouldn't get an answer but it was worth trying.It was becoming harder to breathe as I drew nearer and the heat was scalding.I had never been this close to liquid fire and right now I was wondering why Zhara would either.


"Zhara! Can you hear me?" I yelled into the smokey haze.


"Oh no she can't hear you." A voice laughed.


I knew that voice.My body grew still as the familiar voice washed over me.I turned slowly and came face to face with Rylan.The Furie that hated us because we were so much stronger.


"Where is she Rylan?" I growled.


He gave me a gut wrenching smile in return and I knew something bad must have happened to her.I looked up to see Ramona about ten feet in back of Rylan and I grew even more furious.She brought me here to be killed.


"Where is Zhara?" I growled at Ramona.


She looked away quickly and had

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