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was gripping the oh shit bar as hard as he could. I felt like I was running on air. Chapter 7

By the time I pulled back into the garage, a good portion of the day was gone. When I turned the ignition off, I turned to Adrian. He was pale and had to slowly peel his fingers off the oh shit bar. He looked the same way by the time we had reached the store.

He had waited patiently while I did my shopping for all of the traditional school supplies, plus a few I had always wanted but never had the money for. For example, I picked up a high quality calculator that could do anything I needed to. If you didn’t have enough proof of how weird I am just remember. I don’t care about shopping for clothes, but I love shopping for school supplies.

He had picked out my laptop. Honestly, I had no idea what I was going to use it for. I guess I could use it for papers or whatever, but I always preferred to do research the old fashioned way. There was just something about having the information in my hands as opposed to reading it on a computer screen.

I popped the trunk open and he grabbed half the bags leaving me with the other half. When I closed the trunk he was already halfway to the door. I walked into the kitchen just in time to see him put the bags on the table.

“How did it go?” Drake asked, he was looking at me but Adrian answered. Mostly by pointing an accusing finger at me.

“That girl is insane!” Asher and Drake turned to me in confusion, but I just rolled my eyes, and set my own bags down. “Seriously! She’s a freaking maniac! Next time she borrows your car you can ride with her!” he snapped at Asher.

“You’re such a baby.” I mumbled and he turned on me.

“I’m all for an adrenaline rush, but a hundred and eighty down a five mile long highway is ridiculous!”

“I handled it just fine. You’re still alive aren’t you?”


“Oh please, there wasn’t even any traffic.” Drake kept quiet and just watched our exchange, but Asher looked like he was holding back a snicker.

“So how did you like it?” Asher asked, and I answered by placing the keys firmly on the table in front of him.

“That car is sex on wheels.” I told him as I turned back to my treasure trove. I didn’t mean anything specific in my comment. It just seemed to be the most accurate description. But when I looked back at them all three of them had eyes as big as saucers. I scoffed. “Oh come on! I didn’t mean it like that.” All three of them relaxed and I shook my head.

The comment I had just made was not meant to be taken literally simply a statement of fact. The Lamborghini was incredibly sexy and made me feel wonderful.

I grabbed all of my bags and took them up to my room. After depositing them either on or by the desk I looked a the clock. It was almost four thirty. I made a silent promise to come back and open everything later. Then I went back to the kitchen to start dinner.

About a half hour later I was engrossed in what I was making, and barely heard the girls come in the door. Their cheeks were flushed and they had the biggest smiles I had ever seen on them. Each of them had several bags in their arms, and couldn’t stop talking about all of the things they had gotten.

I half listened as I worked and though it wasn’t really my thing, I was happy for them. Becca walked in and saw me at the stove. She didn’t look happy about it, but she didn’t say anything. I understood that they wanted to give me a chance at being a normal teenager, but it was ridiculous to not allow me to help out. Besides it looked to me that with a family this big, she could use all the help she could get.

She placed a small bag on the counter in front of me and glared as if daring me to complain. My curiosity got the better of me and I opened it to peak in. Inside was a small box but I couldn’t tell what it was. I pulled the box out and turned it over. My eyes widened as I took in the picture of a cell phone on the front.

“Isn’t it great? I got one too,” Lori gushed as she showed me her own. The only difference between the two was that hers was in purple and mine was a plain black.

“This is so we can get a hold of you two, just in case. If you’re going to be out late with friends then call us so we don’t worry.” The way she said it, it was almost like she was demanding that we stay out late with friends. I smiled my thanks and continued what I was doing before they had come in.

Like I said before, I actually really liked to cook large meals. The more complicated the better, and I had been cooking for so long I never needed a recipe or cook book. Everything was kind of instinctual by now. I knew just how much seasonings to add to make it taste perfect. I knew just how long to cook meat to make it completely done in the middle, but still retain the juices and tenderness.

It was an art and I treated it like such. It was calming, and helped clear my head. When everything was done to perfection I started to lay it out on the table. To my surprise all of the guys got up to help set the table while I distributed the food. In no time everyone was seated and dishing out their food.

The noises of appreciation that they all made was relieving. Some people just didn’t like certain things. And it wasn’t really a lack of talent it was more of one those things that you couldn’t help.

“You’re not allowed to cook anymore.” Jen said looking right at me. I looked at her in surprise. I thought she liked the food I made. “If you keep this up, I’m going to get fat.” she added and I relaxed with a smile.

“Yeah, we wouldn’t want you to not be able to fit into your new clothes,” Asher replied sarcastically. That seemed to be the only way he could talk. The meal passed fairly quickly. After I was done cleaning up the kitchen I made my way up to my room.

I was tired but as soon as I saw all of my bags sitting around a burst of excitement ran through me. Before going through all of my other treasures, I set about hanging up all of my clothes. It was a quick job and didn’t take long. Of course, I had still forgotten to pick up night clothes. Damn, well I guess I’ll just have to sleep in that shirt again. Another thing I had forgotten about.

With that done, I turned to my other bags. There were at least twice as many as my clothes had taken. I sat down at my desk and started with the first bag. Which contained exactly one item. My school bag. It was plain black and hung over one shoulder at my side. It was perfect for me, allowing easy reach for anything I might need.

An hour later I had everything organized and ready. I hung up the black sweater jacket I had bought. It was a couple sizes too big. Just the way I liked it. I had also bought a belt. It wasn’t that my pants were loose, it was just handy to wear to keep them from sliding around while I moved.

After it was all done, I made my way to the bathroom. I was tempted to try the Jacuzzi, but when I took my shirt off to look at my back, my stitches were still there. Though they were more than half dissolved. I had always healed really quick. Well, not always. When I was a kid I didn’t, but after my father started beating me regularly is when it had started. I just chalked it up to my body had to heal on a regular basis, and had just gotten good at it. I knew by the next night I would be fine so I made a mental promise to test out the Jacuzzi then, as I turned on the shower.

When I was clean I brushed my ridiculously long hair out so it would dry faster, and made my way out to the balcony. I stood in the same spot as I had the night before and looked up at the sky. A light breeze was blowing, and though it was getting chilly at night, it felt good. I was about to turn to go to bed when I felt eyes on me again. I looked down, and that same wolf was standing there. Staring up at me just like before. And just like before when he had his fill, he turned and loped back into the woods. I watched until he was out of sight and went to bed.

The next morning I woke up about the same time as always. I sighed. There was no way I was going to get back to sleep, so I did the only thing that was left to me. I got up and dressed before going down to the kitchen.

I didn’t make breakfast like I had the day before. Instead, I poured a bowl of cereal and made coffee. When both were done, I just stood at the island’s counter to eat. There was a newspaper sitting on the counter not too far from me. I grabbed it thinking that maybe I could get caught up on anything I might have missed in the last year and a half.

Unfortunately, I had never really been one for current events and it didn’t hold my attention. When I finished the cereal, I refilled my coffee cup. After that I didn’t really know what to do.

On a whim I walked out of the kitchen and into the room right across the foyer. It was the living room. And it was amazing. The was a large wood fire place on one wall with a sixty five inch screen TV hanging on the wall above it. The effect was startling. There were two large couches set in an L in the middle of the room. It looked like they were suede and a large bay window was on the wall opposite the doorway. On the back wall behind the couches were pictures.

I made my way over and studied all of the pictures. It looked like the entire wall was nothing more than the family’s history. It began at the top with wedding pictures of Drake and Becca. Underneath those were pictures of all of the kids in order. Followed by pictures of them as they grew, and other kids were born. It was kind of neat. I could almost pin point how old each kid was

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